Platinum Trophy |
--- | get all of the following prizes
获得所有奖杯 |
Gold Trophies |
Hard Finish | Finish story mode on Hard without changing the difficulty setting
不更改游戏难度的情况下,以Hard模式完成游戏 |
Silver Trophies |
Good Finish | Beat the game as a Hero.
以Hero状态完成游戏 |
Evil Finish | Beat the game while Infamous.
以Infamous状态完成游戏 |
Community Organizer | Take over all territory in the Neon District.
征服Neon地区 |
Civic Leader | Take over all territory in the Warren.
征服Warren地区 |
Urban Designer | Take over all territory in the Historic District.
征服Historic 地区 |
Evil to the Core | Purchase every negative Karma upgrade for each power.
购买及提升所有负面力量的招式 |
True Hero | Purchase every positive Karma upgrade for each power.
购买及提升所有正面力量的招式 |
Goody Two Shoes | Reach full positive Karma.
达成完全正面的Karma |
Truly Infamous | Reach full negative Karma.
达成完全负面的Karma |
Stunt Master | Complete all of the stunts on the stunt list.
完成列表上的所有招式 |
Bronze Trophies |
Just Scratched the Surface | Collect all Dead Drops in the Neon District.
在Neon地区收集完所有的Dead Drops |
Further Down the Rabbit Hole | Collect all Dead Drops in the Warren.
在Warren地区收集完所有的Dead Drops |
You’re so Sly | Collect all Dead Drops in the Historic District.
在Historic地区收集完所有的Dead Drops |
Junior Geologist | Find 25% of the Shards.
收集25%碎片 |
Member of the Mineral Club | Find 50% of the Shards.
收集50%碎片 |
Rockhound | Find 100% of the Shards.
收集100%碎片 |
Frequent Flyer | Travel 5 kilometers using Static Thrusters.
用Static Thrusters完成5km的路程 |
Hotfoot | Travel 25 kilometers while riding the rails.
在铁轨上滑行完成2km的路程 |
Electric Hobo | Ride the train for 2 kilometers.
搭火车走完成2km的路程 |
Casey Jones | Take down 25 enemies while riding on a moving train.
在移动的火车上打倒25个敌人 |
Road Kill | Take down 25 enemies while riding on the roof of a moving vehicle.
在移动的交通工具顶上打倒25个敌人(火车除外) |
Drop Everything | Thunder Drop for a total distance of at least 500 meters.
在距离500m外使用Thunder Drop攻击 |
AC/DC | Drain 750 megawatts of power from Empire City.
从Empire City吸收750mw的电力 |
Get Off My Cloud | Get 100 High Fall take downs.
使用High Fall打倒100个敌人 |
Red Baron | Take down 100 enemies while they are airborne.
打倒100个空中的敌人 |
Fish in a Barrel | Kill 50 enemies by using water.
使用水打倒100个敌人 |
True Potential | Purchase every upgrade for a single power.
为每项能力都升级 |
Oh You’ve Done This Before | Take down 50 enemies by sticking them with a grenade.
使用手榴弹打倒100个敌人 |
The Hunger | Bio Leech 100 enemies.
从100个敌人身上使用Bio Leech |
Doctor Cole | Heal 250 pedestrians.
治疗25个行人 |
Good Eats | Good guys feed the needy.
供给食物给需要的人 (Hero状态) |
Evil Eats | Bad guys never share their food.
从不供给食物给需要的人 (Infamous状态) |
Good Riot | Good guys stand up and take the heat.
挺身而出抵抗恶势力 (Hero状态) |
Evil Riot | Bad guys love starting riots.
制造混乱 (Infamous状态) |
Good Train | Good guys proactively facilitate transportation solutions.
修缮交通 (Hero状态) |
Evil Train | Bad guys make it clear who the boss is.
破坏交通 (Infamous状态) |
Good Exposure | Good guys are heroes to others.
Hero状态下获得 |
Evil Exposure | Bad guys love to be seen.
Infamous状态下获得 |
Good Sphere | Good guys put a stop to the madness.
Hero状态下获得 |
Evil Sphere | Bad guys always want more power.
Infamous状态下获得 |
Good Intentions | Good guys work for the greater good.
Hero状态下获得 |
Evil Intentions | Bad guys can’t say goodbye.
Infamous状态下获得 |
Stunt Man | Complete any one stunt from the stunt list.
完成列表上的任何一项招式 |
Stunt Coordinator | Complete 10 of the stunts on the stunt list.
完成列表上的10项招式 |