MedKlinn- the new generation of air sterilizers adopt a process called ‘PlasmaIon’ technology. This patented, highly-effective technology has beentested by the German ‘GS’ and ‘TUV’ certification bodies and approvedas conforming to the relevant and stringent electrical safety and ozoneemission standards. This unique technology convertsneutral oxygen molecules into negatively charged oxygen atoms andmolecules, or ‘negative ions’.
Features & Benefits
Generates more than 3 million negative ions per second
Wide and effective cleaning and sterilizing range
Sterilizing effects on walls and exposed areas
Minimal maintenance
Power consumption of less than 6 watts
Designed for continuous 24-hour operation
No moving parts
Silent operation
No soot formation
Small footprint mountable on ceiling or wall
Ozone emission certified to be below the toxic level of <0.05ppm as recommended by WHO and EPA.
TheMedKlinn Haven Air Sterilizer incorporates the latest air cleaningtechnology. This unique device uses a patented, highly-effective'Plasma Ion' technology. The technology been tested by the German 'GS'and 'TUV' certification bodies and approved as conforming to therelevant and stringent electrical safety and ozone emission standards.
When the MedKlinn Haven is operating, freshness begins to fill theroom. This is like the invigorating smell found near a large waterfallor after a thunderstorm, but in much greater measure. Like a gushingfountain, the MedKlinn Haven floods the room with beneficial negativeions. This continuous stream of cleaning ions quickly bind and removeairborne particles, as well as destroying both surface-bound andairborne micro-organisms and viruses, leaving in its place a healthyand fresh environment.
The MedKlinn Haven is designed for 24-hour, non-stop operation,consuming less than 6 watts of electrical power. Electricityconsumption is less than US$0.05/day when used continuously and willclean a room of up to 600 square feet. With massive numbers of negativeions being generated every second, the MedKlinn Haven ensures a healthyindoor environment for you and your loved ones! The device requiresminimal maintenance, has no moving parts, is virtually silent and doesnot produce soot. It's the best value, most cost effective andincredible air cleaner available in the market today!
MedKlinn products adopt a process called 'Plasma Ion' technology.This patented, highly-effective technology has been tested by theGerman 'GS' and 'TUV' certification bodies and approved as conformingto the relevant and stringent electrical safety and ozone emissionstandards.This unique technology converts neutral oxygen molecules intonegatively charged oxygen atoms and molecules, or 'negative ions'.
The core technology is the patented 'Plasma Tube' which generatesmassive amounts of negative ions, while controlling the amount of ozoneemission to below 0.05 ppm. This plasma tube converts electrical energyinto a purple glowing plasma, generating massive amounts of negativeions from oxygen molecules in the immediate vicinity of the perimetricwire gauze. Each intersection of the wire gauze is equivalent to aneedle in a conventional ionizer; the result being the MedKlinn deviceproduces 10 to 20 times more negative ions than other ionizers.
When used in normal home, office or carenvironments, the plasma tube will continuously generate massiveamounts of negative ions to clean the air, with minimal maintenancerequired. This is the unique attraction of the MedKlinn technology,which works silently round the clock, without the inconvenience andnecessity of regular cleaning or replacing of filters, or washing ofelectrostatic plates found in other air cleaners or ionizers.
Now, not only is clean air hassle-free, there are also no hiddencosts involved! You won't have to keep buying expensive HEPA filters orreplacement ionizer needles. And since breathing clean air is soimportant to our health, we've made it as easy as possible to protectyou and your loved ones.
The MedKlinn Haven and MedKlinn Mobile – clean air for life, the easy way!