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About Us
From April 2011, the new one-million tonnes heavy oil conversion facility has been completed and commenced operation. This enlarge the products range especially gasoline, diesel and naphthan, also increase our total fractionation capacity by another 300,000 tonnes thus giving the Group a total fractionation of raw LPG capacity of 650,000 tonnes.
We are also the downstream petrochemical producer principally engaged in the fractionation of raw LPG for the production and sale of propylene, polypropylene and LPG. We have an annual capacity to process approximately 350,000 tonnes of raw LPG for the production of LPG and propylene. We are able to further process part of our propylene into 50,000 tonnes of polypropylene.
Our production facilities are strategically located at the Dongming Petrochem Industrial Zone, which is located within one of the PRC’s largest oilfields, Zhongyuan Oilfield . The area has developed infrastructure and is rich in energy resources, such as oil and natural gas.
With our capacity to process 1-million tonnes of heavy oil and 650,000 tonnes of raw LPG per annum, we are one of the largest petrochemical producers within the 400km radius of our production facilities and have the capability to produce a stable supply of petrochemical products. Hence, we are able to attract and retain customers with higher demand volume and constant need for gasoline, diesel, propylene, polypropylene and LPG.
Our various polypropylene products are sold and marketed under our registered trade mark of “Hengchang (恒昌)”.
Name of Announcer * | SINOSTAR PEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | Company Registration No. | 200609833N | Announcement submitted on behalf of | SINOSTAR PEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | Announcement is submitted with respect to * | SINOSTAR PEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | Announcement is submitted by * | Fan Dengchao | Designation * | CEO and Executive Director | Date & Time of Broadcast | 14-Aug-2013 20:11:49 | Announcement No. | 00302 |
The details of the announcement start here ... |
For the Financial Period Ended * | 30-06-2013 | Description | Please refer to the attached. |
楼主 |
发表于 23-3-2014 04:01 AM
每日头条 | 2014年03月20日
中星石化控股(Sinostar Pec Holdings)旗下的东明恒昌化工(Dongming Hengchang Petrochemcial Co)将以8,960万人民币收购其持有51%股权的子公司东明润昌(Dongming Runchang)的石化业务。东明恒昌化工同时也将以3亿2,730万人民币把其在东明润昌的股权脱售给菏泽龙鼎投资(Heze Long Ding Investment)。中星石化控股拟把1亿1,530万人民币的净收益用于日后的业务发展、投资及收购。 |
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