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【Croesus RTr S6NU 交流专区】Croesus集团商业信托 CROESUS RETAIL TRUST
日本基金公司Croesus集团 商业信托拟在新交所上市
据彭博社引述知情人士报道,Croesus的商业信托首次公开发售将是自丰树商业信托(Mapletree Commercial Trust)去年4月上市筹集8亿9300万元以来最庞大的。
Croesus集团计划从日本贸易商丸红商社(Marubeni Corp)与大和房屋工业公司(Daiwa House Industry)买下位于东京和大阪两地的九个商场。
上市的商业信托将取名为Croesus零售信托(Croesus Retail Trust)。
有知情人士透露,F1可能在今年下半年重新启动上市计划。 本帖最后由 icy97 于 11-5-2013 01:41 PM 编辑
楼主 |
发表于 24-10-2012 02:58 PM
Japan-focused Croesus plans up to $800m Singapore IPO-source
Wed, 24 Oct 12:26
Croesus Retail Trust which focuses on retail real estate in Japan, has started pre-marketing a Singapore initial public offering of about $800 million, a source with direct knowledge of the plans said on Wednesday.
The trust, which is part-owned by Marubeni Corp. and Daiwa House Industry Co., is pitching the deal to investors at an indicative yield in the high 7 percent range for fiscal year 2013 and in the low 8 percent range for fiscal 2014, added the source, who was not authorised to speak publicly on the matter.
Citigroup and DBS Group Holdings are managing the deal. |
楼主 |
发表于 24-10-2012 10:59 PM
文: 道琼斯通讯社 (译:杨佳文) 2012年10月24日 道琼斯通讯社
知情人士于10月24日表示,Croesus零售信托(Croesus Retail Trust)已开始为其总额为8亿元(6亿5,000万美元)的首次公开售股(IPO)计划试探市场反应。Croesus零售信托的策略伙伴为日本的丸红株式会社(Marubeni Corporation)和日本大和房建(Daiwa House Industry)。
Croesus是一个古代国王的名字,意思是“巨额财富”。其中一名知情人士表示,Croesus零售信托计划以商业信托(business trust)的形式在新加坡上市,其资产将包括东京的Mallage Shobu、Aeon Town Moriya、Kururu Fuchu商场,以及位于大阪的Luz Shinsaibashi商场。
若Croesus零售信托成功上市,它将成为继最善房产信托(Saizen REIT)之后第二家在新加坡上市的日本公司。最善房产信托的资产为住宅产业,它是于2007年在新加坡上市,当时共筹得约1亿9,700万元。
去年在新加坡上市的新股共筹得逾70亿美元,而REIT和商业信托就占了其中的95%,当中包括香港商人李嘉诚旗下的和记港口控股信托(Hutchison Port Holdings Trust),其IPO规模达55亿美元。新加坡目前共有25个上市REIT,它们的市值合计超过340亿美元。相比之下,作为传统热门上市地点的香港只有8个REIT。
知情人士表示,Croesus零售信托正与一些机构接洽,以邀请它们成为基础投资者(cornerstone investor)。基础投资者一般会答应在特定时间内持守股票,从而确保股价不会在公司上市不久后就大跌。
花旗集团、星展集团和渣打银行为Croesus上市计划的顾问。 |
楼主 |
发表于 15-11-2012 01:28 AM
Japan's Croesus delays Singapore share listing: IFR
Wed, 14 Nov 23:42
Croesus Retail Trust (CRT), which focuses on retail real estate in Japan, postponed a Singapore initial public offering of about $800 million because of weak markets, IFR reported on Wednesday, citing sources close to the deal.
The trust, which is part-owned by Marubeni Corp. and Daiwa House Industry Co., decided to delay the deal until early 2013 after meeting potential investors the past two weeks, added IFR, a Thomson Reuters publication.
The IPO was marketed to investors at an indicative yield in the high 7% range for fiscal year 2013 and in the low 8% range for fiscal 2014, a source with knowledge of the deal said previously.
Citigroup and DBS Group Holdings were joint global coordinators of the IPO, with Standard Chartered also acting as a bookrunner.
楼主 |
发表于 25-4-2013 09:58 PM
Croesus bets on Japan growth, REIT demand with $362m IPO: Update
Thu, 25 Apr 16:14
Japan-focused Croesus Retail Trust launched a US$292 million ($362 million) Singapore IPO on Thursday, looking to benefit from demand for high-yield securities and an expected increase in consumer spending in the world’s third-largest economy.
The deal comes as a surge in demand for real estate investment trusts pushed Singapore’s REIT index to an all-time high last week. It also looks to capitalize on renewed optimism over Japan’s economy on the back of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s aggressive fiscal and monetary expansion campaign.
Japan’s consumer confidence index hit its highest in more than five years in February and many analysts see that as a sign that the economy is recovering.
CRT, which owns four shopping malls in Japan, is offering 391.1 million units at a price of $0.93 each, putting the total deal at $363.7 million , said a source with direct knowledge of the plans, who was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter.
The trust, which is part-owned by Marubeni Corp. and Daiwa House Industry Co., had originally planned to go public last year with a $650 million deal, but decided to postpone the IPO to 2013 after initial meetings with investors.
The offering comes on the heels of the largest-ever REIT IPO in Singapore, the US$1.3 billion listing in February by Temasek-backed Mapletree Greater China Commercial Trust. It also follows a 35% surge in the FTSE Straits Times REIT index as investors flocked to the high-yielding securities to boost returns amid low global interest rates and volatile stock markets.
CRT forecast a yield of 8% for the financial year ending June 30, 2013 and 8.1% the following year, according to the IPO prospectus.
The projected returns compare with an average of 5% on retail REITs in Singapore for the 12 months through the end of March and a 5.2% 2013 forecast yield for the country’s largest REIT, CapitaMall Trust , according to Asia Pacific Real Estate Association data. In Japan, retail REITs posted an average yield of 3.9% through March.
REIT listings in Asia rose 21% to US$9.64 billion in 2012 from US$7.97 billion in 2011, according to APREA. Other offerings by business trusts and REITs expected in the coming months in Singapore include a US$1 billion offering by Asian Pay Television Trust, an up to US$700 million IPO for GE Commercial Aviation Services’ Aircraft Capital Trust and India’s Mytrah Energy’s up to US$400 million listing.
Cornerstone investors including fund managers Eastpring Investments and Myriad Asset Management, as well as hedge funds D.E. Shaw and Citadel, agreed to buy US$122 million worth of the units, according to the prospectus.
Citigroup and DBS Group Holdings are managing the deal. 本帖最后由 icy97 于 26-4-2013 03:34 AM 编辑
楼主 |
发表于 26-4-2013 03:24 AM
拥有丸红商社(Marubeni Corporation)与大和房屋工业(Daiwa House Industry Co)支持的房地产投资信托Croesus零售信托 (Croesus Retail Trust)已将其首次公开售股(IPO)计划的发行价定为每股0.93元。这个价值3亿美元的交易将是继今年初上市的丰树大中华商业信托(Mapletree Greater China Commercial Trust)之后,新加坡目前为止规模第二大的IPO。Croesus 原定于去年11月在新加坡上市,但由于市况疲弱,该项计划遭搁置。在其提交给新加坡央行的初步招股书中,Croesus将把日本购物商场纳入其组合,它预计将会开始为其IPO计划进行预售活动。
启示:若成功上市,Croesus将是首家在新加坡上市的日本零售产业公司,它也是继最善房产信托(Saizen REIT)之后,第二家在新加坡上市的日本公司。以住宅产业为上市资产的最善房产信托于2007年上市,当时它通过发股筹集到约1亿9,700万元。 |
楼主 |
发表于 4-5-2013 07:39 PM
日本浩正零售信托(Croesus Retail Trust)将向机构及散户投资者发售每单位0.93元的2亿2,912万个单位,并在新交所主板上市。其中约2,150万个单位将供公众认购,即相等于所发售总股数的9.4%。公司拟在5月10日挂牌交易,其2014和2015年的派息获益率预测分别为8%和8.1%。Citadel Asset Management、丰隆资产管理(Hong Leong Asset Management)及Eastspring Investments等11个基石投资者已承诺认购1亿6,370万个单位。公司的组合包含总值525亿日元(约6亿6,200万元)、位于日本的4个零售产业,可出租净面积为18万零622平方米。
启示:公司组合的竞争优势是稳定的获益率、高租用率及位于地铁站和主要购物区附近。截至2012年12月底,这些产业的平均租用率接近100%。 |
楼主 |
发表于 9-5-2013 01:55 AM
楼主 |
发表于 9-5-2013 02:00 AM
Croesus Retail Trust IPO 21.4 times oversubscribed
Thu, 9 May 00:04
Croesus Retail Trust, the first Asia-Pacific retail business trust with an initial portfolio located in Japan to be listed on the Mainboard of the SGX, said its IPO offer was 22.4 times subscribed. This was based on the total demand of 5,142,786,151 units for its offering of 229,118,000 units.
In the placement tranche, interest received for the 207,613,000 units amounted to 4,093,213,151 units. As for the public offering, 19,638 valid applications for 1,049,573,000 units were received for the 21,505,000 units available to the public for subscription. |
楼主 |
发表于 11-5-2013 02:13 PM
Croesus Retail rises in trading debut on yield
Fri, 10 May 14:30
Croesus Retail Trust, a retail business trust with assets in Japan, gained on its first day of trading day as investors turn to higher-yielding assets.
The shares rose 23% to $1.145 as of 2:06 p.m. in Singapore trading, from the 93 cents offer price. They started trading at 2 p.m. and the share sale was 22.4 times subscribed. Croesus Retail is backed by Japan’s Daiwa House Industry Co. and Marubeni Corp., which have contributed assets to the trust.
Business and property trusts have dominated Singapore’s IPO market in the past year as high-yielding assets gained popularity amid low interest rates. REITs raised $4.2 billion, or 69%, of the $6.1 billion of stock sold in Singapore IPOs in the past 12 months, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The measure tracking REITs in Singapore offers a 4.3% dividend yield, compared with 2.9% for the Straits Times Index.
“This type of yield is very attractive in this environment,” said Vikrant Pandey, a Singapore-based analyst at UOB Kay Hian Pte. “There is some interest coming from the Japanese side as well so vehicles that have exposure to Japan is also in favor.”
Croesus Retail’s holdings were valued at about 52.5 billion yen ($657.6 million) as of March, the business trust said. The assets include Aeon Town Moriya, Aeon Town Suzuka, Luz Shinsaibashi and Mallage Shobu. The properties have about 180,622 square meters (1.9 million square feet) of leasable space, according to the trust.
The trust’s plans to invest in retail properties in the Asia-Pacific region, with the initial Japanese assets providing stable income, it said.
The REIT gauge rose 37% in 2012 and has gained 13% so far this year, compared with the 8% advance in the benchmark Straits Times Index in 2013.
Citigroup Inc. and DBS Group Holdings managed the offering. |
楼主 |
发表于 14-5-2013 01:17 AM
浩正零售信托(Croesus Retail Trust) 上星期五于新加坡交易所上市,开市报1.12元,比其0.93元招股价上升了20.4%。 这只股是全天较活跃的股只之一,闭市报1.145元,上升了23.1%。公司总共发售4亿2,530万股,包括首次公开售股(IPO)的2亿2,910万股;其保荐商Croesus Merchants International 的540万股及出售给大型投资者的1亿6,370万股。IPO 的股票被22.4倍超额认购,所筹得的净收益约为3亿5,620万元,大部分将用来为收购其组合内的首批商场部分融资,其中包括Aeon Town Moriya、Aeon Town Suzuka、Luz Shinsaibashi及 Mallage Shobu。Croesus Merchants International的集团董事经理Jeremy Yong表示,其实日本零售信托早应在新交所挂牌上市,而公司这次刚好是在最适合的时机上市,因为日本目前正进行改革复苏。公司今早开市维持在1.145元水平。
启示:作为亚太区首家零售信托于新加坡上市,且初期组合位于日本,这可为新加坡投资者提供了一个独特的平台,投资于目前正充满着乐观气氛的日本市场。 |
楼主 |
发表于 18-11-2013 02:28 AM
2013年11月14日 企业摘要
浩正零售信托(Croesus Retail Trust)的1Q14净产业收入(NPI)和可分派收入都超越预期。浩正零售信托于今年5月上市,其零售物业位于日本。其1Q14可分派收入及NPI分别比最初的预测多出8.3%和3.1%。
浩正的管理机构的总裁兼执行董事Jim Chang表示,其四项零售物业出租率和租金保持稳定,也是使季度表现进步的原因。他说:“基于消费活动保持在良好水平,宏观经济前景乐观,民众对日本经济有信心,浩正将继续加强其物业组合,并逐步提高派息。”
但REITSWeek仍谨慎看待这个房地产投资信托,下一期将详细分析各项原因。 |
楼主 |
发表于 17-2-2014 09:06 PM
文: 2014年02月14日 每日头条
浩正零售信托(Croesus Retail Trust)在截至2013年12月31日的2Q14录得13亿日元毛收入,高于预测1.2%,主要由于日本Mallage Shobu购物中心租户的销售额提高。供分配的收入为7亿1,300万日元,比预测高出6%。每单位派息为0.0202元。六个月的毛收入与33亿日元的预测相符,供分配的收入高于预测7.4%,为19亿日元。 |
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发表于 5-3-2014 07:41 PM
文: 2014年02月27日 每日头条
浩正零售信托(Croesus Retail Trust)计划以142亿5,000万日元(约1亿7,630万元,包括其他费用)收购两项零售物业,即Luz Omori和NIS Wave I。它们的净可出租面积分别为9,285平方米和7,141平方米,加权平均租约到期时间为16.6年和4.8年。在完成交易后,公司的年度每单位派息将提高5.7%至0.0741元。 |
楼主 |
发表于 19-5-2014 02:23 AM
每日头条 | 2014年05月15日
浩正零售信托(Croesus Retail Trust)在截至2014年3月31日的第三季度录得收入14亿日元,比预测高出3.7%,主要是由于日本菖蒲Mallage Shobu购物中心的租户销售额比预期好。加上产业管理和公用事业开支比预期低使营运开支下降。供分配收入为6亿1,980万日元,比预测高出7.4%。公司宣布派发每单位0.0176元的股息。 |
发表于 11-4-2015 01:52 AM
发表于 14-4-2015 10:15 PM
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