
楼主 |
发表于 28-3-2008 02:58 PM
发表于 28-3-2008 03:09 PM
回复 61# 舞薏 的帖子
只要你每月存那RM500起来,即使月尾没钱也没有关系。千万不要还没有存钱,户口就没有钱了。 |
发表于 28-3-2008 06:00 PM
发表于 28-3-2008 07:16 PM
原帖由 summeRain 于 28-3-2008 06:00 PM 发表 
++++++++++++++ ...
利害。。。加油啦。。。未來你有機會累計基金到百萬。。。 |
发表于 28-3-2008 07:19 PM
我以前進基金RM500~RM600 一個月。。。
現在存RM100~RM300 一個月。。。 |
发表于 28-3-2008 07:45 PM
原帖由 基金小子 于 28-3-2008 07:16 PM 发表 
以前的无知:@,换来今天的付出~ |
发表于 28-3-2008 11:39 PM
发表于 28-3-2008 11:42 PM
发表于 28-3-2008 11:45 PM
发表于 28-3-2008 11:50 PM
发表于 28-3-2008 11:52 PM
发表于 28-3-2008 11:55 PM
原帖由 summeRain 于 28-3-2008 07:45 PM 发表 
一句而已"以前很天真很傻"(sorry开玩笑而已) |
发表于 29-3-2008 12:07 AM

楼主 |
发表于 29-3-2008 12:43 AM

楼主 |
发表于 29-3-2008 08:40 AM
women - what it takes to be financially free ??
由于全文太长了, 所以我只写文章的一部分~~
(resources from smart investor Mar 2008 )
和以前相比,今日的女性是强,聪明和有本事的。 女人时常需要扮演着在不同的角色, 老婆,妈妈, 爱人,朋友, 厨师 等等的。。。 马来西亚的女性海区要扮演多一个角色-- 负担家计的人。为了让女性们可以有良好的经济能力,女性们必须对财务管理有一定的了解, 和可以管理自己的钱包的能力。 bli bla bli bla ... (the artical is tooo long liao )
so lets jump to points ~~
1。 one of the importants tips for women who is building up her wealth and gearing her fianancial portfolio to maximise return is not to put all ur eggs in 1 basket(不要把全部鸡蛋放在一个篮子里). U must choose the investment option according to ur risk appetite and financial goals. Diversification(多样化) is equally important as it helps to minimise ur risk exposure while maximising ur average return on investment. Next u need to tink about asset allocation to ensure that ur investments are adequately diversified. In determining an asset allocation strategy, U first need to identify ur financial goals. Every fianancial portfolio is never cast in stone(死板的) and ur investment strategy needs to change to suit ur changing needs through life. Regular re-balancing and periodical(定期的) reviews twice a year is recommended as market trends, financial needs, earning capacity(能力) and investment factors e.g. return rates, investment rates, etc.
2. in building a wealth plan for urself , the following questions need to be answered to assess ur financial attitude and lifestyle needs
Q1: what are my ultimate financial goals ?
Q2: What is my attitude(看法) towards risk(风险)? low ? medium? high?
Q3: how much i can afford to start of ?
Q4: What is the timeframe am i looking at? 5 years? 10 years ?
Q5: What is the risk attached to the investment?
3. a typical 24 years-old young women with her new found independence that comes with entering the workforce which also mean the start of financial responsibilities. top priority would be to payoff car loan, education loan, manage credit card debts, saving could be for future education plans such as further study or starting up a new business, assest allocation for the example above , assuming a moderate risk profile and investment horizon of 3 years to 5 years would be typically comprise cash 20%, bonds/ fixed income 50% , stockes 30%.
on the other hand, the asset alloccation for a 40 year olds maturedindividual would be different. priority would focus on the finances for the children's education, medical/ health , and retirement. Assuming the same risk profile but a longer time frame, the asset allocation may change to cash 30%, bonds/fixed income 40%, stocks/ properties 30%.
4. earning money is only half the equation to achieve financial freedom. effectively putting ur money to work for u equally important. How u manage ur money today determines ur future. that's why taking control of ur financial is paramount(极为重要的). It commands(掌握) consistent commitment(许诺) over long term. Stick to the following recipe and u would not go wrong in ur quest to be financially free:
- Save at least 10% of what u earn.
- control spending and avoid unnecessary debt(债务)
- invest in regular basis(基本), regardless the market is up or down.
- start early and benefit from compound(混合) growth
- protect what u have by diversifying(多样化的投资) ur investments
- seek advice from a professional
- have an action plan and stick on it.
其实我觉的不是只适合女性, 男性也可以做做参考~~ 尤其是新新要学会投资,可以先给自己一个目标, 计划计划一下自己的财务管理要是如何的。。。 |
发表于 29-3-2008 09:47 AM
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