发表于 2-2-2010 02:26 PM
本帖最后由 wahchai 于 8-3-2010 04:50 PM 编辑
update了大概100mb的file便进入游戏。一开始,只有training mode与suppression mode(类似team death match)选择。training mode只是一般性的操作教学,建议先完成training mode,便可升级level 2,解锁sabotage & acquisition mode。
网战我觉得还ok,蛮顺的,64人打64人也不会lag,一search game便进入游戏,超快的。
但我一开始玩便有不好的经历,超容易断线,单单training mode便重玩3次,每次刚要完成便断线。在玩时,又遇到bug,死了不能复活,变成幽灵,可以在地图走来走去,但敌人看不到我,我开枪也杀不死人,那时我还不知道我瓜了,傻傻酱走来走去。上网看,很多人也是酱,可能一开始server还不稳定,再加我是星期六中午玩,到了晚上玩便ok liao,完全没有断线。
我开始是玩suppression mode(team deathmatch)和sabatoge,如果你以玩mw2 team deathmatch的玩法玩,会死到很惨,乱乱冲只会死到不明不白(没有killcam),地图大,sniper camp在那里也看不到。
以上全属个人看法。 |
发表于 2-2-2010 05:54 PM
update了大概100mb的file便进入游戏。一 ...
wahchai 发表于 2-2-2010 02:26 PM
好文...感谢分享!! 原本有考虑说是否要买,当看到你说的那句....mw2操纵方式问题,暂时能清醒下了...。其余的内容慢慢消化中。谢谢 |
发表于 18-2-2010 11:04 PM
发表于 9-4-2010 07:22 PM
这贴有够冷门,沉底了,目前刚入手MAG,游戏顺畅得很,因为发觉MW2很注重网速,网速不佳的玩家较难杀人,而且我不喜欢OMA,所以考虑了很久才买MAG(考虑是因为网上给的评语都不好如画面和音效奇差),入手后自己觉得画面还可以但音效真的普普通通,但这么多玩家挤在一个地图而且要保证游戏顺畅肯定需牺牲点东西,目前MAG最喜欢使用Sniper,还在摸索升级中,比起MW2我更喜欢MAG。 |
发表于 17-4-2010 07:55 AM
Patch v1.05
Available April 19, 2010 | 41MB (TPPS), 40MB (DLS)
* Improved the automatic Leadership selection criteria to make players with microphones more likely to be selected than those without them (note: this does not prevent players without microphones from being selected as leaders)
* Adjusted automatic Leadership selection criteria to include Leadership point total in preference formula.
* Repaired bug that prevented players who were incapacitated and then revived from throwing grenades until they reload.
* Fixed issue with the game lock-ups caused by “hanging” black screen following the conclusion of a gameplay round.
* Repaired crash that sometimes occurred after playing more than 15 consecutive rounds.
* Resolved issue with rare game crash that occurred during playback of intro video.
* Numerous localization changes for in-game text.
* Adjusted iron sights to give player clearer view for the following weapons: AK-103, M4A1, PKP MG, Apex 100, RTK-74, Boudini 12 Gauge, and T-195.
* Improved accuracy on all iron sights and red dot sights.
* Increased upwards-recoil to all machine guns.
* Slightly increased accuracy for pistols, PDWs, and SMGs. |
发表于 29-4-2010 03:29 PM
发表于 29-4-2010 03:47 PM
根据不同的任务,可参与的队伍人数会不同……最多可达到128vs128 ...
faiko 发表于 29-4-2010 03:29 PM
Mark April 29 on your calendars now, because it’s the day you’re going to see our next 100% Free MAG DLC add-on! Known as the “Fast Attack” Gear Pack, our latest downloadable extra will likely cause marksmen to swoon.
Why? Two big reasons — First, we’re adding three brand new Special Edition Sniper Rifles(Raven’s HM 90 SE, SVER’s SASR M, and Valor’s MK 14 Mod 1 EBR) thatinclude a number of performance adjustments and visual variations toour already-popular long-range weapons. Second, you can expect to getyour hands on a collection of new armor types! All three factions cannow choose to equip Improved Light Armor in their loadouts for the bargain price of just 400 in-game credits.
Oh, and did we mention that the “Fast Attack” Gear Pack is free?Yes, we did, but we’re saying it again anyway. Look for it to appear inthe PlayStation Store the afternoon of April 29, alongside all otherscheduled PSN updates. |
发表于 29-4-2010 10:35 PM
发表于 30-4-2010 08:54 AM
我家用1mbps的!会很lag吗??? |
发表于 30-4-2010 10:05 AM
回复 altec
我的是Asia region的
DLC不懂有没有……不过,我比较期待2x bonus experience ...
faiko 发表于 29-4-2010 10:35 PM
pingbin0215 发表于 30-4-2010 08:54 AM
顺畅的很如果我们的Streamyx不发飙的话,我的上个游戏COD就是太注重网速所以玩到很不爽,MAG价钱介于RM160-180之间。 |
发表于 30-4-2010 10:58 AM
发表于 30-4-2010 02:13 PM
其实,Sabo & Acq都不错的(因为这两个比较容易进)
惭愧地说,我平均才150~200exp左右。菜鸟一名: ...
faiko 发表于 30-4-2010 10:58 AM
确实有时会Lag,我是1M的,主要都是我们的Streamyx问题,因为我感觉有些Lag和常断线时外国MAG玩家完全没问题,至于Knife我也是经常被虐,很少能砍到对方除非后面来,可能对方点范围刀吧,只要多救人和帮队友加血要上300分以上完全没问题,满级后我想到Raven,无他,觉得Raven较漂亮,哈哈。 |
发表于 4-5-2010 04:54 PM
我StreamyX这边的线路近来玩MAG玩到想丢手把,因为MAG需连线玩,StreamyX搞到常断线兼其lag无比,只有早上一段时间顺畅,但在怡保家的StreamyX线路就全天候顺畅无比,两天就从37级冲到56级,本来还想60级后转Raven,无奈计划需延后了。:@:@ |
发表于 26-5-2010 06:02 PM
Patch Alert: MAG v1.06 Coming in June
MAG Patch v1.06
Available June 2010 | Size: TBD
* Player knife attacks no longer deal damage to members of own PMC.
* Headshot damage bonuses no longer apply to friendly fire.
* Changed rewards for the resuscitation of an incapacitated ally to 5XP for partial health revive, and 10XP for full heath revive.
* Added functionality to Medical Kit so that players can now heal themselves with L1 in addition to using R1 to heal or revive a teammate.
* All vehicle handling has been improved and been given more realistic physics.
* Added three gun ports to APCs of all factions.
* Slowed down the rate of fire for the APC’s primary gun, but increased bullet damage.
* Primary APC gun can now damage enemy APCs.
* Adjusted damage for the AM50, Rollins LRRS, and AGVK sniper rifles vs. vehicles and emplaced turrets.
* Increased rate of fire for all pistols (Raven’s F57, SVER’s IZ-443, and Valor’s M9).
* Improved close-range effectiveness and decreased long-range effectiveness for all Pistols, Machine Pistols, SMGs and Shotguns.
* Made all LMG foregrips less effective at stabilizing fire.
* Made improved stability skills less effective at stabilizing fire for machine guns.
* Credit cost for Pistols has been changed to 0c from 100c.
* Credit cost for Machine Pistols has been changed to 200c from 300c.
* Credit cost for SMGs has been changed to 300c from 400c.
* Credit cost for Shotguns has been changed to 400c from 600c.
* Credit cost for Improved Rocket Launchers has been changed to 800c from 1000c.
* Credit cost for Smoke Grenades has been changed to 200c from 300c.
* Credit cost for Poison Gas Grenades has been changed to 500c from 600c.
* Credit cost for Explosives Detector has been changed to 300c from 600c.
* Adjusted requirements for most Medal Awards.
* Added progress bars to all Medal Awards.
* Changed vehicle icon visibility on the map to reflect its current status of visibility instead of its previous map state of “always seen.”
* Repaired display problem in the “Community” tab’s “Player Search” screen that improperly presented names with multiple non-alphabet characters.
* Statistics for “Enemy Vehicles Destroyed Assists” and “Enemy Turrets Destroyed Assists” are now correctly listed in proper category “Objectives.”
* Fixed display problem with player’s left hand placement when using foregrip and bipod on the Raven Apex 100 light machine gun.
* Fixed issue that prevented repaired roadblocks from “shining” to indicate that they can be interacted with.
* Previously-released downloadable content (Fast Attack Gear Pack, Trooper Gear Pack, Raven’s Spyder Body Apparel, SVER’s Hazard Body Apparel, and Valor’s Bulldog Body Apparel) is now accessible to all users without PlayStation Store access.
* Patched problem that prevented users to save loadout with DLC weapons following a “Respec” action.
* Repaired issue that caused renamed PSN IDs to be incorrectly identified as its previous name when logging in.
* Updated patching system to allow for faster download speeds when retrieving in-game updates. |
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