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【CapitaMall C38U 交流专区】嘉德商产信托 CAPITAMALL TRUST
嘉茂商产信托 半年可派收入增5%
嘉茂商产信托(CapitaMall Trust)今年上半年净房地产收入同比上升3.9%至2亿2028万元,半年可派发收入增5%至1亿零5619万元。
另一方面,嘉茂信托管理的首席执行官陈伟渊,昨日在记者会上说明了正在进行资产提升的购物商场情况。白沙浮娱乐广场(Bugis+)第二阶段的提升工程将在本月底前完成,该商场97%的可出租空间已经预租。Atrium@Orchard的提升工程将在今年第四季完成,截至6月底,90%的零售和办公楼面已经预租出去。而IMM大厦提升计划在明年5月完成后,这里将拥有40到50家名牌特价店,成为本地最大的特价店集中地。 本帖最后由 icy97 于 24-10-2012 11:19 AM 编辑
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发表于 6-10-2012 01:57 PM
CCT and CMT announce $34.7m asset enhancement for Raffles City Tower
Fri, 5 Oct 18:57
The managers of CapitaCommercial Trust (CCT) and CapitaMall Trust (CMT) have announced a $34.7 million asset enhancement initiative (AEI) for Raffles City Tower, the 42-storey office tower of Raffles City Singapore.
An iconic landmark in Singapore, Raffles City comprises Raffles City Tower, Raffles City Shopping Centre, two hotels -- Swissôtel The Stamford and Fairmont Singapore -- and Raffles City Convention Centre.
Raffles City Tower had its common areas (including restrooms) and lift cars last upgraded in 1994 and 2010 respectively. The latest AEI will create a superior working environment for all office tenants. The enhancements include upgrading of the main lobby and installation of security turnstiles and close-circuit television system, as well as refurbishment of common areas, lift lobbies and restrooms on all office floors. Office tenants will continue to operate in the building with minimal disruption. The total estimated capital expenditure of the AEI is S$34.7 million and is expected to achieve a projected return on investment of 8.6%.
The enhancement works will be conducted progressively over a one-and-a-half year period. The asset enhancement works will start in November. It will be carried out in phases progressively until 2Q 2014. The planned areas of enhancement include:
Raffles City is jointly owned by CCT and CMT through an unlisted special purpose sub-trust, RCS Trust, with CCT and CMT holding interests of 60.0% and 40.0% respectively.
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发表于 24-10-2012 10:49 AM
嘉茂商产信托(CapitaMall Trust)在截至今年9月30日的第三季度录得收入及可分配收入分别增加5.1%及4.6%至1亿6,720万元及8,090万元。3Q12的每单位派息为2.42仙,若按公司于10月19日的2.14元闭市价计算,年度化派息获益率为4.5%。嘉茂商产信托管理公司的主席许慈祥表示:“公司的3Q12业绩良好,主要归功于在4月开业的裕冰坊(JCube)及在8月全面投入营运的商场Bugis+。”截至今年9月30日,公司的杠杆比为37.6%,组合租用率为偏高的98.4%。
启示:公司目前正专注于完成最后一项大型资产提升工程。值得留意的是,商场The Atrium@Orchard的提升工程正顺利进行,并料将在今年11月初重新营业。国际商品批发中心大厦(IMM Building)已重新定位,并料将在今年底前会有约30家品牌前来开店。 |
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发表于 24-10-2012 11:21 AM
DMG upgrades CapitaMall Trust to 'buy'
Tue, 23 Oct 12:26
DMG & Partners upgraded CapitaMall Trust to ‘buy’ from ‘hold’ and raised its target price to $2.36 from $2.03, citing higher contributions from new shopping malls.
By 10:32 a.m., units of CapitaMall Trust rose 1.4% to $2.16. They have surged 27% since the start of the year, compared with the FTSE ST Real Estate Investment Trust Index’s 35% rise.
CapitaMall Trust’s third-quarter distribution per unit was flat at 2.42 cents compared with a year earlier.
However, DMG expects CapitaMall Trust to post strong earnings going forward, helped by higher contributions from its shopping malls JCube and Bugis+, which opened in April and August respectively.
The trust should also see additional income after renovationat its Orchard Atrium mall in Singapore is completed in the fourth quarter.
“As the hunt for dividend yield plays continues on the back of high liquidity, prolonged low interest rate environment and a strong Singapore currency, we believe CMT has room for further upside,” said DMG in a report. |
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发表于 24-11-2012 01:14 AM
嘉茂商产信托(CapitaMall Trust)将以每股2元发售1亿2,500万个新单位,以筹集2亿4,580万元。公司已在11月21日完成帐目筹集程序。新单位的发售价比公司在星期三的2.11元闭市价低出5.2%。此次私下配股活动被超额认购,并大受机构投资者欢迎。来自亚洲、美国和欧洲的逾60个现有及新的机构投资者均踊跃参加此次的配股活动,并超越公司的最低集资目标-2亿元,或相等于1亿零50万个单位(1.99至2.07元之间)。公司拟把大部份所获收益用于作为资本开支和供产业提升用途、为现有债务再融资及提高一般企业和营运资本。假设公司把净收益全数用于偿还现有债务,其债务比率将从37.7%下降至35.1%。
CapitaMall Trust's placement favourable: Maybank-KE
Mon, 26 Nov 12:43
CapitaMall Trust’s placement of 125 million new units at $2.00/unit, raising $250 million, should be viewed favouably, Maybank-Kim Eng says, noting the FY13 DPU dilution is minimal; “the placement will provide the necessary funds for some new asset enhancement plans that could potentially add another 6% to our fair value, raising the target price to $2.42.”
The house notes CMT said up to 99% of the proceeds will be used to finance capex and asset enhancement initiatives and refinance debt, but the house expects AEIs to consume most of the proceeds. “While no plans have been revealed, we believe previously shelved (and now largely forgotten) plans for Funan and Tampines Mall are likely to be revisited, and these two malls could be the highlights of CMT’s AEI pipeline for 2013 and beyond.”
It adjusts its target to $2.29 from $2.35 to account for the placement, keeping a Buy call. “With the potential of exciting AEI plans in the pipeline, we remain confident that CMT can deliver DPU growth and maximise value for unitholders.” The stock is flat at $2.06. 本帖最后由 icy97 于 26-11-2012 04:13 PM 编辑
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发表于 19-8-2013 01:49 AM
Name of Announcer * | CAPITAMALL TRUST | Company Registration No. | N.A. | Announcement submitted on behalf of | CAPITAMALL TRUST ("CMT") | Announcement is submitted with respect to * | CAPITAMALL TRUST | Announcement is submitted by * | Choo Wei-Pin | Designation * | Company Secretary, CapitaMall Trust Management Limited ("CMTML") (as manager of CMT) | Date & Time of Broadcast | 14-Aug-2013 07:02:25 | Announcement No. | 00013 |
The details of the announcement start here ... |
Announcement Title * | CMT Presentation Slides - CapitaLand Debt Investors' Day |
Description | The attached presentation materials issued by CMTML on the above matter is for information. |
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发表于 26-10-2013 02:26 AM
凯德商用新加坡信托(CapitaMall Trust)的3Q13毛收入季比下跌约0.2%至1亿8,240万元,年比则提高了9.1%。净产业收入季比及年比分别提高0.7%和12.9%至1亿2,650万元。后者是由于几个产业的资产提升工程已完工,但9M13的净产业收入因一些其他产业在上半年和仍在进行中的资产提升工程而相互抵消。3Q13的融资成本减少890万元至2,910万元,由于再融资的利息较低及赎回了可转换债券。每单位派息季比从0.0253元提高至0.0256元。在扣除可分配收入后,截至2013年9月30日的每单位净资产值为1.68元。
启示:预期白沙浮广场(Bugis Junction)的资产提升工程将在4Q13如期完工,西城(Westgate)也定于今年底开幕。公司的净产业收入增长具备有力的催化剂,因其组合租用率为99.5%,加上其大部份租户的销售表现提高,预期它将继续取得良好表现。 |
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发表于 23-1-2014 02:45 AM
凯德商用新加坡信托(CapitaMall)在截至2013年12月31日的FY13录得净产业收入从4亿4,530万元提高12.9%至5亿零270万元,主要由于Bugis+商场和The Atrium@Orchard商场的资产提升工程完工及裕冰坊(JCube)重新开业,所以毛收入增加。
产业营运开支从2亿1,630万元微增4.7%至2亿2,650万元,主要是因裕冰坊、Bugis+、The Atrium@Orchard及西城(Westgate)的相关开支达到980万元。
启示:这意味着每股派息为0.1027元,比上一年高出8.6%。 |
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发表于 12-2-2014 05:06 AM
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发表于 25-4-2014 02:18 AM
每日头条 | 2014年04月23日
凯德商用新加坡信托(CapitaMall Trust)截至2014年3月31日的季度收入增加5%至1亿6,470万元,因为白沙浮商业城(Bugis Junction)第一期的资产增值计划(AEI)已完成及来自其他广场的收入增加使毛收入提高,抵消了部分的租金收入跌幅(因白沙浮商业城第二期的AEI于2014年3月展开)。其可分派收入增加4.5%至8,910万元。公司宣布其每单位派息为0.0257元。
CapitaMall Trust announces DPU of 2.57 cents for 1Q
Source: The Edge | Publish date: Wed, 23 Apr 07:29
The manager of CapitaMall Trust (CMT), has announced a 2.57 cents distribution per unit (DPU) for the period 1 January 2014 to 31 March 2014 (1Q 2014).
This is 4.5% higher than the 2.46 cents for the same period in 2013 (1Q 2013).
Distributable income for 1Q 2014 was $89.1 million, a 4.5% increase over the $85.3 million for 1Q 2013.
CMT’s gross revenue grew 5.8% year-on-year to $164.7 million for 1Q 2014, while net property income increased 5.3% compared to 1Q 2013.
During the quarter, 172 leases were renewed with a positive growth of 6.2% over preceding rental rates typically contracted three years ago. CMT’s portfolio registered a high occupancy rate of 98.8% as at 31 March 2014.
Based on CMT’s closing price of $1.99 per unit on 22 April 2014, the distribution yield is 5.24%.
Unitholders can expect to receive their 1Q 2014 DPU on 30 May 2014.
The Books Closure Date is 2 May 2014. 本帖最后由 icy97 于 27-4-2014 04:23 AM 编辑
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发表于 24-4-2015 03:41 AM
财经 东协视窗 2015-04-23 09:47
(新加坡22日讯)凯德商用新加坡信托(CapitaMall Trust)首季每单位派发收入(DPU)按年增加4.3%至0.0268新元。
由于白沙浮商业城(Bugis Junction)第二期资产增值计划于去年9月完成,信托总营收增长1.6%至1亿6735万新元(约4.51亿令吉),净房地产收入起3%至1亿1769万新元(约3.17亿令吉)。 |
发表于 26-4-2015 03:05 PM
发表于 29-4-2015 11:27 PM
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