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1. Form 1到Form 3课本 (完整版) (每本RM 2) 2. PMR Tatabahasa [Yakin] (RM 1) 3. 348 PMR BahasaMelayu Kertas 2 (Eastview) [RM 2] 4. Focus ACE PMRPenulisan (Pelangi) [RM 2] 5. Nexus VistaTatabahasa PMR (Sasbadi) [RM 2] 6. Karangan DimensiBimbingan & Panduan PMR (Setia Emas) [RM 2] 7. New Grammar DrillBook 1 (PIB) [RM 1] 8. Complete GrammarGuide (PIB) [RM 3] 9. PMR LiteratureComponent (Sistem) [RM 1] 10. PMR Grammar(Sistem) [RM 1] 11. Spot On ModelCompositions & Summaries for PMR (Oxford) [RM 2] 12. UnderstandingLiterature Series-Robinson Crusoe (Oxford) [RM 1] 13. Timulak KapalPerang & Antologi Seuntai Kata untuk Dirasa-Tingkatan 2 (Eastview) [RM1.50] 14. Ekspedisi &Antologi Anak Bumi Tercinta-Tingkatan 3 (Eastview) [RM 1.50] 15. Ulang KajiMyTutor PMR Geografi (PEP) [RM 2] 16. Ulang KajiMyTutor PMR Sejarah (PEP) [RM 2] 17. SuccessMathematics PMR (Oxford) [RM 3] 18. Golden NewVision PMR Science (Eastview) [RM 3] 19. 初中作文应考篇-笔下生花(艺青) [RM 2] 20. 初中作文基础篇-初生之读 (艺青) [RM 2] 21. 中学作文百篇范例 (艺青)[RM 2] 22. 中学作文百篇范例增订版 (艺青)[RM 2] 23. 初中文言文应考篇-古获人心 (艺青)[RM2] 24. 150 SPM TeknikPenulisan @ Format-Bahasa Melayu Kertas 1 (Eastview) [RM 3] 25. Karangan Gred ASPM (Cerdik) [RM 4] 26. Fokus @ SPMKarangan Bahasa Malaysia Kertas 1 (Eastview) [RM 3] 27. Mahir KaranganBahasa Malaysia SPM (Pelangi) [RM 3] 28. Strategi MenjawabLangkah demi Langkah SPM (Longman) [RM 3] 29. Nexus ProTatabahasa SPM (Sasbadi) [RM 2] 30. Ulasan KajianKomsas Terbaik-Antologi Anak Laut [Tingkatan 4] (Eastview) (RM 1) 31. Ulasan KajianKomsas Terbaik-Antologi Kerusi [Tingkatan 5] (Eastview) [RM 1] 32. Ulasan & SoalJawab Komsas-Antologi Kerusi & Novel Seteguh Karang [Tingkatan 5] (Oxford)[RM 1] 33. Teks Ulasan &Kajian-Antologi Dirgahayu Bahasaku & Novel Kabus di Perbukitan (PIB) [RM 1] 34. Teks Ulasan &Komsas-Antologi Harga Remaja [Tingkatan 4] (PIB) [RM 1] 35. Write A SPMEssays (Cerdik) [RM 2] 36. 188 Model EssaysSPM (EPH) [RM 4] 37. Compositions& Summaries for SPM 1119 English (Oxford) [RM 3] 38. ModelCompositions & Summaries for SPM 1119 English 4th Edition(Oxford) [RM 3] 39. SPM ModelCompositions & Summaries (PIB) [RM 3] 40. LiteratureDigest-Poems, Short Stories and Drama (Setia Emas) [RM 2] 41. Textbook: CatchUs If You Can (photocopy) [RM 1] 42. Q & A SejarahTingkatan 4 (Setia Emas) [RM 1.50] 43. Q & A SejarahTingkatan 5 (Setia Emas) [RM 1.50] 44. Nota PintasSejarah Tingkatan 5 [RM 1] 45. Link To A SPMPhysics (Eastview) [RM 3] 46. Skill PracticeSPM Physics (Pelangi) [RM 2] 47. Focus Super SPMPhysics (Pelangi) [RM 4] 48. Whizz Thru SPMChemistry (Oxford) [RM 2] 49. SPM ChemistryLearning Through Diagrams (SAP) [RM 2] 50. SPM STPM 作文精选 (艺青) [RM 3] 51. SPM高中作文 修订版 (艺青) [RM 3] 52. 初中美术第一册 (独中) [RM 1] 53. Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry Coursebook ©2011 [OriginalCoursebook: 95% new!!] (NP: RM 180àNow: RM 80) 54. A-Level ChemistryWorked Solutions 1992-2006 [photocopy] (RM 5) 55. Step by StepChemistry [photocopy] (RM 3) 56. A LevelApplication Support Booklet: Chemistry [photocopy] (RM 2) 57. As Level & ALevel Biology coursebook ©2008 [photocopy] (RM 5) 58. Essential ASBiology [photocopy] (RM 3) 59. Essential A2Biology [photocopy] (RM 3) 60. A-level critical guide-Mathematics [a Cosmic production] (NP: 10.99poundàNow: RM 8) 61. A Level PureMathematics 1 coursebook ©2005 [photocopy] (RM 3) 62. A Level ThinkingSkill coursebook ©2005 [photocopy] (RM 2)