


楼主: harry_soh


发表于 26-3-2016 06:07 PM | 显示全部楼层
PM, thank you.

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 楼主| 发表于 29-3-2016 09:54 AM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 29-3-2016 12:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
公司董事长一行人目前正在美国纽约的华尔街,除了和投资银行商讨上市事宜,也向各投资机构、基金经理讲解公司的前景。和大家分享一些照片。 12718305_10153701166038220_5668602887111375805_n.jpg


















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 楼主| 发表于 29-3-2016 10:17 PM | 显示全部楼层
好消息,刚刚因为有位投资者截止了一个星期才说要投资,我和公司负责人联络了,说只要还没公布投资银行和IPO 价格与日期,还可以进行投资。明天应该没问题,但过了明天就很难说了,因为随时会宣布。一旦宣布了,不能再有任何交易。有兴趣的,真的不能再等了。

为了争取时间,请直接微信我: cpharrysoh, 或是 whatsapp 我 +60107873288。

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 楼主| 发表于 29-3-2016 10:20 PM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 30-3-2016 01:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 harry_soh 于 30-3-2016 01:22 PM 编辑

在这里遇到一个网友叫Ryan,在微信加我,先是说非常有兴趣,可以投资500K,问了很多东西。后来又担心被骗,说要公司先发股票给他,他之后才交钱 (怎么可能嘛?)。今天我就试探他的诚意,说如果担心的话,就不要投资这么多,可以做最低的投资,结果他说16K太多了,除非能少一点。(从这一点看,就可以大概知道他的诚意和他是否有吹牛了。)

搞到最后,他认为我是骗子,说如果这么好赚,为什么不去和银行借钱来投资?为什么一直在说服他?还怀疑有关ipo 消息是假的。我真的不想再说什么,因为他连nasdaq的网站也认为是假的,还说他不想成为受害者,希望我能顺利找到其他水鱼。


google 这么方便,还有人不懂得用?

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 楼主| 发表于 30-3-2016 01:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
@D.路飞     @vilson5599

Moxian IPO 应该是假的,我等你们来砸场。   


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发表于 31-3-2016 04:27 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 6-4-2016 10:48 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 8-4-2016 11:05 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
看不到 磨不到 只是听人家讲两句就相信这是什么发财大计
这么好赚 快快推出给政府 大有钱佬

楼主 你果然是一个入世没深的~ 〈〈老千仔))

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发表于 9-4-2016 03:41 AM | 显示全部楼层




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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2016 06:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
ksmhuat 发表于 8-4-2016 11:05 PM
看不到 磨不到 只是听人家讲两句就相信这是什么发财大计
这么好赚 快快推出给政府 大有钱佬

楼主 你果然是一个入世没深的~ 〈〈老千仔))

果然,Cari 这里就是有很多喜欢“识少少,扮代表”的人,我才不管这里有没有人要投资,反正我也没抱什么希望。@ksmhuat 你是最厉害的,厉害到连google 都懒惰用,你可以做生神仙了,什么都懂,假厉害的就有。


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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2016 06:22 PM | 显示全部楼层
dino1980 发表于 6-4-2016 10:48 AM

要了解,就直接whatsapp 我, 不然可以打电话来。

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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2016 06:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
小龙女打桩 发表于 9-4-2016 03:41 AM




魔线是商务社交媒体,你可以去下载 Moxian+,手机的商店就可以下载。


想了解更多,可以google "MOXC",不要学那些自以为是,连google 查资料都不懂或懒惰的人,网上资料一大堆,不要没有查就来砸场。

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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2016 06:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
Moxian, Inc. (MOXC): Survey Says More than 50% of Users Are Tired of FacebookPosted on April 8, 2016 by MissionIR

Web-based social networking services make it possible to connect people who share interests and activities across political, economic, and geographic borders. Through e-mail and instant messaging, online communities are created where a gift economy and reciprocal altruism are encouraged through cooperation. Moxian, Inc. (OTCQB: MOXC) has a multi-channel social commerce platform, which includes a variety of tools such as its proprietary social customer relationship management system, which generates knowledgeable data for merchants. This way, consumers and businesses are able to connect and interact with one another to achieve the concept of “online lifestyle, offline fun.”

Companies have begun to merge business technologies and solutions, such as cloud computing, with social networking concepts. Instead of connecting individuals based on social interests, companies are developing interactive communities that connect individuals based on shared business needs or experiences. Developed in Shenzhen, China, Moxian integrates social media, entertainment and business intelligence. The company’s products and services enable merchants to run targeted advertising campaigns and promotions, and aim to enhance the interaction between users and merchant clients by using consumer behavior data compiled from the Moxian database of user activities. The company has two primary core products: Moxian+ User App and Moxian+ Business App.

Over the past few years, the niche social network has steadily grown in popularity, thanks to better levels of user interaction and engagement. In 2012, a survey by Reuters and research firm Ipsos found that one in three users were getting bored with Facebook (NASDAQ: FB), and, in 2014, the GlobalWebIndex found that this figured had risen to almost 50 percent. The niche social network offers a specialized space that’s designed to appeal to a very specific market with a clearly defined set of needs.

Moxian+ User App serves as an app driven for consumer users to use the platform, consisting of the company’s proprietary virtual currency (MO-Coin and MO-Points), social networking, redemption center and game center. Users can earn MO-Coins by playing games, and then use those coins to redeem prizes sponsored by Moxian and client merchants. This model not only drives registered consumers to Moxian and merchants, but also provides merchants the opportunity to advertise, run marketing campaigns, and learn about their customers through the platform.

Moxian+ Business App is an independent app with built-in social customer relationship management tools designed to address the unique needs of merchants. Merchants are able to set up a store on the Moxian platform through this business app, push promotions via a variety of methods offered on the platform and look at generated reports customized to their own shop.



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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2016 06:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
Moxian, Inc. (MOXC) Linking Businesses and Consumers in China via Precision MarketingPosted on April 1, 2016 by MissionIR

Moxian, Inc. (OTCQB: MOXC) is connecting businesses and consumers in China with precision marketing delivered via social marketing and promotion platforms. With innovation and strategy, the company is strengthening its foothold in the online-to-offline marketing space. After entering at an opportune time, Moxian moved to test and refine its online-to-offline marketing platform in Asia before focusing its attention on the major metropolitan areas in China. The company stands to benefit from its timely entrance into China, which is reporting an estimated 25 percent annual growth in sales, as well as the upcoming opening of new offices in the region and the expansion of its operations there.

As Moxian wraps up its development and testing phase, the company seems prepared to experience a marked increase in revenue from merchant subscriptions and other income sources, especially once it opens additional sales offices in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou in 2016. Merchant fees – driven by the number of merchants participating in the Moxian platform – can provide a substantial source of cyclical revenue for the company. By driving up the number of merchants participating, Moxian will also drive up this income stream. In the future, Moxian can earn additional revenue through the sale of reward points. Eventually, the company also expects to generate revenue from selling advertising on its platform.

With offerings like the Moxian+ App and the Moxian Reward program, the company strategically connects merchants and consumers. Moxian has designed its products and services so merchant clients can customize their advertising and promotional efforts for specific customers. On the user side, Moxian’s platform invites users to return frequently and encourages new users to subscribe to the company’s website. By allowing merchant clients to study consumer behavior through data collected from a database of users’ activities, the company is also building a social customer relation management tool that allows business owners to engage in precision marketing.

With all initiatives steered by an experienced management team, Moxian’s business strategies, growth initiatives, operating performance and multiple revenue sources are positioning the company for considerable market opportunity in the online-to-offline sector in China.



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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2016 06:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
Moxian, Inc. (MOXC): Social Media is a Necessity for Small Businesses, TooPosted on March 30, 2016 by MissionIR

Despite the growing popularity of social media, and our dependency on sites like Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) and Twitter (NYSE: TWTR) for information, some businesses have still been hesitant to jump aboard. There’s skepticism around its effectiveness for local small businesses, which is one reason companies such as Moxian, Inc. (OTCQB: MOXC) have tailored their business models to be more small and medium business friendly. We see huge brands like Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO), Nike (NYSE: NKE) and Starbucks (NASDAQ: SBUX) using social media with great success, but what about the average coffee shop around the corner or a non-celebrity dentist? Can they use social media to grow their businesses in 2016?

The answer is an astounding yes. Social media allows smaller-sized companies to compete against some of the larger companies and reach more customers. There are plenty of stats that showcase just how powerful social media is for businesses of all sizes. Here are some powerful numbers that make it more than evident that social media is the way to go in 2016, according to a survey on SproutSocial.com:

  • 63 percent of millennials say they stay updated on brands through social networks
  • 46 percent of millennials rely on social media when making purchase online
  • 89 percent of 18-29 year olds are active on social media
  • Marketers spent an estimated $8.3 billion on social media advertising in 2015
  • 78 percent of companies now say they have dedicated social media teams

Social media has crossed over from being a tool that only forward-thinking companies should use. These stats show that social media marketing has become a necessity just like paid ads, flyers and other “traditional” marketing efforts. In order to compete today, businesses can’t afford not to be active on social media.

Moxian engages in the business of providing social marketing and promotion platforms designed to help merchants accelerate and advertise their business growth through social media. These products and services enable merchants to run targeted advertising campaigns and promotions, and aim to enhance the interaction between users and merchant clients by using consumer behavior data compiled from the Moxian database of user activities. The company has two primary core products: Moxian+ User App and Moxian+ Business App.



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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2016 06:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
Moxian, Inc. (MOXC) Is Boosting Its Visibility in BeijingPosted on March 11, 2016 by MissionIR

Moxian, Inc. (OTCQB: MOXC) is increasing its visibility and influence in Beijing’s marketing space. With its newly-created corporate subsidiary, Moxian Beijing, and a defined expansion strategy, the corporation is focused on growing its sales in Beijing and driving local merchants and users to its social marketing and promotion platform.

Moxian revealed the establishment of Moxian Technologies (Beijing) Co. (Moxian Beijing) in January 2016. As the capital of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and home to 20 million residents, Beijing is not only the nation’s political and cultural center, it also easily outpaces any other PRC city in terms of economic and commercial opportunity. Setting up Moxian’s subsidiary company in the Dongcheng district of Beijing and in the vicinity of the Guomao business district was thus exceedingly apt. Beijing is a remarkably developed economy city with numerous opportunities for small and medium businesses such as Moxian, Inc.

Moxian Beijing is currently in a 2,000-square-foot space that can house up to 80 employees. To date, the office space is home to 15 employees. To accommodate and ease the progress of corporate growth, the company plans to increase the number of staff in this location over time. In 2016 alone, the company expects to increase its in-house Beijing sales team to 50 salesmen in order to maximize its market penetration.

The foundation of a Beijing office signals a qualitative leap for the company. Since Moxian Beijing’s establishment, it has already entered into a significant cooperation agreement and business relationship with Xinhua New Media Culture Communication Co. For the next five years, Moxian Beijing will serve as the sole reseller of Xinhua ad space in the gaming industry. It will also serve as Xinhua’s exclusive partner in the operation of the Xinhua New Media App gaming platform.

Xinhua New Media App has over 10 million active daily users and over 110 million users in total. As Xinhua’s exclusive gaming partner, Moxian has the opportunity to market its games on the platform while registering and capturing even more active users for the Xinhua New Media App. Users of the app will be rewarded with Moxian Coins (Mo-Coins) and Moxian Points (Mo-Points) when clicking on and interacting with any advertisements. Then, those users can log into the Moxian Platform to redeem their rewards. By collaborating on the Xinhua game platform, Moxian will gradually attract more users to its platform.

The Moxian-Xinhua agreement lays the groundwork for Moxian’s future promotions and developments while steadily and effectively driving the Moxian platform into the mainstream of the Internet. As Moxian establishes a deeper cooperation with Xinhua, it also opens the door for new sources of income for its operations.



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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2016 06:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
Moxian, Inc. (MOXC) Drives Consumers toward Merchants through Advertisements, Incentives, and a Fun Social Media PlatformPosted on March 4, 2016 by MissionIR

Based in Shenzhen, China, Moxian, Inc. (OTCQB: MOXC) provides social marketing and other promotional platforms for companies who want to showcase their businesses through social media. These companies are able to see consumer trends through compiled data from Moxian’s proprietary Social Customer Relationship Management (SCRM) system. Businesses can then run advertising campaigns that target specific users. Moxian retains these consumers through incentives such as points and prizes on their own Moxian+ (User) app.

The Moxian+ (User) app allows users to instantly receive information about nearby merchants and any promotions or events they’re offering. They can also play fun games and collect MO-Coins and MO-Points that transfer globally to any business within the Moxian system. The app provides a Messenger service so that users can easily communicate with friends or continue to build their social networks. Consumers are then enticed to cash in their coins at a virtual mall, where gifts are sponsored by both Moxian and participating merchants.

The social media platform itself is called Weibo and can be accessed from anywhere. The site offers links to information such as celebrity news, fitness, movies, food, and health. There’s also a feed where users can keep up with current news stories, local activities, and people. Consumers can then play a variety of games through Weibo, including poker and soccer or role-playing games (RPG) like Stone Age or Brave Covenant. After they collect enough coins from their wins, users cash in at the Points Mall, where they can buy more games, smart watches, keyboards, mouse pads, plush toys and more.

Fun games and a point-incentive system could increase retention for any company. Plus, participating merchants can continuously advertise their businesses through Moxian’s Weibo, sponsored prizes, and the app, gaining even more exposure. Consumers and businesses can achieve the coveted, “online lifestyle, offline fun” relationship. Moxian intends to keep that relationship healthy by successfully offering a platform for merchants and consumers to meet and benefit from each other.



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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2016 06:40 PM | 显示全部楼层
Moxian, Inc. (MOXC) Serving Online-to-Offline Marketing Solutions to Asian MarketsPosted on February 26, 2016 by MissionIR

Moxian, Inc. (OTCQB: MOXC) has made a well-timed entry into the online-to-offline marketplace in Asia. A pioneer of novel social marketing and promotion platforms, Moxian moved into this market at a time when countries in the region are enjoying significant growth. In China alone, an estimated annual sales growth of 25% has been reported.

From its headquarters in Shenzhen, China, Moxian helps a variety of merchants – including retailers, manufacturers, shopping mall operators, transportation companies, telecommunications providers, software developers, online e-commerce operators, payment providers and news media – promote their businesses through online social media and with products such as:

  • Moxian+ App – an online-to-offline business solution tailored to small and medium businesses
  • MO-Promo – an online sale promotion website for the company’s merchant clients
  • MO-Reward – a reward platform

Moxian’s products are designed to increase user stickiness. They are built to attract users and entice them to return regularly, as well as to encourage new users to subscribe to the company’s website. Moxian’s offerings also aim to enhance the merchant-customer interaction. The company designs products and services that allow its merchant clients to run targeted ad campaigns that utilize data compiled from a database of user activity.

Moxian has spent a fair amount of time testing, refining and perfecting its O2O platform in Asia. During this testing and development stage, the company brought in modest revenue. Now, in 2016, it is directing its attention toward the largest cosmopolitan areas in China and appears primed to see a major increase in revenue from new merchant subscriptions to its platform, as well as the opening of new sales offices in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai.

Steered by a skillful management team and far-reaching business strategies, Moxian appears ready to take advantage of the substantial market opportunity available in the O2O sector in China and to advance even further. With a growing number of merchants utilizing its platform, merchant fees will likely offer a major source of recurrent revenue for the company, which is also poised to earn additional revenue from the sale of advertising on its platform.



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