Damage 1 - 6 : Ups firepower by 4%、6%、8%、10%、12%、15%.
Fire Rate 1 - 4 : Ups firingrate by 10%、16%、22%、28%.
Long Magazine 1- 10 : Ups capacity bu 10%、20%、30%、40%、50%、60%、70%、80%、90%、100%.
Bind 1 - 5 : Ups stopping power by 60%、75%、120%、150%、200%.
Daze 1 - 5 : Ups power to put enemy into a daze by 40%、30%、80%、60%、120%.
Enrage 1、2 : Raises the degree of how much aggression an enemy will feel towards you when you attack it by 200%、400%.
Cloak 1、2 : Lowers the degree of how much aggression an enemy will feel towards you when you attack it by -40%、-80%.
Piercing 1、2 : Ups piercing power by 1、2.
Critical 1 - 5 : Ups critical hit rate by 10%、20%、30%、40%、50%.
Burst 2 : Fires 2 consecutive shots with one trigger pull.
Burst 3 : Fires 3 consecutive shots with one trigger pull.
Full Burst : Fires all remaining ammo consecutively with one trigger pull.
Easy Hit 1 - 3 : Widens the area where shots will hit by 140%、220%、300%.
Grenade Launcher : Throwing grenades while aiming will allow you to throw them in line with your aim.
Cornucopia 1(手枪、机枪) : Restores your ammo by 4 every 30 seconds.
Cornucopia 2(散弹、狙击) : Restores your ammo by 2 every 30 seconds.
Cornucopia 3(手枪、机枪) : Restores your ammo by 7 every 30 seconds.
Cornucopia 4(散弹、狙击) : Restores your ammo by 3 every 30 seconds.
Cornucopia 1(麦林) : Restores your ammo by 1 every 30 seconds.
Auto Loader 1 - 5 : Fire your weapon without reloading.(分别对应手枪、散弹、机枪、狙击、麦林这五种类别的武器)
Edge Runner 1 - 3 : Firepower goes up as your health goes down. Maximum change is 30%、40%、50%.
Infighter 1 - 3 : Firepower goes up as your distance form the target closes in under 4 meters. Maximum change is 10%、16%、22%.
Outrange 1 - 3 : Firepower goes up as your distance form the target exceeds in under 4 meters. Maximum change is 10%、16%、22%.
Gluttony 1 - 5 : Ammo in your inventory will be used when ammo in weapon is depleted.(分别对应手枪、散弹、机枪、狙击、麦林这五种类别的武器)
Narrow 1、2 : Shotgun's scatter range becomes narrower by -5°、-10°.
Wide 1、2 : Shotgun's scatter range becomes wider by 3°、6°.
Charge Shot 1 : You can perform a charge shot by holding down the fire button. Charge time is short.
Charge Shot 2 : You can perform a charge shot by holding down the fire button. Charge time is long, but firepower goes up.
Charge Shot 3 : You can perform a charge shot by holding down the fire button. Charge time is long than Charge Shot 1, but firepower goes up.
Charge Shot 4 : You can perform a charge shot by holding down the fire button. Charge time is long than Charge Shot 2, but firepower goes up.
Reloader 1 - 5 : Ups reload speed by 28%、20%、20%、20%、15%.(分别对应手枪、散弹、机枪、狙击、麦林这五种类别的武器)
Reloader 6 - 10 : Ups reload speed by 40%、30%、30%、30%、25%.(分别对应手枪、散弹、机枪、狙击、麦林这五种类别的武器)
Brass Knuckle 1、2 : Ups physical attack damage by 30%、50%.
Bottomless Pouch 1 : 1 Hand Grenade will regenerate every 270 seconds.
Bottomless Pouch 2 : 1 Shock Grenade will regenerate every 270 seconds.
Bottomless Pouch 3 : 1 B.O.W. Decoy will regenerate every 270 seconds.
Bottomless Pouch 4 : 1 Pulse Grenade will regenerate every 270 seconds.
Bottomless Pouch 5 : 1 Hand Grenade will regenerate every 210 seconds.
Bottomless Pouch 6 : 1 Shock Grenade will regenerate every 210 seconds.
Bottomless Pouch 7 : 1 B.O.W. Decoy will regenerate every 210 seconds.
Bottomless Pouch 8 : 1 Pulse Grenade will regenerate every 210 seconds.
Aura of Strength 1 : Your partner's defense and attack power will go up 10% if they are within 3 meters of you.
Aura of Strength 2 : Your partner's defense and attack power will go up 13% if they are within 4 meters of you.
Aura of Strength 3 : Your partner's defense and attack power will go up 16% if they are within 5 meters of you.
Medical Kit 1 : Your partner will also recover health if they are within 2 meters of you when you use a herb.
Medical Kit 2 : Your partner will also recover health if they are within 5 meters of you when you use a herb.
Medical Kit 3 : Your partner will also recover health if they are within 8 meters of you when you use a herb.
Fertilizer 1 - 3 : Enemies will have a 15%、20%、25% drop rate for herbs.
Ammo Magnet 1 : Enemies will have a 20% drop rate for ammo.(对应手枪、机枪)
Ammo Magnet 2 : Enemies will have a 18% drop rate for ammo.(对应散弹、狙击)
Ammo Magnet 3 : Enemies will have a 15% drop rate for ammo.(对应麦林)
Ammo Magnet 4 : Enemies will have a 28% drop rate for ammo.(对应手枪、机枪)
Ammo Magnet 5 : Enemies will have a 24% drop rate for ammo.(对应散弹、狙击)
Ammo Magnet 6 : Enemies will have a 20% drop rate for ammo.(对应麦林)
Ammo Magnet 7 : Enemies will have a 35% drop rate for ammo.(对应手枪、机枪)
Ammo Magnet 8 : Enemies will have a 32% drop rate for ammo.(对应散弹、狙击)
Ammo Magnet 9 : Enemies will have a 28% drop rate for ammo.(对应麦林)
Metal Detector 1 - 3 : Enemies will have a 16%、23%、30% drop rate for BP.
Medal of Courage : Your adjusted level will br ignored when calculating damage.
Fanges 1 - 3 : Every time you inflict damage on an enemy, you will regain 1.5%、2.5%、3.5% HP.
Dehumanizer 1 - 3 : Ups the damage you do to humanoid enemies by 12%、18%、24%. Damage to other enemies is decreased by 30%.
Poisonous Lure 1 - 3 : Ups the damage you do to creatures of the sea by 12%、18%、24%.
Hunting Gear 1 - 3 : Ups the damage you do to enemies like Hunters and wolf-like creatures by 12%、18%、24%.
Giant Rabbit's Foot 1 - 3 : Ups the damage you do to strong enemies by 12%、18%、24%. Damage to normal enemies is decreased by 30%.
Green Belt 1 - 3 : Ups the damage you do to normal enemies by 12%、18%、24%. Damage to strong enemies is decreased by 30%.
Auto-shot : You will fire upon enemies automatically just by aiming at them.
S.T.A.R.S. : Firepower goes up by 4% and critical hit rate goes up by 10%.
FBC : Firepower increases the closer enemies are within 4 meters(max is +8%); +10% for strong enemies and goes down 30% for normal ones.
BSAA : Every time you inflict damage on an enemy, you will regain 1% HP and have a 12% chance of earning BP when you defeat the enemy.