发表于 5-10-2005 02:10 PM
楼主 |
发表于 5-10-2005 05:37 PM
发表于 6-10-2005 10:15 AM
哦。。我太暴力了。。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 6-10-2005 11:11 AM
楼主 |
发表于 7-10-2005 12:10 AM
发表于 7-10-2005 02:11 PM
I recently found an interesting natuarlly occuring thoery found in our world that states everyone has a mirror image somewhere in the world. You may have heard of this. Its called Roussau\\'s genetic mirror theory, and I must say it is very interesting. Roussau\\'s genetic mirror theory says that everyone in the world has an exact twin somewhere, however according to the theory you never encounter this person, by laws of probablitly and other natuaral occuring phemnomen. Its the theory that was devised by a French Mathematician named Marseille Roussau in the year 1988. He used a series of numbers to explain his theory. Now I know you\\'re not going to believe this but here goes.
4 8 15 16 23 42
Let me explain...
The 4 stands for 4 degrees of separation (not 6 or 7 as commonly stated.) Roussau believed that everyone in the world was connected by four different people. So in theory could meet yourself by using four different people connected to you. Example: Your brother\\'s, boss\\'s, neighbor nephew, knows your mirror. Hard to believe, I know but keep reading.
The 8 stands for the eight continent, or the only place in the world where you could meet your mirror. He calculated it to be somewhere in the south pacific. Now we know its not actually as large as the other contintents but its used figurtively because everyone in all 7 continents could meet there mirror on the 8th universal continent.
The 15 stands for the chances of you acually meeting yourself on this place, as in 15 out of 4,815,162,342. Look at the second set "815." Ring any bells? Interesting huh?
The 16 stands for the maximum amount of people that could encounter thier twin all at the same time. Think about the number of main characters.
The 23 is the number of years apart your twin and yourself are. You are not the same age as your twin. By chance and probablity it takes 23 years exactly for the same genes that made you to be connected again to form another you.
The 42 stands for the maximimum number of years your twin and yourself can be alive at the same time. However people do die at diffferent times so thats why everyone isn\\'t dead at 75. For example my twin was born on Sept. 6 2003 b/c i was born on Spet. 6 1980. Now that doesn\\'t mean i will die in the year 2045, I could, but its not set in stone. My twin could die when he is 16, and then the whole thing starts over again.
This is all very complicated and I don\\'t know how well I explained it but the connections with the show are too coinidental to not be real.
Roussau and his team (wife, included) went to the 8th continent. You can figure out how they died and why by the numbers and equations. It also fits with every character. You can predict when they will die. There are others on the island who are twins of the survivors, but have been there 23 years longer.
There is a book Roussau wrote 16 years ago in 1988 when he came up with the theory. Thats where I got it from.
4 意指四种层次的距离。(并非常见的六或七。)鲁索相信世界上任两个人之间的关系,不会超过四个人连结。所以,根据此理论,你可以透过四个人五种关系来连结到你的镜象。例如︰你兄弟的老板的邻居的侄子恰巧认识你的镜象。很难相信,但继续看下去吧!
8 则是指第八块大陆,也就是在这世界上,你唯一可能遇到你的镜象的地方。鲁索计算的结果认为这地方应该在南太平洋的某处。我们知道,它不一定是一个面积庞大的洲,也可能是个小岛。称它为大陆,因为来自其它七个大陆的人们,都可能在这里遇到自己的镜象。
42 则是则是你和你的镜象能够同时存在于世界上的最高年数。所以,人们会在不同时间死去,而非人人都在七十五岁过世。例如我的镜象在2003年九月六号诞生,而我在1980年九月六号诞生,这并不代表,我会在2045年死去,当然也有这个可能性。但我的镜象也可能只活到十六岁。那么,一切就会重新开始。
不懂是不是真的 |
发表于 7-10-2005 02:36 PM
男的我超喜欢sawyer,尤其是他念跑车cataloge给baby听的时候。。。 |
发表于 7-10-2005 03:15 PM
预告讲jack他们好象开始内哄了 |
发表于 7-10-2005 08:13 PM
原帖由 学校可乐 于 7-10-2005 02:11 PM 发表
I recently found an interesting natuarlly occuring thoery found in our world that states everyone has a mirror image somewhere in the world. You may have h ...
蛮特别的讲解,去google找找看 |
发表于 7-10-2005 08:17 PM
# mike said:
Nice try. This is the seed comment that the others are linking to. There is no theory called Roussau’s genetic mirror theory. It’s bogus misdirection related to the TV show lost. Filter out the word “lost” and google for it and this is the only one that shows up.
This is just a TV stunt folks. don’t try to invent pseudo science with your urban legends.
September 30th, 2005 at 1:06 pm
在这里看到的:http://www.blackheva.com/?p=21 |
楼主 |
发表于 8-10-2005 12:48 AM
楼主 |
发表于 8-10-2005 12:52 AM
发表于 8-10-2005 12:41 PM
那个desmond跑去那里了? |
发表于 8-10-2005 04:55 PM
原帖由 lunafox 于 8-10-2005 12:41 PM 发表
还有谁知道那里可以找到JACK的纹身和那句华语字 |
发表于 8-10-2005 11:29 PM
楼主 |
发表于 9-10-2005 08:26 PM
发表于 10-10-2005 12:40 AM
原帖由 lovemath 于 4-10-2005 10:50 PM 发表
我 的 是 BURN进 CD的(RMVB版 ) , 以 前 追 时 舍 不 得 DELETE所 以 便 BURN起 来 !
建 议 你 去 买 整 套 的 DVD , 我 看 到 的 是 RM69而 已 !
和 正 版 的 没 两 样 , 真 的 很 便 宜 了!
哪里有卖? |
楼主 |
发表于 10-10-2005 09:13 AM
发表于 10-10-2005 11:39 AM
如果出LOST考题就好咯。。。 |
发表于 10-10-2005 07:01 PM
原帖由 lovemath 于 10-10-2005 11:10 AM 发表
你 也 喜 欢 SAWYER的 吗 ? ?
我 也 是 噢 !
我 不 大 喜 欢 JACK。 。 。 。 。
Jack太执著了,而且每次那种大医生,大英雄的表现不是很多人喜欢。。。 |
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