We were informed that you are the driver and/or registered owner of vehicle no xxxx at the material time of accident.
Kindly confirm this fact and furnish us with the following information:-
1) Name and address of driver and/or registered owner of vehicle no xxxx
2) Are you the servant or agent of the owner of the said vehicle? If so under what capacity were you allowed to drive the said vehicle at the time of the said accident.
3) Name of the Insurance Company with which they said vehicle no xxxx as insured at the materila time of the accident, the policy number, date of issue and kindly forward a photocopy of the said Insurance Coverage to us.
Kindly also notify your Insurer about the aforesaid accident by forwarding the "Claim Form" or contact your insurer soonest possible and send us a copy of your notification. Failure to do so will cause your Insurer to requdiate liability and you will be liable for the claim at your own costs.