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agent 误导下买了储蓄保单,如何向bank negara 投诉?(国家银行效率真的很好)
明天朋友要我去当证人, 因为被代理员误导买了一份,明天要陪他去保险公司分部当证人要求agent 解释保单内容。
1) 买了保单2年,没有收到policy, 如何算cooling off date? (透过公司打的电话问agent, ’确定保单‘在agent 手上)。。。。。
2) 请问可以这样的吗? 如果agent a 和你讲plan, 但是保单上面却是放了agent b 的名字。 但是在谈保单的时后agent b 完全没有出现过,如果明天要求解释保单,请问是agent a, 还是agent b?
notes: 投诉事件是针对agent 而不是相关保险公司和保单,保单和保险公司都没错
请帮忙在facebook 上分享,让更多人知道如何向国家银行投诉不合格的agent.
steps to complaint agent
1) 写信给bank negara, cc 给insurance company
a) agent misleading
b) agent 不会解释保单,
c) 看cooling off date
d) 其他(agent a 放agent b name)
2) 要求agent 去 branch 找一个公证人,在他面前要求
a) explaint policy
b) 出示讲plan insurance 时给的资料
c) 要求知道cooling off date 上的日期还有签名
d) 对比agent 的资料和保单上保证回酬
e) 叫agent 算 irr(可能他不会)
3。 等bank negara 开了 file, 用 file number email 给 保险公司 ,cc 给bank negara 要求update weekly status
4. 如果insurance company 没reply 你, 记得写信给bank negara 讲保险公司对你的case 敷衍。
1. agent 的道德 #2, #78
2。不专业agent 容易犯的错 , insurance act 1996 #4
3。 如何讲agent 解释保单,(针对回酬) #10
4。 sample of complaint letter #19
5. sample of follow up letter (to bank negara, 针对agent 没法解释保单,irr, 还有agent 误导)
6。 什么是 freelook surrender #183 (thx Geman)
7。 follow up letter ( 要求weekly status, and 如果insurance company 不鸟你,写信去bank negara 投诉)
8. 如果资料足够,bank negara 就会正式要求保险公司在 两星期 给答复, #213
9。 保险公司搞笑的回复, 还有email 给ceo 吧 #242
additional notes
什么是 irr(thx geman)
本帖最后由 福气又安康 于 21-11-2012 11:02 AM 编辑
楼主 |
发表于 25-5-2011 02:34 PM
发表于 25-5-2011 02:41 PM
你不用管a or b。你可以去保險公司可以問information counter 你時買甚麼何保甚麼的。
你可以和information kaunter complain 說你不滿意。要球見這些agent 的
unit manager。
請問你買哪家的insurans? |
楼主 |
发表于 25-5-2011 02:50 PM
本帖最后由 bigmac5 于 25-5-2011 03:00 PM 编辑
回复 3# Ming_yii82
不是我, 是我朋友买了一间保险公司的saving plan 觉得受骗, 被agent 误导, 明天意见要求见agent 要求解释保单了。。。。因为想知道在没有受到保单下。。如何算cooling off date, 还有要求agent 解释保单, 以证明他讲和保单内容一致, 之前写信给bank negara 了, bank negara 我朋友这样做。。。 以confirm 代理员犯了以下的 act,才采取行动
Insurance 1996
Knowledge of, and statement by, insurance agent. | 151. (1) A person who is authorised by a licensed insurer to be its insurance agent and who solicits or negotiates a contract of insurance in that capacity shall be deemed, for the purpose of the formation of the contract of insurance, to be the agent of the licensed insurer and the knowledge of that insurance agent shall be deemed to be the knowledge of the licensed insurer. | | | (2) A statement made, or an act done, by the insurance agent shall be deemed, for the purpose of the formation of the contract of insurance, to be a statement made, or act done, by the licensed insurer notwithstanding the insurance agent’s contravention of subsection 150 (4) or any other provision of this Act. | | | (3) Subsection (1) shall not apply— | | | (a) | where there is collusion or connivance between the insurance agent and the proposer in the formation of the contract of insurance; or | | | (b) | where a person has ceased to be an insurance agent of a licensed insurer and it has taken all reasonable steps to inform, or bring to the knowledge of, potential policy owners and the public in general of the fact of such cessation. | |
Insurance intermediary. | 186. (1) No person shall invite any person to make an offer or proposal to enter into a contract of insurance without disclosing— | | | (a) | the name of the licensed insurer; | | | (b) | his relationship with the licensed insurer; and | | | (c) | the premium charged by the licensed insurer. | | | Penalty : One million ringgit. Default penalty. Offence in relation to entries in documents. | 205. No person, with intent to deceive— | | | (a) | in respect of a document relating to a licensee— | | | (i) | shall make or cause to be made a false entry; | | | (ii) | shall omit to make, or cause to be omitted, any entry; or | | | (iii) | shall alter, abstract, conceal or destroy, or cause to be altered, abstracted, concealed or destroyed, any entry; | | | (b) | in respect of a group policy, shall receive a proposal for insurance, or collect premium, on the group policy if it has expired or has been cancelled by the licensed insurer; | | | (c) | shall forge a document, or make use of or hold in his possession a false document, purporting to be a policy of a licensed insurer; | | | (d) | shall alter an entry made in a policy of a licensed insurer; or | | | (e) | shall issue or use a policy which is false or incorrect, wholly or partly, or misleading. Penalty : Imprisonment for ten years or ten million ringgit or both. Default penalty. | |
| |
Revocation of licence. | 31. (1) The Minister, on the recommendation of the Bank, may revoke the licence of a licensed insurer, and the Bank may revoke the licence of a licensed insurance broker, licensed adjuster or licensed financial adviser, as the case may be, if— | Act A1247. | | (a) | the licensed insurer has ceased to issue any new policy in respect of its licensed business; | | | (b) | the licensed insurance broker has ceased to carry on insurance broking business; | | | (c) | the licensed adjuster has ceased to carry on adjusting business; | | | (ca) | the licensed financial adviser has ceased to carry on financial advisory business; | | | (d) | the licensee is carrying on its business in a manner which is likely to be detrimental to the interests of its customers; | | | (e) | the licensee is contravening or has contravened any of the provisions of this Act or any conditions imposed on its licence or any directions given by the Bank under this Act regardless that there has been no prosecution for an offence in respect of such contravention; | | | (f) | the licensee, or any of its officers responsible for its management, has furnished false misleading or inaccurate information or has concealed, or failed to disclose, material facts in its application for a licence or in any returns filed under this Act | |
http://www.bnm.gov.my/index.php?ch=14&pg=17&ac=545&full=1 |
楼主 |
发表于 25-5-2011 02:55 PM
我想问问可以这样的吗? 和 a 谈保险但是保单上面却是放b 的名字, 而保客从来没看过b, |
发表于 25-5-2011 03:09 PM
就是爸爸放儿子的名咯。。儿子抽了爸爸再抽。。。不要给上司抽多笔佣金嘛,, |
发表于 25-5-2011 03:23 PM
我想问问可以这样的吗? 和 a 谈保险但是保单上面却是放b 的名字, 而保客从来没看过b,
by law来讲,是不可以! |
发表于 25-5-2011 03:29 PM
根据bnm的法律,是不可以的,你可以向BNM或者那间保险公司投诉,要求退保单,你可以获得全程你所放进去的钱,还有那个agent的LICENSE将被封锁 |
楼主 |
发表于 25-5-2011 03:49 PM
本帖最后由 bigmac5 于 25-5-2011 04:05 PM 编辑
回复 8# songbiu
谢谢你,其实已经问了bank negara 意见。。。 明天去了branch 再update 上来。 对不起我不是要针对保险代理员,而是那个代理员完全是没有教养。。。。知道我朋友写信去bank negara,讲了一些鸟话。真的很想请他吃大便。。。。。
1) 你没有钱供了就不要搞这么多事出来
2)我就是officier, 你要问什么就问我,何必问bank negara
3)我就是你的agent, 有什么你就问我, 我是代理员,不要相信外面讲什么。。。。很多东西你不懂。。。。。
我是担心,,我明天会都兰到会过去给他一巴。。。。因为他开口第一句话,就是讲我,叫朋友断保, 然后用钱买信托。。。。。。%……¥¥%%%&*** |
楼主 |
发表于 25-5-2011 03:56 PM
本帖最后由 bigmac5 于 25-5-2011 03:59 PM 编辑
其实投诉去bank negara 是很简单的, bank negara 会要求 ic, policy no, 还有保险公司名字,agent 名字,就会帮你开file...除了cooling off, 保客可以要求agent 解释保单, 如果agent 解释不到, 也可以写信投诉要求推回保单。。。bank negara 要求我们这样做
你branch 要求branch manager 还是executive staff, 当证人,然后在要求agent 解释他之前给的资料在把资料对比和保单内容。 如果有出入就是misleading......可以写给bank negara 讲agent misleading....
因为保客有权利要求agent 解释保单到保客满意为止, 如果agent解释不到。。。算misleading......
我朋友是买了大东方的saving plan, agent 误导说每年一定有8%回酬, 现在要求他在保单里面指出、画出他讲的8%的info.....
anyway 谢谢kteng 的帮忙。。。希望他早日康复 |
楼主 |
发表于 25-5-2011 04:01 PM
本帖最后由 bigmac5 于 25-5-2011 04:03 PM 编辑
http://www.chinapress.com.my/con ... mp;art=0414mc64.txt
看了这个我朋友才敢写信去bank negara 投诉不专业的agent, 到昨天agent 还是讲真的有8%回酬 |
发表于 25-5-2011 04:06 PM
回复 songbiu
谢谢你,其实已经问了bank negara 意见。。。 明天去了branch 再update 上来。 对不起我 ...
1) 你没有钱供了就不要搞这么多事出来
2)我就是officier, 你要问什么就问我,何必问bank negara
3)我就是你的agent, 有什么你就问我, 我是代理员,不要相信外面讲什么。。。。很多东西你不懂。。。。。
bigmac5 发表于 25-5-2011 03:49 PM
千万不要巴他。。会弄脏你的手。。。 用脚踹他,就可以了。。。 呵呵~ |
发表于 25-5-2011 04:06 PM
回复 songbiu
谢谢你,其实已经问了bank negara 意见。。。 明天去了branch 再update 上来。 对不起我 ...
bigmac5 发表于 25-5-2011 03:49 PM
不用客气,没关系,我明白你的处境,这些AGENT不负责任再加上欺骗顾客,会有报应的 |
发表于 25-5-2011 04:08 PM
(吉隆坡13日訊)一旦消費者發現有任何保險 ...
看了这个我朋友才敢写信去bank negara 投诉不专业的agent, 到昨天agent 还是讲真的有8%回酬
bigmac5 发表于 25-5-2011 04:01 PM
呵呵~ 这类不专业的保险代理员就是如此的。。。总是语不惊人死不休。。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 25-5-2011 04:15 PM
回复 12# AK-
明天应该用insurance act 1996 给他闭嘴。。。 他是一个mdrt 的级的人马。。。 看了资料。保客是有权利要求agent 对比和解释保单。。。。
明天去了branch 再update 上来发生什么事, 因为保单是朋友的,不懂他介意公开他和bank negara 的内容吗。。。还有如果还有朋友和我朋友这样被误导的,可以类似这样做
1)写信给 bank negera :[email protected] cc 给保险公司
2)投诉讲买保险被误导, 要求agent 解释保单,agent 解释不到, 还给了一大堆误导的资料。
3)要求agent 去branch,要求agent 面对面解释保单, 要求branch manager, executive,当证人,记录时间,还有拿所以人的资料,
4)如果确定agent 误导,在把时间地点,还有所以事写给bank negara... 等reply |
发表于 25-5-2011 05:01 PM
无敌小强 发表于 25-5-2011 03:09 PM
这样都有楼主记得上来报告一下结果。。好浪我们这些买保险的人有一个警惕 |
楼主 |
发表于 25-5-2011 05:10 PM
回复 16# taj
公开的秘密,信托代理和保险都会有这样的事, 因为sales 可以当personal, 也可以当group sales....(老公去谈保险, 放老婆的名字)最后两个一起去旅行。。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 25-5-2011 06:09 PM
从bank negara 的email, cooling date 不是要点,而是如果agent 没有办法解释保单内容和他在卖保单给的数据有出入,当misleading 处理。。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 25-5-2011 06:18 PM
Dear SIr,
Please provide us your Policy No and NRIC.
Thank you.
Complaint Handling Unit
23/05/2011 12:55
To [email protected]
cc [email protected]
Subject Insurance Agent Misleading
Dear sir:
I would like to make a complaint regarding an agent misleading me to purchase a insurance saving plan. The agent X, represent Great Eastern Insurance company had give me a empty promise regarding the insurance plan will benefit me for guaranteed 8 % per year for a return. However I face a problems that.
1) After 2 year I never received any policy from the company.
2) The insurance agent never explain the details of the policy to me, which the part in the policy showing the guaranteed 8% return per year.
3) I would like to cancel the policy since feel be misleading, I never received the policy and never sign any acknowledgment, may I know how to calculate the cooling off period for me to cancel the policy?
4) I had told the agent I want to cancel the policy, however the agent said told me that I must continued to make a payment, what else I get nothing at the end.
The agent never pass the policy to me within this 2 year, how can I use my right as cooling off period, to get the fully refund? As I feel strongly, the agent misleading me to purchase the saving plan.
Regards |
发表于 26-5-2011 01:30 AM
回复 17# bigmac5
最起码我就不知道有酱的事。。我也相信还有很多人也需要有楼主这样的胋 来提升对保险的认识 |
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