We acknowledge receipt of your email. Upon checking, we wish to confirm that the contact number provided is genuine from Maybank engagement Team. Thus, we appreciate if you could furnish the details requested in order for them to proceed to update customer's details due to new BNM rules and guideline.
Should we be of any further assistance to you, do feel free to contact our Customer Service Executives at 1-300-88-6688 or 03-7844 3696 (overseas) and fax to 03-79538600 or e-mail to [email protected].
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
For Maybank
Sharminazrin Johari
Service Recovery
Service Fulfillment
Customer Engagement
Cards & Unsecured Lending
他没有说我有2张或是多过2张的卡,他是说我是不是有老虎银行的卡,我就yup,他就说什么噼里啪啦说什么由于国家银行要control那些薪水低于3k的持卡人,说credit limit要只限于薪水的两倍而已,然后就说要我fax EA form或是2个月薪水单,我一接到这样的电话我就有点防备,想办法不要多说。结果隔天又打来! 他还叫我fax过去,然后attn一个马来小姐的名字。