【PESTEC 5219 交流专区】(前名 PESTECH)
发表于 11-4-2020 01:58 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | PESTECH INTERNATIONAL BERHAD (PESTECH or THE COMPANY) - SHARE SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT ENTERED BETWEEN ASTORIA SOLAR FARM SDN. BHD. AND GREEN SUSTAINABLE VENTURES (CAMBODIA) CO., LTD. | The Board of Directors of PESTECH wishes to inform that Astoria Solar Farm Sdn Bhd (“ASF”), a subsidiary of PESTECH, had on 15 January 2020, entered into a Share Sale and Purchase Agreement (“SSPA”) with Mr. Salah A. Essa (“SE”) and Mr. Sachithanathan Muniandy R Sambu (“SMRS”) where ASF agrees to acquire 4,700 shares or 94% of shares held by them in Green Sustainable Ventures (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. (“GSV”), representing 45% and 49% of the share capital held by SE and SMRS, respectively, at a purchase consideration of USD4,000,000 (United States Dollar : Four Million only) (“Purchase Price”) (“Proposed Acquisition”).
(ASF, GSV, SE and SMRS are collectively hereinafter referred to as the “Parties” or individually referred to as each “Party”)
(SE and SMRS are hereinafter referred to as “Vendors” or individually referred to as each “Vendor”)
1.1 ASF is a company incorporated in Malaysia and having its registered office at No. 26, Jalan Utarid U5/14, Seksyen U5, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan. The issued and paid-up share capital of ASF is RM1 comprising one (1) ordinary share. The principal activity of ASF is to carry on the business of provision of engineering, procurement and construction (“EPC”), commissioning and consultancy services for solar photovoltaic system and to operate solar power farm. ASF is a wholly-owned subsidiary of PESTECH Power Sdn. Bhd., which in turn is wholly-owned by PESTECH.
1.2 GSV is a company validly existing under the laws of Cambodia having its registered office at No. B18, First Floor, St. Sopheak Mongkul, Koh Pich, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia.
1.3 SE is the legal and beneficial owner of 2,550 shares, which is 51% of the total issued and outstanding share capital of GSV.
1.4 SMRS is the legal and beneficial owner of 2,450 shares which is 49% of the total issued and outstanding share capital of GSV.
The Parties are desirous to embark on the Proposed Acquisition such that ASF has the super-majority rights over the development of a 20 years concession (with additional one (1) year of construction period) of not less than 20MW AC (24MW DC) large-scale solar farm project in Bavet City, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") via long-term Power Purchase Agreements ("PPA") with Electricité du Cambodge (“EDC”) under the Built Own and Operate (“BOO”) model with a power purchase price of USD0.076 per kWh.
GSV is a local company in Cambodia strives to seek for renewable energy opportunities in Cambodia and it successfully procures the PPA from EDC, Implementation Agreement (“IA”) from the Ministry of Economy and Finance and Government Guarantee (“GG”) for the Project under the name of GSV.
Upon the Proposed Acquisition of 94% in GSV, GSV shall be the developer and undertake the project management of all EPC functions. ASF, being the super majority shareholder in GSV, may determine the appointment of EPC and operations and maintenance (“O&M”) company to undertake the EPC scope for the entire Project and O&M for the duration of the PPA.
The Proposed Acquisitions is expected to contribute to the profitability of the Group throughout the duration of the PPA. The acquisition of super majority stake in GSV is an affirmation of the Group’s commitment and confidence to the long term prospects of renewable energy business in Cambodia.
The salient terms of the SSPA are as below:-
This SSPA comes into effect upon its execution, and the following salient conditions precedent (“CPs”), amongst others, shall be completed within three (3) months from the date of the SSPA (the “Completion Date”):
3.1 GSV to produce all PPA, IA, and GG executed in original hardcopy from all respective authorities;
3.2 The registration of the ASF as the legal and beneficial owner of 94% of the total issued shares of the Company with all relevant authorities, in particular, the Ministry of Commerce;
3.3 SE procured the official ownership of the land to be used as the project site pursuant to the Certificate of Title; and
3.4 The Long-Term Lease Agreement has been executed between GSV and SE, subject to the terms and conditions to be mutually agreed between the Parties.
The Purchase Consideration was arrived at based on negotiations between ASF and the Vendors on a willing buyer willing seller basis after taking into consideration the viability of the Project and earnings prospects of GSV.
There are no liabilities (including contingent liabilities and guarantees) to be assumed by PESTECH arising from the Proposed Acquisition.
The Board of Directors of PESTECH is not aware of any risk factors arising from the Proposed Acquisition other than the normal business, market and global economic risks.
The Purchase Consideration will be funded through bank borrowings and internally generated funds.
8.1 On Share Capital and Substantial Shareholders’ Shareholding
The Proposed Acquisition will not have any effect on the share capital and substantial shareholders' shareholding of PESTECH.
8.2 On Earnings Per Share, Net Assets Per Share and Gearing
The Proposed Acquisition is not expected to have any immediate material effect on the earnings per share, net assets per share and gearing of PESTECH for the financial year ending 30 June 2020. However, the Proposed Acquisition is expected to contribute positively to the future earnings of PESTECH Group.
The Proposed Acquisition does not require approval from the shareholders of PESTECH or any relevant authorities.
None of the directors or major shareholders of PESTECH or persons connected with them has any interest, direct or indirect, in the Proposed Acquisition.
The Board of Directors of PESTECH is of the opinion that the Proposed Acquisition is in the best interests of PESTECH Group.
Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the Proposed Acquisition is expected to be completed by second quarter of year 2020.
This announcement is dated 15 January 2020. |
发表于 11-4-2020 07:19 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | PESTECH INTERNATIONAL BERHAD (PESTECH or THE COMPANY) - Conditional Award from Energy Fiji Limited for the Contract in relation to the Construction of Virara Koronubu 132kV Transmission Line (Package 1) Monopole Section and Construction of Virara Koronubu 132kV Transmission Line (Package 2) Lattice Tower Section | The Board of Directors of PESTECH (“Board”) wishes to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary company, PESTECH Sdn. Bhd. (“PSB”) had on 17 January 2020, accepted a Conditional Award from Energy Fiji Limited (“EFL”) for the contract in relation to the construction of Virara – Koronubu 132kV Transmission Line (Package 1) Monopole Section and construction of Virara – Koronubu 132kV Transmission Line (Package 2) Lattice Tower Section (“Contract”) for a combined value of Fiji Dollar Thirty Four Million Nine Hundred Ninety Thousand and Seven Hundred only ($34,990,700.00 FJD).
The Contract covers completion of design, design certification, local authority approvals, construction documentation, construction of 132kV single circuit Virara – Koronubu Transmission Line (approximately 7.5 kilometres for Monopole Tower Section and approximately 18 kilometres Lattice Tower Section) covering supply, erection, testing and commissioning (“Project”).
This Project marks PESTECH’s new foray to Fiji which is an archipelago of more than 300 islands. Fiji’s 20-year National Development plan calls for all Fijians to have access to electricity by year 2021, and by year 2036 for Fiji to be 100% powered by renewable sources. (Source : 5-Year & 20-Year National Development Plan : Transforming Fiji). PESTECH has availed itself with a Fiji branch under the name of PSB to handle the local requirements and to continue seeking for project opportunities. The award of Contract is a significant milestone for the Group successfully expanding its reach to a new market in the South Pacific region,
The commencement date of the Project will be determined by EFL later and the Project shall be completed within 18 months from the commencement date.
The Project will contribute positively towards the revenue and earnings of PESTECH in accordance to the stage of project progress to be recognized in the financial years ending 30 June 2020 to 30 June 2021.
PESTECH does not foresee any exceptional risk other than the normal operational risk associated with the Project such as availability and changes in the price of raw materials. The Company will take necessary steps to mitigate the risks as and when it occurs.
None of the Directors and/or Major Shareholders and/or persons connected to them, has any interest, direct or indirect in the Project.
The Board is of the opinion that the Project is in the best interest of the Company.
This announcement is dated 17 January 2020.
发表于 12-4-2020 03:04 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | TERMINATION OF PRE-BID CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT BETWEEN PESTECH TECHNOLOGY SDN. BHD., A WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF PESTECH AND MILLION RICH DEVELOPMENT SDN. BHD. | Reference is made to the Company’s announcement made on 28 June 2019 in relation to the Pre-Bid Consortium Agreement (“Agreement”) entered between PESTECH Technology Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 1075814-X) (“PTECH”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of PESTECH with Million Rich Development Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 1207291-T) (“MRDSB”).
(Unless otherwise defined, capitalised terms used in this announcement shall have the same meaning as those given to them in the initial announcement made on 28 June 2019.)
The Board of Directors of PESTECH (“Board”) wishes to announce that PTECH and MRDSB had on 20 January 2020 mutually agreed to terminate the Agreement since there was no progress to the intended collaboration and co-operation as contemplated in the Agreement. The Agreement will be terminated 30 days from the date of this announcement.
The termination of this Agreement will not have any effect on the issued and paid-up share capital, shareholdings of its substantial shareholders, net assets and gearing and earnings and earnings per share of PESTECH Group.
The Board, after having considered all aspects of the Agreement, is of the opinion that the termination of this Agreement is in the best interest of PESTECH Group.
This announcement is dated 20 January 2020.
发表于 15-4-2020 06:17 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING | Description | PESTECH INTERNATIONAL BERHAD (PESTECH or THE COMPANY) - Termination of Memorandum of Understanding between PESTECH Power Sdn. Bhd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of PESTECH and RS Renewables K.K. | Reference is made to the Company’s announcement made on 15 March 2019 in relation to the Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) entered between PESTECH Power Sdn. Bhd. (“PPW”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of PESTECH with RS Renewables K.K. (“RSRKK”).
(Unless otherwise defined, capitalised terms used in this announcement shall have the same meaning as those given to them in the initial announcement made on 15 March 2019.)
The Board of Directors of PESTECH (“Board”) wishes to announce that PPW and RSRKK had on 30 January 2020 mutually agreed to terminate the MoU with immediate effect in view that the Parties’ intention as contemplated in the MoU has not materialized.
The termination of this MoU does not have any effect on the issued and paid-up share capital, shareholdings of its substantial shareholders, net assets and gearing and earnings and earnings per share of PESTECH Group.
This announcement is dated 30 January 2020.
发表于 24-4-2020 07:40 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 25-4-2020 05:52 AM 编辑
31 Dec 2019 |
PERIOD | 31 Dec 2019 | 31 Dec 2018 | 31 Dec 2019 | 31 Dec 2018 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 190,860 | 178,635 | 378,220 | 302,720 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | 17,340 | 19,715 | 41,288 | 32,310 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | 12,194 | 17,366 | 32,436 | 29,008 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | 8,134 | 14,469 | 27,454 | 24,419 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | 1.06 | 1.89 | 3.59 | 3.19 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.7684 | 0.7339
发表于 9-5-2020 07:14 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING | Description | PESTECH INTERNATIONAL BERHAD (PESTECH or THE COMPANY) - Termination of Memorandum of Understanding between PESTECH Power Sdn. Bhd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of PESTECH and TASCO Cu Chi Environmental Company Limited | Reference is made to the Company’s announcement made on 23 September 2019 in relation to the Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) entered between PESTECH Power Sdn. Bhd. (“PPW”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of PESTECH with TASCO Cu Chi Environmental Company Limited (“TCC”) .
(Unless otherwise defined, capitalised terms used in this announcement shall have the same meaning as those given to them in the initial announcement made on 23 September 2019.)
The Board of Directors of PESTECH (“Board”) wishes to announce that PPW and TCC had on 12 March 2020 mutually agreed to terminate the MoU with immediate effect in view that the Parties’ intention as contemplated in the MoU has not materialized.
The termination of this MoU does not have any effect on the issued and paid-up share capital, shareholdings of its substantial shareholders, net assets and gearing and earnings and earnings per share of PESTECH Group.
This announcement is dated 12 March 2020.
发表于 19-5-2020 04:07 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | PESTECH INTERNATIONAL BERHAD (PESTECH or THE COMPANY) - CONTRACT AGREEMENTS FOR OKVAU GOLD MINE PROJECT 230KV GRID CONNECTION PROJECT | The Board of Directors of PESTECH (“Board”) wishes to announce that its Cambodia wholly-owned subsidiary company, PESTECH (Cambodia) PLC (“PCL”) had on even date, finalised the Contract Agreements dated 14 March 2020 with Renaissance Minerals (Cambodia) Ltd, a company incorporated in Cambodia (Registration No. 00006168) for the Contract Agreements in relation to the construction of Okvau Gold Mine project 230kV Grid Connection (“Contract”) for a combined value of United States Dollar Seven Million Three Hundred and Forty Thousand and Three Hundred and Eighty Nine only (USD7,340,389).
The Contract covers supply, design, construction, erection, installation, testing, commissioning, energisation and handover of 230/11 kV Okvau Transmission Substation (“Project”).
The Project is owned by Australian-listed mining firm, Emerald Resources NL through its subsidiary, Renaissance Minerals (Cambodia) Ltd. The Okvau Gold Project involves the development of the Okvau Deposit, which is located in the Mondulkiri province of eastern Cambodia, approximately 275km north-east of the capital city, Phnom Penh.
With the track records and previous experience in gold mine transmission substations projects undertaken by other subsidiaries in overseas, PESTECH Group has gradually built up its competitive edge and garnered the confidence of its customers in constructing gold mine transmission substations. It is the first gold mine transmission substation asset to be undertaken by PCL. Amidst the global market uncertainties, PESTECH is resilient in its effort to continue serving the needs for reliable electricity supply in the region albeit the COVID19 pandemic. The buildup of new power infrastructure and effective maintenance of the same are critical in ensuring the continuous sustainability of power utility supply to the public and the industry in this challenging period of time.
The commencement date of the Project is 1 March 2020 and the Project shall be completed within 12 months from the commencement date.
The Project will contribute positively towards the revenue and earnings of PESTECH in accordance to the stage of project progress to be recognized in the financial years ending 30 June 2020 to 30 June 2021.
PESTECH does not foresee any exceptional risk other than the normal operational risk associated with the Project such as availability and changes in the price of raw materials. The Company will take necessary steps to mitigate the risks as and when it occurs.
None of the Directors and/or Major Shareholders and/or persons connected to them, has any interest, direct or indirect in the Project.
The Board is of the opinion that the Project is in the best interest of the Company.
This announcement is dated 26 March 2020.
发表于 23-7-2020 07:52 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | PESTECH INTERNATIONAL BERHAD ("PESTECH" or "THE COMPANY")- COMPLETED NOVATION AGREEMENTS FOR IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT AND BUILD TRANSFER AGREEMENT IN RELATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF 230 KV TRANSMISSION LINE FROM ODDOR MEANCHEY TO EAST SIEM REAP GRID SUBSTATION | The Board of Directors of PESTECH (“Board”) is pleased to announce that ODM Power Line Company Limited (“OPL”), a 70%-owned Cambodian subsidiary of the Company, had on 3 June 2020, completed the execution of all novation agreements in relation to the rights of the development of 230 kV Transmission Line from Oddor Meanchey to East Siem Reap Grid Substation on a Build-Transfer basis (“Project”).
Background Electricite Du Cambodge (“EDC”), a wholly state-owned limited liability enterprise incorporated by Royal Decree of the Kingdom of Cambodia had entered into an Implementation Agreement (“IA”) and Build Transfer Agreement (“BTA”) with Han Seng Coal Mine Co., Ltd. (“HSCM”), a company incorporated under the laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia, for the development of 230 kV Transmission Line from Oddor Meanchey to East Siem Reap Grid Substation.
The Project now has been novated to OPL pursuant to the terms of the IA and BTA through the IA Novation Agreement dated 7 May 2020 executed by, amongst others, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (“MME”) of the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia, OPL and HSCM, together with the BTA Novation Agreement dated 29 May 2020 executed by, amongst others, EDC, HSCM and OPL. Both IA Novation Agreement and BTA Novation Agreement are deemed completed fully upon execution by EDC on 3 June 2020.
As such, with the complete execution of all the above-mentioned agreements, OPL has now procured all the necessary legal documentations, which signifies the full and effective ownership of the Project.
The Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning of the Project shall be undertaken in-house by PESTECH (Cambodia) PLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.
The Project shall commence within 45 days from the Effective Date in which EDC has confirmed to OPL that it has received or (where permitted) waived its rights to receive the EDC Documents and OPL has confirmed to EDC that it has received or (where permitted) waived its rights to receive the Company Documents, the IA and the Royal Government of Cambodia Guarantee.
The duration and validity of the IA and BTA shall continue for a period of ten (10) years and one (1) month (“Term”) from the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date.
The payment from EDC to OPL commencing from fifth (5th) month from the Commercial Operation Date of the Project shall be as follows: Payment for the first (1st) month shall be USD 458,333.33; Payment for the second (2nd) month until the one hundred and twentieth (120th) month shall be USD 916,666.67 per month; Payment for the one hundred and twenty first (121st) month shall be USD 458,333.33.
In that regard, the committed payment from EDC to OPL for the Term of the BTA shall be for a total of USD110,000,000 in accordance to the above predetermined schedule.
The Project will have no material effect on the revenue and earnings of PESTECH for the financial period ending 30 June 2020 but is expected to contribute positively to the future earnings and net asset per share of the Company.
PESTECH does not foresee any exceptional risk other than the normal operational risk associated with the Project. The Company will take necessary steps to mitigate the risks as and when it occurs.
None of the Directors and/or Major Shareholders and/or persons connected to them, has any interest, direct or indirect in the Project.
The Board is of the opinion that the Project is in the best interest of the Company.
This announcement is dated 3 June 2020.
发表于 9-10-2020 07:09 AM
31 Mar 2020 |
PERIOD | 31 Mar 2020 | 31 Mar 2019 | 31 Mar 2020 | 31 Mar 2019 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 218,812 | 222,061 | 597,032 | 524,781 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | 16,445 | 23,688 | 57,737 | 55,998 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | 14,495 | 22,506 | 46,935 | 51,514 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | 11,828 | 21,590 | 39,286 | 46,009 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | 1.55 | 2.82 | 5.14 | 6.02 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.7784 | 0.7339
发表于 29-12-2020 07:41 AM
30 Jun 2020 |
PERIOD | 30 Jun 2020 | 30 Jun 2019 | 30 Jun 2020 | 30 Jun 2019 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 200,264 | 285,257 | 797,295 | 811,476 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | 25,708 | 41,536 | 83,444 | 98,181 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | 21,261 | 36,311 | 68,195 | 86,675 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | 15,826 | 34,216 | 55,112 | 78,972 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | 2.07 | 4.48 | 7.21 | 10.33 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.7992 | 0.7339
发表于 28-2-2021 08:40 AM
Date of change | 08 Oct 2020 | Name | MR LIM PAY CHUAN | Age | 50 | Gender | Male | Nationality | Malaysia | Type of change | Redesignation | Previous Position | Executive Director | New Position | Managing Director | Directorate | Executive | QualificationsNo | Qualifications | Major/Field of Study | Institute/University | Additional Information | 1 | Professional Qualification | Engineer | Board of Engineers Malaysia | Professional Engineer | 2 | Professional Qualification | Engineer | Institute of Engineers Malaysia | Fellow Member | 3 | Masters | Engineering (Electrical) | Cornell University, USA | | 4 | Degree | Electrical Engineering | University of Mississippi, USA | Summa Cum Laude |
Working experience and occupation | Mr. Lim Pay Chuan began his career with Motorola Malaysia Sdn Bhd as a Product Engineer. He then joined Toprank Corporation Sdn Bhd (now known as Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems Asia Sdn Bhd) in 1995 as a Project Engineer, where he was promoted to Project Manager in 1997, and subsequently promoted to Assistant General Manager in 1998, a position he held for two (2) years. In 2000, he joined the Group as a General Manager and was promoted to CEO in 2008. He has been playing an instrumental role in the growth and development of PESTECH from a small player primarily involved in trading, to an established homegrown integrated electric power technology company in the power transmission and distribution business with operations locally and abroad. In 2010, he was awarded the Outstanding Entrepreneurship Award 2010 by Enterprise Asia, for his dedication and leadership in guiding the Group to being an important player in the power transmission and distribution business locally and abroad. | Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer | He is the nephew of Mr. Lim Ah Hock, the Executive Chairman and substantial shareholder of the Company and cousin of Mr. Lim Peir Shenq, the Executive Director of the Company. | Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer | Nil | Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries | PESTECH International Berhad - Ordinary SharesDirect Interest - 162,685,096Indirect Interest - 1,306,064 |
Date of change | 08 Oct 2020 | Name | MR LIM PEIR SHENQ | Age | 35 | Gender | Male | Nationality | Malaysia | Designation | Executive Director | Directorate | Executive | Type of change | Appointment | QualificationsNo | Qualifications | Major/Field of Study | Institute/University | Additional Information | 1 | Professional Qualification | Finance | CFA Institute | | 2 | Degree | Automative Engineering | Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology | First Class Honours |
Working experience and occupation | Mr. Lim Peir Shenq started his financial career with a multi-family investment firm in Singapore in 2013 as an equity analyst. In his job, he researched Asian equity markets for his clients. He moved on to join The Motley Fool Singapore as employee #4 when the US financial firm expanded into Singapore in 2014. He was a key equity analyst in the company and helped built the company to be one of the largest financial portals in Singapore within two years. In his job, he helped research businesses across Asian markets and advising clients with their equity investment. He then took some time off to co-write an investment book, "Value Investing In Asia" published by Wiley, a major financial publisher, back in 2017. The book continues to be a key investment guide book for investors interested in the Asian markets. In 2017, he started his own financial publishing business in Singapore. Over the course of his career, he has published more than 2000 articles online and interviewed many business leaders across Asia for his publication. Today, his online publishing website has audience globally and gather more than a million views a year.He is also a regular investment speaker in Singapore and Malaysia, having spoken for Bursa Malaysia, the Singapore Exchange and brokerages across the two countries. He has also been interviewed by public media outlets in Singapore like MoneyFM, CapitalFM and Channel News Asia. | Directorships in public companies and listed issuers (if any) | Nil | Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer | He is the son of Mr. Lim Ah Hock, the Executive Chairman and substantial shareholder of the Company and cousin of Mr. Lim Pay Chuan, the Managing Director cum Group Chief Executive Officer and substantial shareholder of the Company. | Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer | Nil | Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries | He has an indirect interest of 2,058,200 shares by virtue of his deemed interest in Kumpulan Liva Sdn. Bhd. |
Date of change | 08 Oct 2020 | Name | ENCIK IBRAHIM BIN TALIB | Age | 72 | Gender | Male | Nationality | Malaysia | Designation | Independent Director | Directorate | Independent and Non Executive | Type of change | Resignation | Reason | Encik Ibrahim Bin Talib resigned as Director of the Company as his term of service as Senior Independent Non-Executive Director will be reaching a cumulative term of 9 years in year 2021. | Details of any disagreement that he/she has with the Board of Directors | No | Whether there are any matters that need to be brought to the attention of shareholders | No | QualificationsNo | Qualifications | Major/Field of Study | Institute/University | Additional Information |
Working experience and occupation | | Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer | | Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer | | Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries | PESTECH International Berhad - Ordinary SharesIndirect Interest - 15,406,732 |
发表于 4-3-2021 07:59 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | PESTECH INTERNATIONAL BERHAD ("PESTECH" or "THE COMPANY")- ANNOUNCEMENT BY PESTECH (CAMBODIA) PLC (PCL), A SUBSIDIARY OF PESTECH LISTED ON THE CAMBODIA SECURITIES EXCHANGE (CSX) IN RELATION TO THE ANNUAL REPORT 2020 | Pursuant to Paragraph 9.19(40) of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (Bursa Securities), we wish to inform that PCL, our subsidiary which is listed on the CSX, had on 13 October 2020 released their Annual Report 2020 as at 30 June 2020 to CSX.
Please refer to www.csx.com.kh and the attached file for the aforesaid announcement.
This announcement is dated 13 October 2020.
| https://www.bursamalaysia.com/market_information/announcements/company_announcement/announcement_details?ann_id=3096015
发表于 25-3-2021 08:20 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 26-9-2021 08:31 AM 编辑
Entitlement subject | Special Dividend | Entitlement description | Special dividend of RM0.005 per ordinary share | Ex-Date | 27 Nov 2020 | Entitlement date | 30 Nov 2020 | Entitlement time | 5:00 PM | Financial Year End | 30 Jun 2021 | Period |
| Share transfer book & register of members will be | to closed from (both dates inclusive) for the purpose of determining the entitlement | Payment Date | 18 Dec 2020 | a.Securities transferred into the Depositor's Securities Account before 4:30 pm in respect of transfers | 30 Nov 2020 | b.Securities deposited into the Depositor's Securities Account before 12:30 pm in respect of securities exempted from mandatory deposit |
| c. Securities bought on the Exchange on a cum entitlement basis according to the Rules of the Exchange. | Number of new shares/securities issued (units)
(If applicable) |
| Entitlement indicator | Currency | Announced Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) | Disbursed Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) | Entitlement in Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.0050 |
30 Sep 2020 |
PERIOD | 30 Sep 2020 | 30 Sep 2019 | 30 Sep 2020 | 30 Sep 2019 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 248,842 | 187,360 | 248,842 | 187,360 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | 33,760 | 23,948 | 33,760 | 23,948 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | 25,028 | 20,242 | 25,028 | 20,242 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | 15,061 | 19,320 | 15,061 | 19,320 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | 1.97 | 2.53 | 1.97 | 2.53 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.8283 | 0.7931
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | PESTECH INTERNATIONAL BERHAD ("PESTECH" OR "THE COMPANY") - NOTICE OF AWARD FOR THE CONTRACT ON THE NABAS-CATICLAN-BORACAY 138KV TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT (SUBSTATION PORTION) FROM NATIONAL GRID CORPORATION OF THE PHILIPPINES (NGCP) | The Board of Directors of PESTECH (“Board”) wishes to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary company, PESTECH Sdn Bhd (“PSB”) had on 8 December 2020, accepted a Notice of Award from NGCP for the contract in relation to the Nabas-Caticlan-Boracay 138kV Transmission Line Project (Substation Portion) (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”) at a total contract value as below:- Offshore portion | : | USD15,560,000.00 (United States Dollars: Fifteen Million Five Hundred and Sixty Thousand only) | Onshore portion | : | PHP483,306,000.00 (VAT inclusive) (Philippine Pesos: Four Hundred Eighty Three Million Three Hundred Six Thousand only) |
Under the Project, PESTECH shall be designing, supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of a new Boracay substation and expansion of the existing Nabas substation. The Project primarily aims to accommodate the projected load growth of Caticlan and Boracay Island.
The expansion of Nabas Substation includes addition of two (2) bays consisting of four (4) new power circuit breakers from the existing 138kV, breaker-and-a-half configuration switchyard. This expansion will accommodate the new 138kV transmission lines coming from the new Boracay Substation.
Boracay Substation is a new 138/69kV substation consisting primarily of double bus configuration gas-insulated switchgears (“GIS”). The 138kV GIS has five (5) bays to accommodate four (4) feeders and a bus coupler with provision for expansion. The 69kV GIS has six (6) bays to accommodate five (5) feeders and a bus coupler with provision for future expansion. Two (2) new 100 MVA power transformers will be installed in the new substation.
The commencement date of the Project will be determined by NGCP later and the Project shall be completed within the following period: - Boracay Substation: 420 days from the commencement date
- Nabas Substation: 420 days from the commencement date
The Project will contribute positively towards the revenue and earnings of PESTECH in accordance to the stage of project progress to be recognized in the financial years ending 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2022.
PESTECH does not foresee any exceptional risk other than the normal operational risk associated with the Project such as availability and changes in the price of raw materials. The Company will take necessary steps to mitigate the risks as and when it occurs.
None of the Directors and/or Major Shareholders and/or persons connected to them, has any interest, direct or indirect in the Project.
The Board is of the opinion that the Project is in the best interest of the Company.
This announcement is dated 8 December 2020. |
Entitlement subject | Special Dividend | Entitlement description | Special dividend of RM0.005 per ordinary share | Ex-Date | 09 Feb 2021 | Entitlement date | 10 Feb 2021 | Entitlement time | 5:00 PM | Financial Year End | 30 Jun 2021 | Period |
| Share transfer book & register of members will be | to closed from (both dates inclusive) for the purpose of determining the entitlement | Payment Date | 23 Feb 2021 | a.Securities transferred into the Depositor's Securities Account before 4:30 pm in respect of transfers | 10 Feb 2021 | b.Securities deposited into the Depositor's Securities Account before 12:30 pm in respect of securities exempted from mandatory deposit |
| c. Securities bought on the Exchange on a cum entitlement basis according to the Rules of the Exchange. | Number of new shares/securities issued (units)
(If applicable) |
| Entitlement indicator | Currency | Announced Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) | Disbursed Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) | Entitlement in Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.0050 |
发表于 21-10-2021 07:42 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING | Description | PESTECH INTERNATIONAL BERHAD ("PESTECH" or "THE COMPANY") - Memorandum of Understanding between PESTECH and Gartena Holdings Limited | The Board of Directors of PESTECH wishes to announce that the Company had on 19 October 2021 entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with Gartena Holdings Limited (“Gartena”) to explore the opportunity to cooperate in proposing and developing Waste-2-Energy solutions in the ASEAN region.
Information on PESTECH PESTECH is a Malaysian integrated electrical power technology company operating in the ASEAN region. PESTECH provides solutions in project management, engineering, digitalization, manufacturing, installation, testing and commissioning of electrical power infrastructure for sustainable power generation plants, power grid and rail network.
Information on Gartena Gartena is a company operating in United Kingdom and Sweden which has developed, and holds the worldwide patent for the world technically advanced, efficient and environmentally friendly Waste-2-Energy process.
Rationale of the MOU Under the MOU, the parties wish to cooperate in proposing and developing Waste-2-Energy solutions in the ASEAN region.
PESTECH will have the primary responsibility for new client selection, including identifying potential projects, arranging meetings and preparing potential bidding documents. PESTECH will also be responsible for project management and overall construction of the plant with any possible technology localisation.
Gartena will be responsible for providing PESTECH with technical and marketing materials, applicable cost estimates and appropriate content for agreements and other project documentation.
Gartena will provide all necessary technical drawings, engineering services, localization of the operational processes of the Waste-2-Energy plant, and all relevant technical know-how of the Waste-2-Energy solution for the Gartena process.
PESTECH and Gartena are collaborating to recycle the energy contents from wastes (either general waste, scheduled waste or medical waste) to generate electricity instead of dumping it to the landfill that will bring hazardous effect to the environment. If granted, it will bring positive sustainable development effect to the society.
Effects of the MOU The MOU will have no material effect on earnings, revenue and net assets per share of the Group for the financial year ending 30 June 2022.
Directors’ and Major Shareholders’ interests None of the Directors and/or Major Shareholders and/or persons connected to them, has any interest, direct or indirect in the MOU. The Board of Directors of PESTECH is of the opinion that the MOU is in the best interest of the Company.
Approval required The MOU is not subject to the approval of the shareholders of the Company or any regulatory authorities.
This announcement is dated 20 October 2021. |
发表于 23-10-2021 11:39 AM
Type | Reply to Query | Reply to Bursa Malaysia's Query Letter - Reference ID | IQL-21102021-00001 | Subject | Memorandum of Understanding between PESTECH and Gartena Holdings Limited | Description | PESTECH INTERNATIONAL BERHAD (PESTECH or THE COMPANY) - Memorandum of Understanding between PESTECH International Berhad and Gartena Holdings Limited | Query Letter Contents | We refer to your Company’s announcement dated 20 October 2021, in respect of the aforesaid matter.
In this connection, kindly furnish Bursa Securities with the following additional information for public release:-
1) To provide further information on Gartena, including the details of the worldwide patent on Waste-2-Energy process that it has.
2) To state the timeframe of the MOU and whether the MOU is binding.
3) To provide further details of the Waste-2 Energy solutions that the parties intend to cooperate and develop, including the types of products/services and target markets/users of the products/services. |
(Unless otherwise defined, terms used in this announcement shall carry the same meanings as set out in the previous announcement dated 20 October 2021 in relation to the MOU with Gartena (“Announcement”))
Further to our announcement made on 20 October 2021 in relation to the above MOU, we are pleased to append hereunder the following additional information:-
Further Information on Gartena Gartena holds the worldwide patent for the ‘Rotating Kiln’ and the two-step ‘Afterburner’ process, bearing International Publication Number: WO2010/123444, which is a technically advanced, efficient and environmentally friendly Waste-2-Energy process that can accept various types of waste. The system ensures adequate waste-2-energy yield that make conversion of waste to energy financially viable.
Timeframe of the MOU The MOU will come into effect on the date of signing of the MoU and will remain in effect for two (2) years from the effective date (“Validity Period”). The MOU shall be automatically renewed unless expressly terminated. The MOU may be terminated by either Party at any time within the Validity Period by giving thirty (30) days’ notice in writing to the other Party. The Parties agreed that they cannot bind the other, nor enter into contracts or agreement in the other Party’s name, without the express written consent of the other Party.
Details of the Waste-2 Energy solutions that the parties intend to cooperate The parties intend to provide solutions to recycle energy from waste generated in the community or the industry. The energy produced from the waste using the technology will be injected into the electrical grid to benefit the society, thereby creating a circular economy for the community. The target markets are the municipal councils, private entities or such other organisations which are handling wastes disposal around the region.
This announcement is dated 22 October 2021. |
发表于 7-11-2021 11:27 AM
Entitlement subject | Final Dividend | Entitlement description | Final single-tier dividend of RM0.005 per ordinary share | Ex-Date | 08 Dec 2021 | Entitlement date | 09 Dec 2021 | Entitlement time | 05:00 PM | Financial Year End | 30 Jun 2021 | Period |
| Share transfer book & register of members will be | to closed from (both dates inclusive) for the purpose of determining the entitlement | Payment Date | 07 Jan 2022 | a.Securities transferred into the Depositor's Securities Account before 4:30 pm in respect of transfers | 09 Dec 2021 | b.Securities deposited into the Depositor's Securities Account before 12:30 pm in respect of securities exempted from mandatory deposit |
| c. Securities bought on the Exchange on a cum entitlement basis according to the Rules of the Exchange. | Number of new shares/securities issued (units)
(If applicable) |
| Entitlement indicator | Currency | Announced Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) | Disbursed Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) | Entitlement in Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.0050 |
发表于 4-1-2022 09:51 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | PESTECH INTERNATIONAL BERHAD ("PESTECH" OR "THE COMPANY") NOTICE OF AWARD FOR THE CONTRACT ON SOUTH LUZON SUBSTATIONS UPGRADING PROJECT 2 FROM NATIONAL GRID CORPORATION OF THE PHILIPPINES (NGCP) | The Board of Directors of PESTECH (“Board”) wishes to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary company, PESTECH Sdn Bhd (“PSB”) had on 19 November 2021, received a Notice of Award from NGCP for the contract in relation to South Luzon Substations Upgrading Project 2 at a total contract value as below:-
Offshore portion: United States Dollars Twenty Three Million Four Hundred Sixty Thousand only (USD23,460,000.00)
Onshore portion: Philippine Pesos Seven Hundred Ten Million Seven Hundred Fifty Six Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty only (PHP710,756,760.00) (VAT inclusive) (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”).
The Project aims to cater the load growth and provide N-1 contingency to various substations for NGCP in the South Luzon Region. This involves capacity additions, replacement of old and obsolete substation equipment and reconfiguration of the existing substations to ensure reliability and flexibility of the electrical network for achieving sustainable growth of NGCP’s power network. Under the Project, PESTECH shall have full responsibility to design and build according to the requirements of the contract.
The project involves seven (7) substation components which are independent from each other. The commencement date of the Project will be determined by NGCP later (“Start Date”). The completion period reckoned from the Start Date shall be as follows: - Lumban 230/69kV Substation: 600 calendar days
- Gumaca 230/69kV Substation: 600 calendar days
- Labo 230/69kV Substation: 600 calendar days
- Naga 230/69kV Substation: 540 calendar days
- Daraga 230/69kV Substation: 540 calendar days
- Tiwi A Substation: 180 calendar days
- Tiwi C Substation: 180 calendar days
The Project will contribute positively towards the revenue and earnings of PESTECH in accordance to the stage of project progress to be recognised in the financial years ending 30 June 2022 to 30 June 2023.
PESTECH does not foresee any exceptional risk other than the normal operational risk associated with the Project such as availability and changes in the price of raw materials. The Company will take necessary steps to mitigate the risks as and when it occurs.
None of the Directors and/or Major Shareholders and/or persons connected to them, has any interest, direct or indirect in the Project.
The Board is of the opinion that the Project is in the best interest of the Company.
This announcement is dated 22 November 2021. |
发表于 19-1-2022 09:09 AM
30 Sep 2021 |
PERIOD | 30 Sep 2021 | 30 Sep 2020 | 30 Sep 2021 | 30 Sep 2020 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 207,813 | 248,842 | 207,813 | 248,842 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | 24,635 | 33,760 | 24,635 | 33,760 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | 21,623 | 25,028 | 21,623 | 25,028 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | 11,868 | 15,061 | 11,868 | 15,061 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | 1.56 | 1.97 | 1.56 | 1.97 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.7829 | 0.7609
发表于 19-1-2022 09:32 AM
Entitlement subject | Bonus Issue | Entitlement description | Bonus issue of 191,073,393 new ordinary shares in PESTECH International Berhad ("PESTECH") ("Bonus Share(s)") on the basis of 2 Bonus Shares for every 8 existing ordinary shares in PESTECH held at 5.00 p.m. on 10 December 2021 ("Entitlement Date") | Shareholder's Approval | Yes | Ex-Date | 09 Dec 2021 | Entitlement date | 10 Dec 2021 | Entitlement time | 5:00 PM | Financial Year End | 30 Jun 2022 | Share transfer book & register of members will be | to closed from (both dates inclusive) for the purpose of determining the entitlement | Securities Crediting Date |
| a.Securities transferred into the Depositor's Securities Account before 4:30 pm in respect of transfers | 10 Dec 2021 | b.Securities deposited into the Depositor's Securities Account before 12:30 pm in respect of securities exempted from mandatory deposit |
| c. Securities bought on the Exchange on a cum entitlement basis according to the Rules of the Exchange. | Number of new shares/securities issued (units)
(If applicable) |
| Entitlement indicator | Ratio | Par Value (if applicable) |
| | Securities Entitlement | Company Name | PESTECH INTERNATIONAL BERHAD | Entitlement | Ordinary Shares | Ratio (New : Existing) | 2.0000 : 8.0000 |
Entitlement subject | Bonus Issue | Entitlement description | Bonus issue of up to 95,536,696 warrants in PESTECH International Berhad ("PESTECH") ("Warrant(s)") on the basis of 1 Warrant for every 8 existing ordinary shares in PESTECH held at 5.00 p.m. on 10 December 2021 ("Entitlement Date") | Shareholder's Approval | Yes | Ex-Date | 09 Dec 2021 | Entitlement date | 10 Dec 2021 | Entitlement time | 5:00 PM | Financial Year End | 30 Jun 2022 | Share transfer book & register of members will be | to closed from (both dates inclusive) for the purpose of determining the entitlement | Securities Crediting Date |
| a.Securities transferred into the Depositor's Securities Account before 4:30 pm in respect of transfers | 10 Dec 2021 | b.Securities deposited into the Depositor's Securities Account before 12:30 pm in respect of securities exempted from mandatory deposit |
| c. Securities bought on the Exchange on a cum entitlement basis according to the Rules of the Exchange. | Number of new shares/securities issued (units)
(If applicable) |
| Entitlement indicator | Ratio | Par Value (if applicable) |
| | Securities Entitlement | Company Name | PESTECH INTERNATIONAL BERHAD | Entitlement | Warrants | Ratio (New : Existing) | 1.0000 : 8.0000 |
发表于 15-3-2022 07:34 AM
Instrument Category | Securities of PLC | Instrument Type | Warrants | Description | Bonus issue of 95,145,862 warrants ("Warrant(s)") in PESTECH International Berhad ("PESTECH") on the basis of 1 Warrant for every 8 existing ordinary shares in PESTECH ("PESTECH Share(s)" or "Share(s)") held at 5.00 p.m. on 10 December 2021 ("Entitlement Date") |
Listing Date | 21 Dec 2021 | Issue Date | 16 Dec 2021 | Issue/ Ask Price | Not Applicable | Issue Size Indicator | Unit | Issue Size in Unit | 95,145,862 | Maturity | Mandatory | Maturity Date | 15 Dec 2028 | Revised Maturity Date |
| Name of Guarantor | Not Applicable | Name of Trustee | Not Applicable | Coupon/Profit/Interest/Payment Rate | Not Applicable | Coupon/Profit/Interest/Payment Frequency | Not Applicable | Redemption | Not Applicable | Exercise/Conversion Period | 4.00 Year(s) | Revised Exercise/Conversion Period | Not Applicable | Exercise/Strike/Conversion Price | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.6500 | Revised Exercise/Strike/Conversion Price | Not Applicable | Exercise/Conversion Ratio | 1:1 | Revised Exercise/Conversion Ratio | Not Applicable | Mode of satisfaction of Exercise/ Conversion price | Cash | Settlement Type/ Convertible into | Physical (Shares) |
| |