本帖最后由 bashlyner 于 9-7-2015 10:10 AM 编辑
九大家族 的白皮RPK 也在表示这是个政治迫害,希望纳吉控告《华尔街时报》成功,给那个幕后搞屎棍下马威
[color=rgb(51, 51, 51) !important]Then, to Dr Mahathir’s dismay, Najib reneged on his agreement and turned out just like Then, to Dr Mahathir’s dismay, Najib reneged on his agreement and turned out just like Abdullah. Dr Mahathir realised he could not oust yet another Prime Minister, especially one that he appointed, so he harassed Najib and tried to make him toe the line.
When Najib could no longer take the harassment, just like Abdullah couldn’t, instead of resigning, like what Abdullah did, Najib ignored Dr Mahathir and refused to meet him or talk to him for six months.
This really upset Dr Mahathir and he complained to anyone that would listen about how Najib was now ignoring him and for six months had refused to meet him or talk to him.
After that six months silent treatment, Dr Mahathir decided that enough was enough and he made up his mind to oust Najib. But he needed a damn good excuse that could rally the people and the Umno members behind him. He could not use the same excuse he used to oust Abdullah or else he would look silly. And that was when he decided that the 1MDB issue could be that good excuse that everyone would buy and would not have any problems with.
The 1MDB issue was basically that RM42 billion has disappeared into thin air. But now that no longer seems plausible because RM42 billion has not disappeared into thin air. So Dr Mahathir had to modify his strategy and change it to RM2.6 billion of 1MDB’s money had been siphoned into Najib’s personal bank accounts.
This sounds better and would be harder for Najib to deny compared to the RM42 billion disappearing into thin air allegation.
This whole strategy rests on just one fact: that RM2.6 billion of 1MDB’s money was transferred into Najib’s personal bank account. But was it 1MDB’s money? And was it Najib’s personal bank account? Or was it not 1MDB’s money but some other money? And was it not Najib’s personal bank account but a trustee account?
Yes, this is what the coming battle is going to be about. And if the facts presented to the public by Najib’s accusers prove fiction and not fact in the end, then Najib would have won that battle and the war would be far from ended.
So, back to the drawing board for those who are plotting to oust Najib. They will have to come up with yet another issue to throw against Najib while hoping that this time it will stick. |