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发表于 22-2-2014 11:59 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A seriesof recent blunt statements from U.S.officials have left no doubt that Washingtonblames China's maritimeexpansionism for rising tensions in Asia. Now,America'smain ally in the region needs to hear a similarly forthright message.


Japan had been clamoring for the U.S. to speak out more forcefully after China imposedan “air-defense identification zone” over a set of islands claimed by bothcountries. Officials in Tokyohave warned that anyhint of daylight between Americansand Japanese only encourages further bullying from the mainland. For that samereason, U.S. officials havetempered their criticism of statements and actions by Japanese leaders that irkChina,not to mention other victims of Japanese aggression during World War II.


Thiscircumspection is becoming counterproductive. Since China imposed its air-defenseidentification zone in November, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has visitedthe deeply controversial Yasukuni shrine, which honors, along with millions offallen soldiers from various conflicts, 14 Class A war criminals from World WarII. What's more, several of Abe's nominees to the board of the statebroadcaster NHK have made appallingly retrograde comments that Abe has declinedto disavow. One claimed the horrific 1937 Nanjing Massacre never took place,while another pooh-poohed complaints that the Japanese military had exploitedthousands of women from Koreaand elsewhere as sex slaves during the war. Other Abe allies are busily tryingto rewrite textbooks to downplay Japan's wartime brutality.


Japaneseofficials seem unconcerned with the impression all this creates abroad, arguingthat relations with Chinaand even with fellow U.S.ally South Koreacan hardly get worse, and in any case are unlikely to improve so long asnationalists remain in power in those countries. A more conciliatory Japaneseattitude, they are convinced, would only prompt endless humiliating demandsfrom Beijing and Seoul.


Worse, Japan seems to be taking U.S. backing for granted. Abe wentto Yasukuni even after Vice President Joe Biden quietly urged him not to.Details of their conversation were then strategically leaked, presumably toshowcase Abe's defiant stance. In private, Japanese officials snipe about theBarack Obama administration’s alleged unreliability. Anything other than unstintingsupport for Japanis taken as a lack of backbone.


The U.S. shouldpush back, and less gently than usual. President Obama's trip to Asia in April is an opportunity for the White House notonly to reaffirm its disapproval of Chinese adventurism but also to make clearthat Abe’s provocations are threatening stability in the region, and damagingthe U.S.-Japan alliance.


Thiswon’t change many minds inside Abe’s inner circle, of course. But most Japaneseare acutely sensitive to any hint of U.S. displeasure. (Nearly 70percent of respondents to one poll called on Abe to heed the negative reactionto his Yasukuni visit, which included a mild expression of “disappointment”from U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy.) Voters threw out Abe once before whenhe let nationalist obsessions distract him from minding the economy. Sustaineddomestic pressure is needed to rein him in again.


Abe isnot necessarily wrong to want to make Japan a more muscular nation -- torejuvenate its economy, open up its society and normalize its self-defenseforces. A more robust Japanese military could play a bigger role in promotingglobal and regional stability -- whether through anti-piracy patrols orpeacekeeping missions -- and come to the defense of its allies. InflamingChinese and Korean sensitivities helps achieve none of those goals.


All itdoes is raise the likelihood of conflict in the region. That Abe's recentactions and comments may be less dangerous than China’s adventurism is beside thepoint. He’s eroding the international goodwill that Japan has built up over decades asa responsible democracy -- all for no good reason. If he can’t see that forhimself, perhaps the U.S.-- and his own citizens -- can help him.


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 楼主| 发表于 23-2-2014 12:00 AM | 显示全部楼层
PatrickInBeijing •an hour ago
Knowing some history might help. At the end of WW2, China was still in the midst of it'srevolution. It never gave up its claim to the islands (nor did Korea, nor Russia, the Russians actuallyoccupied theirs!). The question then was whether Japan should be allowed to profitin any way from it's WW2 actions, which keeping islands taken as war bootywould amount to. The US wasmainly interested in using Japanas a bulwark against Chinese communism. So it came with a "kick the can down the road" idea. This was to let Japan"administer" the islands for the indefinite future, while notresolving their final status. Chinawent along. Okay, this was fine until Japan announced that it had boughtthe islands from a private owner. Can you buy something that belongs to someoneother than the person selling it? Generally, no. This "purchase" wasa round about way by Japanof cementing their claim to not just administrating, but owning the islands. China,naturally, was outraged. It cemented it's own claim by establishing the airdefense zone. Japanpretended that this was shocking and new (when it had been in the works for anumber of years with Japanese awareness) and it and the US protested.Did the USknow what was going on? It certainly should have. (Warning, it is dangerous topivot to a place while maintaining your ignorance, history tends to be unforgivingof such foolishness).
Why does the US care? The US needs anenemy, a big and scary one. Otherwise it might need to reduce the size of itsmilitary (bigger than all the rest of the world combined). There are reallyonly three possible places that qualify, Russia,Iran and China. China works best. So the US defense establishment is busy looking forissues to make Chinalook warlike and scary so that it can get more money. Abe wants Japan to rearm, so making China a bigscary enemy suits him too. And just as in Iraq(and Vietnam (Gulf of Tonkin anyone?)) the media mostly line up like sheep andrepeat the myths. If the American people buy them, we are in trouble.


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 楼主| 发表于 23-2-2014 12:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
John Akwils •3 hours ago
contrary to the European countries, Japan,the US, China never colonized any country.


nvtncs •6 hours ago
Here is the problem, clear as day, that the stupid, stupid Americans can notsee:
In 20, 30 years, if Chinese internal problems which are enormous, are solved,the USA will be a third order nation and China will rule the world, and theworld will know an era of slavery and darkness.
Remember, in all its 6000 years of history, the Chinese people have NEVER knownFREEDOM, NOT EVER.
This is what's awaiting mankind IF China under communism, becomes the solesuperpower.
Right NOW the situation is: the American people are so impoverished that theyhave to BORROW money from the CHINESE to BUY CHINESE-made junk!!!!!!
Americans jobs are mostly Wal Mart and MacDonald jobs.
The American government is so stupid that it borrows money from the Chinese tofinance the catastrophic Iraqand Afghan wars.
Why all this? Because of American capitalism and Chinese communism collusionand exploitation of the Chinese people cheap labor.
Americans need to wake up and find out who are their real friends and who aretheir enemies.
This whack-a-mole "war" against Arab terrorists is like the fightbetween the elephant and the mosquito, while China licks its chops watching it.In the end, the elephant dies.
It's like barking up the wrong tree; the real tree is: China is the enemy.


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 楼主| 发表于 23-2-2014 12:02 AM | 显示全部楼层
rajeev.tutu •7 hours ago
The Americans should have finished the aggressive Japanese in ww2 so they don'thave to deal with the thorny issue in Asia today where everyone is once againconcerned about the rise of the old barbaric imperial army of Japan that killedmillions of allied solders across Asia and Pearl Harbour. It doesn't look likethe younger Japanese learn their past history in their school text books, I'mafraid we may see Japanese stir up a stupid war once again. If another war everoccurs, we sure know how to deal with it this time around.


JohnnySmith0  @rajeev.tutu •6 hours ago   -1
Japanis not likely to start a war any time soon. Despite all the nationalistnonsense lately, the majority of the population are still anti-war. Actuallyyou might say that starting an all-out war is impossible in this day and age.What you might see are little conflicts here and there. But that doesn't meanthat we can ignore these issues.


FrankSchirmer  @JohnnySmith0 • 2 hours ago   +1
But the Japanese population have no power whatsoever, because they know what adangerous country Japan still is for anyone trying to make a change. They havenever risen up against their leaders, who are still the same "oldfamilies" like hundreds of years ago. Only nowadays, they are not called"Shogun" anymore, but "Ministers" or "CEOs".
Japanmust never be trusted for that reason.


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 楼主| 发表于 23-2-2014 12:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
nvtncs  @rajeev.tutu •6 hours ago
You, rajeev.tutu, are the barbaric one!!!!
How do you advise the Americans to kill off 80 million Japanese? Gas them???Nuke them all???
That's what you meant by "finished" isn't it?
And who is stirring trouble in South East Asiaat this moment????
The Japanese?
Who's raising thorny issues in Asia? ask theTibetans, the Vietnamese, the Filipinos, the Malays, the Indians!!!
Your name is rajeev, but it is doubtful you are an Indian or if you were, youare abysmally uninformed.
The Japanese paid their adventurism with 2 A bombs, the Vietnamese children arestill being born with deformities because of Agent orange. Who isbarbaric??????


FrankSchirmer  @nvtncs • 2 hours ago
The Japanese thug leadership is busy "stirring trouble" behind thescenes, trying to make good relations with South Asian and African countriesand do criminal things behind the scenes, while smiling to your face.
The Chinese do this too, but we need to understand that both Japan and China must never be trusted becausethey both share the same criminal, 3rd-world tradition of anti-democracy. Theonly difference is China isnot hiding their evil business but Japanis lying 24/7 while having the same thugocracy as China.


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 楼主| 发表于 23-2-2014 12:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
commentsontrash •10 hours ago
I lived through World War II and was about five years too young to join theArmy. I saw how brutal that Japanwas in the war. A man from our neighborhood in his early 20's, a very goodbaseball player, was captured by Japan. He was tortured and brutallykilled in their prison camp where he was working. A lot of us older people whowere alive during the war remember what the Japanese did. We always vote,unlike many of the other pro-Japanese traitors to our country who wrotecomments on this section. And, we will never vote for a anyone who thinks thatAbe is our friend.


Frank Schirmer  @commentsontrash •2 hours ago
Thank you. Whoever has witnessed Japanese society for a while will understandhow barbaric it still is, especially towards non-Japanese. You must spread theword. We all must spread the word about Japanese culture before it is too late.



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 楼主| 发表于 23-2-2014 12:05 AM | 显示全部楼层
Bill •11 hours ago
This is a rare unbiased positive editorial comments from Bloomberg on Japan and China conflicts. We need more ofthat from the mostly biased American media against China.


david  @Bill •8 hours ago
I tend to agree. But also it points to the fact that Japan's right tilt nationalistmovement has gone far enough. A case in point, a normally neutral Japanese mainmedia, called NHK, has been embarrassed by some extreme views of its new chiefas well as its new board members, all Mr. Abe's appointments. As a direct result,the US Embassy in Tokyo and the USAmbassador have just issued a rare refusal to NHK's request for interview. Thisis unprecedented, especially if one considers Japanan ally of the US.It seems more messages like this are headed to Japan's way.


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 楼主| 发表于 23-2-2014 12:08 AM | 显示全部楼层
JohnnySmith0  @david • 6 hours ago
You've got to be kidding. It's the US that planted people like Abe inthe first place. The USdestroyed a liberal party that broke off 50-year-rule of a conservative partyin Japan, because it triedto become more independent from the USand get closer to China and Asia. Of course the US had a problem with that, sotheir leaders were quickly taken care off via constant persistent attacks.
The UShas always been playing these kind of manipulative games for some time. The US plants and supports dictators in the MiddleEast in the 80s to fight the Russians, and now they're "terrorists"and the USis suddenly the hero for fighting those evil terrorists. We've heard of thisbefore.


FrankSchirmer  @JohnnySmith0 • 2 hours ago
You are right - the US didsome very stupid things with Japanin and after WWII. They did not pressure Japan into really changing fromtheir fascist ways, so the Japanese thought they did nothing wrong and werejust a victim. Therefore, all the evil structures that Japan is built on survived, keepingthe evil families in place, hiding behind a pseudo-democracy. But the fact isthat Japanis still ruled by dark forces, organised crime, and could be changed intofascism again with very little effort.
The US Administration of today can't change Japan on a very basic level anymore- only after another war there would be another chance to make Japan a realdemocracy and teach them that their ideas of racial superiority have no placein the modern world. The USblew their one chance back then, and has set Japan on a dangerous course ofdestruction, only to have a wall against communism which will turn out to be ajoke once Japanese fascism will be back in effect.



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 楼主| 发表于 23-2-2014 12:09 AM | 显示全部楼层
FrankSchirmer  @rajeev.tutu • 2 hours ago
The Japanese population do not learn about their history, because the evilforces in Japan have never been eradicated and still get to say what isincluded in history books, shown on television, etc. Japan is not a free democraticcountry - it is a top-down patriarchic oligarchy with a totalitarian medialandscape.
The only country resembling Japan today is North Korea in terms of how littleoutside information is allowed, and how news are skewed to fit into thenarrative the Japanese thug leadership wants to mediate.
Japanhas better shopping than NK, but in terms of what the Japanese population knowsabout the outside world and their own country, it is very alike.


scottabc  @JohnWeil • 11 hours ago
Hey John thats nice that you've started reading about history but keep in mindthat things arent as simple as you make them out to be. Also its past yourbedtime and sixth graders have to set their own alarm clocks. Have a good dayin school tomorrow!

John Weil,很高兴看到你说你开始学习历史了,但是请记住,事情可不是你想让它们简单,它们就那么简单。上床时间已经到了,六年级生都要设好闹铃。希望你明天在学校度过美好的一天!:)

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 楼主| 发表于 23-2-2014 12:10 AM | 显示全部楼层
henli1000 •14 hours ago
Shrug. So what's the problem here. China doesn't have a backbone. Thusfar, they have done nothing. Abe can spit in their face and nothing willhappen.
And he knows it.


FartolioFatso  @henli1000 • 14 hours ago
Japanis a homogeneous society with same gene pool for centuries. Japanese Emperor isthe oldest continuing hereditary monarchy in the world. The Imperial House ofJapan is not made up of messed-up DNA like British Royal Family.
Comparing Japanand her people to other nations' experiences are like comparing orange andapple.


FrankSchirmer  @Fartolio Fatso • 2 hours ago
Thank you for showing us the evil ideas that are mainstream in Japan.


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 楼主| 发表于 23-2-2014 12:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
nvtncs •14 hours ago
You people talked about Chinaand Japanfrom books and media.
I know both the Japanese and the Chinese first hand.
In 1940, the Japanese entered Indochina; theydid not kill the Vietnamese. The French surrendered in 1 month and the Japaneselet the French continue to administer Indochina.
In 1979, the Chinese invaded 6 Vietnamese provinces. They destroyed everysingle brick in all the cities in those 6 provinces. They cut up Vietnamesecivilian women and children into pieces and threw the pieces in the villagecommunal wells.
But here are some facts that even you should know:
Since 1945, the Japanese lived in peace with the world.
In 1950, the Chinese helped N Korea invade S Koreaand fight the United Nations.
In 1950, the Chinese communists invaded and annexed Tibet.
from 1954 on, the Chinese helped the Communist N Vietnamese invade S Vietnamand propped the N Vietnamese in the Vietnam war against the US.
In 1989, the Chinese communists massacred their own people and their ownstudents b/c these folks had the gall to ask for freedom, a basic human right.
The Chinese communists jail their own Nobel peace laureate.
In 2013, the Chinese communists claim that the entire SouthSea belongs to China, and all fishing vessels from all nations,if they wish to fish in the South Sea, must obtain China's permission.
Those are facts that you should know.
And now, you call them friends? You deserve to die at their hands. Mark myword, they will take you over, not by force of arms, but gradually,imperceptibly, through economics; already many of your politicians are in theirpockets.
Your people are too fat, too lazy and obsessed with football and beer. Andhere's another thing: while most Japanese would die defending their country,lots and lots of Chinese only dream about moving to America.
Now, like they say, can you handle the truth????


MH  @nvtncs •9 hours ago
I think you've over-simplified your facts and related history:
(1) The Japanese did not kill the Vietnamese, not because they were nice. Itwas because the French surrendered Indochinaand the Vietnamese was too weak or too chicken... any way you want to say it...to fight. Japanese was using the slogan of "you fight, you die" toscare away the Vietnamese. You should admire the courage of the Chinese, Koreanand Filipino who stood up to protect their countries.
(2) Chinese were helping N. Korea to fight theU.N.. Did you hear of the Bay of Pig invasion of Cuba? same thing here. As the U.S. didn't want Russiato have a "mad dog" at its doorstep, Chinaalso needed to build a buffer zone between itself and S. Korea and Japan.That was the Cold War period.
(3) Forget about the Tiananmen Square massacrein 1989. Fast backward to the S. Vietnamese regime of Ngo Dinh Diem, Cao Kyand Nguyen Min Thieu. They did a lot of assassination of rival politicians,students and labor unions, etc... The only difference was they did it in covertaction and no one knew about it.

1、  日本人不杀越南人,可不是因为他们心地好。那是因为法国人投降了,越南人在。。用你的话说是。。战斗方面。。。实在太弱太没用。日本人用“反抗者必死”的口号来恐吓越南人。你应该钦佩那些敢于站出来保卫自己国家的中国人、朝鲜人和菲律宾人的勇气。
2、  中国人帮助北朝鲜与联合国作战。。。你听说过猪湾事件么?情况差不多。正如同美国人不希望俄罗斯人在自己家门口放条“疯狗”一样,中国同样在她与韩国和日本之间建筑一个战略缓冲区。那时候可是冷战时期。
3、  忘掉TA门广场事件吧。看看吴廷琰、Cao Ky和Nguyen Min Thieu的南越政权。他们对政治对手、学生和工会等等,实施了很多暗杀行动。。。唯一不同的是,他们是在暗地里做这些,没有人知道。


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 楼主| 发表于 23-2-2014 12:13 AM | 显示全部楼层
moose •19 hours ago
Like most articles in the U.S. press, the issue of the post WWII treaties isnot even mentioned. Seehttp://www.chinausfocus.com/fo.... In the Potsdamtreaty ‘Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu,Shikoku and such minor islands as wedetermine’. This article does not claim that China has the best claim to theseislands. Unfortunately, many in the press are eager to follow the militaryindustrial/chicken hawk line on this for reasons that are not in the collectiveinterest of US/China/Japan. None of us can afford a major war. The cost inmoney and lives, while tragic, would pale compared to the possibility ofextended economic dislocation. I think that China,Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan should share whatever fruitsthe area has to offer. Japancan do this to atone (in a small way) for their repulsive actions during WWII.If Japandoesn't want to agree to this, let the other three nations share it. Just readabout the rape of Nanjing.If the Japanese had done to the USwhat they did to China,there probably wouldn't be any Japanese left alive right now.



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