【保险讨论区】Prudential 保诚询问站
发表于 14-6-2016 02:53 PM
不好意思,打错了,是225K终身限额 (不是250K)
发表于 14-6-2016 08:54 PM
保诚现在有新的Deductive PVM医药卡,可以给其它不够医药额的旧卡提升(不管是不是保诚的),有deductive 20千, 50千 和 80千, 有兴趣可以密我,谢谢。 |
发表于 21-6-2016 12:08 PM
如果要升级 PRUlink Assurance plan,有哪些选项?保费如何?
谢谢。 |
发表于 21-6-2016 03:49 PM
gd_low 发表于 21-6-2016 12:08 PM
如果要升级 PRUlink Assurance plan,有哪些选项?保费如何?
您好。你这份是旧的保单。如果你想要提升的话。我希望我能帮到你。首先我需要看你旧得保单内容先。之后我在做一份完整的quotation给你。你看这样能吗 |
发表于 22-6-2016 04:38 PM
可以问问你PRUDENTIAL PPA的疑问吗??谢谢
1) Can I do reduction made on the sum assured but do not decrease the regular deposit (i.e. Increase the level of investment)? What is minimum sum assured for Death/TPD Benefit? Is there any charges if I want to increase the coverage of the sum assured?
2) When am I entitled to reduce my sum assured for Death, TPD and TI to zero?
3) If there any charge for premium holiday, how to activate premium holiday?
4) If I choose to reduce my premium now, will I have to go through/restart the “allocation stage” when I increate it later in my life. Is there any charges?
5) How to remove rider? If I add rider onto my plan later on my life, is there any charges?
6) I want to receive Mercer’s quarterly report. How to do it?
发表于 22-6-2016 04:39 PM
请问你是PRUDENTIAL AGENT吗?可以帮忙解答以下疑惑吗?谢谢
可以问问你PRUDENTIAL PPA的疑问吗??谢谢
1) Can I do reduction made on the sum assured but do not decrease the regular deposit (i.e. Increase the level of investment)? What is minimum sum assured for Death/TPD Benefit? Is there any charges if I want to increase the coverage of the sum assured?
2) When am I entitled to reduce my sum assured for Death, TPD and TI to zero?
3) If there any charge for premium holiday, how to activate premium holiday?
4) If I choose to reduce my premium now, will I have to go through/restart the “allocation stage” when I increate it later in my life. Is there any charges?
5) How to remove rider? If I add rider onto my plan later on my life, is there any charges?
6) I want to receive Mercer’s quarterly report. How to do it?
发表于 22-6-2016 05:07 PM
1) Can I do reduction made on the sum assured but do not decrease the regular deposit (i.e. Increase the level of investment)? 可以的,但是如果你要把投资的数额提高,相对的受保利益会变小,我不鼓励这样做,因为你买保险的用意是给自己一份保障。What is minimum sum assured for Death/TPD Benefit? 最低你能调到10K
Is there any charges if I want to increase the coverage of the sum assured?可能会加也可能不会,你可以向你的agent了解,如果没有人serve你,你可以PM我,到时我们再详细研究
2) When am I entitled to reduce my sum assured for Death, TPD and TI to zero? 这个问题不是很明白,你是说你在修改了保单之后几时生效还是?
3) If there any charge for premium holiday, how to activate premium holiday? 你可以跟你的agent说你要premium holiday,没有收费的
4) If I choose to reduce my premium now, will I have to go through/restart the “allocation stage” when I increate it later in my life. Is there any charges? 如果你要降低你的保费,那是等于缩减一些利益,你不必再经过allocation stage,修改保单是不收钱的。
5) How to remove rider? If I add rider onto my plan later on my life, is there any charges?修改保单是不收钱的,你要remove rider,你可以向你的agent了解
6) I want to receive Mercer’s quarterly report. How to do it? 据我所知,这个你应该可以直接网上找到吧
发表于 22-6-2016 10:41 PM
qqsnoopy 发表于 5-5-2016 07:56 AM
是不是在 sample claim 那里?
就是在 MVP 里面,保险公司给,如果超过 MVP 就保险公司会分担80%, 剩余的 20% 就自己要给钱。
比如 MVP - 1Miliion
第一次 claim RM500K,
第二次 claim RM 500K,
第 ...
请问如果是 kidney & cancer treatment, 是 1.5 x MVP, 所以kidney & cancer treatment 可以 claim 到 RM1.5K
如果mvp是1M,那么kidney and cancer 是1.5M的意思?
发表于 23-6-2016 12:47 AM
lucpy 发表于 22-6-2016 10:41 PM
请问如果是 kidney & cancer treatment, 是 1.5 x MVP, 所以kidney & cancer treatment 可以 claim 到 RM1.5K
如果mvp是1M,那么kidney and cancer 是1.5M的意思?
您好。如果你的mvp是一百万的话。那么你的outpatient kidney and cancer treantment 是150万终身限额。一般上你用的第一个一百万是由保诚承担的。过了一百万的话,接下来的费用酱是80巴仙保诚承担,20巴仙要自付了。当然如果是用在cancer and kidney 方面,超过一百五十万的话,接下来所有的费用就要自付了 |
发表于 23-6-2016 08:28 AM
程序是 submit supplementary form (附加你要加入的保障利益)给保险公司, 保险公司查看需要加多少的保费。
发表于 23-6-2016 08:31 AM
lucpy 发表于 22-6-2016 10:41 PM
请问如果是 kidney & cancer treatment, 是 1.5 x MVP, 所以kidney & cancer treatment 可以 claim 到 RM1.5K
如果mvp是1M,那么kidney and cancer 是1.5M的意思?
对,如果MVP是 1Million, kidney & cancer treatment 可以 claim 到 RM1.5K
1.5 x MVP
发表于 23-6-2016 11:10 AM
请问一下, prudential 和 eastspring 现在是同母公司, 那么, prudential ILP 的 fund, 是不是可以直接选择由 eastspring manage 的 fund.
发表于 23-6-2016 11:27 AM
hanahouse 发表于 22-6-2016 05:07 PM
1) Can I do reduction made on the sum assured but do not decrease the regular deposit (i.e. Increase the level of investment)? 可以的,但是如 ...
1) Can I do reduction made on the sum assured but do not decrease the regular deposit (i.e. Increase the level of investment)? 可以的,但是如果你要把投资的数额提高,相对的受保利益会变小,我不鼓励这样做,因为你买保险的用意是给自己一份保障。What is minimum sum assured for Death/TPD Benefit? 最低你能调到10K
Is there any charges if I want to increase the coverage of the sum assured?可能会加也可能不会,你可以向你的agent了解,如果没有人serve你,你可以PM我,到时我们再详细研究
2) When am I entitled to reduce my sum assured for Death, TPD and TI to zero? 这个问题不是很明白,你是说你在修改了保单之后几时生效还是?
我之前读到当我们保单到第十年还是55岁后还是最后一次PREMIUM TOPUP后(WHICHEVER IS LATER),我们可以把受保利益变为0
3) If there any charge for premium holiday, how to activate premium holiday? 你可以跟你的agent说你要premium holiday,没有收费的
4) If I choose to reduce my premium now, will I have to go through/restart the “allocation stage” when I increate it later in my life. Is there any charges? 如果你要降低你的保费,那是等于缩减一些利益,你不必再经过allocation stage,修改保单是不收钱的。
如果是不久将来要拉高保费呢,还需要经过ALLOCATION STAGE吗?
5) How to remove rider? If I add rider onto my plan later on my life, is there any charges?修改保单是不收钱的,你要remove rider,你可以向你的agent了解
6) I want to receive Mercer’s quarterly report. How to do it? 据我所知,这个你应该可以直接网上找到吧
发表于 23-6-2016 01:49 PM
不可以,不同的渠道。我是保诚代理也是eastspring Fund Consultant,我们有rich program给每个月投资,中小型基金不错选择。 |
发表于 23-6-2016 03:04 PM
我之前读到当我们保单到第十年还是55岁后还是最后一次PREMIUM TOPUP后(WHICHEVER IS LATER),我们可以把受保利益变为0
你好,其实我还是不太明白你所说的将受保利益调到0,其实简单点说,你的policy上会有maturity date,你可以去查看看,如果没有超过maturity date, 你的受保利益不会变成0的,除非你自己做修改。
如果是不久将来要拉高保费呢,还需要经过ALLOCATION STAGE吗?
调高的保费那部分是要经过allocation stage的
发表于 23-6-2016 03:50 PM
请问你是哪间公司的经纪?我目前买的是PRUDENTIAL PPA(ILP)
1.2. You have the option to reduce your sum assured for Death, TPD and TI to zero after:- the life assured has reached age 55; or- 10 years from:- the start date of your policy; or- the last increase in your regular premiumswhichever is later.
** 我之前还在犹豫着点。。原来现在降低保费然后提高保费会再经过ALLOCATION STAGE的。。那么就没有那个FLEXIBILITY了。。。
发表于 23-6-2016 06:07 PM
bluelavendar 发表于 23-6-2016 03:50 PM
请问你是哪间公司的经纪?我目前买的是PRUDENTIAL PPA(ILP)
1.2. You have the option to reduce your sum assured for Death, TPD and TI to zero after:- the life assured has reached age 55; ...
我是prudential 的,谢谢你给我看这个clause,完整的我上网找了一下
是的,你可以随时调整你的人寿,TPD和 TI,但是最低只能调到10,000, 然而,如果你要调到0,必须符合1.2的条件。
还有,我不是很了解PPA, 方便可以给个全名吗?我可以找找看看,无论如何,向你学习了,谢谢
1. Vary insurance cover 1.1. The sum assured for Death, TPD, TI and Critical Illness (provided you have included Crisis Cover Provider IIIand/or Early Crisis Cover Provider) may be reduced at any time to an amount not less than the minimum sumassured permitted by us at any time. You can do this only once in every 12 months.The minimum amount you canreduce on the sum assured is $10,000.
1.2. You have the option to reduce your sum assured for Death, TPD and TI to zero after:- the life assured has reached age 55; or- 10 years from:- the start date of your policy; or- the last increase in your regular premiumswhichever is later.
发表于 23-6-2016 10:48 PM
发表于 24-6-2016 07:13 AM
不好意思。。。 是 1.5M (typo error)
1.5M 是正确的
发表于 24-6-2016 08:48 AM
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