疑蕉赖区某兽医院 宠物美容师致死客户5岁爱犬
(吉隆坡15日讯)一名声称Pter Leong的网民,日前在STOP DOG CATCHER面书专页转述,本月14日将5岁爱犬送往蕉赖一间兽医医院,进行修剪毛发美容服务,疑进行修剪毛发期间,因相关人员疏忽致死犬只。
有关STOP DOG CATCHER面书专页负责人在Pter Leong的帖子中留言表示,已经就此事向警方报案,并且已转交大马SPCA 防虐动物协会跟进此案。
以下是事主的部分转述:“7月14日中午12时那天,我姐姐将我们的5岁爱犬“波比”带往焦赖的一间兽医医院进行毛发修剪服务。负责人吩咐我们2小时后再回来接走“波比”。2小时后,我们接获兽医院员工通知,说我们的狗狗出了些问题。我们获悉后马上赶往该兽医院,并发现狗狗已经死了。我们尝试追问事情发生经过,但是相关员工都没有办法给我们一个合理的解释,并且企图推卸责任。我们家“波比”才5岁,送它去兽医院时还活蹦乱跳的,现在却动也不动地死了。我怀疑是宠物美容师致死“波比”,却不敢承认……” Pter Leong
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视频中,男事主与其姐姐都非常愤怒与伤心,并多次表示:“ 三个人这样来整我的狗,别说狗,人都会死!说出去人都不会相信,狗狗送去剪毛就这样死掉。” 他们也表示,“这样没有爱心爱护动物的人,怎么能够可以做这种工作?”
Please forward to after the 6 minute point onwards to see how their staff use force to hold down my dog and caused its death. Is this professionalism when they employ untrained staff to handle your beloved pets? No sincere apology and explanation was offered, just lots of excuses to absolve their guilt. Please share this video as widely as possible to make them realize that they should treat our pets with love and care. Boycott Segar Veterinary Hospital in Cheras ! — at Segar Veterinary Hospital.
The video issued by Pter Leong
英文原文:On July 14, 2013 (Sunday), around 12 noon, my sister brought our dog Bobby for grooming at the Segar Veterinary Hospital and was told to leave him there for 2 hours. 2 hours later, we received a call from their staff, claiming that our dog has a problem! We immediately rushed to the hospital and found out that our dog has DIED! The staff could not give us a satisfactory answer as to what caused the death of the dog. They did not even give us a direct answer and was trying to push the blame away by giving excuses. Can any dog lover trust this type of animal hospital with this kind of unresponsible service? Bobby was only 5 years old and very much alive when we sent him in and now he is dead. I suspect the grooming staff caused the death of Bobby but dare not admit. IF YOU LOVE YOUR DOG, PLEASE DO NOT SEND IT THERE FOR GROOMING. PLEASE SUPPORT ME BY SPREADING THIS MESSAGE AROUND TO ALL DOG LOVERS!BY:Pter Leong
任何有关动物虐待投报,可按此查询>> http://www.spca.org.my/
本帖最后由 colourblind007 于 18-7-2013 05:30 PM 编辑