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Introduction of Kayan Dynasty of Borneo 佳燕王朝简介 (English and Chinese Version)
May 5, 2014 at 10:33pm
佳燕王朝 - 王朝简介 Kayan Dynasty - Introduction

佳燕王朝 (KAYAN DYNASTY) 是历史悠久的王朝,是一个既古老又现代的文明国度。佳燕王朝是中国蒙古族的后裔。因为上个世纪的世界性战争,使得这个古老而美丽的王朝被人们遗忘在了东南亚婆罗洲 (BORNEO) 这个世界第三大岛上。

The Kayan Dynasty is an ancient dynasty with a civilized nation in a history that spans through a long historical journey. The Kayan Dynasty is derived from a community of Chinese-Mongolian descendants. As the devastating wars during the 20th century came erupting, this ancient and beautiful dynasty was long forgotten in the world’s third largest island of Borneo, South East Asia.

National Emblem of The Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝国徽 National Emblem of The Kayan Dynasty

National Flag of Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝国旗 National Flag of Kayan Dynasty

Territory of The Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝疆土 Territory of The Kayan Dynasty

佳燕王朝地处南中国海以南的婆罗洲,现在的国王是佳燕王朝第四世国王Y.M.RAJA HJ.SUHAILI BIN RAJA HJ.YUSSOF 又名 PG.HJ.SUHAILI PG.HJ.YUSSOF(中文名为苏海利)。苏海利国王是至今在世界上和联合国唯一被承认的佳燕王朝的合法皇权继承人。

The Kayan Dynasty is located in the island of Borneo which is situated at the southern part of The South China Sea. The King of Kayan Dynasty currently belongs to the Fourth Dynasty of where the ruler is King Y.M RAJA HJ.SUHAILI BIN RAJA HJ.YUSSOF aka PG.HJ.SUHAILI PG.HJ.YUSSOF (Chinese name Su HaiLi). Raja Suhaili is the only legitimate heir to the imperial power of Kayan Dynasty and has been recognized by the United Nations and the rest of the world.

苏海利国王不仅是佳燕王朝的国王,还代表了Pangeran Shahbandar Muhammad Salleh联盟(注册号:1445)。佳燕王朝 是最早在联合国依国际法注册登记,是联合国承认的合法主权独立的成员国。2009年7月30日,佳燕王朝又以文本编号为PM/IR-09-08-08 /003的法律文书在联合国全球契约办公室登记注册,联合国于2009年以编号为KOB的法律文书,据史实给予了确认。

Raja Suhaili is just not only the King Of The Kayan Dynasty but His Majesty also represents the Pangeran Shahbandar Muhammad Salleh Union (registration number: 1445).Kayan Dynasty was first registered with the United Nations (UN) in accordance with the international laws as sovereignty that was made of a pool of independent states, which are legally recognized by the UN. The Kayan Dynasty with legal documents reference number: PM/IR-09-08-08 / 003 was registered in the United Nations Global Compact Office on the July 30, 2009 and the UN has given confirmation with legal documents reference number KOB according to the facts and figures documented in the year of 2009.

Prince Jangmam杰玛亲王 Prince Jangmam

佳燕王朝 - 历史概述 Historical Overview of Kayan Dynasty

远在秦汉时期中华的祖先就已经在南海通商,从梁朝开始,航海技术已经非常高明,开始往海域扩展自己的领土,并已在南海划下自己的版图。早在五世纪,当时 来自中国西南(现中国云南省)东巴族群的加央族族长渤泥(现在缅甸的克钦族和部分克伦族)率领族人千里跋涉远征东南亚。从缅甸,泰国,越南,马来半岛,印度尼西亚到婆罗洲以  及南海各个岛屿,都在每个地方建立了自己的基地,并从此称王。

History of this dynasty began back to the days and time where the Chinese ancestors of the Qin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty started to trade in the South China Sea region. The sailing techniques were considered well back then, which was initiated from the Liang Dynasty and it began to expand the new found territory which eventually claimed the South China Sea as part of its own territory. The Padaung ethnic which are known as the Trinidad had led the Kayan clan- King Boni (now part of Myanmar's Kachin Clan and Karen Clan)from South-West China (now China's Yunnan province) in a trekking expedition to South East Asia as early as the Fifth century. Initially their base was built in Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, the Malaya Peninsula and the Borneo islands of Indonesia through to the South China Sea which later became part of the Kayan Dynasty and King Boni was proclaimed the ruler.

Kayan Clan加央族 Kayan Clan加央族
Kayan Clan加央族 Kayan Clan加央族
Kayan Clan加央族 Kayan Clan

渤泥王是佳燕王朝的始祖,从梁朝开始就获得中国的支持并扩展领土,但在隋、唐至明朝时期,都一直向中国朝贡。明朝时期更是王朝鼎盛时期,郑和下西洋期间也 陆续在南海各个岛屿扩展领土,并由南中国海域为版图规范凡在南中国海域境内都属于中国主权领土,当时中国也陆续派使者协助统治婆罗洲,鼎盛时期所管辖的地 方包括南海诸多岛屿和领海,婆罗洲完整领土,苏禄群岛,棉兰老岛以及苏拉威西都属于主权领土,均归当时的中国的朝廷管辖。

King Boni is the founder of the Kayan Dynasty and with full support from China which was initiated from the Liang Dynasty to expand their territories. King Boni paid tributary to China during the Sui,Tang and Ming Dynasties. During Ming Dynasty, it was then the heydays of the Kayan Dynasty which also gradually expand the territory of the islands in the South China Sea during Admiral Zheng He's voyages, dominated by the South China Sea territory in the South China region where norms belonging within the sovereign territory of China, Borneo territorial integrity, the Sulu Island, Mindanao and Sulawesi are all sovereign territory, are owned by and under the Chinese imperial court jurisdiction.

Coins of Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝货币 Coins of Kayan Dynasty
Coins of Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝货币 Coins of Kayan Dynasty
Coins of Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝货币 Coins of Kayan Dynasty
Coins of Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝货币 Coins of Kayan Dynasty
Coins of Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝货币 Coins of Kayan Dynasty
Coins of Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝货币 Coins of Kayan Dynasty

     据历史记载,12世纪中叶元朝时成吉思汗率领蒙古族人从中国北部出发,另一路大军向东南亚挺进,在婆罗洲、苏禄群岛、棉兰老岛处安居并正式建立 了佳燕王朝。几百年来,佳燕王朝一直拥有婆罗洲、苏禄群岛、棉兰老岛的领土和主权。明朝郑和七下西洋时两次来到婆罗洲,明洪武八年(1375年),明王朝 派使者王森屏作为婆罗洲沿海地区的统治者。明永乐十五年(1417年),婆罗洲佳燕王朝一世国王苏禄王巴都葛叭哈利刺率领西王和峒王家眷共计340余人朝 贡,不幸在回程路上得了一场重病后客死现在山东省德州市,明王朝赐建苏禄王墓。14---15世纪华人已在婆罗洲沙巴居住,因婆罗洲佳燕王朝在16世纪时 被葡萄牙统治,17世纪被荷兰统治,清乾隆37年(1772年)百余名中国客家人到达婆罗洲开采金矿,至清道光元年(1820年)时已经有3.6万名华人 居住在矿区周围。清道光四年(1823年)时,婆罗洲华人已达15万人之多。

  According to historical records during themid-12th century, Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan led the Mongolian-Yuan Dynasty where it originated from the North of China and the Military towards South-East Asia mainly into Borneo, the Sulu, Mindanao and formally established The Kayan Dynasty. Borneo, the Sulu and Mindanao have always been the territory and sovereignty of Kayan Dynasty for centuries. Admiral Zheng He has embarked at Borneo twice during the seven voyages in Year of HungWu (year 1375) while Ming Dynasty has appointed Ong Sum Ping (Chinese Name: Wang Sen Ping) as the Governor of the coastal areas of Borneo. The First King of Kayan Dynasty brought along his Royal family members totaling to 340 people for his tribulation to the Ming Dynasty in the Year of Yong Le (year 1417). Unfortunately, His Highness died in a serious illness in DeZhou City, ShanDong Province during the journey back to Borneo. Ming Dynasty has built a tomb for the Sulu King in ShanDong Province,China. The Chinese community has lived in Sabah, Borneo since the 14th– 15th Century and in the 16th Century, Kayan Dynasty was been ruled by the Portuguese and later on by the Dutch in the 17thCentury. Hundreds of Chinese-Hakka arrived in Borneo to work in the gold mining industry during the 37th Year of QianLong (year 1772), of the QingDynasty. There were approximately 36,000 Chinese living in the vicinity of the mining area during the 1st Year of DaoGuang (year 1820) and by the 4thYear of DaoGuang (year 1823) the population of the Chinese community living in Borneo expanded to about 150,000.

     19世纪北婆罗洲沦为英国殖民地,1941年---1942年第二次世界大战期间,日本入侵婆罗洲,直到1945年日本国战败后日本军队才全部撤出婆罗洲。1946年菲律宾独立时,佳燕王朝的苏禄群岛和棉兰老岛被菲律宾借口托管而侵占,但岛上佳燕王朝的土著居民在棉兰老岛苏丹的带领下,从来不承认托管, 并为了佳燕民族独立而与菲律宾政府军展开了长期的战斗。

North Borneo became a British colony in the 19th Century. Between the years 1941 and1942 during the World War II, The Japanese invaded Borneo and in 1945 the Japanese troops were fully withdrawn from Borneo after they have been defeated. Sulu and Mindanao of the Kayan Dynasty have been claimed and occupied by the Philippines with a reasoning of being part the Philippines independence in the year 1946. This created an issue where the people of the Kayan Dynasty did not agree of them being part of the Philippines, and hence the long-term battle began, lead by the Sultan Mindanao against the Philippines Government Armed Forces for the independence of the Kayan Dynasty.

  In 1949, the Dutch made an announcement that it the Netherlands will give up all controlling rights in Indonesia particularly South Borneo (Kalimantan) which then was leased to the Indonesian government making it dominance under Indonesia. As of now, the lease is expired.

Currency Notes of The Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝货币 Currency Notes of The Kayan Dynasty
Currency Notes of The Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝货币 Currency Notes of The Kayan Dynasty
Currency Notes of The Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝货币 Currency Notes of The Kayan Dynasty
Stamp of The Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝的邮票 Stamp of The Kayan Dynasty
Stamps of The Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝的邮票 Stamps of The Kayan Dynasty
Post Card of The Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝的明信片 Post Card of The Kayan Dynasty
Post Card of The Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝的明信片 Post Card of The Kayan Dynasty
Medal of The Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝勋章 Medal of The Kayan Dynasty
Medal of The Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝勋章 Medal of The Kayan Dynasty
Medal of The Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝勋章 Medal of The Kayan Dynasty
Medal of The Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝勋章 Medal of The Kayan Dynasty
Medal of The Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝勋章 Medal of The Kayan Dynasty
Medal of The Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝勋章 Medal of The Kayan Dynasty
Medal of The Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝勋章 Medal of The Kayan Dynasty
Medal of The Kayan Dynasty佳燕王朝勋章 Medal of The Kayan Dynasty

1963年马来西亚结束了英国的统治而获得了独立,而佳燕王朝的北婆罗洲(即现在的东马)被托管。后迫于战争对佳燕人民伤害的压力,佳燕王朝第四世国王 苏海利被迫将 “沙巴”和“沙捞越”(东马)租借给了马来西亚。现租期于2004年已经到期,佳燕王朝已经收回租地,不再出租。2003年9月24日,苏 海利国王致信马来西亚总理,表明了佳燕收回国土的决心,而马来西亚总理于2004年5月20日正式回信给佳燕王朝国王苏海利,并尊称佳燕王朝苏海利为国王 陛下。

Malaya ended the rule under the British and gained independence in year of 1957, where later North Borneo of Kayan Dynasty (East Malaysia - Sabah & Sarawak) under handed to Malaya in 1963. Due to the effect and pressure of the war that have taken on to the people, Raja Suhaili the Fourth King of the Kayan Dynasty was forced to lease North Borneo territories of Sabah and Sarawak to Malaya. The lease expired in 2004 and the Kayan Dynasty has decided not to renew the lease with the current Malaysian government and they are making plans of reclaiming North Borneo back. Raja Suhaili wrote a letter to the Prime Minister of Malaysia dated on September 24,2003 which somehow reveals the determination to recover the territory. In a letter dated May 20, 2004, The Prime Minister of Malaysia formally replied to Raja Suhaili and addressed him as His Majesty, The King Of Kayan Dynasty.

佳燕王朝 - 关于废黜梁田爵位的声明
Kayan Dynasty –Statement on the deposed Knighthood of Allen Neoh Weng Wah

主权回收后,佳燕王朝办理王朝复国的事务中,马来西亚葡萄酒商人梁田(中文名:梁田;马来亚名NEOH WENG WAH;马来西亚护照号:A10685333)通过伪造联合国文件、伪造马来亚皇族文件,伪造英国皇室文件,在外国有关人员的支持下骗取了佳燕王朝皇族委员会的信任。

During the restoration of Kayan Dynasty, a certain individual by the name of Neoh Weng Wah, a holder of the Malaysian Passport Number: A10685333 and a red wine distributor in Malaysia had produced fake documents purportedly from the UN, Malayan Royal House and British Royal. With some help and inside arrangements by a number of foreign individuals, Neoh Weng Wah eventually managed to convince the Royal Family Committee of the Kayan Dynasty and gained their trust.


Under the false circumstances, Neoh Weng Wah was elected and authorized by the Kayan Dynasty as a representative to the UN to hold discussions with regards to the restoration of Borneo. While being in the midst of that, Neoh Weng Wah falsely declared himself as the King of the Kayan Dynasty and made several unauthorized changes to the Chart of Succession to the Throne of the Kayan Dynasty thus falsely proclaiming himself as the Fifth King of the Kayan Dynasty. The unorthodox coronation ceremony of The Fifth King of Kayan Dynasty was held at the Renaissance Hotel Four Seasons Ballroom in Hong Kong Year 2010 which is now being declared as an illegal proclamation made by Neoh Weng Wah. Furthermore he had used his false identity as The King of Kayan Dynasty and has registered a business corporation known as United Nation World Global Village Private Limited which is evidently an empty shelf company which indulges in illegal activities within China PRC and several other countries. This is a corporate crime which eventually conducts an act of cheating and treachery towards the society locally and internationally. The conducts of deceit by Neoh Weng Wah can never be forgiven.

(中文名为杰玛亲王) 。
The 14th generation in succession of the Kayan Clan (now part of Myanmar's Kachin Clan and China's Yunnan province) , Prince of Kayan Dynasty and Current Premier of BORNEO  – PRINCE AISIN GIORO. JANGMAM TU AMNGW. SUHAILI
(Abbreviation – Prince Jangmam)加央族(中华)第14代继承人、佳燕王朝的亲王和婆罗洲现任总理 AISIN GIORO. JANGMAM TU AMNGW. SUHAILI (中文名为杰玛亲王) 。 The 14th generation in succession of the Kayan Clan (now part of Myanmar's Kachin Clan and China's Yunnan province) , Prince of Kayan Dynasty and Current Premier of BORNEO – PRINCE AISIN GIORO. JANGMAM TU AMNGW. SUHAILI (Abbreviation – Prince Jangmam)

佳燕王朝 - 未来展望 Future Prospects of Kayan Dynasty


Firstly, the Kayan Dynasty will regain the sovereign territory of North Borneo and will be developed by the Nations. Under the leadership of His Majesty The King, Kayan Dynasty will have and maintain a good relationship with all the countries with our sincere alliance. Kayan Dynasty would give the allies mainly developing countries such as Malaysia, abetter means of survival and further the development of local indigenous peoples who will live better.


The new era is coming soon. The Kayan Dynasty is alike an Emerald Pearl which is waiting to show the world of its best of its Nations and will bring a new lease of life to the Nations.

Raja Suhaili, The Fourth King of Kayan Dynasty is attending and accepting the Heritage of King “Plum of Mongolian” Ceremony.
(International newspaper headlines picture of the day)佳燕王朝第四世国王苏海利接受历代国王传承之蒙古梅花 血刃仪式(当天的国际新闻报刊报道图片) Raja Suhaili, The Fourth King of Kayan Dynasty is attending and accepting the Heritage of King “Plum of Mongolian” Ceremony. (International newspaper headlines picture of the day)

Judge from International Hague Tribunal (4th from left) checking the “IMPERIAL SWORD” OF the Kayan King (3rd from left)
(Remark: length of sword: 2 meter, Mongolian wordings being crafted upon with a logo of a plum)国际海牙法庭大法官(左四)查看佳燕王朝国王(左三)出示的皇权宝剑 (注:剑长2米,剑刃刻有蒙古文和梅花标志) Judge from International Hague Tribunal (4th from left) checking the “IMPERIAL SWORD” OF the Kayan King (3rd from left) (Remark: length of sword: 2 meter, Mongolian wordings being crafted upon with a logo of a plum)

Kayan Dynasty inherited totem佳燕王朝继承图腾 Kayan Dynasty inherited totem

(中文名为杰玛亲王) 。
The 14th generation in succession of the Kayan Clan (now part of Myanmar's Kachin Clan and China's Yunnan province) , Prince of Kayan Dynasty and Current Premier of BORNEO  – PRINCE AISIN GIORO. JANGMAM TU AMNGW. SUHAILI
(Abbreviation – Prince Jangmam)加央族(中华)第14代继承人、佳燕王朝的亲王和婆罗洲现任总理 AISIN GIORO. JANGMAM TU AMNGW. SUHAILI (中文名为杰玛亲王) 。 The 14th generation in succession of the Kayan Clan (now part of Myanmar's Kachin Clan and China's Yunnan province) , Prince of Kayan Dynasty and Current Premier of BORNEO – PRINCE AISIN GIORO. JANGMAM TU AMNGW. SUHAILI (Abbreviation – Prince Jangmam)

使用道具 举报


发表于 31-1-2016 11:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
半岛很多地方都是泰国的, 新加坡也是马来西亚的。

so what

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 楼主| 发表于 31-1-2016 11:20 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
monster.inc 发表于 31-1-2016 11:11 PM


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发表于 1-2-2016 07:26 AM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
坊间传说叫Cina punya tangan

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发表于 1-2-2016 08:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
justebelmont 发表于 31-1-2016 11:20 PM


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发表于 1-2-2016 08:42 AM | 显示全部楼层
那又如何, 台湾以前也属于清朝中国,现在也是独立成中华民国

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Follow Us
 楼主| 发表于 1-2-2016 08:47 AM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
jojomalai 发表于 1-2-2016 08:42 AM
那又如何, 台湾以前也属于清朝中国,现在也是独立成中华民国


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发表于 1-2-2016 02:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
沙巴 土生土長的 orang kina 那些土番都頂不順了,真的併入 Kina 來一大批原汁原味的 kina prc 他們肯定全部變成石頭

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发表于 1-2-2016 03:10 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 1-2-2016 03:14 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
除了别人的, 全部都是中国的。

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发表于 1-2-2016 04:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
monster.inc 发表于 31-1-2016 11:11 PM

我 压根没听过 什么 佳燕王朝。。
联合国 承认?

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发表于 1-2-2016 04:46 PM | 显示全部楼层

我从小的疑问,到底是要漂多久啊~在那个 没有 汽船,只有 木船 的年代~~清末下南洋 都要1个多月的船程了,那个时候是用 蒸汽船。

It was told that a Chinese prince, was cast away to Borneo when his ship sank in the middle of the South China Sea. He was subsequently rescued by the natives from a nearby village. As he recovered, he was slowly accepted as one of the people of the village. Eventually, he fell in love with a local woman, and married her. Years went by, and he started to feel homesick. So he asked permission from his newly found family to go back to China to visit his parents (the Emperor and Empress of China). To his wife, he promised that as soon as he was done with his family duties in China, he would come back to Borneo to take her and their children back to China.

When he made his return to China, he was given a grand welcome by his family. However, to his dismay, his parents disagreed with him about taking his Bornean wife back to China. Worse, they told him that he was already betrothed to a princess of a neighbouring kingdom

CHINESE PRINCE 好棒棒,都不回来了,当地的人怎么知道 是他父母 不要这个 番人媳妇~除非是 男的有心隐瞒 他说他是遥远的天朝皇帝之子(反正那个时代的人都傻的,我说我是某国国王 他们也会信),然后圆谎 说 父王母后 不要他~
我的 推测是 他是某海上商人之子,富豪罢了不是王子~~

但是有没有可能是 郑和下西洋 的时候 在南洋沉船的 其中一个 船夫/士兵/太监

还有 一个传说 是 男人上山杀龙,然后酋长把女儿许给他~~

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 楼主| 发表于 1-2-2016 06:10 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
我从小的疑问,到底是要漂多久啊~在那个 没有 汽船,只有 木船 的年代~~清末下南洋 都要1个多月的船程了,那个时候是用 蒸汽船。


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发表于 2-2-2016 09:18 AM | 显示全部楼层
xeny6011 发表于 1-2-2016 04:36 PM
我 压根没听过 什么 佳燕王朝。。
联合国 承认?


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发表于 2-2-2016 09:47 AM | 显示全部楼层
monster.inc 发表于 2-2-2016 09:18 AM

直接无视掉 汶莱啊~~

使用道具 举报

发表于 2-2-2016 10:38 AM | 显示全部楼层

年初港登基成國際趣談‧梁田國王自稱擁東馬主權 2010-07-25 20:11

(吉隆坡)最近一名本地王室後裔自稱是馬六甲蘇丹,引起注目。當統治者是許多人的夢想,這年頭有不少人冒出來宣稱是一國之君。今年初,有一名華裔男子在國外自稱是婆羅洲蘇祿群島棉蘭老島“佳燕皇朝”第5世梁田(AllenNeoh WengWah),擁有東馬主權,成為國際趣談。


使用道具 举报


发表于 2-2-2016 11:02 AM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 8-2-2016 01:52 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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