发表于 10-8-2010 05:58 AM
贩卖mp3 - 翻版, 是侵犯了1987年版权法令 - 在未经过同意私自翻印作品为商业用途。以下是法令的条文细节。
8. Derivative works.
(1) The following derivative works are protected as original works:
(a) translations, adaptations, arrangements and other transformations of works eligible for copyright; and
(b) collections of works or collections of mere data, whether in machine readable or other form, eligible for copyright which, by reason of the selection and arrangement of their contents, constitute intellectual creation.
[Am. Act A1082 - Text of subsection (b) prior to amendment read - collections of works eligible for copyright which, by reason of the selection and arrangement of their contents, constitute intellectual creation.]
(2) Protection of works referred to in subsection (1) shall be without prejudice to any protection of the existing works use "
" 9. Copyright in published editions of works.
(1) Copyright shall subsist, subject to the provisions of this Act, in every published edition of any one or more literary, artistic or musical work in the case of which either-
(a) the first publication of the edition took place in Malaysia; or
(b) the publisher of the edition was a qualified person at the date of the first publication thereof:
Provided that this subsection does not apply to an edition which reproduces the typographical arrangement of a previous edition of the same work or works.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the publisher of an edition shall be entitled to any copyright subsisting in the edition by virtue of this section.
(3) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the act restricted by the copyright subsisting by virtue of this section in an edition is the making of a reproduction of the typographical arrangement of the edition.
(4) Reproduction of the typographical arrangement of a published edition for the purposes of research, private study, criticism, review or the reporting of current events does not infringe the copyright subsisting by virtue of this section if such reproduction is compatible with fair dealing:
Provided that if such reproduction is made public it is accompanied by an acknowledgement of the title of the work and its authorship, except where the work is incidentally included in a broadcast.
(5) The Government, the National Archives, or any State Archives, the National Library, or any State library, or any public libraries and educational, scientific or professional institutions as the Minister may by order prescribe, may reproduce the typographical arrangement of a published edition without infringing the copyright subsisting by virtue of this section if such reproduction is in the public interest and is compatible with fair dealing and the provisions of any regulations."
* excerpt from Malaysia Copyright Act 1987, amendment 2002
你的朋友被提空的罪应该是刑事发案。而通常这些案件是由贸销部接获大马唱片版权公司的投诉, 而遭突击然后提控你的朋友。至于罪行方面:是看贸销部提控你朋友多少首歌曲来计算。如果最成的话,将被罚款根据每一首歌曲至少马币两千块或不超过马币两万块或监禁不超过三年或两者兼施! 以过去的案件来看,翻版案件, 大马唱片版权有限公司从未输过官司,因为他们的证据是非常的充足!
据你的口供来说,你的朋友是替他老板顶罪了。我个人觉得,这个老板还有人情味,因为还会为员工雇请律师。律师在这个情况之下, 是协助你的朋友把罚款减低。 罪肯定是定了,那得以看护方律师如何和主控管交涉。也得看主控管在这个案件的资深是多少。根据过去的案例来看,通常是会被罚款至少马币一万块就了事。 |