寒冷的冬天讓我們一起穿上比基尼過年吧!!!//墾丁新芽 Let's put on a bikini for the New Yearin the cold winter!!!//KENTING SIYA HOSTELRY No matter you are group travel orfamily activities, we offer building package, barbecue, food ordering service, aquaticactivities, many kinds of ticket, chartered travel, etc. 景點推薦Touristattractions recommended. 1. 國立海洋生物博物館National Museumof Marine Biology and Aquarium (NMMBA) 內容分為台灣水域館、珊瑚王國館、世界水域館等三大主題館 台灣水域館為仿自然生態的水族館,有高4公尺、長16公尺之觀景窗,展現大海洋的宏偉的東部大洋區裡的大洋池;珊瑚王國館以南中國海之珊瑚生態為主軸,並以淺海至深海方式介紹各式珊瑚的「珊瑚王國館」,最特別的「海底隧道」區,讓民眾置身海底的隧道,欣賞這繽紛亮眼的珊瑚礁世界;世界水域館以「古代海洋」、「海藻森林」、「極地水域」、「深海水域」為展示主題,藉由電子科技方式,呈現出台灣所處之熱帶水域所見不到的世界各大水域與古代海洋。 The exhibition areas are the Waters of Taiwan, CoralKingdom Pavilion, and Waters of the World. There is the largest observingwindow which is 4 meters tall and 16 meters long on the ocean of Eastern Taiwanis in this area. The Coral Kingdom Pavilion focus on exhibiting the coral reefspecies from shallow shore to deep sea. The 84 meters long under water tunnelwhere guests may enjoy the beautiful reef without having to get wet is the mostpopular facility in the museum, where admiring the underwater world only aglass away. The Waters of the World is a 3D virtual reality water free aquarium.The underwater habitat is simulated with machines in different themes. FromAncient Time Ocean, Underwater Forest, Arctic Waters and Deep Oceans, allpresented electronically guiding guest to explore the waters around the world.What’s more there are also routine shows: Belugas show, Swimming with tropicalfish, and Feeding show. 2. 墾丁白沙灣Kenting Baisha Bay (White Sand Bay) 墾丁的白砂,位於海岸景觀道路沿岸,以潔白細緻的白砂而得名的海灣,白砂灣沒有過度人為開發,是充滿幽雅的寧靜海灘。 Still keep the original beach and less-construction due tofewer visitors, water activity gear rentals are also available. The white beachis formed by shell sand and embraced by the beautiful coral reefs. 3. 墾丁大街Kenting Street (Kenting Night Market) 墾丁大街上的商店包羅萬象,包括販賣各式海洋風味的紀念品店、夜市小吃攤、海產店等而其他例如刺青店、彩繪紋身攤位等等也是此地的特色商店。 You can find manystores and vendors selling souvenirs and accessories, food stalls andrestaurants serving a wide array of traditional Taiwanese snacks. KentingStreet is where visitors are offered with a complete selection of foods whileembraced by a relaxing holiday ambience. In addition, fresh tropical fruits andseafood can also be found along the street. 4. 南灣遊憩區South Bay (Nanwan) 是墾丁國家公園最寬闊的沙灘,台灣最熱門的戲水天堂之一,舉凡游泳、划水、衝浪、駕帆船、水上摩托車、浮潛等等。 The coast making it a perfect place for water activities.Domestic and foreign travelers visit Nanwan for beach and water activities suchas swimming, surfing, snorkeling, scuba diving, and many others. Kenting offersbeautiful ocean and natural sceneries, warm climates, and is also a paradisefor water activities which allures large numbers of local and foreign touristsevery year. 5. 恆春3000啤酒博物館 Hengchun 3000 Beer Brewseum 收藏三千個來自全世界各地的啤酒杯. 除了小博物館以外還帶有一間小型啤酒工廠和小酒館, Collect 3,000 beer mugs from all over the world. In addition to the small museum, there is a small beer factoryand bistro. 【墾丁新芽民宿】 服務電話:+886-8-8899127、+886-9-26684801、+886-9-35490839 微信:ktsiya888 或 ktsiya0935490839 地址:屏東縣恒春鎮大埔路48號 【Kenting SiyaHostelry】 TEL:08-8899127 MOB:0926-684801、0935-490839 ADD:No.48, Dapu Rd, Hengchun Township, Kenting, Taiwan94647 WEB:http://www.sineya.com.tw/multimedia1.html ---- 墾丁民宿,墾丁住宿,墾丁包棟住宿,墾丁民宿包棟,墾丁