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原帖由 Mr.Business 于 6-3-2008 09:55 AM 发表
美国和欧洲等国的信贷资金市场持续紧缩,基本上没有人愿意借钱,发行的债券也非常不销,以至英国从8月以来没有发行哪怕一个junk bond.
[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 6-3-2008 10:07 AM 编辑 ] |
楼主 |
发表于 4-1-2008 02:38 PM
Sears,JC Penney以至历史悠久,用M作为symbol的Macy等百货公司的股价大跌,虽然这三家公司的帐目都还没有出现亏损数字,但是股价已经跌去50%了.
而utility的delinquency rate在目前美国是12%.随着零售业进入不景气,更多人迟还和停止还电水单,将会导致已经属于微利行业的utility进入亏损,而股价也大跌.
而medical作为传统的支柱产业,所谓病了,基本都是被迫要吃药,在经济总体不景的情况下,medical service provider可能不会,或者说最迟有事,而medical device provider就会因为医院减少资本开销而生意不景,进而股价下滑.
当前最热行业solar energy sector(几个月涨了几倍)在很短日子里面也会降温. |
楼主 |
发表于 9-1-2008 11:04 AM
现在的google,apple和solar energy领域是调整还是转势下跌?
这是目前各个投资者应当思考的问题. |
楼主 |
发表于 23-1-2008 01:52 PM
由于美国人的储蓄率是-0.5%,也就是平均来说,每月还要靠信用卡来支钱应付开销.所以目前美国人的消费能力已经被透支,加上房地产价格崩溃后,美国人失去了用home equity支钱的管道,导致消费非常不景.Sears,JC Penney和Macy等department stores的股价大跌.
而目前以Ipod而气势如虹的Apple,股价也往下转,对经济周期非常敏感的semi-conductor行业,也纷纷降低未来的capital expenditure.Intel也因为outlook不好,股价往下,造成目前IT产业的跌势有超越Finance的迹象.
而投资大众对熊市的态度是,往往都要等到它们就快要结束的时候,才意识到它的确实存在和很有可能继续跌下去. |
发表于 23-1-2008 02:46 PM
2001-07-05 牛 市 ,熊 市 , 重 要 的 三 个 月
投 资 股 市 我 们 要 接 受 一 个 事 实 , 那 就 是 没 有 人 可 以 每 次 都 准 确 的 预 测 股 市 的 走 向 。
我 接 受 这 个 事 实 , 所 以 我 并 不 要 求 能 够 准 确 的 预 测 股 市 走 向 , 我 只 希 望 能 够 取 得 六 成 的 胜 算 就 可 以 了 。
但 是 我 却 绝 对 相 信 股 市 是 有 它 的 规 律 性 的 , 那 就 是 牛 市, 熊 市 来 回 的 走 动 。
世 间 没 有 永 远 的 牛 市 , 也 没 有 永 远 的 熊 市 。
不 管 牛 市 , 熊 市 , 时 间 一 到 就 要 结 束 。
问 题 是 我 们 不 知 道 那 个 时 间 而 已 。
投 资 者 的 通 病 :
大 牛 市 时 被 胜 利 冲 昏 了 头 , 忘 记 了 股 市 也 有 母 熊 当 道 的 时 候 。
到 醒 觉 时 财 富 已 经 蒸 发 了 。
大 熊 市 时 被 失 败 吓 破 了 胆 , 忘 记 了 股 市 也 有 公 牛 当 道 的 时 候 。
到 醒 觉 时 财 富 已 经 飞 走 了 。
所 以 如 何 捕 捉 牛 熊 的 踪 影 , 就 成 为 股 市 专 家 共 同 追 求 的 目 标 。
美 国 有 一 位 股 票 大 师 JOE BLACK 有 一 套 简 单 的 方 法 可 以 在 大 牛 市 中 寻 找 母 熊 的 足 迹 。
同 样 的 方 法 也 可 以 用 来 在 大 熊 市 中 寻 找 公 牛 的 足 迹 。
虽 然 方 法 简 单 , 但 是 可 靠 性 却 很 高 , 所 以 是 我 用 来 预 测 股 市 的 方 法 之 一 。
JOE BLACK 的 方 法 如 下 :
JOE BLACK 认 为 没 有 人 可 以 准 确 的 预 测 股 市 的 顶 点 和 谷 底 。
但 是 人 们 却 可 以 在 顶 点 和 谷 底 发 生 后 尽 快 的 知 道 它 已 经 发 生 了 。
这 点 很 重 要 :
因 为 我 们 可 以 在 顶 点 来 临 后 不 久 就 离 场 , 把 亏 损 的 机 会 减 少 。
同 样 的 我 们 也 可 以 在 谷 底 来 临 后 不 久 就 进 场 , 把 获 利 的 机 会 提 高 。
怎 样 做 到 这 点 呢 ?
方 法 如 下 :
如 果 股 市 从 低 点 回 升 , 我 们 就 把 那 个 低 点 当 做 起 点 , 开 始 寻 找 新 的 高 点 。
每 个 新 高 点 我 们 就 给 它 三 个 月 的 时 间 , 如 果 在 这 三 个 月 期 间 内 指 数 无 法 突 破 那 个 高 点 ,我 们 就 可 以 假 设 股 市 是 在 往 下 走 了 。
例 如 :
股 市 在 牛 市 期 间 , 指 数 节 节 往 上 升 。 没 有 人 可 以 知 道 股 市 会 上 到 多 高 。 所 以 我 们 就 把 当 时 的 最 高 点 列 为 新 高 点 , 然 后 给 它 三 个 月 的 时 间 。 如 果 三 个 月 内 指 数 都 无 法 再 突 破 那 个 新 高 点 , 那 么 我 们 就 可 以 假 设 那 个 新 高 点 已 经 是 最 高 的了 。 也 就 是 说 , 股 市 已 经 从 那 天 开 始 往 下 走 了 , 是 离 场 的 时 候 了 !
这 个 方 法 可 以 帮 助 我 们 在 股 市 的 顶 点 过 后 的 三 个 月 就 离 场 。
举 个 例 子 :
综 合 指 数 最 后 的 新 高 是 18/2/2000 的1013 点 。 如 果 用 这 方 法 我 们 离 场 的 时 间 就 是 所 个 月 后 , 也 就 是18/5/2000 的 那 一 天 , 当 时 的 指 数 是950 点 。
看 看 今 天 的 598 点 , 我 们 就 可 以 知 道 这 方 法 的 可 爱 之 处 。
如 果 股 市 从 高 点 回 退 , 我 们 就 把 那 个 高 点 当 做 起 点 , 开 始 寻 找 新 的 低 点 。 每 个 新 低 点 我 们 就 给 它 三 个 月 的 时 间 , 如 果 在 这 三 个 月 期 间 指 数 无 法 跌 破 那 个 低 点 , 我 们 就 可 以 假 设 股 市 是 在 往 上 走 了 。 这 个 方 法 可 以 帮 助 我 们 在 股 市 的 低 点 过 后 的 三 个 月 就 进 场 。
例 如 :
股 市 在 熊 市 期 间 , 指 数 节 节 往 下 跌 。 没 有 人 可 以 知 道 股 市 会 跌 到 多 低 。 所 以 我 们 就 把 当 时 的 最 低 点 列 为 新 低 点 , 然 后 给 它 三 个 月 的 时 间 。 如 果 三 个 月 内 指 数 都 无 法 再 跌 破 那 个 新 低 点 , 那 么 我 们 就 可 以 假 设 那 个 新 低 点 已 经 是 最 低 的 了 。 也 就 是 说 , 股 市 已 经 从 那 天 开 始 往 上 走 了 , 是 进 场 的 时 候 了 !
举 个 例 子 :
综 合 指 数 最 近 的 新 低 是 9/4/2001 的553.34 点 。 今 天 的 指 数 是598.14点 , 如 果 至9/7/2001 那 一 天 指 数 都 没 有 跌 破553.34 点 , 那 么9/7/2001 那 天 就 是 我 们 进 场 的 时 候 了 。
因 为 已 满 三 个 月 , 有 很 大 的 可 能 指 数 已 经 开 始 往 上 爬 了 !
当 然 如 果 这 几 天 指 数 又 跌 破553.34 点 , 那 么 我 们 又 得 从 跌 破 的 那 天 开 始 算 起 , 多 等 三 个 月 。
注 :
以 上 的 例 子 是 以 每 日 综 合 指 数 的 闭 市 点 为 标 准 , 不 计 当 天 的 最 高 和 最 低 点 。 |
发表于 23-1-2008 03:06 PM
我也怀疑降息的整体效果,不过在若干较微观的经济领域内,如困恼美国的subprime 房贷中如何阻止更多的违约,再贷款(refinancing)~需要更低利息才有吸引力~是其中方案(虽说不是永久)。
另外一点我觉得注意的,曾经2000年dotcombubble 爆破后Fed 连续性降息(2001-2003),资金流动性在那期间大增进,在2006全球荣景应该是那一轮降息狂热的结果。。当然在那期间股市(2001-2003)是向南走。。
我想FED降息是关注经济多于股市,明眼人应该了解并且开始筹备。。 |
发表于 23-1-2008 04:36 PM
2001-10-10 小牛还没死
所以今天我们还是要承认这只小牛还没死 !
(请参阅我过去的发表 :牛市,熊市,重要的三 个月。)
911 事件发生到今天已经是一个月了,KLCI最低是跌到599点。(用闭市的点数来计算)
如果利用“三个月的理论”来计算,只要KLCI可以在7/12/2001,也就是911事件发生了的三 个月内,重登697点的高峰,这个牛市的上升轨道就算是完整无损的了。
就让我们拭目以待吧! |
发表于 23-1-2008 07:55 PM
减息是否对现今全球经济有好处?希望有大大能出手,或给一些宝贵的意见 |
发表于 23-1-2008 08:16 PM
Jan. 23 (Bloomberg) -- European stocks and U.S. index futures declined after European Central Bank President Jean- Claude Trichet said he's committed to fighting inflation, damping optimism that borrowing costs may drop anytime soon.
A surprise interest-rate cut by the Federal Reserve lifted shares in Asia to their biggest advance in five months. Stocks reversed earlier gains in Europe after Trichet's comments, led by BHP Billiton Ltd., Eni SpA and HBOS Plc. The Bank of England said today consumer prices may rise at a faster pace this year. Apple Inc. slid in Germany after its forecast missed analysts' estimates. ....... |
发表于 23-1-2008 08:19 PM
发表于 23-1-2008 08:19 PM
Jan. 23 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. stock market may fall another 4 percent to account for the possibility of a recession, according to strategists at Bank of America Corp., A.G. Edwards and Strategas Research Partners LLC.
Thomas McManus, the chief investment strategist at Bank of America, and A.G. Edwards's Al Goldman say a drop in the Standard & Poor's 500 Index to as low as 1,250 would signal shares are priced for a contraction in the world's biggest economy. Jason Trennert of Strategas says the index needs to decline to 1,260 to ``fully discount'' a recession. |
发表于 23-1-2008 08:24 PM
必杀技常用的话,“血”会不够的。打game的人都知道。![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
发表于 23-1-2008 08:35 PM
在这里反复的复习很久--在咀嚼着大大们的分享--许多-许多--需要一些新元素放进去作对比消化。。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 10-2-2008 06:11 PM
Global decoupling理论接近破产.
Decoupling and the stock market declines of January 2008Decoupling holds that European and Asian economies, especially emerging ones, have broadened and deepened to the point that they no longer depend on the United States for growth, leaving them insulated from a severe slowdown there, even a fully fledged recession. Faith in the concept has generated strong outperformance for stocks outside the United States. In January 2008 as fears of recession mounted in the United States, stocks declined heavily. Contrary to what the decouplers would have expected, the losses were greater outside the United States, with the worst experienced in emerging markets and developed economies like Germany and Japan. Exports make up especially large portions of economic activity in those places, but that was not supposed to matter anymore in a decoupled world because domestic activity was thought to be so robust.[1]
基本上,论财务上面的标准,rbs,hsbc,barclay等都比美国的citibank,wells fargo好,但是它们近来的跌势却和citibank,wells fargo等相当,wells fargo甚至激烈反弹.
虽然这个global decoupling的理论还有些许equity的存在,但是如果在半年内不给予扭转的话.这个2007年风行一时的理论可以宣告信用破产了.
看新加坡的股市跌到比美国Dow Jones还厉害.明显,目前电子产品还没有露出显著的定单下滑,和新加坡目前的内需也很强盛.
[ 本帖最后由 hoollly 于 15-4-2008 07:23 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 10-2-2008 09:50 PM
毕竟美国已经雄霸地球几十年了 |
发表于 11-2-2008 10:35 AM
美国焦头烂额,欧洲德国经济却不错。![](static/image/smiley/default/3laugh.gif) |
发表于 11-2-2008 01:46 PM
回复 1# hoollly 的帖子
个人认为内需强不强劲和股市高低,在短期内,没有直接关系,所以,这样比较,意义不大。 |
楼主 |
发表于 13-2-2008 03:07 PM
本年度唯一一篇商学院教授有意义的文章.Stern Business School教授Nouriel Roubini所写.
The Twelve Steps to Financial Disaster
The Rising Risk of a Systemic Financial Meltdown:
by Nouriel Roubini
Why did the Fed ease the Fed Funds rate by a whopping 125bps in eight days this past January? It is true that most macro indicators are heading south and suggesting a deep and severe recession that has already started. But the flow of bad macro news in mid-January did not justify, by itself, such a radical inter-meeting emergency Fed action followed by another cut at the formal FOMC meeting.
To understand the Fed actions one has to realize that there is now a rising probability of a "catastrophic" financial and economic outcome, i.e. a vicious circle where a deep recession makes the financial losses more severe and where, in turn, large and growing financial losses and a financial meltdown make the recession even more severe. The Fed is seriously worried about this vicious circle and about the risks of a systemic financial meltdown.
That is the reason the Fed had thrown all caution to the wind - after a year in which it was behind the curve and underplaying the economic and financial risks - and has taken a very aggressive approach to risk management; this is a much more aggressive approach than the Greenspan one in spite of the initial views that the Bernanke Fed would be more cautious than Greenspan in reacting to economic and financial vulnerabilities.
To understand the risks that the financial system is facing today I present the "nightmare" or "catastrophic" scenario that the Fed and financial officials around the world are now worried about. Such a scenario - however extreme - has a rising and significant probability of occurring. Thus, it does not describe a very low probability event but rather an outcome that is quite possible.
Start first with the recession that is now enveloping the US economy. Let us assume - as likely - that this recession - that already started in December 2007 - will be worse than the mild ones - that lasted 8 months - that occurred in 1990-91 and 2001. The recession of 2008 will be more severe for several reasons:
first, we have the biggest housing bust in US history with home prices likely to eventually fall 20 to 30%;
second, because of a credit bubble that went beyond mortgages and because of reckless financial innovation and securitization the ongoing credit bust will lead to a severe credit crunch;
third, US households - whose consumption is over 70% of GDP - have spent well beyond their means for years now piling up a massive amount of debt, both mortgage and otherwise;
now that home prices are falling and a severe credit crunch is emerging the retrenchment of private consumption will be serious and protracted. So let us suppose that the recession of 2008 will last at least four quarters and, possibly, up to six quarters. What will be the consequences of it?
Here are the twelve steps or stages of a scenario of systemic financial meltdown associated with this severe economic recession.
First, this is the worst housing recession in US history and there is no sign it will bottom out any time soon. At this point it is clear that US home prices will fall between 20% and 30% from their bubbly peak;
that would wipe out between $4 trillion and $6 trillion of household wealth. While the subprime meltdown is likely to cause about 2.2 million foreclosures, a 30% fall in home values would imply that over 10 million households would have negative equity in their homes and would have a big incentive to use "jingle mail" (i.e. default, put the home keys in an envelope and send it to their mortgage bank). Moreover, soon enough a few very large home builders will go bankrupt and join the dozens of other small ones that have already gone bankrupt thus leading to another free fall in home builders' stock prices that have irrationally rallied in the last few weeks in spite of a worsening housing recession.
Second, losses for the financial system from the subprime disaster are now estimated to be as high as $250 to $300 billion. But the financial losses will not be only in subprime mortgages and the related RMBS and CDOs. They are now spreading to near prime and prime mortgages as the same reckless lending practices in subprime (no down-payment, no verification of income, jobs and assets (i.e. NINJA or LIAR loans), interest rate only, negative amortization, teaser rates, etc.) were occurring across the entire spectrum of mortgages; about 60% of all mortgage origination since 2005 through 2007 had these reckless and toxic features. So this is a generalized mortgage crisis and meltdown, not just a subprime one. And losses among all sorts of mortgages will sharply increase as home prices fall sharply and the economy spins into a serious recession. Goldman Sachs now estimates total mortgage credit losses of about $400 billion; but the eventual figures could be much larger if home prices fall more than 20%. Also, the RMBS and CDO markets for securitization of mortgages - already dead for subprime and frozen for other mortgages - remain in a severe credit crunch, thus reducing further the ability of banks to originate mortgages. The mortgage credit crunch will become even more severe.
Also add to the woes and losses of the financial institutions the meltdown of hundreds of billions of off balance SIVs and conduits; this meltdown and the roll-off of the ABCP market has forced banks to bring back on balance sheet these toxic off balance sheet vehicles adding to the capital and liquidity crunch of the financial institutions and adding to their on balance sheet losses. And because of securitization the securitized toxic waste has been spread from banks to capital markets and their investors in the US and abroad, thus increasing - rather than reducing systemic risk - and making the credit crunch global.
Third, the recession will lead - as it is already doing - to a sharp increase in defaults on other forms of unsecured consumer debt: credit cards, auto loans, student loans. There are dozens of millions of subprime credit cards and subprime auto loans in the US. And again defaults in these consumer debt categories will not be limited to subprime borrowers. So add these losses to the financial losses of banks and of other financial institutions (as also these debts were securitized in ABS products), thus leading to a more severe credit crunch. As the Fed loan officers survey suggest the credit crunch is spreading throughout the mortgage market and from mortgages to consumer credit, and from large banks to smaller banks.
Fourth, while there is serious uncertainty about the losses that monolines will undertake on their insurance of RMBS, CDO and other toxic ABS products, it is now clear that such losses are much higher than the $10-15 billion rescue package that regulators are trying to patch up. Some monolines are actually borderline insolvent and none of them deserves at this point a AAA rating regardless of how much realistic recapitalization is provided. Any business that required an AAA rating to stay in business is a business that does not deserve such a rating in the first place. The monolines should be downgraded as no private rescue package - short of an unlikely public bailout - is realistic or feasible given the deep losses of the monolines on their insurance of toxic ABS products.
Next, the downgrade of the monolines will lead to another $150 of writedowns on ABS portfolios for financial institutions that have already massive losses. It will also lead to additional losses on their portfolio of muni bonds. The downgrade of the monolines will also lead to large losses - and potential runs - on the money market funds that invested in some of these toxic products. The money market funds that are backed by banks or that bought liquidity protection from banks against the risk of a fall in the NAV may avoid a run but such a rescue will exacerbate the capital and liquidity problems of their underwriters. The monolines' downgrade will then also lead to another sharp drop in US equity markets that are already shaken by the risk of a severe recession and large losses in the financial system.
Fifth, the commercial real estate loan market will soon enter into a meltdown similar to the subprime one. Lending practices in commercial real estate were as reckless as those in residential real estate. The housing crisis will lead - with a short lag - to a bust in non-residential construction as no one will want to build offices, stores, shopping malls/centers in ghost towns. The CMBX index is already pricing a massive increase in credit spreads for non-residential mortgages/loans. And new origination of commercial real estate mortgages is already semi-frozen today; the commercial real estate mortgage market is already seizing up today.
[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 6-3-2008 10:21 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 13-2-2008 04:09 PM
回复 1# hoollly 的帖子
holly大哥能把它翻译成华文吗?这里的几个大叔看到眼花,感激不尽。 |
发表于 13-2-2008 04:49 PM
回复 2# 猪哥靓 的帖子
其实这教授所提的通向金融灾难12大理由都是先前所以报道过房屋,次贷,银行siv,monolines 保险经纪等危机。。会相互影响下一一倒下。。这会造成近四分之一世纪最严重的金融灾难,他也认为fed和其他的金融机关不会成功解决这危机,并说大家应当悲观和准备最坏的局面。。 |
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