就像游戏里说的, never give up! 不过等我把全部结局都通关后再继续好了。在gamefaqs那儿看到说可以利用丧尸+镜子的复制来练级,然后再用unlosing power 加长HP,就如你说的,练到个别能力有15K才对付她。
对了,又在问下,有什么方法储蓄游戏的钱吗?给家用给的一去不回,天 =="
还有,如果你拿到 节省EN 的device,装上后再带 no pain no gain 萝卜帽,可以实现走路普攻不费 EN。可以省下带肉的格子啦!
Once you unlock the Dark Clinic, this will be your location of choice. You
will and should come here every mission as this is the location you need to
go to modify your body.
To start, go talk to the doctor (originally a cat) to start modifying.
The first thing you should be able to see is the outline of a body with
various locked and unlocked spaces. Unlocked spaces are open spaces where you
can input chips, consisting of equipment, to add to your base stats. The more
chips you add on to your body, the higher your inital base stats when you
enter a dungeon and the faster your stats increase when you level up.
The chips you get to modify your body depend on the equipment you have.
Certain equipment such as daggers give increases in SPD while others like
Appetite Engine increase HIT. The type of stat that increases depends on the
equipment while the amount they increase the stat by depends on rarity. The
more rare the equipment, the higher the increase in stats in one panel.
(NOTE: In the story dungeons, you only find, in my experience, only up to 2
star rare items, meaning up to a 2+ addition to a stat). If you want better
items, you will need to play higher Mastery Dungeons and Dengeki dungeons.
In addition to stats, you can purchase/find boosters to install on your body.
Boosters have a effects ranging from increasing the effectiveness of the
parts you equip to boosters that reduce energy consumption. You can purchase
many boosters to increase storage, increase effectiveness of parts, or to
allow you to save items or revive after dying in dungeons. Your ability to
place boosters depends on the type of chips you have on your body as well as
the shape of the booster. The booster can only be installed on top of chips of
the same color.
On the Shadowgram, you will find six total blocks which represent sources of
Hero Energy. Hero Energy is used to increase the effectiveness of your
boosters, the addition of energy being 5% + 1% per additional panel the energy
flows over. The more panels the energy flows over, the greater the boost in
performance to the booster the energy flow is directed toward.
As you gain addiitonal levels, you can continue to unlock additional blocks
to install more chips. I believe that you can unlock all the locked territory
by reaching 2100-2400+