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Attn !!! If you are iPhone / U-Mobile User (Eng Ver)

发表于 18-10-2016 10:30 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Please be Alert if you are IPHONE / UMOBILE user
First of all, I want to express my disappointment towards Apple company as I have been informed that my iPhone serial number does not only belong to me, because there is another active iPhone user in Singapore using the same serial number (SN). There should not be a duplicate serial number. I suspect the other phone is not an original iPhone. Either that, or I am being cheated by U-Mobile when I make my purchase with them.
This is how it happened. My iPhone suddenly blackout when the phone was charging. I have tried few ways to restart the phone but it doesn’t work. Therefore I immediate bring my phone to iPhone Service Center (QCD – Apple Authorized Service Provider) to repair on the next day. The staff found issue with my iPhone SN and informed me that this SN is active at Singapore now instead of for my phone.  He asked me where I bought the phone and I told him from U-Mobile Berjaya Times Square. Then he said:” we can’t accept your phone because your SN is inactive in our (MY) system.” And he requested me to bring along the original receipt to check with U-Mobile.
Before I go to U-Mobile Center, I have called U-Mobile to check on this issue. But the staff from U-Mobile request me to check with Apple because all phones are purchased from Apple.
I also tried to log in to Apple Website, but when I key in my serial number, it shows: "Our records indicate that this product has been replaced. Please provide the serial number for your replacement product to find the support and warranty coverage information. For more information, please...… ".
2 days later, on 12/9/16, I went to U-Mobile Berjaya Times Square and told them I tried to send my phone to repair but Apple rejected me because of the duplicate serial number (SN) issue, and the active SN is currently registered in Singapore. U-Mobile staff said: “Your phone is over warranty period, so you have to directly send to Apple service center.” And he said “U-Mobile is just selling Apple phone, the phones U-Mobile sells are purchased from Apple too.” I told them Apple requested that I check with U-Mobile because the phone was purchased through U-Mobile and they should help rectify the duplicate SN issue.
One of U-Mobile’s staff call Apple Technical Support on the spot, I explained to the technical support and they said my serial number has been replaced and asked me to check with the place that I bought my phone. I passed the phone back to the staff and ask her to talk with the Apple technical support. After the call, they finally agree to check with Apple. I requested they cc me the e-mail as I’m the phone owner and they promised me that they will send by today and will get back to me within 3 days.
However, I did not receive any e-mail from U-Mobile thus I went back to U-Mobile Center to check. Karen, the PIC was very rude and impolite to me. She brush me off with “this is our company policy, we can’t involve you in the e-mail”, and that she needed 2 weeks to clarify this issue due to public holiday and lack of manpower during public holiday. I was disappointed that for such an easy case they needed 2 weeks just to find out which user is using the original serial number and which one is duplicated.
After some negotiation, I have agreed on a reply/update after 3 working days. Unfortunately, I still do not receive any update from U-Mobile after 3 working days. I went to U-Mobile again, another staff there told me that Karen, the PIC, is not around and he said based on their system, U-Mobile has called to inform me already, but I did not receive any call from U-Mobile, and I informed them so. I was then asked to check my email, and I noticed Karen’s email dated 3 days back, the one I went to see her. In her email she wrote “Apple is aware of your case. Please bring along your receipt and phone to QCD.”
Again, this was disappointing because she said they need 2 weeks to get back to me, and we ended up agreeing on 3 days. But she send me that short notification email on the same day itself when I see her, when she told me it’s impossible to get back to me within short time.
On 20/9/2016, I brought along the original receipt and my phone to QCD. The service center has finally accepted my phone. I was told the staff will get back to me on the following day and their technician will contact me too. On the next day, I called to QCD to check the status as nobody call me; they staff answered me Apple yet to reply them. I called again in another 3 days, the staff still said yet to get the reply from Apple. I asked them if the technician say anything about my phone since they have checked my phone. The staff just said my main board has broken and Apple agree for 1 to 1 replacement but I need to pay 1700++ as the 1 year warranty is over for my phone. I ask if Apple give feedback relating to the serial number, the staff asked me to check with Apple Technical Support myself.
Another strange thing here is, they said pending reply from Apple. But they know Apple want to do a 1 on 1 trade with me and quoted me a price.
So I make a call to Apple Technical Support, the technical support ask me to refer to the place that I bought the phone – U-Mobile Center.
It is very frustrating, upsetting and disappointing that I can never get a reliable and satisfied answer from neither Apple nor U-Mobile, especially U-Mobile, regarding my phone. I sent an email to QCD to confirm my SN issue and Harley, the PIC, replied, telling me it was miscommunication and that my main board is broken. And regarding the SN, it is Apple system technical problem which Apply has rectify and now my SN is active. Because of my phone is broken, I could not verify this solution. I requested for evidence and an explanation letter from Apple regarding this issue. But my request was rejected. WHAT KIND OF SERVICE IS THIS?
Based on my experience with this whole issue, I realized that Apple’s products are not as reliable as before and the quality has dropped. Their after sales service is bullshit. Their carrier like U-Mobile is also same, bad customer service and irresponsible when misfortune happen.
I still feel that one of the phone sold is not an original Apple phone because none of them can give me a satisfied explanation. It also might not be the problem of main board. If this is not a duplicate phone, then the quality of Apple product is in question. Same as everyone out there, our concern is more towards the information stored inside the phone rather than the phone itself. All our contacts, details, especially photos & videos. Those are our most precious memories.
Last but not least, if you are iPhone user and especially for those who bought it from U-Mobile, I urge you to check and confirm your serial number (SN) and make sure you are the unique SN holder. If I knew the possibility of this issue, I would have checked right away. I hope this does not happen to anyone else. Anyway, I will no longer purchase Apple product and will definitely not stay with U-Mobile service anymore because of this incident.

请注意!!! 如果你是IPHONE / UMOBILE User
首先,我要说我对Apple感到太失望了,因为我被告知我的IPhone并不属于我,在这个世界上居然有两个同样的Serial Number, 而那个正在使用和我一样Serial Number的人现在正在新加坡。我甚至被怀疑不是用正版的IPhone。
事情是这样的,当我充电时,我的I Phone 6 Plus 突然就关机了。我尝试了很多次同时按着Home Button 和 Sleep/Wake Button 但还是开不到机。由于没办法, 我只好拿去 Service Center(QCD – Apple Authorised Service Provider)check。 问题来了,serve 我的staff 居然说我的这个serial number 目前是在新家坡而不是我,还show我看他们的system,叫我确认那个serial number, 他还问我这架手机是在哪里买的, 我答他是在楼下的 U-Mobile Berjaya Times Square 买的。之后他就叫我拿着我的Receipt 和手机盒去问 U-Mobile, 还说一定先问清楚U-Mobile为什么会有两个一样的serial number,他们不可以收我的手机因为以他们的system, 这个serial number的user不是我。
在去U-Mobile前,我有call给U-Mobile的customer service,那个staff也是叫我check with Apple因为他们卖的手机也是跟Apple买的。之后我试着去Apple的website,当我key in 我的serial number后,就出现"Our records indicate that this product has been replaced. Please provide the serial number for your replacement product to find the support and warranty coverage information. For more information, please...… ". “我们的记录显示,该产品已被更换,请为您更换产品找到支持和保修信息提供序列号。欲了解更多信息,请......”。
两天后 (12/9/2016),我带着我的Receipt,手机盒和手机去U-Mobile问,他们说由于我的warranty已经过了所以他们不会负责还说他们的IPhone 也是跟Apple买的,叫我自己跟Apple check。我坚持说手机是在你们U-Mobile买的,Apple Service Center 叫我跟U-Mobile check, 你们又叫我跟Apple check。过后U-Mobile的staff还当场call Apple的technical support, Apple的technical support 说:Pls check with the place that you bought the phone. 到最后,U-Mobile的staff 妥协了,还说他们的负责人会check with Apple。
我要求他们CC我email因为手机是我的,我要知道status。 他们答应了也说当天就会send email 给Apple,还说三天之内会给我答复。到了隔天,由于我还是没收到email,我就又到U-Mobile问。那边的负责人-Karen, 很不友善的回答我说这是他们公司与公司之间的email, 不可以CC我。还说最近有Public Holiday, Apple 很多人请假,所以她需要两个星期时间。我很惊讶,U-Mobile和Apple这样的大公司竟然需要2个星期的时间来解决这种问题。最令我哑口无言的是她还可以知道Apple人手不足。到最后,我只同意让他们在3天工作日后回复我。但3天工作日后我仍然没有收到U-Mobile的任何通知,于是我又再去U-Mobile,那里的另外一个supervisor告诉我说PIC-Karen不在,还说根据他们的system,U-Mobile已经打电话通知我了,我说我从来没有收到任何通知。然后他就叫我check我的email,这时我才发现原来在我去找那个PIC-Karen当天,她就已经send email 通知我Apple Service Center 已了解我的情况了,叫我带着我的receipt和手机去那了。我很不满意为什么她说需要两个星期,过后又妥协最迟3天工作天后通知我,但当天又send了email给我却完全没通知我,让我白等了一个星期。
当天的傍晚(20/9/16),我带着我的手机和receipt去Apple Service Center, 他们终于肯收我的手机去check了, serve我的staff说 隔天就可以知道消息了,还说technician会call我。可是,过了一天都没消息,我call去问有什么消息,接电话的staff说还没有消息,叫我再等。到了第三天,还是没有消息, 我又再call去,接电话的staff是同一个, 她说还没有消息,我就问她,你们的technician有check我的手机对不对,他应该知道我的手机什么问题, 她问了technician后就说我的Main Board坏了,Apple也同意以1对1更换,但因为过了一年的warranty,所以需要付RM1700++。我问她那Apple有没有解释任何关于Serial Number的事,她就叫我自己跟Apple check.
过后,我又试着再call Apple的technical support, 他们还是同一句话,叫我去我买手机的地方问。
我很不甘心我得不到一个交代,到底为什么我的手机会突然坏掉,一句main board坏了就完。除此之外,我还不确定他们到底有没有check with Apple。我向他们拿Apple那边的负责人的email他们也不肯给。
之后,我又试着send email到Apple Service Center, 那里的负责人-Harley回复我说是误会, 但又说我的main board 坏了,至于Serial Number的问题是因为Apple的system 出了一些问题,已经改回去了,还说这个serial number已经是active了,现在只有我一个人在用。我很怀疑,他们怎么说我的serial number是active的,我的手机坏了,怎么会active呢?之后我再email她说我要清楚知道我的 serial number 是几时被换掉的, 但她只回复我他们只是service center, 不是Apple公司, 还叫我自己去check。这到底是什么样的服务态度啊???? 而且从头到尾只有他们在说,根本就给不到任何解释和交代。
我仍怀疑他们当中其中一方是在卖假机的,因为由始至终都没有给我一个交代。这可能不是main board的问题。如果这不是假机,那么Apple产品的quality会真只有一年的寿命吗,而且是刚过一年就坏会不会太巧合。当初我选则买IPhone的原因就是听说挺耐用的,现在完全不是一回事。另外,其实手机对我来说并不是那么的重要,我最关心的是那些在我手机里珍贵的照片,我最近期的照片都还未来得及backup呢 > <
最后,如果你是IPhone User,尤其是在U-Mobile买的,奉劝你最好去确认你的serial number 有没有被replaced了。我很遗憾,因为当初我拿到这手机时并没有马上去check。 经过这件事后,身边的朋友说你不是第一个了,网上也可以找到很多类似的。无论如何,我不会再支持苹果的产品和U-Mobile的服务了。

使用道具 举报


发表于 18-10-2016 10:49 PM | 显示全部楼层

不过这次是 u mobile 不幸运,我相信其他电讯公司,也会把我们踢来踢去,帮他们做跑腿。



使用道具 举报

发表于 18-10-2016 11:04 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
saiwing 发表于 18-10-2016 10:49 PM

不过这次是 u mobile 不幸运,我相信其他电讯公司,也会把我们踢来踢去,帮他们做跑腿。


我个人认为 这是u mobile处理不当。不可能把顾客踢来踢去, 而且电话是从你公司卖出去的叻。希望这公司能正视这个问题

使用道具 举报

发表于 18-10-2016 11:55 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 18-10-2016 11:57 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 19-10-2016 01:26 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 20-10-2016 02:31 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
saiwing 发表于 18-10-2016 10:49 PM

不过这次是 u mobile 不幸运,我相信其他电讯公司,也会把我们踢来踢去,帮他们做跑腿。



使用道具 举报

发表于 20-10-2016 02:32 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
有没有看清楚收据写的serial no和机上的一样?

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