Top Global Limited (“TGL”) has been listed on the Singapore Exchange since 2001. In March 2010, prominent Indonesian businesswoman Mdm Sukmawati Widjaja, the daughter of Mr. Eka Tjipta Widjaja, founder of the renowned Indonesia-based Sinar Mas Group, took the helm of TGL after purchasing a majority stake.
In her role as the Executive Chairman, Mdm Sukmawati Widjaja brings along more than 40 years of in-depth experience in numerous fields including but not limited to real estate development, banking, finance, telecommunications and manufacturing in Indonesia, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, other parts of South East Asia and the United States.
Together with her son, Mr. Hano Maeloa, they are determined to grow TGL into a successful global player in the real estate industry while exploring avenues to transform the company into a strong conglomerate.
Name of Announcer * | TOP GLOBAL LIMITED | Company Registration No. | 198003719Z | Announcement submitted on behalf of | TOP GLOBAL LIMITED | Announcement is submitted with respect to * | TOP GLOBAL LIMITED | Announcement is submitted by * | Hano Maeloa | Designation * | Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director | Date & Time of Broadcast | 13-Aug-2013 17:24:42 | Announcement No. | 00077 |
The details of the announcement start here ... |
For the Financial Period Ended * | 30-06-2013 | Description | Please refer to the attachment. |