


楼主: AndyLoo

【PAYDAY 2 團隊】有興趣的朋友們,我們一起來做世界吧!

发表于 13-12-2013 10:18 AM | 显示全部楼层
MindTeaser 发表于 12-12-2013 11:35 AM



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发表于 13-12-2013 05:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
account : proghost00         如account的名字,做ghost~喜欢跑来跑去~像个孩子似的...lol

多多指教~~@MindTeaser 兄卖给我的~ 本帖最后由 ghost88 于 17-12-2013 12:43 PM 编辑


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发表于 13-12-2013 07:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
我的steam id:[MY]Dreambuilder

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发表于 17-12-2013 12:48 AM | 显示全部楼层
steam ID
想做 ghost

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发表于 23-12-2013 11:22 AM | 显示全部楼层
Stealth Guide: Payday 2 Recommended All Players Read This.

This information is dated 8/20/2013. Future patches may change some of the following.

Disclaimer: The following information is accurate to the best of my knowledge, however mistake are always possible. The term guards refers to police officers, rental guards, mall cops, gang members, and FBI. I have assumed all guards and cameras behave the same way, but there may exist specific guards, cameras, or scenarios where the behavior has been modified. (Some guards seem to be a little more sensitive on their suspicion meters, but this may just be my imagination).

1. Go easy on your team’s ghost. Steath runs are difficult to master. Even when mastered random guard movements and camera placements can still end in disaster. Expect an alarm to eventually go off, but recognize that the ghost probably saved your team vital seconds to complete the mission.

2. Don’t bump guards in case mode. Guards will instantly be alerted to you if you physically touch them.

3. Answering a pager counts for +1 for the entire team. Regardless of who answers the pagers, once 2 pagers have been answered only smooth talkers can answer a 3rd and 4th pager.

4. Guards and cameras will detect broken glass, dead bodies, bags with dead bodies in them, scared civilians, or otherwise suspicious behaviors or events. When a camera spots one of these events the camera gets an instant exclamation mark and the alarm will sound.

5. Don’t break cameras. You should never take out cameras without the ghost’s permission. Let me explain, breaking a camera will signal a guard to investigate the situation. This can be useful when you want to pull a guard to you, but after a while a different guard may come to investigate the broken camera as well. Once you break a camera, now you need to constantly keep an eye on whether any guards are going to investigate the broken camera. It may just be easier to stealth around the camera, jam the camera, or go a different way. When possible, take out the guard in the security room as this will deactivate the cameras. Once cameras are deactivated, guards will not come to investigate but may still see the camera as they make their normal patrols.

6. Cuffed Guards are invisible no longer invisible.

7. Each Team member with dominator can make a guard cuff himself. Dominator is not shared like the pagers are. You can kill the cuffed guard and dominate a different guard, but you or a teammate will have to answer the pager of the killed guard.

8. If you are too close to a guard you are trying to dominate you may end up in cuffs yourself. I’m not sure if this is a bug or by design, but sometimes a guard will cuff you when you get too close while trying to dominate him.

9. Spotted guards have a red outline around them. If you’re not a ghost, the best thing for you to do is operate the camera feeds. The more people spotting guards through cameras makes the ghost’s job much easier. If there is no camera feed then watch a show on TV while the ghost works or until the alarm sounds.

10. Weapon noise emits from your character in a sphere.

11. Walls offer no protection from sound (silenced shots on the roof of the bank will scare civilians in the bank.) Don’t shoot your silenced weapon with civilians above you, below you, or on the other side of a wall.

12. Don’t make unnecessary noise, I don’t care how excited you are. Even if you’re far away from the guards, your noise can still sound alarms. (framing frame day 3 shooting a non silenced weapon on the roof by the camera feed will sound the alarm even though all the guards are dead/cuffed and all the cameras are eliminated. I guess a neighbor called the cops on you).

13. Suspicion Meter Explanation. Ok, I know the other players want to help and join in the stealth fun, but the suspicion mechanics of Payday 2 makes the ghost’s job much harder if other people are activating suspicion meters (the meter that goes up when you enter the field of view of a camera/guard or just get too close to a guard even if they are looking away from you). Let me explain this further. When I’m ghosting around a map trying to work the guards and avoid cameras, I use the suspicion activation to let me know where cameras and guards are. Now, when one teammate activates a suspicion meter then all teammates hear the sound effect and can see the suspicion meter. This is what this means, If a teammate activates a suspicion meter while I’m working the guards and avoiding cameras then I hear the sound effect for the suspicion meter and I panic because I think I just activated a suspicion meter and I don’t know where it’s coming from. At the very best, other teammates activating suspicion meters will slow the ghost down. At the worst, the ghost won’t realize he/she has activate a different suspicion meter and alarms will go off or the ghost will panic and run into a guard.

14. A good ghost has smooth talker (answer 4 guard pagers), dominate (force one guard to cuff himself), extra zip ties, basic chameleon, aced cleaner, aced fast hands, aced shinobi and completes tiers for lowest suspicion possible..

15. A bad ghost doesn’t have a silenced weapon.

16. If you let go of the interact button while answering a guard pager, the alarm will sound.

17. Always try your best to melee while stealthed. (With Shinobi aced, it’s usually better to sprint to the guard and melee then to shoot from far away with a silenced weapon) Even if your weapon noise isn’t heard, the guard may still make noise while dying, but goes down quietly with aced Shinobi. Bear in mind sprinting is very bad if other guards or cameras could see you. If you’re in a situation where shooting is the only option then always try for headshots (I do not believe the guard will make any noise when shot in the head).

18. Two piece suit allows the ghost to move really fast but you’ll probably fail if the alarm sounds due to low armor.

19. Guard and Camera suspicion meter speed (how fast the question mark turns into an exclamation mark): 1st Crouching is good, Standing is bad. Standing fills the suspicion meters about four times faster then crouching. 2nd distance matters: guards’ suspicion meters will rise with 4 distance levels. A guard spots me instantly if I bump the guard. Suspicion meter takes 1 second if I’m crouching right in front of the guard, 2 seconds a bit further away, 3 seconds even further away, and 4 seconds at the guards furthest suspicion range. (remember I’m full ghost so suspicion meter takes longer to fill for me than non ghosts).

20. Visibility level affects suspicion meter speed. The suspicion meter will rise faster when you have higher visibility. (I find a two piece suit to be very useful when ghosting the FBI building on day 2 of firestarter. However, I’ll be almost useless if I fail the stealth). Ther has been some confusion about whether visibility level affect you only in case mode or both case mode and with mask on. As of Patch 5 I found after tesing that visibility affects both case mode and with mask on for guards but has no affect for cameras. I believe the confusion comes from the slight difference with mask on in high visibility or low visibility. Low visibility only slows the suspicion meter by a split second maybe even half a second, but there is a difference. I suspect this difference will increase in future patches.

21. It’s easier for guards and cameras to see multiple people. The suspicion meter takes time to lower back down to no suspicion. If I pass through a camera’s line of sight and fill the suspicion meter half way then you immediate take the same route I did then the suspicion meter would fill up the rest of the way and cause the camera to be alerted, but if you wait for the suspicion meter to go back down then you’d only fill it up half way again assuming you had the same skill tree build as me.

22. Even though a guard’s suspicion meter filled up (became exclamation mark) you usually still have 1 to 5 seconds to silence them (They still need to actually call in the alarm). (Some maps this isn’t true – firestarters day 1 – when the cartels henchmen suspicion meters fill up the cops are instantly called) I said usually because some guards will instantly fire their weapon or shout and alert other guards. (This seems to be random). I’ve seen some guards take up to 10 seconds or longer to call for backup or fire a single shot. (This also seems to be random).

23. Camera’s suspicion meter fills up (exclamation mark) = alarm. When the camera suspicion meter completely fills the word “detected” will show and the alarm will eventually sound (may still take up to 8 seconds).

24. Put body bags out of sight. When you bag a body make sure you put it somewhere no one will ever see it. If even the smallest part of the yellow outline can be seen by a passerby they will identify the bag as a corpse. I recommend basic transporter from enforcer tree to help you move bodies faster.

25. ECM jammer range is extreme, I recommend testing ECM Jammers on maps without panic buttons (don’t test on bank heist), I thoroughly tested jammer range on jewelry map and four stores. As long as I didn’t kill guards (jammers don’t stop the guard pagers) no alarm was triggered while the jammer was active no matter what else I did including killing civilians, standing in front of cameras, letting guards shoot me, watching guard try to call for backup, cracking safes, etc… (It might be better to say ECM Jammers don’t cover guard pagers or panic buttons, otherwise no alarm should be triggered). I suspect the confusion on the range of ECM Jammer comes from the bank heist. Let me explain, After extensive testing I learned that when a civilian hits a panic button on bank heist the message states a civilian has called the police or something to that affect. With all of that being said ECM Jammer may still have a limit to its range, but I don’t think it does.

26. ECM feedback incapacitate range is short (about 10 meter radius) (from entrance to lobby for bank heist to about the 3rd line for the tellers)

27. ECM feedback incapacitate only works for line of sight (doesn’t work through walls)

28. ECM feedback will give everyone on the map an exclamation mark. (can’t use feedback and stay stealthed unless ECM Jammers give everyone enough time to handle guards, civilians, etc…)

29. ECM feedback has a different battery then the jammer part. You can place a jammer then come back to it 5 minutes later and activate the feedback part.

30. ECM feedback has only a chance to incapacitate. Feedback makes the guards and civilians put their hands on their ears, but it’s not a full incapacitation. Imagine it more like an interrupt instead. Civilians will not be able to hear you tell them to get on the floor if feedback is affecting them.

31. 2 Ghosts are better than 1. Two ghosts can easily watch one another’s backs if they both have smooth talker skill.

32. Go buy a microphone. This game is significantly more fun when people talk to each other and plan stuff out or share stories of missions they’ve done.

Source: http://steamcommunity.com/app/21 ... 864977025855085085/


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 楼主| 发表于 23-12-2013 12:31 PM | 显示全部楼层
MindTeaser 发表于 23-12-2013 11:22 AM
Stealth Guide: Payday 2 Recommended All Players Read This.

This information is dated 8/20/2013. F ...



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发表于 25-12-2013 12:00 PM | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 28-2-2014 10:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
ghost 毫无用武之地。。。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 1-3-2014 11:41 AM | 显示全部楼层
MindTeaser 发表于 28-2-2014 10:39 PM
ghost 毫无用武之地。。。。。


而且現在的更新,只能夠包裝2個尸體,還來個Titan CCTV... =='''

雖然有時會很Bek Cek,但還是會開來玩...

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发表于 1-3-2014 11:56 AM | 显示全部楼层
AndyLoo 发表于 1-3-2014 11:41 AM
可能一直 ...

我都有玩可是我不 care achievement 啦。。。哈哈哈
bag 2 个 corpse 还好
titan cctv 也还好
问题是 guard 会 respawn 啊。。。这太逆天了。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。


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 楼主| 发表于 5-3-2014 03:14 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 5-3-2014 08:41 PM | 显示全部楼层
AndyLoo 发表于 5-3-2014 03:14 PM

我都有在玩。不过最近的update真的是。。。。。。还有就是每100lv才一个infamy point,skill 也不是说很好用,我现在是lv93,在考虑要不要转infamous。
本帖最后由 a490920 于 5-3-2014 08:45 PM 编辑


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发表于 5-3-2014 08:43 PM | 显示全部楼层
AndyLoo 发表于 1-3-2014 11:41 AM
可能一直 ...

我本来也以为lmg会很好用,买了过后第一次用时我叫了,lmg竟然不能aiming!!!!!!!!!!stupid developer。

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发表于 7-8-2014 12:05 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 7-8-2014 12:51 AM | 显示全部楼层
kh4ever 发表于 7-8-2014 12:05 AM


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发表于 7-8-2014 09:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
a490920 发表于 7-8-2014 12:51 AM



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 楼主| 发表于 7-8-2014 10:31 AM | 显示全部楼层
kh4ever 发表于 7-8-2014 12:05 AM


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 楼主| 发表于 7-8-2014 10:35 AM | 显示全部楼层
a490920 发表于 7-8-2014 12:51 AM

對,DLC 全部買得來,可以買一個新Game了,而且還有得找,我之前買CCE的,還以為過後出的DLC可以免費,結果只免費搶解款車一個罷了,過後的要自己出錢,而且4.99美金,只是幾把爛鬼搶,幾乎沒了都沒用到,為了解鎖成就罷了,沒買DLC,成就又解鎖不到,現在DLC只等有50%或者70%才買了...


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 楼主| 发表于 7-8-2014 10:36 AM | 显示全部楼层
kh4ever 发表于 7-8-2014 09:11 AM



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发表于 8-8-2014 12:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
AndyLoo 发表于 7-8-2014 10:36 AM

好,可以pm各大大的 steam 号嘛?

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