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【RH PetroGas T13 交流专区】常青石油及天然气 RH PETROGAS LIMITED
RH Petrogas Limited ("RHP") is engaged in exploration, development and production of oil and gas resources. RHP's first oil and gas project is a Production Sharing Contract ("PSC") with China National Petroleum Corporation to jointly develop and produce hydrocarbon resources in Fuyu 1 Block in the Songliao Basin, Jilin Province, the PRC.
Apart from the crude oil resources available at Fuyu 1 Block, RHP also holds the exploration and production PSC in West Belida Block, Jambi, South Sumatra, Indonesia, covering an area of approximately 1,402 sq km.
In West Papua, Indonesia, RHP has a total of 60 percent of the Basin PSC and 33.2 percent of the Island PSC. The Basin & Island PSCs are two contiguous blocks located in the 'Birds Head' area of West Papua, Indonesia, occupying a total area of approximately 2,000 sq km onshore and offshore and has a net production of 4600 boepd.
In December 2012, RHP successfully completed the signing of two concessions - Block SK331, onshore Sarawak Malaysia & Block M-1, offshore Myanmar.
In Block SK331 PSC, RHP holds 80 percent whilst Petronas Carigali holds the remaining 20 percent. The PSC covers a large onshore concession area of 11,600 sq km and is the onshore extension of Balingian Basin which contains oil & gas fields.
Myanmar’s Block M-1 is located south of Yangon in the Gulf of Moattama in water depths of up to 50 metres. RHP acquired option to farm-in for a net 46.5 percent working interest in Block M-1 PSC.
With these new developments, RHP currently have a total of six oil & gas assets and aims to increase current production of 4,600 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) rapidly.
These projects provide an excellent platform for the Group to expand into the robust Asian oil and gas market. The Group is continuing to explore more opportunities to strengthen its position in the energy sector.
RHP aspires to be a leading independent oil and gas company in the region.
Name of Announcer * | RH PETROGAS LIMITED | Company Registration No. | 198701138Z | Announcement submitted on behalf of | RH PETROGAS LIMITED | Announcement is submitted with respect to * | RH PETROGAS LIMITED | Announcement is submitted by * | Tan Sri Datuk Sir Tiong Hiew King | Designation * | Executive Chairman | Date & Time of Broadcast | 12-Aug-2013 17:33:05 | Announcement No. | 00107 |
The details of the announcement start here ... |
For the Financial Period Ended * | 30-06-2013 | Description | |
发表于 18-6-2014 10:34 AM
发表于 24-6-2014 05:32 PM
PaPerSoldier 发表于 18-6-2014 10:34 AM
今天闭市 0.785
发表于 24-6-2014 08:01 PM
天天天藍 发表于 24-6-2014 05:32 PM
今天闭市 0.785
已低过0.79 RS 线。
发表于 25-6-2014 11:34 AM
PaPerSoldier 发表于 24-6-2014 08:01 PM
已低过0.79 RS 线。
On 20 May 2014, the Board of Directors (“Board”) of RH Petrogas Limited (the “Company”) announced that the controlling shareholders of the Company, namely Surreyville Pte Ltd, Sharptone Investments Limited and RH Capital Limited (“Controlling Shareholders”), had been approached by an investor and had engaged in discussions regarding a potential proposal which may lead to a takeover offer of shares in the Company.
The Board wishes to announce that, based on the update from the Controlling Shareholders, there has been no further discussions or progress regarding the matter between the parties since the Company’s last announcement on 20 May 2014. Although the potential investor has previously expressed interest in investing in the Company, the Controlling Shareholders have to-date not received any offer nor indication of terms thereof from the potential investor.
本帖最后由 icy97 于 25-6-2014 02:49 PM 编辑
发表于 25-6-2014 05:48 PM
天天天藍 发表于 25-6-2014 11:34 AM
On 20 May 2014, the Board of Directors (“Board”) of RH Petrogas Limited ...
发表于 23-10-2014 09:03 PM
我是股票新手最近想进20粒 Rh PetroGas,请问股票前辈们,$0.59现在进会价錢会太高吗?还有这只股,请问前辈门有什意見吗? |
发表于 6-11-2014 04:11 PM
Rh PetroGas depend on Global oil price. You need to consider.. current price is 0.565, which is quite safe for entry. |
发表于 27-2-2015 09:35 PM
Now is new low. Can enter for future return? |
发表于 27-2-2015 11:34 PM
去年11/12 --〉0.315。。。
发表于 27-2-2015 11:53 PM
aero73 发表于 27-2-2015 11:34 PM
去年11/12 --〉0.315。。。
This year new low. Haha
This share worth to buy? |
发表于 1-3-2015 08:33 PM
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