Singapore-based security agency ReCAAP said the 244gt tug PU 2007and barge PU 3316 were hijacked on April 19, about 57 n-miles northeastof Kuantan, Malaysia. Pan-United Shipping is listed as itsoperator. The tugboat has a crew of nine and were headed fromKalimantan, Indonesia to the Gulf of Thailand. The Malaysia MaritimeEnforcement Agency activated ships and aircraft to look for the missingvessels.
On6 February, the tug Singapore-registered tugboat Asta was hijacked bypirates in the same area. The vessel was recovered the following monthin the Philippines.
Meanwhile, the master and crew of the2,256dwt tanker Cosmic 5 were attacked and robbed by pirates off Marangabout 0200 on 18 April, according to police. Cosmic 5 was returning toKemaman after delivering bitumen in Thailand. Lestari Nasional islisted as its operator.
Also, the EU Naval Force said Somalipirates hijacked three Thai fishing vessels on 18 April with 77 totalcrew in the Indian Ocean nearly 2,000km off Somalia – their farthestoffshore attack to date.
SOURCE: http://www.micportal.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3669:tug-and-barge-hijacked-in-south-china-sea&catid=25:security-measures&Itemid=38
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