三日黑暗 - 西藏喇嘛發表 2012.12.21 言論 Updates On The 3 Days Of Darkness – Tibetan Monks Make A Statement For NASA 12.21.2012
Posted on 29/10/2012 by Nik
Lama of the monastery under Gyandrek Kailas, known as the Oracle of Shambhala told how to survive the apocalypse, which he said will last two weeks.
If you believe the predictions of the Maya, before the apocalypse less than two months. And although scientists, as they should be, are loath to believe in the absurd predictions, astrologers and soothsayers are seriously discussing what will be the designated end of the world. So, Tibetan lamas do not hide the fact that the risk of a serious accident is quite large: in late December, the Solar system planets line up in a row, which is a unique case. In his message to NASA lama monastery Gyandrek under Kailas, known as the Oracle of Shambhala, said that on December 21 2012, the Earth, along with the solar system passes through the galactic “zero band” writes MK4D.
“Fall and winter will be warm, and from 12/21/2012 Earth will begin to pass through the galactic” zero band.
“This is a special state space where the blanked and not be subject to any energy. Was complete darkness and silence. The electricity and communications. Darkness will be accompanied by flashes of light, as well as the play of light and shadow. Sometimes it may seem that roam figures – as if the dead rose from their graves. earth will shake slightly – like a small earthquake. Some buildings can be destroyed “- warned Lama.
“Animals feel the earth before the coming of the” cosmic dark “and go to ground – said the monk. – People in cities do not feel so are the victims of insanity. Can be lost 10% of the population. “
Oracle Shambhala painted and practical recommendations for humans:
1. You need to prepare for this change of cycles to complete all the works in 2012, not to tie new, pay off debts.
2. 20.12.2012 to take their children, all documents, cash and get out of town into the countryside. Prepare a supply of food for two months, as supply will be restored for a long time.
3. It is necessary to have in the house supply of water, firewood and candles for lighting. You need to have the stove in the house, as the electricity stops flowing from 21.12.2012 on the wire.
4. Communications and TV are turned off. During the “dark days” hang windows dark, not to look at them, do not believe your eyes and ears, not to go out. If you see the need to go, you can not go far – you can get lost, as you’ll even his own hands.
5. After the appearance of the world is not in a hurry to return to the city, it is better to live in the nature of spring.
Disasters according to Tibetan lamas will last two weeks, though the echoes will be felt for some months until the beginning of February. The total yield of the Earth from the “zero band”, expected in about February 7, 2013. There will be a partial restoration of electricity, transport. By late March, the world will recover completely.
End of the world will radically change the outlook of people, according to Oracle Shambhala. It will become more spiritual. In developed and developing countries will blossom variety of scientific and spiritual teachings, systems development and health of the individual. “This will be the most important impetus to the progress of mankind for a long time,” – concludes the monk.
Meanwhile, scientists continue to claim that the fears of the apocalypse are unfounded. “New evidence suggests that the ancient Maya did apocalyptic prophecies” – quoted by LiveScience.com words of the director of the Research Institute of Central America Marcello Canuto.
Many researchers Maya agree that their civilization, if it existed today, most likely, would have invented a new calendar. Archaeologists have found evidence of even deep in the rain forest texts in which the ancient Maya mentioned dates later than December 21, 2012, marks Utro.ru referring to Discovery.
Remote viewing is nothing new inTibetan monasteries. For thousands of years remote viewing in themiddle of other spiritual activities have dominated Tibetanculture. What some Indian tourists came to learn from a few Tibetanmonasteries under the current Chinese rule is extremely alarmingand fascinating.
“透视未来”在西藏的寺庙中并不是什么新鲜事.几千年来, ‘透视未来’都是西藏文化中玄学领域的中心点.而有些印度游客在中国管辖区的西藏寺庙中所发现的事情是极度惊人,极度值得警惕与令人着迷的事情!According to these tourists remoteviewers are seeing world powers in the course of self-destruction.They also see that the world will not be destroyed. Between now and2012 the world super powers will continue to engage in regionalwars. Terrorism and covert war will be the main problem. In worldpolitics something will happen in and around 2010. At that time theworld powers will threaten to destroy eachother.
Between 2010 and 2012, the wholeworld will get polarized and prepare for the ultimate dooms day.Heavy political maneuvers and negotiations will take place withlittle progress.
在2010和2012年之间,这世界会变得很极端化,而会为‘世界末日’开始做准备.很多很严肃的\严重的政治会谈与协调\谈判会发生,但不会有太多进展. In 2012, the world will startplunging into a total destructive nuclear war. 在2012年,这世界会开始移向一个完全毁灭性的核子战争. And at that time something remarkablewill happen, says, Buddhist monk ofTibet. Supernatural divine powers willintervene. The destiny of the world is not to self-destruct at thistime. 但就在此时一些非常特别的事情会发生,西藏喇嘛说,神奇的,不可思议的神圣力量会介入. 因为世界的命运不会在此时自我毁灭! Scientific interpretation of themonks, statements makes it evident that the Extra Terrestrialpowers are watching us every step of the way. They will intervenein 2012 and save the world from self-destruction. 西藏喇嘛对此的科学解释是说---非常明显的,外星人势力一直在监控着我们走的每一步路.祂们会在2012出手干涉并阻止地球人的自我毁灭行为.
When asked about recent UFO sightingsinIndiaandChina, the monks smiled and said thedivine powers are watching us all. Mankind cannot and will not beallowed to alter the future to that great extent. 当被问到关于在印度和中国看到的许多UFO的出现时,西藏喇嘛微笑了一下说---神圣的力量一直监控着我们全部.人类无法也不会被允许做出如此重大的未来改变.
Every human being, through theircurrent acts in life called "Karma," can alter the future lives tosome extent, but changing the destiny in that large extent will notbe allowed to that great an extent. 每个人类,由于‘因果业障’法则关系,可以透过此生的行为来改变一些未来的命运,但是要想要如此大力的去做这么重大的未来改变是不被允许的.
Monks also mentioned that beyond 2012our current civilization would understand that the final frontierof science and technology is in area of spirituality and notmaterial physics and chemistry. Beyond 2012, our technologies willtake a differentdirection. People will learn theessence of spirituality, the relation between body and the soul,the reincarnation and the fact we are connected with each other areall part of "God. 西藏喇嘛还提到---在2012年之后,我们目前的人类文明会理解到“科学与科技的最后一道领域是‘灵性科学’而非‘物理与化学’.2012之后,我们的科技会转向.人们会学习到‘灵性科学’的精髓,肉体与精神的关系,轮回,以及我们彼此都互相关连的事实.我们都是上帝的一小部份.
InIndiaandChinaUFO sightings have increased in manyfolds. Many say the Chinese and Indian Governments are beingcontacted by the Extra Terrestrials. 在印度与中国境内, UFO被看到的次数已经倍数成长.很多人说---印度与中国政府应该正与外星生命在接触当中. In recent days most UFO activitieshave been seen in those countries who have indigenously developedNuke capabilities. 而在那些研发核子武器的国家--- UFO最近更是经常被看见出现在那里.
When asked if theseextra-terrestrials will show up in reality in 2012, the answersremote viewers are giving is: they will reveal themselves in such away that none of us scared. They will reveal themselves only ifthey have to. As our science and technology progresses, we aredestined to see them and interact with them any way. 当我们问到---这些外星人是否会在2012现身时,西藏喇嘛的答案是---祂们会用不会吓到我们的方式出现.祂们只有当祂们必须现身时才会现身.随着我们科学与科技的发展,我们是命中注定要与祂们会面与互动的!!!
According to the remote viewers, ourearth is blessed and is being saved continuously from all kinds ofhazards all the time that we are not even aware of. As ourtechnologies progress we will realize how external forces savedus. 事实上,透过‘透视未来’,西藏喇嘛说---我们地球其实一直都受到加持,而且已经从各种危险中被救了非常多次了,只是我们自己不知道而已.当我们的科技再进步一些我们就会知道外星人救了我们多少次了以及怎么救的!
The last meteor shower of 2012 will be the Geminids, peaking late night December 13 until dawn December 14.
Taurid meteor seen by EarthSky Facebook friend Forrest Boone on November 9, 2012 over North Carolina. Thanks, Forrest!
December 13/14, 2012, late night December 13 until dawn December 14 Geminids
The final major meteor shower of every year (unless one surprises us!) is always the December Geminid shower, often producing 50 or more meteors per hour. It is a beloved shower, because, as a general rule, it’s either the August Perseids or the December Geminids that give us the most prolific display of the year. Best of all, the new moon guarantees a dark sky on the peak night of the Geminid shower (mid-evening December 13 until dawn December 14). But the nights on either side of the peak date should be good as well. Unlike many meteor showers, you can start watching the Geminids by 9 or 10 p.m. local time. The peak might be around 2 a.m. local time on these nights, because that’s when the shower’s radiant point is highest in the sky as seen around the world. With no moon to ruin the show, 2012 presents a most favorable year for watching the grand finale of the meteor showers. Best viewing of the Geminids will probably be from about 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. on December 14.
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Thick dust clouds block our night-time view of the Milky Way, creating what is sometimes called the Dark Rift. The fact that -- from the viewpoint of Earth -- the sun aligns with these clouds, or the galactic center, near the winter solstice is no cause for concern. Credit: A. Fujii
One of the most bizarre theories about 2012 has built up with very little attention to facts. This idea holds that a cosmic alignment of the sun, Earth, the center of our galaxy -- or perhaps the galaxy's thick dust clouds -- on the winter solstice could for some unknown reason lead to destruction. Such alignments can occur but these are a regular occurrence and can cause no harm (and, indeed, will not even be at its closest alignment during the 2012 solstice.)
The details are as follows: Viewed far from city lights, a glowing path called the Milky Way can be seen arching across the starry sky. This path is formed from the light of millions of stars we cannot see individually. It coincides with the mid plane of our galaxy, which is why our galaxy is also named the Milky Way.
Thick dust clouds also populate the galaxy. And while infrared telescopes can see them clearly, our eyes detect these dark clouds only as irregular patches where they dim or block the Milky Way's faint glow. The most prominent dark lane stretches from the constellations Cygnus to Sagittarius and is often called the Great Rift, sometimes the Dark Rift.
Another impressive feature of our galaxy lies unseen in Sagittarius: the galactic center, about 28,000 light-years away, which hosts a black hole weighing some four million times the sun's mass.
The claim for 2012 links these two pieces of astronomical fact with a third -- the position of the sun near the galactic center on Dec. 21, the winter solstice for the Northern Hemisphere -- to produce something that makes no astronomical sense at all.
As Earth makes its way around the sun, the sun appears to move against the background stars, which is why the visible constellations slowly change with the seasons. On Dec. 21, 2012, the sun will pass about 6.6 degrees north of the galactic center -- that's a distance that looks to the eye to be about 13 times the full moon's apparent size -- and it's actually closer a couple of days earlier. There are different claims about why this bodes us ill, but they boil down to the coincidence of the solstice with the sun entering the Dark Rift somehow portending disaster or the mistaken notion that the sun and Earth becoming aligned with the black hole in the galactic center allows some kind of massive gravitational pull on Earth.
The first strike against this theory is that the solstice itself does not correlate to any movements of the stars or anything in the universe beyond Earth. It just happens to be the day that Earth's North Pole is tipped farthest from the sun.
Second, Earth is not within range of strong gravitational effects from the black hole at the center of the galaxy since gravitational effects decrease exponentially the farther away one gets. Earth is 93 million miles from the sun and 165 quadrillion miles from the Milky Way's black hole. The sun and the moon (a smaller mass, but much closer) are by far the most dominant gravitational forces on Earth. Throughout the course of the year, our distance from the Milky Way's black hole changes by about one part in 900 million – not nearly enough to cause a real change in gravity's pull. Moreover, we're actually nearest to the galactic center in the summer, not at the winter solstice.
Third, the sun appears to enter the part of the sky occupied by the Dark Rift every year at the same time, and its arrival there in Dec. 2012 portends precisely nothing.
Enjoy the solstice, by all means, and don't let the Dark Rift, alignments, solar flares, magnetic field reversals, potential impacts or alleged Maya end-of-the-world predictions get in the way.
West Kennett 1996 suggests that a new Moon and comet will align in Earth's sky with the galactic centre, when we first see rays emerging (possibly on December 14, 2012)