



 楼主| 发表于 11-2-2014 07:36 AM | 显示全部楼层
csneoh78 发表于 10-2-2014 03:02 PM
我看到它的how to top up 里面都显示 RM50 50天的哦!
就连 instant top up 也显示 RM50 50天哦!

topup validity 是 一月的时候换的, 本来有chart 的, 所以我有save 起来, 现在网站好像在从新设计
有些资料都没有看到了。。如果这对你很重要, 你可以等网站有资料才买/topup


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发表于 11-2-2014 08:49 AM | 显示全部楼层
自由人(金牛) 发表于 11-2-2014 07:36 AM
topup validity 是 一月的时候换的, 本来有chart 的, 所以我有save 起来, 现在网站好像在从新设计
有 ...

我暂时还没有需要topup 先

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发表于 11-2-2014 09:39 AM | 显示全部楼层
【日日夜夜】 发表于 10-2-2014 09:37 AM
可以的 等到以后花完钱 才申请转台



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发表于 11-2-2014 10:12 AM | 显示全部楼层
svefZ 发表于 10-2-2014 02:44 PM
可是我有发现在tunetalk selfcare有三个我没有见过的号码 竟然用我的IC注册

我也是用两个号码  ...


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 楼主| 发表于 11-2-2014 10:29 AM | 显示全部楼层
csneoh78 发表于 11-2-2014 08:49 AM
我暂时还没有需要topup 先

这promo period 我就topup, 下半年再看怎么用。。

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 楼主| 发表于 11-2-2014 10:30 AM | 显示全部楼层
tequila123 发表于 11-2-2014 10:12 AM

已经expired 就等于 either 这号码不再active 或 已经MNP...
如果是MNP了 就比较麻烦, 难找咯


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发表于 11-2-2014 10:37 AM | 显示全部楼层
我E-Mail去客服了,需要到的资料是全名、IC、TT号码和SIM Serial Number

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 楼主| 发表于 11-2-2014 10:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
mcls 发表于 11-2-2014 10:37 AM
我E-Mail去客服了,需要 ...

2月头的? 一月的肯定是50天, 换validity 应该大概在新年前。。你申请的时候是几号?


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发表于 11-2-2014 10:43 AM | 显示全部楼层
自由人(金牛) 发表于 11-2-2014 10:38 AM
2月头的? 一月的肯定是50天, 换validity 应该大概在新年前。。你申请的时候是几号?

2月4号申请,Credit Expiry Date是3月26号


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 楼主| 发表于 11-2-2014 10:43 AM | 显示全部楼层
mcls 发表于 11-2-2014 10:43 AM
2月4号申请,Credit Expiry Date是3月26号



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发表于 11-2-2014 11:02 AM | 显示全部楼层
自由人(金牛) 发表于 11-2-2014 10:30 AM
已经expired 就等于 either 这号码不再active 或 已经MNP...
如果是MNP了 就比较麻烦, 难找咯

对啊 我只是怕MNP而已 因为我打去还是有人在用

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 楼主| 发表于 11-2-2014 11:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
csneoh78 发表于 10-2-2014 03:02 PM
我看到它的how to top up 里面都显示 RM50 50天的哦!
就连 instant top up 也显示 RM50 50天哦!

惨了, 我一月topup 的, 我看到超过两个月 没有一天一天去算, 但是原来真的是 50天
tunetalk 网站的link 可能还没update 完, 有些乱了。。


本来promo page 是写 50天的, 后来换了去75天, 现在客服说应该是50天没有错。。

不过tunetalk 在处理中, 已经topup 的, 去联系客服, 他们会要手机号码, 身份证号码 和 sim卡的 serial number...



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 楼主| 发表于 11-2-2014 11:13 AM | 显示全部楼层
svefZ 发表于 11-2-2014 11:02 AM
对啊 我只是怕MNP而已 因为我打去还是有人在用

现在MNP都不必IC 副本。。 有一个网站可以查看 那个号码在什么台的, SKMM的网站。。
tron 的网站有放那个链接, 迟点给你, 你可以查看, 如果还在tunetalk 就安全咯。


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发表于 11-2-2014 11:23 AM | 显示全部楼层
自由人(金牛) 发表于 11-2-2014 11:11 AM
惨了, 我一月topup 的, 我看到超过两个月 没有一天一天去算, 但是原来真的是 50天
tunetalk 网站 ...

大家 print screen+save file


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 楼主| 发表于 11-2-2014 11:29 AM | 显示全部楼层
今天遇到的live chat customer service 不是很好

with reference to the above mentioned matter, we have come across a promo by Tunetalk which topup of RM50 free RM20 credit. We are glad and look thru the web and the validity of topup RM50 is 75 days as per the following link.  


after we have topup and we only got 50 days where I have check with the Live Chat customer service, Sofiya  and she mentioned that the validity is only 50 days. Which the above 2 links are misleading all the users where we did not get what is expected.  I have provide my details to the customer service Sofiya, and we hope Tunetalk can do something about it.

the following are my conversation with Sofiya, it take me more 40 mins and i did not get a good ending of the conversation. I guess we deserve a better customer service too.

chew: hi

You are now speaking with Sofiya of Customer Service.

Sofiya: hi good day
how may i assist you?

chew: hi

chew: would like to check for the validity

chew: for now topup RM50 validity is 75 days, is it confirmed?

chew: http://www.tunetalk.com/my/topup/topuphow

Sofiya: we have promotion 10Jan2014 onwards, you reload RM50 entitle for RM20 and validity is 50days

Sofiya: http://tunetalk.com/my/topup/etopup

Sofiya: you can refer to the link above

chew: meaning that during promo, the validity is 50 days?

chew: but the above link mentioned it should be 75 days?

chew: http://www.tunetalk.com/my/topup/topuphow

chew: here.. mentioned topup RM50 should be 75 days?

Sofiya: startin from 10 Jan onwards sir

chew: 50 days is start from 10 jan onwards?

chew: this above link is the promo page of the RM50 free RM10

chew: and the 1st FAQ is mentioned of 75 days

chew: means without promo, it should be 75 days?

chew: check the answer for the question for how topup validity works

chew: and u can c the 75 days

Sofiya: the validity in FAQ written is not what you have thought, the validity counts is you reload in the period of validity.

Sofiya: we no longer have RM50 validity 75 days

chew: i think i saw somewhere where different way of topup has different validity?

Sofiya: start on 10 Jan onwards all reload has been change due to promotion of topup.

chew: means without promo, it should be 75 days? means with free credit, shortened the validity?

Sofiya: where ever you reload either kiosk or online bank, if you reload for RM50 you still get the RM20 and the validity is 50days sir

chew: http://v2.tunetalk.com/services?page=top-ups

chew: this is temporary change for the RM50 topup or permenant?

chew: 50 days and no longer 75 days

Sofiya: it is permanent

chew: oh.. but the RM100 is now how many days?

chew: validity?

Sofiya: RM 100 entitile for RM20 and validity 150 Days

chew: ic... but better get the web page ammended

chew: http://v2.tunetalk.com/services?page=top-ups

chew: this is misleading

Sofiya: im sorry for the inconveniece cause mr.chew

Sofiya: may i have your mobile number , nric/passport number and sim serial number?

Sofiya: i will forward this to our respective department

chew: 017-XXXXXXX, ic no : XXXXXX-0X-5XXX.. where to check the sim serial number? have to take out the simcard?

Sofiya: at the back of the simcard

chew: XXXXX

chew: this should be the serial number?

Sofiya: yes..

Sofiya: have you reload the amount?

chew: ok... many of us really thought 75 days

chew: yes end of January

chew: RM50

chew: coz no announcement make on the changes of validity

Sofiya: but you already got the RM20?

chew: yes, got the RM20 thanks

chew: just the validity is not wat we saw from the web..

chew: this is misleading to the users

Sofiya: ok, we also did not announce for entitle free airtime

chew: free credit we can c from your advertisement

chew: but has to mention about the validity too if changes make

chew: no reply from u, nvm, i will send email too, thanks.

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 楼主| 发表于 11-2-2014 11:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
tequila123 发表于 11-2-2014 11:23 AM
大家 print screen+save file

应该很多投诉, 客服的态度不是很好, 所以我正式投诉, 只因为态度不够好
虽然validity 其实我没问题, 这个主线, 我打算这几个月topup, 然后下半年可能买365


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 楼主| 发表于 11-2-2014 11:42 AM | 显示全部楼层
svefZ 发表于 11-2-2014 11:02 AM
对啊 我只是怕MNP而已 因为我打去还是有人在用

可以用这个链接查看 那个号码现在在什么台...  


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发表于 11-2-2014 12:48 PM | 显示全部楼层
自由人(金牛) 发表于 11-2-2014 11:29 AM
今天遇到的live chat customer service 不是很好

谢谢你的link 等下我去check他在那个台

TT的客服讲话态度不太好= =
我一月进RM50也是只有五十天 所以我也要去投诉?

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发表于 11-2-2014 01:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
自由人(金牛) 发表于 11-2-2014 11:38 AM
应该很多投诉, 客服的态度不是很好, 所以我正式投诉, 只因为态度不够好
虽然validity 其实我没问 ...


没记错这offer 2月才上

各位如果要投诉可以click这里 print screen
How the top up credit validity works?那张 版面
然后说 存在的误导性

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发表于 11-2-2014 01:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
自由人(金牛) 发表于 11-2-2014 11:42 AM
可以用这个链接查看 那个号码现在在什么台...  


Result: The numbers are from different mobile operator as at 11/2/14 12:58 PM

三个号码都是这句 代表我被坑了?客服跟我说不是我的名字

call to/ call from要放一样的?我放不同的拿到不一样的答案 本帖最后由 svefZ 于 11-2-2014 01:07 PM 编辑


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