发表于 25-9-2009 04:31 PM
原帖由 walkman85 于 25-9-2009 03:05 PM 发表 
我想知道,因为警察写我cuai masuk simpang。。
那么我的saman最低我需要被saman多少钱?? ...
Section 79. Penalties for neglect of traffic directions and signs.
| | (1) Where a police officer in uniform or atraffic warden in uniform, is for the time being engaged in regulatingtraffic on a road, notwithstanding that any traffic sign has beenlawfully placed on or near that road, any person driving or propellingany vehicle who fails or neglects to stop the vehicle or to make itproceed in or keep to a particular line of traffic when directed so todo by such police officer or traffic warden, shall be guilty of anoffence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding fivehundred ringgit.
(2) Subject to subsection (1), where anytraffic sign has been lawfully placed on or near any road, anypedestrian or any person driving or propelling any vehicle, who failsor neglects to conform to the indication given by the sign, shall beguilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine notexceeding five hundred ringgit.
(3) In any proceedings for an offenceagainst this section, in so far as it is necessary in order toestablish the offence charged, it shall be presumed until the contraryis proved that such sign was lawfully placed under the provisions ofsection 77. |
Section 43. Careless and inconsiderate driving.
| | (1) A person who drives a motor vehicle ona road without due care and attention or without reasonableconsideration for other persons using the road shall be guilty of anoffence and shall on conviction be punished with a fine of not lessthan four thousand ringgit and not more than ten thousand ringgit andshall also be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelvemonths.
(2) The court shall, (unless for anyspecial reason it thinks fit to order otherwise), order particulars ofany conviction under this section to be endorsed on any driving licenceheld by the person convicted.
(3) On a second or subsequent convictionunder this section, the court shall exercise the power conferred bythis Part ordering that the offender shall be disqualified from holdingor obtaining a driving licence unless the court having regard to thelapse of time since the date of the previous or last previousconviction or for any other reason (which reason shall be stated in theorder), thinks fit to order otherwise, but this provision shall not beconstrued as affecting the right of the court to exercise the poweraforesaid on a first conviction.
(4) Notwithstanding subsection (1), where aperson who is a holder of a probationary driving licence is convictedunder this section, the court shall thereupon revoke his drivinglicence. |