【PS3】Little Big Planet 集中讨论区
发表于 18-10-2009 09:08 PM
玩到爆头了,在第二关在斑马那里有墙壁堵住!!怎样过? |
发表于 19-10-2009 06:07 AM
发表于 12-11-2009 10:07 AM
我的ID: kokseng83
不过streamyx 还没有安装好,那天我尝试用celcom bb 连线。。不是出dns error,就是login 没有多久就自动logout。。 |
发表于 12-11-2009 10:11 AM
回复 201# pinocho520 的帖子
是不是要放尾巴那个?只要把尾巴paste 在它的尾端,门就会开了
昨天终于过了一关有很多触电陷阱。。最后还要过很大个齿轮圈的关卡。。我老婆玩到就快丢controller。。 |
发表于 13-11-2009 11:11 AM
谢谢你哦~我终于过了~现在在玩tov所以hold住先 |
发表于 13-11-2009 12:57 PM
加油,期待streamyx 快点倒可以尝试和人连线一起闯关,不知道感受如何 |
发表于 13-11-2009 04:38 PM
发表于 13-11-2009 04:54 PM
发表于 13-11-2009 05:30 PM
发表于 13-11-2009 05:37 PM
[ 本帖最后由 pinocho520 于 13-11-2009 05:47 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 18-11-2009 11:32 AM
昨天streamyx 终于到我家了。。也potong了celcom bb。。昨晚尝试little 上线玩,看到很多很搞笑的关卡。 不过想知道下,可以和其他玩家一同连线一起过吗? 要如何? |
发表于 1-12-2009 03:02 PM
LittleBigPlanet: "Biggest update ever" dated
Friday 27-Nov-2009 4:12 PM
Free update adds online Create mode, increased profile space
Media Molecule will throw out what it's calling the "biggest game update EVER" for LittleBigPlanet on November 30 which, most importantly, will add the option to create levels with other players online.
The update, which brings the game up to version 1.21, will also give players increased profile space and tweak save options and networking.
Here's the full official low down:
Online Create
Now you can create with up to three other players online across the internet, across the world!
Networking fixes & location-based matchmaking
We've rewritten both the way the game handles networking code and the way it finds people for you to play with when you hit 'Play Online'. Now, it searches for people who are closer to you and more likely to have a lower ping. This should bring significant improvements to lag and other networking problems.
The POD Computer will first try to match based on location, if this fails it will fall back to matching with any location.
Save game rewrite
We've changed the way your saved games work to make it faster, more flexible and more robust. It also means you'll be able to save way more stuff.
On a PS3, there are two places games store data - the Game Data folder and the Save Data folder. Previously your automatic save would be stored in the Save Data folder. We've changed it so that your save is now stored in the Game Data folder.
Of course this won't affect most people, but if you do find yourself rummaging in these folders then beware! If you want to back up your data, or move it to another PS3, you will need to use the following new tools:
Profile Backup
The save game backup options can be found in the Profile Settings page of the Start Menu:
* Backup Profile - This will create a back-up copy of your profile, progress, and your levels into a folder in the Save Data Utility. It is also handy if you want to copy your profile to another PS3.
* Import Profile - Lets you import / restore a previous back-up from the Save Data Utility.
Level Backup
You can now backup individual levels! On your moon, select a level and press the Square Button to bring up the options. There will be a new option under the publish menu:
* Backup - This will create a back-up copy of your profile, progress, and your levels into a folder in the Save Data Utility. It is also handy if you want to copy your profile to another PS3.
Doing the same thing to an empty level will give you another new option:
* Import - This lets you import any level you have copied to the Save Data Utility to the selected crater on your moon.
Increased profile space
On top of the extra space you get from the save game re-write, we've also doubled the number of photos and costumes that you can save to Popit.
Other awesome Features:
* If you play a level but do not complete it, a silver Sackboy medal will be displayed on the badge, to get a gold medal you must complete the level.
* We made the LittleBigStore a bit easier to navigate and also to download things after purchase.
* There is now an option to 'Auto-Reject' invitations from other players. The option is in 'Profile Settings'. If you have this set to 'On, no one will be able to join you unless you choose to 'Play Online'. This setting is not saved to your profile and needs to be set every time you play.
* Sticker switches have been made more noticeable and give better feedback to the player when attempting to place stickers on them.
* Checkpoints can now be activated using switches.
* Race Gates can be made thin again!
* You can now use the Sticker and Decoration tool and turn Sackboy around while in Customisation mode.
* Added the QWERTY keyboard layout to the text chat menu.
* Play, Create, Share scores have been removed - we thought these scores were a good idea but they never worked in the way we wanted them to. They may return one day. Maybe.
* If you collect a key whilst playing a community level, you will now see the level unlocking for you once the level you are playing has been completed. You can also search for linked levels in the search menu.
* Pressing L2 and R2 while browsing community levels can now show you the name or the author of each level on the earth as well as the Heart Count and Rating.
转载自: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=228405 |
发表于 4-12-2009 08:49 AM
第一次尝试和玩家whysoserious513连线一起玩lbp。。 够爽快。。 |
发表于 9-12-2009 10:06 PM
PSN: yong0311 |
发表于 10-12-2009 09:50 AM
碟身要用些不重不轻。。。。刚刚好的材料制作 。 想问下你们知道如何把电线隐藏起来吗? 大家说说自己有什么自制飞船之类的吧?研究下研究下 |
发表于 10-12-2009 11:02 AM
PSN: yong0311
yong0311 发表于 9-12-2009 10:06 PM
我其实也加入PS3 一族不久,前阵子因为psp 不见了,想买回一架地。。可是想想。。算了,干脆买PS3, LBP 是我第一个买来和老婆一起玩的~ 真的不错, 很有创意。
我的PSN : kokseng83 |
发表于 10-12-2009 11:04 AM
发表于 10-12-2009 12:45 PM
本帖最后由 草帽雷电 于 13-12-2009 01:41 PM 编辑
Kokseng 的PSN 什么? |
发表于 10-12-2009 12:55 PM
我没有问题。。给我知道时间就好了。。有什么可以去msn 找我 我老婆也很有兴趣。 |
发表于 10-12-2009 04:57 PM
我其实也加入PS3 一族不久,前阵子因为psp 不见了,想买回一架地。。可是想想。。算了,干脆买PS ...
kokseng83 发表于 10-12-2009 11:02
我才玩了前面几关,遇到的人都讲他破完了的 = =
好啊, 先寻找多一点人吧,然后大家在Facebook里提出关卡主题,然后一起讨论,筹备资料,最后阶段才开始 ...
草帽雷电 发表于 10-12-2009 12:45 [url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=69277462&ptid=1335880][/url]
哇,将大工程哦 = =
我连玩都还没玩过多少也。。。 先看看先 |
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