Initial investment
You would need to complete the fund application form that comes with the prospectus obtainable free upon
request. Your application form, together with the investment amount made out in a cheque in favour of Public
Mutual Berhad followed by the new NRIC number of the first holder (e.g. Public Mutual Berhad (New NRIC
No.)), can then be submitted to any of the Public Bank Berhad branches. You are advised to write down your
name, new NRIC/passport number and telephone number at the back of the cheque. Please retain the bank-in
slip issued by the bank for your record and future reference.
If you are a first time investor of Public Mutual Berhad, you are also required to complete the New Investor Form.
Minimum initial investment: RM1,000.
Additional investments
You may invest regularly into your account. This can be easily done through issuing a direct debit authorisation
with Public Bank Berhad. Alternatively, you may add to your account as and when you feel so inclined by
depositing your cash/cheque made in favour of Public Mutual Berhad followed by your fund account number,
into the collection accounts maintained at Public Bank Berhad.
Minimum additional investment: RM100.