原帖由 davidthegreatz 于 10-4-2009 05:30 PM 发表 

Photo Montage of Candi Pendiat
CandiPendiat has the shape of the typical Hindu candi, the outer mandapa,where the stairs are, and the the inner vimana, which is raised todisplay the religious icons. The distinct redness is due to the factthat the bricks are made from laterite, the red soil commonly foundthoughout Malaysia. Compare this with the shape of the Candi PengkalanBujang, which is a Buddhist candi.

Photo Montage of Candi Pengkalan Bujang
TheCandi Pengkalan Bujang has a cruciform shape, i.e. it's in the shape ofa cross. The middle of the temple is hollow, and it's believed tocontain a stupa with a domed roof, a place where Buddhistrelics are kept, supported by the find of a host of Buddhist relicsnear the site. It's made from bricks with a chiselled granite base. Andlastly, there's the Candi Bendang Dalam:
Photo Montage of Candi Bendang Dalam