发表于 28-9-2017 07:25 AM
Assassin's Creed: Origins becomes an 'open world museum' with Discovery Tour mode
育碧推出《刺客信条:起源》“古埃及探索之旅”新模式 在游戏中学历史
转载 - 游明星空(http://www.gamersky.com/news/201709/961583.shtml)
“从最初开始,《刺客信条》系列就一直在探究历史中的关键时刻,从第三次十字军东征到意大利文艺复兴时期,而今年将是神秘的古埃及,”《刺客信条:起源》创意总监Jean Guesdon说道。“我们希望有这样一种专为人们而设的教育模式,让他们能够通过游戏的互动体验来了解那些难以置信的古埃及历史,而《刺客信条》古埃及探索之旅将把这一梦想变成现实。”
《刺客信条:起源》将于10月27日登陆XboxOne、PS4 Pro、PS4以及PC平台。同时将登录于11月7日发售的全新主机Xbox One X。现在预购《刺客信条:起源》的玩家还将获得额外奖励任务——“首批金字塔的秘密”,探索建造首批金字塔背后的故事和其中隐藏的秘密。
Assassin’s Creed: Origins – Discovery Tour Shows a Different Side of Ancient Egypt
With Discovery Tour, Assassin’s Creed Origins is using the concept of the Animus Database – long one of the most fascinating parts of the series – as a springboard for an entirely new kind of experience. Where the Database was a collection of educational (and frequently snarky) notes on the important people, places, and events that you encounter in each game, Discovery Tour adds an entirely new game mode that turns the massive re-creation of Egypt into a combat-free living museum, with guided tours that let players delve into its history firsthand.
“This is something we’ve wanted to do for a long time, that we’ve been asked to do by teachers, by institutions,” says Jean Guesdon, creative director for Assassin’s Creed Origins. “Discovery Tour is another way to enjoy the beauty of the world we’ve recreated. It’s a more educative mode, so it’s clearly focused on education and on bringing to people actual facts, more academic knowledge.”
Separate from the main game, Discovery Tour annotates the game world with dozens of interactive tours curated by historians and Egyptologists. Each focuses on a different subject, including the Great Pyramids, the life of Cleopatra, mummification, and more. Additionally, Discovery Tour lets players roam the entire game world without constraints or threats, exploring a sprawling landscape that includes Memphis, Alexandria, the Sand Sea, and the Giza Plateau at their own pace.
“When you start to tour, you will have a path that will lead you from station to station, in order to learn more,” Guesdon says. “For example, the mummification process, from the cleaning of the body to the removal of the organs, up to the ritual of the opening of the mouth. I hope that teachers will seize this opportunity to present that to their students, so they can learn with this interactive medium.
“We spent years recreating Ancient Egypt, documenting ourselves, validating the content with historians, with consultants, and we feel that many more people than just the players can benefit from that,” says Guesdon.
Discovery Tour will arrive in early 2018 as a free update for Assassin’s Creed Origins, which launches on October 27 on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
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