「云 南 七 子 饼 茶
云南”七子饼茶”亦称圆茶,系选用驰名中外的”普洱茶”作原料,适度发酵,经高温蒸压而成,汤色红黄鲜亮、香气纯高、滋味醇厚,具有回甘之特点。饮之清凉解渴、帮助消化、袪除疲劳、提神醒酒。 YUNNAN CHITSU PINGCHA
Yunnan Chitsu pingcha ( also called Yuancha ) is manufactured from Puerhcha. a tea of world - wide fame.through a process of optimum fermentation and high - temperature steaming and pressing.it affords a bright red - yellowish liquid with pure aroma and fine taste.and is characterised by a sweet after - taste all its own.Drink a cup of this.and you will find it very refreshing and thirst - quenching. It also aids your digestion and quickens your recovery from fatigue or intoxication.」 (图:A4843)