A mission to bring all of you an awesome, high-end dungeon experience that will be challenging, rewarding, and a ton of fun! 一個任務能夠帶給所有人一個很了不起且高端的地城探險經驗 並具有挑戰性 獎勵 和 大量的樂趣
After a lot of long hours and hard work, I think we’ve accomplished that goal. I’m proud to introduce to you our new dungeon: Fractals of the Mists! 經過很長的時間與努力 我想我們已經達到了這個目標 我在此隆重為各位宣布這個新的地城
Fractals of the Mists!
This dungeon is unlike anything you’ve played in Guild Wars 2. 這將顛覆所有你在激戰2中體驗過的地城
It’s built of an array of mini-dungeons, which we call fractals. 這地城是由數個小型地城所構成 稱之為 fractals (不規則碎片形)
These fractals are slices of the Mists, fragments of time that have been stabilized by the intrepid asura researcher Dessa. 這些不規則的碎片是迷霧的破片以及時間的片段 是其穩固的是被一位勇敢的阿蘇拉探險家Dessa
Some of these vignettes from history may be familiar to original Guild Wars players, while others will represent previously unseen events. 部分交錯的歷史會使原激戰玩家感到熟悉 而其他人將看到前所未見的事件
Because of their eclectic origin, each fractal is built as a distinct, separate experience with themes, mechanics, and art specific to that fractal. 因為每個不規則碎片兼容並蓄著不同的主題 其包含了不同的 主題 力學 以及 美術特性
You access the Fractals of the Mist by gathering your party of five in Lion’s Arch and entering a new asura gate (seen below). 你與你的五人隊伍 可以從 Lion’s Arch (獅子拱門) 的新阿蘇拉大門 進入Fractals of the Mist
Unlike the other dungeons, your party can be any level. We’ve employed World vs. World-style sidekicking to make this dungeon accessible to all players. 與其他地城不同 你的隊伍不被限制任何等級 我們採用了WvW(世界戰)系統使這地城向所有玩家參與
But keep in mind, our aim was to challenge level 80 players. Going in at low levels is not for the faint of heart! 但請注意 我們的目標是挑戰80等玩家 低等級進入是不適合膽小者的
Once you enter the portal you’ll be taken to the Mistlock Observatory, a safe haven created by Dessa within the Mists. 當你進入傳送門 你將被移動到 Mistlock Observatory (霧鎖天文台) 一個在迷霧之中Dessa所建造的安全的天堂
From there you’ll start your first round of fractals. 從這裡你將開始第一回的fractal(不規則碎片)
You’ll be sent to three randomly chosen destinations and once you’ve vanquished all three of these fractals, you’ll be brought back to the Mistlock Observatory hub to rest and regroup. 你將會被送到三個隨機挑選的目的地 然後當你完成三個fractal(不規則碎片)你將會帶回Mistlock Observatory (霧鎖天文台)休息與合流
On top of that, every other round before you return to the hub you’ll be faced with a bonus “boss fractal.” Here, you will face an encounter akin to our big world bosses! 在那之前 每一趟返航大廳之際你將會面對頭目戰的不規則碎片 這裡將面對困難的巨大世界級頭目
Seems simple, right? Well, there’s one last mechanic that makes this dungeon unique. 看起來很簡單對吧? 很好 這最後一個部分會使這個地城獨一無二
To make Fractals of the Mist even more challenging, every time you re-visit the hub, the dungeon scales up in difficulty. 為了使Fractals of the Mist的更具有挑戰性 當你再次進入大廳 地城的難度會有難度的提升
That’s right, a scaling dungeon! 沒錯 級制地城
The dungeon will remember your progress, and will poll the party’s levels when you enter, scaling the dungeon to the highest common attained level. 地城會紀錄你的進度 將會在你進入的同時計算你隊伍的等級 提升地城最高達成的等級
It’s a true challenge, but as you hit higher and higher scales, the dungeon will get more and more rewarding. You’ll have to have some serious skills and solid tactics to make it through these Fractals. 這是真實的挑戰 當你完成越來越高的挑戰 地城將回報你越來越多獎賞 你必須擁有強勁的技術以及扎實的戰術去達成這些fractal(不規則碎片)
After a certain point, our new Ascended items and Infusions become crucial tools for survival. To learn more about this new type of high-level gear, check out this post from designer Linsey Murdock. 在某環節上 我們的新Ascended道具 以及Infusions 將會成為生存重要的工具
想知道更多新式高端裝備 點擊這個由設計員Linsey Murdock所著的文章.
We can’t wait to see you in the Mists! 我們迫不及待的與你相會在迷霧之中!