我有间单位出租给大学生,合约是做1+1 ,租客最近说不要租了,只租了半年, 除了没收抵押金以外,身为屋主,有什么权利?我看了合约有一段是这么说
should the tenant determine this agreement at any time before the expiration of the term hereby created, the deposit shall then be absolutely forgeited by the landlord without prejudice to any right of action landlord may have against the tenant in respect of
a) any unpaid rental;
b) rental in respect of the unexpired term of tenancy ; and
c) any antecedent breach of the terms and conditions herein containd
2. 租约最后schedule part 有双方前面,不过前面的standard clauses 没有initial。 合约是否生效?
3. 屋主有什么权力关于这种情况
请专业人士给与意见, 谢谢