墾丁龍磐公園觀星/南十字星 Kenting Longjing Park Stargazing /Southern Cross 墾丁地區視野開闊、天空淨朗且少光害 是觀星愛好者觀星的好去處 而屬於南半球指極星座的南十字星 緯度愈低愈容易看到 在台灣平地只有墾丁地區可以清楚看見 但每年南十字星座在墾丁可見的時間只有短短的四至六月份。 Kenting area has a broad view, thesky is clear and less light It is a great place for stargazingenthusiasts to watch the stars at night. Southern Cross, which belongs to thesouthern hemisphere The lower the latitude, the easierit is to see It can be clearly seen in theKenting area in Taiwan. But every year the Southern Crossconstellation is visible in Kenting for only four to six months.
是不是真的美翻了呀~~~ Isit really beautiful~~~ 新芽民宿以地中海風格的白色建築,配合著紅色的屋瓦、 潔白的牆圍,和藍到發黑的藍天~ 如此異國風情的獨棟庭園民宿,到處都充滿著海洋悠閒的渡假風格。 The Sprout B&B features aMediterranean-style white building with red roof tiles. White walls, blue and blackened bluesky~ Such an exotic single-familyhomestay is full of leisurely resort styles.
不論親子家庭、團體出遊或是聯歡活動,更提供包棟、 代訂餐、烤肉、水陸活動、各項票券、機車包車等多元化服務, Whether it is a parent-child family,a group trip or a party, it offers a package. Diversified services such asordering meals, barbecues, water and land activities, various tickets, andchartered vehicles.
【墾丁 新芽民宿Kenting Siya Hostelry】 服務電話:+886-8-8899127、+886-9-26684801、+886-9-35490839 微信:ktsiya888 或ktsiya0935490839 地址:屏東縣恒春鎮大埔路48號 Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/ktsiya888 【Kenting Siya Hostelry】 Service telephone: +886-8-8899127,+886-9-26684801, +886-9-35490839 WeChat: ktsiya888 or ktsiya0935490839 Address: No. 48, Dapu Road, HengchunTown, Pingtung County 墾丁民宿,墾丁住宿,墾丁包棟住宿,墾丁民宿包棟,墾丁