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【Far East HTrust Q5T 交流专区】远东酒店信托 FAR EAST HOSPITALITY TRUST

 楼主| 发表于 26-9-2012 04:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
OCBC starts Far East Hospitality Trust at Buy

Wed, 26 Sep 10:29
OCBC initiates Far East Hospitality Trust (Q5T.SG) at Buy with a $1.08 fair value, noting that the counter is Singapore’s largest pure hospitality REIT play--the trust has 11 properties in its portfolio, with an asset value of about $2.14 billion.

“With a mix of hotels and serviced residences, the portfolio is able to ride on the up-cycle in the hotel industry, while the serviced residences would provide downside protection during economic slowdowns,” OCBC analyst Sarah Ong says in a note.

She adds, the trust’s sponsor, Far East Organization, has identified three hotels and four serviced residences as “Sponsor Right of First Refusal” properties, which could be offered to Far East Hospitality Trust and thereby add to its portfolio 1,242 rooms and serviced-residence units, or a 49.1% increase, bringing the total to 3,773.

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 楼主| 发表于 28-9-2012 07:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
Goldman starts Far East Hospitality at Neutral

Fri, 28 Sep 15:51   
Goldman Sachs initiates Far East Hospitality Trust at Neutral with $1.02 target. It says FEHT’s key strengths include being well-positioned in the mid-tier/upscale segments, which are the fastest growing and most scalable, and its master-lease structure, which generates more efficient rental revenue flow-through vs peers.

The house expects 9.5% DPU CAGR over 2011-14 and 5.2% over 2012-2014 vs hospitality S-REIT peers’ 2.6%. “We believe Far East H-Trust offers a good mixture of organic and acquisition growth drivers.” But it adds FEHT’s high-growth potential and strengths are largely priced in.

It notes the unit trades at 2012-13 dividend yields of 5.4%-5.8%, vs closest peer CDL Hospitality Trusts trading at 6.0%-6.1% and hospitality S-REITs’ average 6.6%-6.9%. It adds, while Singapore’s hospitality sector outlook remains robust, it is past its golden years, forecasting 2011-14 average RevPAR growth per annum of 4%-5%. FEHT is up 0.5% at $1.03.

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 楼主| 发表于 27-11-2012 03:09 PM | 显示全部楼层
Far East Hospitality Trust to acquire Rendezvous Grand Hotel Singapore and its retail component ...

Tue, 27 Nov 11:41
Far East Hospitality Trust (Far East H-Trust) and Astor Properties, a member of the Far East Organization group, have entered into a non-binding memorandum of understanding with The Straits Trading Company to acquire Rendezvous Grand Hotel Singapore and its retail component Rendezvous Gallery Singapore.

Far East H-Trust is exploring the proposed acquisition of a leasehold interest in the property, while the sponsor Far East Organization is exploring the proposed acquisition of the reversionary interest for the remaining leasehold period in the property. Upon the completion of the proposed transactions, Far East H-Trust will also grant a master lease of the hotel component to the sponsor as master lessee under a master lease agreement.

Rendezvous Grand Hotel Singapore is a modern 4.5 star hotel with 298 rooms located in the heart of Singapore’s commercial and cultural district at Bras Basah. The hotel consistently achieves outstanding traveller reviews on Trip Advisor. Rendezvous Gallery Singapore, the hotel’s revamped retail wing, has three levels of retail space dedicated to dining.


知名地产发展商远东乌节(Far East Orchard)与海峡商行(Straits Trading Co, The)签署了谅解备忘录,以探讨全面收购后者的款待业务的计划。海峡商行的款待服务部门目前在新加坡、澳洲、纽西兰及中国均有业务。公司的总裁兼董事经理周永强表示,此举让公司得以把款待服务管理业务扩大至新加坡以外的市场,同时取得一个平台来经营第三方款待服务资产组合。



文: 道琼斯通讯社 (译:麦美莹) 2012年11月27日 道琼斯通讯社
以资产计算,远东机构(Far East Organization)是新加坡最大的私人发展商,它计划收购海峡商行(The Straits Trading Company)的酒店管理业务,目的是扩大其在岛国核心市场以外的酒店管理业务。


如果交易能顺利进行,远东机构旗下的酒店及医疗保健产业管理子公司远东乌节(Far East Orchard)将可以把其业务拓展至中国、澳洲及纽西兰等市场,而其资产组合将包含超过30家酒店及服务公寓及超过6,000个房间。它也可以获得使用“龙都(Rendezvous)”及“Marque”这两个酒店品牌的权利。

海峡商行是一家在新加坡上市的投资控股公司,它的权益涵盖产业发展、资源及酒店管理业务。其酒店管理业务(Rendezvous Hospitality Group)管理及经营在亚太区的酒店资产。

在一份与海峡商行签订的谅解备忘录下,由远东机构持有58.9%股权的远东乌节,将探讨收购海峡商行的酒店管理业务及在柏斯中心的龙都商务酒店(Rendezvous Studio Hotel Perth Central)、墨尔本龙都大酒店(Rendezvous Grand Hotel Melbourne)及柏斯龙都酒店(Rendezvous Hotel Perth)的50%股权。



在另一份谅解备忘录下,包含房地产投资信托及商业信托业务的远东酒店信托(Far East Hospitality Trust) 将会探讨收购海峡商行位于新加坡勿拉士巴沙路(Bras Brasah Road)一带的龙都大酒店(Rendezvous Grand Hotel)及其附属的零售店面(Rendezvous Gallery)。

这两家远东公司均表示,收购建议的具法律效力协议将会在明年才会签署。 本帖最后由 icy97 于 27-11-2012 03:16 PM 编辑


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发表于 29-11-2012 09:23 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 30-11-2012 05:53 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 25-1-2013 12:48 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 16-4-2013 01:26 AM | 显示全部楼层
Far East Hospitality Trust acquires Rendezvous Grand Hotel Singapore and Rendezvous Gallery

Mon, 15 Apr 23:03
The managers of Far East Hospitality Trust (Far East H-Trust) announced they have entered into a sale and purchase agreement with The Straits Trading Company (STC) to acquire Rendezvous Grand Hotel Singapore and Rendezvous Gallery for $264.3 million.

The acquisition, Far East Hospitality’s first since its initial public offering in August 2012, is expected to be yield accretive.

The hotel is situated in the heart of Singapore’s commercial and cultural district at 9 Bras Basah Road. Located within walking distance to the Dhoby Ghaut, City Hall and Bras Basah MRT stations and the future Bencoolen MRT station, the property underwent a major refurbishment programme of its guest rooms and public areas between 2011 and 2012. Today, its 298 hotel rooms and suites are equipped with state-of-the-art amenities and custom-designed furniture catering to the needs of business and leisure travellers.

The refurbishment programme also created the new retail wing, Rendezvous Gallery, which has three levels of retail space dedicated to food and beverage outlets with a net floor area of 2,295 square metres.

Gerald Lee, Chief Executive Officer of FEO Hospitality Asset Management, said, “We are pleased that STC elected to divest this attractive hotel to us. This acquisition will further strengthen our portfolio of quality hospitality assets in Singapore. It will enable us to benefit from greater economies of scale and broaden our earnings base, as well as favourably enhance our portfolio exposure to the growing hospitality market.”

The purchase consideration for the property, together with other transaction-related expenses, will be financed by the proposed issue of new stapled securities in Far East H-Trust to STC, the sponsor, as well as debt facilities.

Far East Hospitality Real Estate Investment Trust (Far East H-REIT) will acquire a leasehold interest of 70 years in the property, while Serene Land, a member of sponsor Far East Organization Group, will acquire the reversionary interest for the remaining leasehold period of 10 years.

Far East H-Trust comprises Far East Hospitality Real Estate Investment Trust (Far East H-REIT) and Far East Hospitality Business Trust (Far East H-BT). Far East H-Trust had an initial portfolio of 11 properties totaling 2,531 hotel rooms and serviced residence units valued at $2.16 billion. The trust is managed by FEO Hospitality Asset Management Pte and FEO Hospitality Trust Management and sponsored by members of Far East Organization Group.

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 楼主| 发表于 9-5-2013 02:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
Far East Hospitality Trust declares DPU of 1.38 cents for Q1, 3% above forecast

Wed, 8 May 09:59
FEO Hospitality Asset Management, the manager of Far East Hospitality Real Estate Investment Trust (Far East H-REIT), and FEO Hospitality Trust Management, as trustee-manager of Far East Hospitality Business Trust (Far East H-BT), announced that Far East Hospitality Trust (Far East H-Trust) has achieved income available for distribution of $22.1 million for the three months ended 31 March 2013 (1QFY13) against its forecast of $21.7 million. The REIT manager has declared a Distribution per Stapled Security for 1QFY13 of 1.38 cents, which is 3% above the forecast of 1.34 cents.

For the hospitality sector, the first quarter is traditionally the slowest period of the year with the postponement of corporate travel during the festive season, which comprises the New Year and Lunar New Year. In addition, the first quarter of 2013 is set against a comparatively higher visitor base in early 2012 due to the Singapore Airshow.

Against this backdrop, Far East H-Trust achieved Gross Revenue of $28.1 million compared to the forecast of $29.3 million for the period. The Hotels in the portfolio contributed 77.9% or $21.9 million of the overall Gross Revenue. The remaining 22.1% or $6.2 million came from the Serviced Residences.

While the Hotels enjoyed a healthy occupancy of 85.5%, pressure on rates caused the Revenue per Available Room (RevPAR) during the first quarter to fall short at $161 versus the forecast of $173. However, Far East H-Trust demonstrated resilience by maintaining the RevPAR at the level achieved during the same period last year while the hotel industry registered a decline of 3.2% as reported by the Singapore Tourism Board.

For the Serviced Residences, Revenue per Available Unit (RevPAU) was $219 for the period compared to the forecast of $221. As compared to last year, this represents a 6.3% increase.

The rental revenue from the commercial spaces in the Hotels and Serviced Residences was 6.3% higher than forecast, helping to offset the lower room revenue at these properties.

Net Property Income for the portfolio was $25.9 million against the forecast of $26.4 million, while Income Available for Distribution came in higher at $22.1 million versus the forecast of $21.7 million as a result of active management of finance cost and trust operating expenses.


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 楼主| 发表于 8-8-2013 02:21 AM | 显示全部楼层
Company Registration No.201102629K
Announcement submitted on behalf ofFAR EAST HOSPITALITY TRUST
Announcement is submitted with respect to *FAR EAST HOSPITALITY TRUST
Announcement is submitted by *Jill Chay Suet Yee
Designation *Company Secretary
Date & Time of Broadcast07-Aug-2013 07:42:27
Announcement No.00006

The details of the announcement start here ...
For the Financial Period Ended *30-06-2013


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 楼主| 发表于 17-2-2014 08:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
文: 2014年02月12日 每日头条

远东酒店信托(Far East HTRust)的4Q13收入为3,360万元,由于企业的需求减低及酒店客房供应增多令客房价格回落。净利为7,000万元,由于投资产业增值4,590万元。上个财报与本次财报的时期不同,因此无法作比较。

Far East H-Trust to distribute 4Q DPS of 1.42 cents despite challenging conditions
Source: The Edge   |   Publish date: Wed, 12 Feb 13:04

Far East Hospitality Trust (Far East H-Trust) posted gross revenue of $33.6 million and net property income of $30.5 million for the quarter ended 31 December 2013 (4Q 2013). This is 3% and 2.4% lower than what was forecasted respectively.

In 4Q 2013, the average occupancy for Far East H-Trust’s hotels, including Rendezvous Hotel Singapore, remained high at 86.0% or 1.4 pp above what was forecasted. The average daily rate (ADR) of $193.7 was 8.9% below forecast. As such, the average revenue per available room (RevPAR) for the quarter was $166.6, 7.4% below forecast.

In the quarter, the average occupancy of the serviced residences was 89.5%, 0.5pp lower than the 4Q 2013 forecast. The average daily rate for the quarter picked up to $252.8, 1.8% above forecast. As a result, 4Q 2013 revenue per available serviced residence unit (RevPAU) was $226.3 or 1.3% higher than the forecast.

The income available for distribution for 4Q 2013 was $25.1 million, 2.2% below forecast. Correspondingly, the distribution per stapled security (DPS) was 1.42 cents. For the full year ended 31 December 2013 (FY 2013), the DPS of 5.64 cents translates into an annualised yield of 6.7%.

Gerald Lee, Chief Executive Officer of the REIT Manager said, “In spite of the challenges in the macroeconomic and operating environments, the average occupancy of our hotels and serviced residences remained high. The weaker results of our hotels were balanced by that of our serviced residences and retail and office spaces, which continued to turn in sustainable performances for our portfolio.”
本帖最后由 icy97 于 17-2-2014 09:30 PM 编辑


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发表于 29-4-2014 11:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
http://infopub.sgx.com/Apps?A=CO ... 634NS5#.U1_INH8aySM

Cash dividend 0.013
Paid date 13062014

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 楼主| 发表于 4-5-2014 03:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
每日头条 | 2014年04月29日

远东酒店信托(Far East Hospitality Trust)在截至3月31日的季度录得总收入增加9.1%至3,070万元,由于最近收购的新加坡龙都酒店(Rendezvous Hotel Singapore)带来贡献。供分配的收入提高4.5%至2,310万元。公司宣布派发每单位0.013元的股息。

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 楼主| 发表于 19-5-2014 01:50 AM | 显示全部楼层
每日头条 | 2014年05月06日

远东酒店信托(Far East Hospitality Trust)获穆迪投资者服务(Moody’s Investors Service)给予“Baa2”的信贷评级,这表示公司的前景“稳定”。穆迪预计公司的现金流将保持稳定,与远东机构(Far East Organization)保持着密切的关系,同时严守财政纪律。

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发表于 9-8-2014 07:41 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 10-8-2014 11:07 AM | 显示全部楼层

Particulars :        010414 - 300614 SGD 0.0124 LESS TAX
Ex-date :        11 Aug 2014
Buy-In Last Cum Date :        13 Aug 2014
Record Date :        13 Aug 2014
Date Paid/Payable :        12 Sep 2014
Last updated on   08/06/2014 03:00:29 AM

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