Dear BIG Shot,Following our earlier email dated November 25th, 2014, we are pleased to inform you that you can now access your new BIG Prepaid account online on our new card management portal at www.bigprepaid.comPlease click here and log into your BIG Prepaid account at www.bigprepaid.com with your existing username (that you have used on www.airasiabig.com) and temporary password provided below to activate your account on www.bigprepaid.com. Please be advised that for security purposes, you MUST change this temporary password after activating your account at www.bigprepaid.com.User Name (as per existing at www.airasiabig.com): *****@yahoo.com
Temporary password: ******* Once completed, you are ready to enjoy and experience our new and improved card management portal at www.bigprepaid.com and enjoy the benefits of your new Card once you receive it.Your new BIG Prepaid Card (whether you chose to retain your existing BIG Prepaid Visa Card or opted for our new BIG Prepaid MasterCard) is in the mail and should be in your hands soon.Please note that your existing BIG Prepaid Visa Card remains valid and can be used till 22nd December 2014. Also please note that reloads to your existing BIG Prepaid Visa Card will cease on 15th December 2014 and any available balances on your existing BIG Prepaid Visa Card will be transferred to your new BIG Prepaid Card (either to the BIG Prepaid MasterCard or your new BIG Prepaid Visa Card, depending on which product you have opted for) within 7 days of your existing BIG Prepaid Visa Card account being cancelled.
This exercise will not affect your BIG Loyalty account (operated by our affiliate, Think Big Digital Sdn Bhd) and you may continue to access your BIG Loyalty account as before at www.airasiabig.com.
Once again, welcome and we look forward to serving you!Yours sincerely, Amar Abrol Chief Executive Officer