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要学design high rise building。。。

发表于 6-11-2006 09:39 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



[ 本帖最后由 假厉害 于 9-11-2006 08:10 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 14-11-2006 09:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 假厉害 于 6-11-2006 09:39 PM 发表



structural的要design的东西都包括shear wall,slab,lifecore,foundation。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 1-12-2006 12:29 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 NBD8669 于 14-11-2006 09:27 PM 发表

structural的要design的东西都包括shear wall,slab,lifecore,foundation。。。
用etab来design的,不过detailing那边就有点麻烦咯,毕竟不是专业 ...

班主可以分享下你design high rise的程序吗?谢谢。。。

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发表于 1-12-2006 01:25 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 假厉害 于 1-12-2006 12:29 AM 发表

班主可以分享下你design high rise的程序吗?谢谢。。。


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发表于 7-9-2008 04:40 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 NBD8669 于 1-12-2006 01:25 AM 发表



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发表于 14-11-2008 03:55 PM | 显示全部楼层
highrise building的wind load

是transfer到lift core wall吗?

lift core wall 就是所谓的shear wall?

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发表于 7-9-2011 08:52 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 21-10-2011 11:28 PM | 显示全部楼层

Highrise的wind load transfer去Liftcore??
需要比较liftcore和全部column的stiffness,如果相差很多,就可以assume column braced by liftcore。然后,wind load就可以assume transfer到liftcore。

Liftcore Wall是Liftcore Wall,不是Shearwall。
通常上,Office Tower只有Liftcore Wall,没有Shearwall。
Condo通常上有Liftcore Wall和Shearwall,KL现在流行。但也可以是Liftcore wall+column吧了!

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发表于 22-10-2011 03:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 staadpro 于 22-10-2011 03:17 PM 编辑

Highrise的wind load transfer去Liftcore??
需要 ...
老猫 发表于 21-10-2011 11:28 PM

   那么liftcorewall如何design? 什么formula呢?

load taking by area method可以transfer去lifcore wall吗?

还有lift的重量是transfer去liftcore wall吗?吊在哪里?lift....

shear wall是不是 staircase wall 那些?design和column一样方法吗?take axial load & moment?

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发表于 23-10-2011 12:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 老猫 于 23-10-2011 12:59 AM 编辑

哇,你的问题让我重新想写一份final year thesis

”那么liftcorewall如何design? 什么formula呢?“
I think what you are trying to ask is the analysis & design process.
First, how to obtain the load required for liftcore wall design?
As I mentioned earlier, the main objection of liftcore as structural member is to provide overall structural stability to the structural, laterally. Nevertheless, it still will withstand the vertical load (i.e. dead load and live load).
In the analysis part, it is important the software package (e.g. ETABS) can allow you to "couple" all the pieces of liftcore wall (even in different direction) into a single structural element (normally, it will be called as 'Pier'). Then, by applying all the vertical load and lateral load into the structure, the analysis part shall return all 6-degrees of freedom forces to you (namely: axial, shear at 2 directions, bending moment at both direction and torsional moment). In a very normal analysis, the torsional moment and shear forces are negligible.

Next step is to calculate the cross sectional area, A & first moment of Inertial (Z value) for the liftcore. These can be done manually or using other software packages like Prokon.

Then, the following 3 formulas are important (which you know it, I know it, everybody know it): -
Calculation of Liftcore Stresses:
Stress = N/A +- Mxx/Zxx +- Myy/Zyy

For compression stress:
Stress < 0.35(fcu) + 0.67(fy)(As)/(Ac)
For tension:
Stress < 0.87(fy)(As)/(Ac)Note: These formula are obtained from column's formula.

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发表于 23-10-2011 12:42 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 老猫 于 23-10-2011 01:01 AM 编辑

“load taking by area method可以transfer去lifcore wall吗?“

Of course, all the vertical load calculated by using area method must be transfer to liftcore wall, as per my previous post.
If we are using the axial load for your design only, it will be a mistake to do that.
For liftcore design, axial load & biaxial bending moment must be considered. This is applicable to pile group design as well.
Always remember, liftcore is to withstand lateral load. Hence, biaxial bending moment shall always in the picture for our design.

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发表于 23-10-2011 12:48 AM | 显示全部楼层
“还有lift的重量是transfer去liftcore wall吗?吊在哪里?lift....”

What is the total tonnage of the lift car etc??? Please find opportunity to ask your M&E engineer
Ok, let make a deal, how about 5 tonnes?? it is only 50kN to be added to the liftcore, while you liftcore can be easily a few hundred tonnes.
Cut the story short, the weight of the lift cars can be ignore in the design process.

Lift cars will be hoisted from lift motor room, for those with LMR structure.
For motor-roomless, it will gain the support from our roof structure. Hence, please allow some M&E load for that area.

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发表于 23-10-2011 12:52 AM | 显示全部楼层
”shear wall是不是 staircase wall 那些?design和column一样方法吗?take axial load & moment?“

Shearwall is a structural members to withstand axial load and single axis moment. So, it will be a piece of wall spanning from one end to the other (without wall running in 90 degree).
Staircase wall can be a shear wall if we fulfill the requirement mentioned above.
If not, it will be a core wall as well.
The way to design it is similar to liftcore wall, but ignore Myy & Zyy.


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发表于 25-10-2011 08:20 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 staadpro 于 25-10-2011 08:24 AM 编辑
哇,你的问题让我重新想写一份final year thesis
要回答你的问题,我需要用英文作答。版主如要扣分,请便 ...
老猫 发表于 23-10-2011 12:38 AM

   老猫大大,解释的很详细哦,请问你是consultants (structureal) ?很多年经验了?

1)请问liftcore的moment是拿最低storey (1st storey)的wind load moment吗?
是manualy calulate , M = WL2/2 还是拿etabs的output?

2)column的moment呢?是不是拿momeny minumum? M = 0.05Nh ?

3)为何Office Tower只有Liftcore Wall,不能有Shearwall,那里也有楼梯啊。。。Flat楼就肯定有Shearwall ?


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发表于 26-10-2011 04:49 PM | 显示全部楼层

“1)请问liftcore的moment是拿最低storey (1st storey)的wind load moment吗?
是manualy calulate , M = WL2/2 还是拿etabs的output?”这要看你的design吧。。。design到那一层,就用那一层的forces。。。

For example, if you are designing foundation, you got to adopt the load chased down from all the superstructure. Those forces include axial load + major and minor axis bending moment. Likewise for the design of liftcore at level 10, for example; all the cumulative load at level 10 need to be considered and used in your design, and the formulas to be used are stated in my previous post.
Wind Load moment only?? No.... Actually is the resultant of all load cases. Do bear in mind that the bending moment is not only caused by wind load. Sometime, self weight or superimposed dead and live load will cause bending moment to the liftcore wall, if the C.G. of the load is offset from the C.G. of the structural.
Manual calculation?? Yes, if you understand fully what you are doing. M = WL/2 maybe a good starting point. The proper way shall be, wind load to be imposed into each floor level and analysis to be carried out accordingly. As for me, I choose the easiest way: result obtained from ETABS


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发表于 26-10-2011 05:22 PM | 显示全部楼层
"2)column的moment呢?是不是拿momeny minumum? M = 0.05Nh ?"
如果你之前的column load只有axial load,那你就需要考虑moment caused by minimum eccentricity。
ecc = 0.05h but < 20mm。

“3)为何Office Tower只有Liftcore Wall,不能有Shearwall,那里也有楼梯啊。。。Flat楼就肯定有Shearwall ?“
办公楼通常上是很open的。Internal space不会有太多的墙。就算有,也不能是structural wall,以避免将来的业主装修时把structural wall敲掉。
Stair wall如果由两片平行的RC wall组成,那就是shearwall。如果是多片交叉的RC wall组成,那就是Core Wall。
Flat不一定会用Shearwall,要看Layout。但通常上会用Shearwall,因为construction pace会很快。

最后,我是一名consulting engineer,工作了10多年,拥有一间小小的consultancy firm。

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发表于 26-10-2011 05:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
"2)column的moment呢?是不是拿momeny minumum? M = 0.05Nh ?"
如果你的structural modelling已经consider了P-delta analysis,我的回答就可以丢进垃圾桶了。

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