游戏开发商Remedy Entertainment 工作室日前谈论了Xbox One 独占大作Quantum Break《量子裂痕》延后上市的议题,并且解释为什么从2015 年改到2016 年上市最符合这款游戏的利益。在最近接受游戏数位杂志Edge 访谈时,创意总监Sam Lake 表示如果《量子裂痕》要成为「最终极的Remedy 游戏」,那么开发团队就需要足够的时间来确定游戏本身以及相辅相成的电视节目不是仓皇赶工而成的。
Lake 表示:「我们使用了许多的最新技术;Xbox One 是一个新的游戏平台、而且这款游戏拥有全新的故事、而且还会应用全新的核心游玩架构。这代表我们很多东西都需要重新打造出原型以及进行许多的探索。另外在电视节目的部分,我们也面临到了许多需要解决的挑战。因为上述种种原因所以需要许多的时间,而且…没错,我们想要让这些内容维持高品质,所以我们不希望做出任何程度的妥协,并且无时无刻都能确保一切都经过反覆测试以及千锤百炼,让《量子裂痕》拥有它应得的水准。」
Remedy 的动作冒险和射击游戏《量子破碎 | Quantum Break》将在 4 月 5 日发售,数字版已在 Xbox One 卖场开始预订。数字版内包括了 Xbox 360 平台上的《心灵杀手 | Alan Wake》及其下载包《信号 | The Signal》、《作家 | The Writer》,游戏发售后的 7-10 天内发放兑换码。预订游戏再附赠小游戏《心灵杀手:美国噩梦 | Alan Wake: American Nightmare》,预订的 7-10 天内发放兑换码。
另外,IGN 公布游戏同时发售 Win 10 卖场版本,支持与 Xbox One 版的跨平台购买,买一送一。
Game description: Pre-order Quantum Break and receive Alan Wake’s American Nightmare, the Xbox 360 game playable on Xbox One. The code for this item will be delivered to your Xbox message center in 7-10 days. You can redeem the code on your Xbox One console or at In the aftermath of a split second of destruction that fractures time itself, two people find they have changed and gained extraordinary abilities. One of them travels through time and becomes hell-bent on controlling this power. The other uses these new abilities to attempt to defeat him – and fix time before it tears itself irreparably apart. Both face overwhelming odds and make dramatic choices that will determine the shape of the future. Quantum Break is a unique experience; one part hard-hitting video game, one part thrilling live action show, featuring a stellar cast, including Shawn Ashmore as the hero Jack Joyce, Aidan Gillen as his nemesis Paul Serene and Dominic Monaghan as Jack’s genius brother William. Quantum Break is full of the vivid storytelling, rich characters and dramatic twists Remedy Entertainment are renowned for. Your choices in-game will affect the outcome of this fast-paced fusion between game and show giving the player a completely unique entertainment experience. Quantum Break includes full game download of Alan Wake, the Xbox 360 game playable on Xbox One, as well as The Signal and The Writer add-ons. The code for these items will be delivered to your Xbox Message center within 7-10 days of Quantum Break’s release.
Xbox宣布推出Quantum Break主机优惠套装白色限最量主机,推出日期为3月29号。
- 500GB白色Xbox One主机
- 白色Xbox One手掣
- Quantum Break下载码
- Alan Wake下载码
- Alan Wake 两个DLC (「信号」与「作家」)
微软和 Remedy 发布了 Xbox One、Win10 动作游戏《量子破碎 | Quantum Break》的最新预告片。
《X-Man》冰人 Shawn Ashmore 饰演的主角 Jack Joyce 与《权力的游戏》小指头 Aidan Gillen 饰演的反派 Paul Serene 展开对决。预告片配乐是 Nirvana 乐队的 Come as You Are。