


楼主: bujua

[讨论]Iskandar 来势汹汹(图片)!!!如何从怀疑变到信心满满!!!

发表于 29-6-2011 12:43 PM | 显示全部楼层

bujua 发表于 2011-6-23 21:08

所谓的“私人界”,很大程度上都是一些官联企业。只要需要动用到政府的拨款或注资,同样的一套是可以用在 Iskandar 的,尤其是那些基建工程。

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 楼主| 发表于 29-6-2011 12:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 bujua 于 29-6-2011 01:04 PM 编辑
你问的问题,基本上没有人会回答你,因为未来的事情没有人懂;如果你说会不会成为另一个MSC cyberjaya那样 ...
hauzi302 发表于 29-6-2011 11:26 AM

    我到觉得JB的property price好像直追KL & Penang, 你有注意Bukit Indah的新launch吗?排屋从500k起跳,SEC的排屋都卖400k以上。。。听说BI最新的Sky LOFT condo, studio 350k 起跳, 3-room 要500多千起跳,顶楼的3-room可能达700多千。。。

如果加上coming soon的cinema和BI MRT station, 真的不敢想象了。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 29-6-2011 01:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
所谓的“私人界”,很大程度上都是一些官联企业。只要需要动用到政府的拨款或注资,同样的一套是可以用 ...
hongwen_77 发表于 29-6-2011 12:43 PM


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发表于 29-6-2011 01:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
我到觉得JB的property price好像直追KL & Penang, 你有注意Bukit Indah的新launch吗?排屋从500k ...
bujua 发表于 29-6-2011 12:44 PM


为什么我说还没有而不是说没有,事实上如果你比较KL和JB的整体上的房价,最受买家青睐的比如说BI,horizon hills,这几个地点的价钱,700/800千,对很多JB人来说是“夸张”,可是你如果有闲时去survey KL的整体房价,你就会知道我为什么说新山的“还没有”能和KL/PG比,因为那边的随便都是过M来算。在看回BI/HI现在的价格,算是JB数一数二的property,你就能明白JB还没有KL那么mature。


Sky loft 那个其实买了不会亏的...只是很多人没有那个starting money去买而已......

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 楼主| 发表于 29-6-2011 03:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 bujua 于 29-6-2011 03:17 PM 编辑

为什么我说还没有而不是说没有,事实上如果你比较KL和JB的 ...
hauzi302 发表于 29-6-2011 01:57 PM




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发表于 29-6-2011 03:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
bujua 发表于 2011-6-29 13:01

#219 应该只是提到政府直接的拨款项目吧?



"这是国阵政府(尤其是以巫统为核心的政府结构)执政五十多年来的典型"恩庇政治"(Political Patronage)下的必然产物,通过政府国库或政府控制的金融机构作为后盾,来支撑朋党企业经济利益的一个寻租框架。

正因为有政府作后台,往往对获得大型发展项目的寻租人形成一种"大得不能倒"(Too big to Fail)的道德风险,寻租人才会毫无节制的挥霍,因为他们相信,政府最终会出手拯救,这也注定了很多大型发展项目,最终都以失败收场。"

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 楼主| 发表于 29-6-2011 05:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 bujua 于 29-6-2011 05:18 PM 编辑
#219 应该只是提到政府直接的拨款项目吧?

有多少项发展项目是完完全全由私人界(直接或间接由官联 ...
hongwen_77 发表于 29-6-2011 03:18 PM

   我们 就看看帖#1的project, 除了MRT, Coastal Highway 和Senai Airport是政府资助的,其它都是由本地“私人“发展商和外资开发的。。。如果你有follow这帖里面的内容,你会发现I到skandar很大程度上是“私人与外资的工程“,政府只是“coordinator“, 负责吸引外资和基建。。。只有深一层了解它,你才会改观,不然就是周旋来周旋去,到你相信的时候,要付出的代价会更高。。。


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发表于 30-6-2011 11:59 AM | 显示全部楼层
bujua 发表于 2011-6-29 17:16

第一批百万富翁或千万富翁: 当收到消息有大发展项目时,用还没被炒高的价钱买发展地区的地皮,后以高价卖出的“私人界”企业/公司。 当然,当中还有一些佣金受益人 (类似拿督 T 的其中一人的所谓介绍人)。



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 楼主| 发表于 30-6-2011 12:55 PM | 显示全部楼层
第一批百万富翁或千万富翁: 当收到消息有大发展项目时,用还没被炒高的价钱买发展地区的地皮,后以高价 ...
hongwen_77 发表于 30-6-2011 11:59 AM




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 楼主| 发表于 30-6-2011 06:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
E&O in strategic JV to develop 210-acre wellness township in Medini, Iskandar
Jun 30, 2011, The Star

In an announcement to Bursa Malaysia today, Main Board-listed Eastern & Oriental Berhad (E&O) said that it has entered into a shareholders’ agreement with Pulau Indah Ventures Sdn Bhd (Pulau Indah) to undertake the development of an iconic wellness township in the Heritage Cluster in Medini Central of the Nusajaya flagship zone of Iskandar Malaysia. The 210-acre land for the proposed development is strategically located 15 minutes from the Tuas Second Link to Singapore.

E&O via its indirect wholly-owned subsidiary, Galaxy Prestige Sdn Bhd (Galaxy Prestige) had entered into the agreement with Pulau Indah to establish a 50/50 joint venture company named Nuri Merdu Sdn Bhd.

Pulau Indah is a 50/50 commercial joint venture between Teluk Rubiah Ventures Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Khazanah Nasional Berhad, and Aneto Investments Pte. Ltd, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited.

E&O, a leading lifestyle developer known for its cachet of exclusive properties in the prime urban areas of Kuala Lumpur and Penang, will be extending its expertise to conceptualise and develop the wellness-themed enclave, a mixed development comprising, amongst others, terrace and semi-detached houses, bungalows, serviced apartments and condominiums, wellness centre(s), and retail and commercial properties.

Pulau Indah director Zaida Khalida Shaari said, “We are delighted to be announcing our partnership with E&O, an established property developer with a track record of quality developments in Malaysia. We believe they will help realise our shareholders' vision for an iconic and commercially successful development in Iskandar Malaysia.”

E&O deputy managing director Eric Chan Kok Leong said “We are excited about our maiden foray into Johor. With E&O’s experience in delivering premier lifestyle properties and the backing of a solid strategic partnership, we are confident of translating the envisioned iconic wellness township concept into a reality for Iskandar Malaysia.”

“This venture is in line with the Group’s efforts to capitalise on the strength of the E&O brand and experience to fuel future growth as well as extend the breadth and depth of the E&O brand presence, nationwide and regionally,” he said.

Chan said the E&O Group will leverage on its expertise from three core businesses: property development, hospitality & lifestyle and property investment. In property development, its flagship projects include the Dua Residency condominiums in Kuala Lumpur’s embassy enclave and the world-class masterplanned development of Seri Tanjung Pinang on Penang island.

E&O’s stable of established hospitality brands include the legendary 126-year old E&O Hotel, Lone Pine Hotel as well as the fast-growing The Delicious Group F&B chain of restaurants. The Straits Quay mall, Penang’s first seafront retail mall, which E&O opened in 2010 has become one of the island’s latest must-visit destination.

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 楼主| 发表于 30-6-2011 06:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
Singaporean investment surges in Iskandar Malaysia
Jun 29, 2011
http://www.property-report.com/s ... ndar-malaysia-14638

Special economic corridor Iskandar Malaysia could soon see growth by leaps and bounds, as nearby Singapore finally appears to be getting serious about investing in the special economic zone. Sold to investors as a cheaper alternative to pricey Singapore, Iskandar Malaysia is looking at around RM3 billion (US$989.28 million) in upcoming investment from a partnership between Khazanah Nasional Bhd and Temasek Holdings Pte Ltd, according to Business Times.

Despite its proximity to Singapore, a majority of Iskandar Malaysia’s investors have come from Europe, but experts project this wave of investment could go a long way towards giving other would-be Singaporean investors confidence in the corridor. Speaking with the Business Times, HwangDBS Vickers Research analyst Yee Mei Hui stated, “Temasek is very selective with investments. Their interest in Iskandar Malaysia indicates their confidence in the development so we can expect a new wave of investments, boosting land and property prices in the region.” The investments are slated to be primarily in residential and commercial spaces.

Iskandar Malaysia is around triple the size of Singapore, and despite being launched only five years ago has already seen around US$13 billion in investment so far.

The biggest investments are from Acerinox SA of Spain and Japan’s Nisshin Steel, which have committed RM5 billion (US$1.64 billion) in investments to build a stainless steel plant. From the Middle East, Mubadala, Millenium, Kuwait Finance House and Aldar have committed US$1.2 billion to develop properties in Medini in Nusajaya. Ongoing projects in Medini include the development of Legoland Malaysia by Merlin Entertainment for US$200 million. The UK’s Newcastle University of Medicine is setting up a branch campus for US$100 million in EduCity.

With completion not expected until 2025, the advent of large-scale Singaporean investment into Iskandar Malaysia would be an enormous boon. Whether this new spree from Khazanah Nasional and Temasek Holdings will be the start of a trend remains to be seen.

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 楼主| 发表于 30-6-2011 06:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 bujua 于 2-7-2011 12:18 PM 编辑

以下是Iskandar投资额分布图。。。看看政府的资金占了多少???政府的资金也许10%也不达, 其余的都来自本地和外国投资者。。。


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 楼主| 发表于 3-7-2011 11:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 bujua 于 4-7-2011 12:01 AM 编辑

借新加坡经济增长腾飞 柔南滨海国际大都会 2011/07/03 4:20:54 PM
http://www.nanyang.com.my/Intere ... ecid=227&catid=1113



而往新山市中心滨海地段发展的金海湾(Danga Bay),被标榜为东南亚最大型的综合房地产发展项目,将打造为柔佛州南部独有的滨海社区,为我国和国外投资者提供了绝无仅有的商业和投资良机。






“除了打造国际金融与商业中心,还会建高级公寓及零售场所、商业和住宅区,以及独树一帜的临金海湾岛屿(Danga Island)。”






金海湾目前已落实的屋业发展计划有Danga View公寓、Danga Walk商店办公楼以及Casa Almyra豪华住宅区。






Danga Bay新进发展计划 Azea Residences@Danga Bay 马新合资5亿发展

Azea Residences@Danga Bay一个投资额达5亿令吉,是新加坡AZEA地产投资公司与大马企业合资发展的计划。




他提到Azea Residences@Danga Bay主要瞄准的顾客群,除了吸引新加坡人来本地置业,还有在新加坡工作的本地人和大马籍永久居民。


Danga Island 目眩日落美景


Danga Island将发展152个豪华别墅,这里拥有卓越保安机制和华丽设施及服务。


Marina 满足航手特殊需求




Tropicana-Danga Bay 临海高级生活方式

Tropicana-Danga Bay发展总值达38亿令吉,是金海湾私人有限公司与成隆机构(Dijaya Corporation Bhd)联营的计划。



Danga Utama 新商业区标志

金海湾旗下屋业计划继续火红热卖中,其中,位于士姑来大道旁的Danga Utama发展计划,备受看好将崛起成为新山另一个旺区,打造一个新的商业枢纽。

Danga Utama占地18英亩、投资额达2亿4000万令吉,位处繁忙的士姑来大道旁,并恰好与五福城广场前的大路(Jln. Sutera Danga)交界。


此外,Danga Utama也将依循依傍在侧的士姑来河规划,借由这个绝佳的地理条件,赋予此商业区独有的景观视野与营商环境。





毗邻新加坡 新山产业打工族首选











地理优越基设提升 新山市区重拾光辉


预计于今年杪完成的东部疏散大道(EDL)及滨海大道(Coastal Highway)一旦启用,将带动当地发展。
























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 楼主| 发表于 4-7-2011 01:20 PM | 显示全部楼层
在别的forum看到Bukit Indah Sky Loft的价格,有谁对Bukit Indah Sky Loft有兴趣的,可以参考以下的价格,early bird的。。。

Studio: from RM 308k to RM 590k
2-room: from RM 480k to RM 700k
3-room: from RM 560k to RM 900k
Penthhouse: RM 1.2m to RM 1.6m

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发表于 4-7-2011 09:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 234# bujua


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 楼主| 发表于 4-7-2011 09:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
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hkway 发表于 4-7-2011 09:23 PM

    哈哈!!可以去sales office确认下!!!


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发表于 4-7-2011 10:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 236# bujua

請問是否這一個The Sky?

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 楼主| 发表于 4-7-2011 10:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复  bujua

hkway 发表于 4-7-2011 10:16 PM

    Bukit Indah 之前launch的是Sky Executive Suites,已sold out。。。Sky Loft 是new launch,现在还是soft launch....

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 楼主| 发表于 5-7-2011 09:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
Essential to have reliable transport system
by Ahmad Fairuz Othman
http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articl ... icle/#ixzz1REedFEmU

BEING a fast developing metropolis under Iskandar Malaysia, it is vital for southern Johor to have a world-class public transport system.
This target is steadily becoming a reality with the recent agreement between the Malaysian and Singaporean governments to set up a rapid transit system (RTS) link between the two countries by 2018.

The New Straits Times had reported on Monday that both nations agreed to set up terminating stations for the RTS link in JB Sentral, Johor Baru and Republic Polytechnic in Singapore.

A statement issued by both governments had said a technical workgroup would be finalising the project's details, and this would lead to an appointment of a consultant by the fourth quarter of this year to develop proposals for the link.

The RTS link will have co-located Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) facilities in Singapore and Johor Baru to ensure that commuters only have to clear immigration once for each way of travel.

This announcement bodes well for the integrated transport projects in the southern region.

In April this year, Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman had endorsed the state government's proposal for a RM1.23 billion intra-city commuter train service network, which is expected to cover seven stations and 16 halts in all major suburbs in Iskandar Malaysia

The commuter service would cover over 100km of rail network and serve all major upcoming tipping point developments such as the Johor Premium Outlet, Legoland Malaysia, Educity, Hi-Tech Park-Senai, and Lake Hill Resort City.

The project would also provide a shuttle service from JB Sentral to Woodlands in Singapore.

The commuter service project is being initiated by Metropolitan Commuter Network Sdn Bhd (MCN), a joint venture company between KUB Malaysia Bhd and Malaysia Steel Works (KL) Bhd.

MCN chairman Datuk Abdul Halim Abdul Samad had said that the company is on track and the intra-city commuter train service will be launched next year, with a total deployment of 19 three-car trains by 2013.

He had also said the commuter train network is anticipated to generate a gross national income (GNI) of RM1.63 billion over a period of 25 years.

With such a high prospect, the project is set to be a showcase in terms of public-private partnerships.

It will benefit thousands of Johoreans who commute between Johor Baru and its suburbs for work and school.

The most important impact is the Johoreans who cross the causeway or second link bridge to get to Singapore for work and school. The causeway alone handles between 60,000 and 80,000 vehicles daily, including motorcycles, cars and buses that ferry Malaysians to work.

Having proper transport hubs and efficient rail services between JB and Singapore is important for the many commuters.

It would certainly make the travel into and out of the island republic more breezy.

It certainly makes sense to address this huge volume of commuters, as traffic congestion is a norm for those using the causeway during peak hours and on weekends.

But such a system would only work when it is combined with an efficient transport system within Johor Baru itself.

The state capital is certainly on its way to having a reliable public transport system.

The JB Sentral train station is a fine example of a newly opened facility that has benefited thousands of travellers who arrive to the city by train. It is already becoming a major transportation hub, and that has a lot to do with its location next to Sultan Iskandar Building customs, immigrations quarantine (CIQ) and its easy access to the downtown area.

The facility boasts amenities for rail travellers such as restaurants, convenient stores and retail outlets. In short, it is like a Johorean version of KL Sentral.

JB Sentral would soon complement other transport hubs being planned for Kulaijaya, in the northern part of the city.

In Johor, as in many states in the country, public transport has always been the traditional modes of buses and taxis.

Malacca has a monorail service that runs through its tourist district, while there are plans for rail transit in Penang as well.

Now with Johor receiving its intra-city commuter train service, it could provide something for the people to look forward to.

With the announcements, commuters in Johor need not put up with crammed stage buses, which are packed like sardines in the mornings and evenings.

Long queues for taxis will be a thing of the past, as commuters could opt for the luxury of a smooth train ride to get to their destination.

But till then, you and I may have to contend with taking the bus or taxi to get around the state capital.

And the tens of thousands of commuters to Singapore may still need to use their motorcycles or cars or get to Singapore.

The terminating station will be built near JB Sentral.

Read more: Essential to have reliable transport system http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articl ... icle/#ixzz1REfJgvqq

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 楼主| 发表于 5-7-2011 10:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
Asian Rivals Become Partners Wall Street Journal, By SAM HOLMES And PATRICK BARTA

SINGAPORE—A series of major real-estate and infrastructure investments announced this week between Singapore and Malaysia offer the latest evidence of warming ties between the countries as they try to bury longstanding rivalries to compete more effectively with China.

In one of the deals, whose details were announced Monday, Singapore's Temasek Holdings Pte. Ltd. and Malaysia's Khazanah Nasional Bhd. said they will jointly invest in two integrated property developments in Singapore estimated to be worth about 11 billion Singapore dollars (US$8.86 billion). The plans by the two state investment firms include major office, hotel, residential and retail developments, including four parcels in Singapore's high-profile Marina South district downtown, near Las Vegas Sands Corp.'s giant Marina Bay Sands casino and entertainment center.

The package, elements of which were disclosed earlier, is thought to be the largest co-investment ever by the neighboring Southeast Asian nations.

The Singapore and Malaysia governments also said Monday they plan to open a rapid-transit service between Singapore and the neighboring city of Johor Bahru in Malaysia's south by 2018. That project, whose estimated cost wasn't disclosed, is expected to significantly improve transportation links between the two investment centers, which now are connected by two road bridges and a passenger railway line that links into Malaysia's national railway network.

Although Singapore and Malaysia are close in geographic terms, they have often viewed each other with suspicion and have squabbled repeatedly over issues such as supplies of water and sand, the latter of which is needed desperately in Singapore for land reclamation projects. Many of the animosities go back to the 1960s, when Singapore was briefly part of Malaysia before splitting apart to form a separate country. Since then, Singapore's economy has outperformed Malaysia's by many measures, intensifying the rivalry.

More recently, though, leaders of the two countries have sought to play down disagreements in the hopes of encouraging new investments aimed at mimicking the success of places such as Hong Kong and Shenzhen in southern China. Leaders in both the Southeast Asian countries are worried about losing out on investments that have flowed to China in recent years to take advantage of lower costs there.

Despite its success as a major financial center and export hub, Singapore is running out of land and labor, and many companies there are looking for ways to expand nearby rather than relocating operations to more distant countries where labor is cheaper. Malaysia, meanwhile, has available land and some lower-cost workers and is looking for more ways to leverage its proximity to Singapore to boost growth.

"There seems to be a commitment on both sides to look at things pragmatically and put the past behind them," says Manu Bhaskaran, chief executive of Centennial Asia Advisors, an analysis firm in Singapore.

Central to that vision is the Iskandar special economic corridor in Johor, Malaysia, a state-backed development zone that encompasses an area of about three times the size of Singapore and twice the size of Hong Kong. The project was greeted with some skepticism when it was launched in 2006 with plans for more than $100 billion in public- and private-sector investments in shipping, manufacturing, tourism and other industries over 20 years.

But it has gained momentum more recently, with investors eyeing the area as a possible spillover site for businesses that can't afford to run all of their operations in Singapore, much as some companies in New York have moved certain functions to areas in New Jersey or Long Island. As part of the deals announced on Monday, Temasek and Khazanah said they will also establish a 50-50 joint venture called Pulau Indah Ventures to develop two sites in the Iskandar zone with a view to developing more in the future.

Other new investments in Iskandar and Johor include a 400-bed hospital, according to Iskandar and local media reports, and a local branch of the U.K.'s Newcastle University. A Legoland theme park is expected to open next year.

"All this points to a business model that can work," says Chris Eng, head of research at OSK, a Malaysian investment bank, who says he has turned positive on the Iskandar development this year.

Key parts of the proposed property developments announced Monday stem from a land swap arrangement announced last year between the two governments in which land parcels in Singapore owned by Malaysia's state-owned railway are to be handed over to Singapore. In exchange, the Singapore government will transfer land parcels in Marina South and another part of central Singapore known as Ophir-Rochor into the joint-venture vehicle.

The Marina South project allows for a gross floor area of 341,000 square meters (3.67 million square feet) and will need to include at least 60% office or retail space because of zoning requirements. The Ophir-Rochor site near Singapore's Bugis area will be made up of at least 40% office space and 15% space for hotel and hotel-related uses and is expected to become a 24-hour mixed-use zone.

The investments in the development of the Singapore properties will be made by M+S Pte. Ltd.—a joint venture held 60-40 by Khazanah and Temasek, respectively—which will be established June 30.

M+S has appointed a unit of Khazanah-linked real-estate firm UEM Land and a unit of Temasek's wholly owned Mapletree Investment to develop and market the Marina South district. M+S has also appointed a UEM unit and a wholly owned subsidiary of Temasek-linked CapitaLand Ltd. for the Ophir-Rochor site.

CapitaLand in a separate statement said it envisioned a mixed-use development at Ophir-Rochor with a floor area of around 160,020 square meters. The development time frame for the projects wasn't disclosed.

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