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发表于 20-8-2019 11:23 PM
本帖最后由 caressa 于 20-8-2019 11:51 PM 编辑
以往登山林都是请原著民当山导,带领我们在迷宫似的保护林里往前行带我去看花花草草,还有拉着一条绳子过河是我印象最深刻的, 他们都是赤脚走森林。
他们主要生活所需来自森林里的采集和狩猎。对于森林范围的逐渐减少比生活在森林之外的我们敏感得多, 大自然的好处就是带给你天性的敏感也可以说是直觉。是他们赖以生存的所在,不单是生理上的,还有心灵上的,他们的习俗、信仰,他们的祖辈,他们生命的起源都从这里开始。森林式微,河流污染,他们无法采集足够的蔬果,无法猎取足够的动物,无法捕捞足够的鱼虾,无法享用清洁的水源,这一切长久下来让他们身心俱损。
人类学家Lye Tuck Po研究Bateq族多年。《Changing Pathways》主要探讨Bateq族眼里森林代表的意义,再从不同的意义上探讨森林的逐渐减少对Bateq族所带来的影响。我印象最深的是Bateq族对自己族群在森林里的定位所抱持的认知。他们把自身比喻为森林的最后一道防线:若居住在森林里的人全军覆没,森林也将不复存在。据统计,Bateq族如今只剩下不足2000人。
Tebu’s Message:
1.Take away the forest,the world ends.We want people to know that the world can end.Already there aren’t trees.
3.Don’t take away more forest,make that the limit.We look for food alike.We want to pakat.We cannot be overly covetous—we should take only what’s appropriate for our livelihood.
4.Temoh River already has no tree.Only oil palm.
5.Our souls live upon the trees.The forest is the veins and tendons of our lives.
17.Already the earth is all cut up.The soul of the rivers is blocked.It’s important to understand the danger.The rivers can no longer flow,they flood their banks.The soil becomes soft.It collapses.They open up channels elsewhere,that’s where the earth fissures.
18.It’s like,we look for food—from food we get rich,but the world is gone.We should know how to keep.It shouldn’t be that we become rich and killed the world.Our lives are shortened,we don’t live long,when we are too greedy.We know how to keep.When we make a living,we should value the soul of the world.
20.There are Bateq who want to be rich.It’s not easy to live like this,we suffer.But this is preferable to killing the world,like life outside the forest.They bring about the end of lives the way they live.