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【CapitaRChina AU8U 交流专区】凯德商用中国信托 CAPITARETAIL CHINA TRUST
CapitaRetail China Trust (CRCT) is the first and only People's Republic of China (China) shopping mall real estate investment trust (REIT) in Singapore, with a portfolio of nine income-producing shopping malls. Listed on Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST) on 8 December 2006, it is established with the objective of investing on a long-term basis in a diversified portfolio of income-producing real estate used primarily for retail purposes and located primarily in China, Hong Kong and Macau.
The geographically diversified portfolio of quality shopping malls are located in six of China's cities. The malls are CapitaMall Xizhimen, CapitaMall Wangjing, CapitaMall Shuangjing and CapitaMall Anzhen in Beijing; CapitaMall Qibao in Shanghai; CapitaMall Erqi in Zhengzhou, Henan Province; CapitaMall Saihan in Huhhot, Inner Mongolia; CapitaMall Wuhu in Wuhu, Anhui Province; and CapitaMall Minzhongleyuan in Wuhan, Hubei Province.
All the malls in the portfolio are positioned as one-stop family-oriented shopping, dining and entertainment destinations for the sizeable population catchment areas in which they are located, and are accessible via major transportation routes or access points. A significant portion of the properties' tenancies consists of major international and domestic retailers such as Wal-Mart, Carrefour and the Beijing Hualian Group (BHG) under master leases or long- term leases, which provide CRCT unitholders (Unitholders) with stable and sustainable returns. The anchor tenants are complemented by popular specialty brands such as UNIQLO, ZARA, Vero Moda, Sephora, Watsons, KFC, Pizza Hut and BreadTalk.
CRCT is managed by an external manager, CapitaRetail China Trust Management Limited (CRCTML or the Manager), which is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of CapitaMalls Asia Limited, one of Asia's largest listed shopping mall developers, owners and managers.
Name of Announcer * | CAPITARETAIL CHINA TRUST | Company Registration No. | N.A. | Announcement submitted on behalf of | CAPITARETAIL CHINA TRUST | Announcement is submitted with respect to * | CAPITARETAIL CHINA TRUST | Announcement is submitted by * | Choo Wei-Pin | Designation * | Company Secretary, CapitaRetail China Trust Management Limited (as manager of CapitaRetail China Trust) | Date & Time of Broadcast | 14-Aug-2013 07:09:27 | Announcement No. | 00017 |
The details of the announcement start here ... |
Announcement Title * | CRCT Presentation Slides - CapitaLand Debt Investors' Day |
Description | The attached presentation slides issued by CapitaRetail China Trust Management Limited on the above matter is for information. |
楼主 |
发表于 26-8-2013 02:54 AM
Name of Announcer * | CAPITARETAIL CHINA TRUST | Company Registration No. | N.A. | Announcement submitted on behalf of | CAPITARETAIL CHINA TRUST | Announcement is submitted with respect to * | CAPITARETAIL CHINA TRUST | Announcement is submitted by * | Goh Mei Lan | Designation * | Company Secretary, CapitaRetail China Trust Management Limited (as manager of CapitaRetail China Trust) | Date & Time of Broadcast | 21-Aug-2013 19:43:49 | Announcement No. | 00117 |
The details of the announcement start here ... |
Announcement Title * | CRCT Presentation Slides - Hong Kong Non-Deal Roadshow - 22 to 23 August 2013 |
Description | The attached presentation slides issued by CapitaRetail China Trust Management Limited on the above matter is for information. |
楼主 |
发表于 26-10-2013 02:26 AM
凯德商用中国信托(CapitaRetail China Trust)向其目前的股东发行了每股1.30元的约4,540万股新股,以求筹集约5,900万元的毛收益。这些新股为不可撤销优先股,发股价比其在10月23日的1.4049元成交量加权平均股价低了约7.5%。每持有100股公司股便将获配六股新股。值得留意的是,凯德商用产业(CapitaMalls Asia)已承诺将认购其按股权比例而获配的新股,同时也将申请认购凯德商用新加坡信托(CapitaMall Trust)放弃认购的新股。凯德商用中国信托在昨天宣布,其3Q13的可分配收入增加了2.1%至1,710万元,由于租户的销售表现提高及租金上调令收入增幅扩大。
启示:所获净收益将用来投资于具备长期潜力的商场,包括作为北京首地大峡谷购物中心(Grand Canyon Mall)的部份收购资金。该购物中心的收购价约为18亿人民币(3亿7,180万元),公司可通过收购它来进一步从中国与日提高的消费中受惠。
CapitaRetail China Trust's 3Q distributable income up 2.1%
Publish date: Wed, 23 Oct 10:54
CapitaRetail China Trust Management Limited (CRCTML), the manager of CapitaRetail China Trust (CRCT), announced today an increase of 2.1% in distributable income to $17.1 million for the period from 1 July 2013 to 30 September 2013 (3Q 2013), compared to $16.7 million over the same period last year (3Q 2012).
The increase was led by higher revenue growth contributed by better tenants’ sales and higher rental reversions at CapitaMall Xizhimen, CapitaMall Wangjing and CapitaMall Saihan, that offset the absence of contributions from CapitaMall Minzhongleyuan which is currently undergoing asset enhancement works.
Distribution per unit (DPU) for 3Q 2013 was 2.26 cents. Based on an annualised DPU of 8.97 cents and CRCT’s closing price of $1.395 per unit on 22 October 2013, the annualised distribution yield is 6.4%.
Tony Tan, CEO of CRCTML, said, “We are pleased that the multi-tenanted shopping malls in our portfolio have maintained resilient growth for the quarter under review. Excluding CapitaMall Minzhongleyuan which is closed for asset enhancement, tenants’ sales at our multi-tenanted malls grew by a healthy 10.1%. This is a reflection of the value that we can create through proactive asset management. We are confident that the asset enhancement works underway since July 2013 at CapitaMall Minzhongleyuan will set the foundation for strong future growth. We have already secured leasing commitments and are also in advanced negotiations with other retailers, which together account for nearly 60.0% of the total net lettable area.”
“As for our proposed acquisition of Grand Canyon Mall, we have submitted the application to the Chinese government and we expect to receive official approval before year-end. The target NPI yield3 of the mall in the longer term is 7.0% to 8.0%. Following the expected completion of the acquisition by the first quarter of next year, we can further maximise the potential of this mall and enhance returns to our unitholders.” 本帖最后由 icy97 于 28-10-2013 01:10 AM 编辑
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发表于 7-11-2013 03:44 AM
CRCT to acquire Grand Canyon Mall in Beijing for $368mil
Source: The Edge | Publish date: Wed, 6 Nov 09:55
The manager of CapitaRetail China Trust said it has signed an agreement with CapitaMalls Asia to acquire Grand Canyon Mall in Beijing.
Grand Canyon Mall is an operating mall located along the South Third Ring West Road in Beijing’s up-and-coming south region.
Open since August 2010, Grand Canyon Mall enjoys an average monthly footfall of more than 1 million. Within a 5-kilometre radius, the mall serves a catchment of more than 650,000 people. Popular international and local brands at Grand Canyon Mall include Carrefour, Poly Cinema, H&M, Gap, Sephora and Watsons.
Including acquisition-related expenses, the total investment cost for the mall is expected to be about RMB1.82 billion ($367.5 million), or about RMB26,000 ($5,249) per square metre based on total gross floor area, excluding car park.
The mall has been valued at RMB1.83 billion ($369.4 million) as at 15 April 2013 by CBRE, an independent property valuer.
Tony Tan, CEO of CRCTML, said, “As our tenth mall in China and fifth in Beijing, Grand Canyon Mall entrenches our presence in the capital city, which is also the country’s biggest retail market. This acquisition, as well as the asset enhancement at CapitaMall Minzhongleyuan which will be completed in the second quarter of next year, will provide a strong foundation for growth from next year.”
To partly finance the acquisition of the mall, CRCT has launched an equity fund raising on 23 October 2013 for the issue of 45.4 million new units at $1.30 per unit through a non-renounceable preferential offering to its existing unitholders. CRCT plans to raise gross proceeds of about $59 million. The preferential offering commenced yesterday and will close next Wednesday, 13 November 2013. As the preferential offering is fully underwritten and additional bank debt has been secured, CRCT targets to complete the acquisition by the end of this year.
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发表于 9-2-2014 01:23 AM
文: 王秋莹 (译:伍丽芳) 2014年02月03日 企业摘要
凯德商用中国信托(CapitaRetail China Trust, CRCT)在上周五公布了其全年业绩,其总收入增长4.9%至1亿6,010万元,净产业收入提高3.4%至1亿零300万元。在第四季度里,CRCT的总收入上升8.9%至4,120万元,净产业收入则上扬6.6%至2,580万元。
鉴于CRCT所有的资产将于今年下半年全面营运,CRCT预计将在未来达到新的里程碑。其股价在上周五以1.305元开盘,较其之前的1.295元最后交易价高,它也正以低于其1.48元净资产值的价位交易。CRCT宣布派发每单位0.0433元的股息(2013年7月至12月),使其2013年的每单位派息提高至0.0902元。根据CRCT的2013年12月31日收盘价,其单位收益率为6.8%。 |
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发表于 27-4-2014 04:29 AM
CapitaRetail China Trust's announces 1Q DPU of $19.6 mil
Source: The Edge | Publish date: Thu, 24 Apr 08:40
The manager of CapitaRetail China Trust (CRCT) announced that it recorded distributable income of $19.6 million for the period from 1 January to 31 March 2014 (1Q 2014), an increase of 13.2% over the $17.3 million for 1Q 2013.
Distribution per unit (DPU) for 1Q 2014 was 2.40 cents, an increase of 3.9% from a year ago. On a quarter-on-quarter basis, DPU for 1Q 2014 grew 9.1% over 4Q 2013, as CapitaMall Grand Canyon made its first full quarter contribution.
Based on an annualised DPU of 9.73 cents and CRCT’s closing price of $1.46 per unit on 23 April 2014, the annualised distribution yield for 1Q 2014 was 6.7%. |
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