老鸭本身丑闻也不少。wiki那里抓来的。 BrotherAbdullah Ahmad Badawi has been criticised for allowing his brother Fahim Ibrahim Badawi to buy 51 percent of the government-controlled MAS Catering Sdn Bhd. Fahim later sold this stake to Lufthansa's LSG Skychef at a huge profit.HomeArchived 15 February 2011 at WebCite Son-in-lawAbdullah Ahmad Badawi has been criticised for allowing his son-in-law, Khairy Jamaluddin, to become unduly influential in UMNO politics.[23] Iraq Oil-for-Food ScandalAbdullah Ahmad Badawi has been criticised for endorsing his relatives who were involved in abuses related to the Iraqi Oil-for-Food Programme.[24] Nuclear ProliferationMain article: Scomi Precision Engineering Nuclear Scandal
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has been criticised after one of his son's companies was found to be producing components for centrifuges purported to be intended for use in Libya's secret uranium enrichment program.