


楼主: johnspartan3489


发表于 17-2-2013 07:10 AM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 18-2-2013 10:48 PM | 显示全部楼层

Evolution of PlayStation

Evolution of PlayStation: The Beginning

Evolution of PlayStation: PlayStation 2

Evolution of PlayStation: PlayStation 3


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Haseyoh + 5 经典啊



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发表于 25-2-2013 11:54 PM | 显示全部楼层
The WitnessPS4限时独占无关金钱为求高品质游戏

许多人都质疑Jonathan Blow的《见证者》PS4限时独占的做法,有人问他是不是收了索尼的钱,有人为是否会登陆PC或iOS。对此,Jonathan在该游戏的网站上声明:“一切与金钱无关”。

他还说“在登陆PS4一段时间以后,你们可能会在Wii U和微软次世代主机上看到它。”至于PC和iOS,《见证者》的限时独占并未对这两个平台做出限制,所以可能会首发登陆PS4/PC/iOS 。

关于PS4版《见证者》,Jonathan还解释了为什么他们选择了PS4作为首发平台,为什么不会登陆PS3和Xbox 360。

“现实的情况是,我们是一家很小的制作组,我们的资源只允许我们一次登陆少数平台。我们非常喜欢主机游戏平台,最初,我们的目标是PS3或Xbox 360,但后来我们放弃了它俩,因为这两款主机性能十分有限,而且移植工作量很大。一段时间以后,我们的预计发售时间也随之推迟,我们意识到,与次世代主机同期发售是个好机会。在那之前我们预期的发售时间要早许多,大概是现在这个时间,所以最开始我们完全没想到登陆次世代主机。”



“当然,索尼是想借此机会展示他们平台独有的特色。但如果我们下周就马上变卦,说‘我们永远都是Xbox Durango独占游戏制作组了’,那可就有点说不过去了。所以我们签订了限时独占的合约。事实上即使不签这纸合约,我们依然会是限时独占的,只不过是走个形式。我们喜欢PS4,我们喜欢索尼的办事人员,所以我们很容易就达成了协议。”


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发表于 14-3-2013 04:48 PM | 显示全部楼层






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发表于 29-3-2013 08:34 PM | 显示全部楼层

国外知名游戏媒体Siliconera第一时间联系Konami询问《合金装备:原爆点》和《合金装备:幻痛》的具体关系,负责Konami公司公共关系的Jay Boor表示这两款游戏实际上是两个独立的游戏。“《合金装备:原爆点》和《幻痛》是两款独立的游戏,《合金装备:原爆点》是《幻痛》的序章。”

但是Jay Boor拒绝回应关于两款游戏更多情报,他表示《合金装备5:幻痛》是XBOX360和PS3游戏,《合金装备:原爆点》是否会内置于《合金装备5:幻痛》游戏之中尚不能确认。




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发表于 4-4-2013 10:29 AM | 显示全部楼层
DayZ确定将移植家用机 游戏目标平台PS4
PC平台独占丧尸生存类游戏《DayZ》在PC平台大获成功之后有望转战家用主机平台继续捞金,游戏创作者Dean Hall日前表示游戏主机版本几乎就是板上钉钉的事情。
Dean Hall在接受国外媒体The Escapist采访时表示:“游戏PC版移植几近确定,我知道很多玩家非常热衷这款游戏,但是却排斥主机平台,但是我认为游戏主机版本不会伤害到PC玩家。”
Dean Hall在采访中确认 目前并未开始游戏家用主机版本的移植开发,但是他同时表示索尼新近公开的PS4主机会是游戏的目标平台。Hall称:“我认为《Day Z》是一款索尼会感兴趣的PC游戏,我认为我们只需要拭目以待,我们与索尼有过接触,他们对此也非常感兴趣。”
《Day Z》是2012年5月出现的基于《武装突袭2》的丧尸生存类第三方模组改编的独立游戏,由于《武装突袭2》具有真实的AI和战斗环境及多人联机的乐趣,因此备受玩家喜爱,在全世界有170万玩家疯狂的热爱着这款游戏,最高游戏在线人数为8万人同时在线。

转自 tgbus


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发表于 18-5-2013 06:36 PM | 显示全部楼层


原汁原味的內容在這裡>> http://news.gamme.com.tw/486780#ixzz2Tdfksje1



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水镜明月 + 1 小便分享。。。



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发表于 3-4-2014 11:57 AM | 显示全部楼层




  《火影忍者疾风传:究极忍者风暴 变革》是《火影忍者》系列的最新游戏作品,本作将登陆PS3和XBOX 360平台,而在最新出炉的最新杂志截图中,官方也已经确认本作将于2014年秋季发售。此外本期的杂志图还公开了一名新参战的角色宇智波止水,玩家们可以在自由对战中使用该角色。拥有“瞬身的止水”这一异名的他还可以使用强力的幻术,那么止水在本作中究竟会有怎样的表现呢?就让我们拭目以待吧。


  华纳(Warnes Bros)今日公布了《中土世界:魔多暗影》的发售日期预购奖励以及最新故事预告片,游戏将于10月7日发售。预定游戏的玩家将可以获得“暗黑游侠”的奖励包,其中包括了威力测试挑战模式,让你在游戏开始前面对Sauron的战士以提前获得升级。奖励包同时还包括排名榜和一个更加邪恶的Talion角色皮肤。

Shadow of Mordor reveals: release date, story trailer, box art, pre-order bonus

Witness the return of Sauron's army to Mordor, the attack on the Black Gate and the origins behind Talion's quest for vengeance in the Official Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Story Trailer – Banished from Death.

Also today, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Monolith Productions confirmed the Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor ship date for 7th October 2014, and revealed the game’s official box art and pre-order bonus pack.

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor delivers a dynamic game environment where the player orchestrates their personal plan of vengeance as they bend Mordor to their will. The game begins on the night of Sauron’s return to Mordor, as his Black Captains brutally execute the Rangers of the Black Gate. Players become Talion, a ranger who loses his family and everything he holds dear, only to be returned from death by a mysterious Spirit of vengeance. As Talion’s personal vendetta unfolds, players uncover the mystery of the Spirit that compels him, discover the origin of the Rings of Power and confront the ultimate nemesis. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor will be available on 7th October 2014, 2014 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows PC.

Pre-order bonus details

Fans who pre-order Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor will get access at the game’s launch to The Dark Ranger exclusive bonus pack. Available at all participating retailers, the pack will provide exclusive content and challenges for players including:

• Dark Ranger Character Skin

- Begin your own quest for vengeance with a new Dark Ranger character skin that embodies Talion's darker side

• "Test of Power" Challenge Mode

- Face Sauron's Captains and defeat them to earn powerful Runes and gain a head start in the game

- Test your speed, skill and strategy and measure yourself against your friends on the leaderboards

• Access to Exclusive Leaderboards for "Test of Power" Challenge Mode

- Test your speed, skill and strategy and measure yourself against your friends on the leaderboards in this challenge mode

Daylight Delayed to April 29, New Trailer

  发行商ATLUS今天宣布,为了让游戏更加恐怖,Zombie工作室的PS4和PC恐怖游戏《曙光》的发售日期将从起初的4月8日推迟至4月29日。发行商表示:“《曙光》开发的方式完全不同,因为游戏是随机生成的。在很多方面着帮助了开发团队,但是确保恐怖元素能正确的融入到游戏中则需要大量的时间。”为了减缓延迟发售的影响,ATLUS宣布游戏将会显示打折。从4月29日开始2个星期,PS Plus会员将可以以9.99美金的价格购买这款游戏,而非会员玩家将需要支付11.99美金。游戏的预定将于今天开启直至4月29日结束,价格为9.99美金。优惠结束后,游戏将回到14.99美金的价格。

  Daylight游戏中令玩家深处一个随机生成的环境,而玩家唯一得到的武器就是手机。工作室的创意总监Jared Gerriten说:“令人吃惊的是游戏现在还每次都能吓到我,因为我不知道会发生什么。这其实很奇怪,因为我们是游戏的制作者。游戏每次都是随机生成的。”

《讨鬼传:极》特报 新要素详解与开发者访谈

  Koei Tecmo预定于2014年内发售的PSP/PSV共斗游戏《讨鬼传:极》于本周的Fami通杂志中正式公开,本作是热门和风狩猎动作游戏《讨鬼传》的加强版。游戏不但完整包含了前作内容,还追加了不少新要素。







  而《讨鬼传》的未来也不仅限于游戏,今后还会向其它领域发展。比如目前就正在准备推出一款手机免费游戏《智力战争 讨鬼传》,玩家可以通过回答各种智力题来击倒鬼。

本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 3-4-2014 06:45 PM 编辑


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Comic + 5 光荣出的游戏,一定有加强版的



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发表于 4-4-2014 05:47 PM | 显示全部楼层

  SCEJA为纪念PS3/PSV音乐节奏游戏《初音未来:歌姬计划F2》的发售,制作了一个特别版TVCM“Dance with PS Vita”,该广告将于4月6日在东京电视台播放,仅限定播放一次。广告邀请了世界各国的初音粉丝共同出演,为此还特地搭建了一个巨大的PSV舞台。而下面就是该广告的一些截图以及制作花絮。













SE公布轻小说风RPG新作页面 声优阵容豪华

  SQUARE ENIX在今天公布了一个新作公布页面http://team043.jp/。根据页面显示本作名称“尚未发表”,类型是“轻小说风格RPG”,机种未明。其他最新情报预定近期公布。



SE公开神秘新作音频 众少女穿越世界的故事?

  SQUARE ENIX再玩神秘http://stellaprisma.jp/,这次公开的是一个只有声音的视频。从视频里我们能知道这大概是一个一群少女穿越世界并与什么东西作战的故事。其内容也正好呼应4月1日公开的那个“轻小说风格RPG”。

《龙腾世纪:裁判所》新截图公开 展示新场景

  《龙腾世纪:裁判所》是BioWare公司所负责开发的一款次世代新作,游戏预计将于2014年秋季登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。日前游戏开发商Bioware公司通过官方推特放出了本作的一张新图,主要展示了新的游戏场景截图,其画面精细程度令人赞叹,下面就请玩家们一起来看一看。

  作为次世代的RPG,《龙腾世纪:裁判所》将为玩家们提供更广阔的可以自由探索的世界,你的选择会影响你周围的世界和你所经历的故事。本作将使用寒霜3引擎开发,BioWare力图打造一款和《质量效应》同水平的游戏,两个系列都将拥有核心的系统。游戏将于2014年秋季发售,对应PS3、PS4、XBOX 360和XBOX One平台。

《异形:隔离》新幕后影像 打造各种游戏音效

  《异形:隔离(Aliens:Isolation)》是《异形》系列的最新作,游戏将于2014年10月7日登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。日前国外媒体GameSpot放出了本作的一段独家幕后制作影像,展示了游戏里的背景音乐以及各种音效,让大家了解这些能够制造恐怖气氛的声音是如何打造而成的。

  《异形:隔离》以Ridley Scott的1979年的经典电影为基础,将重点放在恐怖和紧张感之上,能给玩家们提供惊心动魄的第一人称生存恐怖体验。游戏的舞台设置在太空边缘某个退役的交易站之中,恐怖已经将这里完全笼罩。玩家们将会发现自己身处在无尽的恐惧和致命的危险之中,而无情的异形藏身于阴影之中不断的进行跟踪和杀戮。玩家们需要寻找游戏中的各种资源,使用自己的智慧来思考对策,在这里你并不是只需要完成任务,还需要生存下去。


  育碧的经典风格角色扮演游戏《光之子》本月底就将登陆Xbox LIVE(Xbox 360/Xbox One)、PSN(PS3/PS4)、任天堂eShop(WiiU)以及Steam(PC)平台。










总监Amy Henning加入星球大战项目


  Visceral的副总裁Steve Papoutsis在EA.Com上写到:“在过去几个星期里,Amy和我花费了大量时间来探讨她的第一个项目。我们可以选择不同的项目,但是我可以感觉到让她感兴趣的就是《星球大战》的项目。Amy是系列的忠实粉丝。我们又刚好在制作这样一款游戏。只是光考虑到无尽的可能性就让我们对于她的加入兴奋莫名。”


  Hening之前曾经是《神秘海域》系列的创意总监,也曾参与制作了Crystal Dynamics的《凯恩的遗产:搜魂使者(Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver)》。Hennig在90年代曾同EA合作。EA将负责未来10年的所有《星球大战》游戏。


Amy Hennig joins Visceral Games as Creative Director on Star Wars project

Amy Hennig Joins Visceral Games

I couldn’t be more excited to welcome Amy Hennig to our team at Visceral Games and EA as Creative Director on our Star Wars project.

Amy has long been recognized as one of our industry’s top visionaries, and is coming off an amazing run as the Writer and Creative Director of the Uncharted franchise. But her contributions go beyond the games she helped create at Naughty Dog and at Crystal Dynamics, where we worked together many years ago. As both a colleague and friend, I’ve always admired her approach to creative development – focusing on nailing down the soul of a game first, and then making sure the writing, the gameplay, the design and the art comes together to form a unified, interactive experience for the player. This fits in perfectly with what we’re trying to do here at Visceral and Amy’s going to help us continue in our pursuit to make the most thrilling, immersive games in the world.

Over the last few weeks, Amy and I have spent a lot of time talking about what her first project would be. There are a lot of different directions we could have gone, but I could sense that what really excited her about this opportunity (because let’s face it, we weren’t the only ones knocking at her door) was Star Wars. Amy’s a huge fan. We happen to be making a Star Wars game. Just thinking about the possibilities made both of us even more excited about having her join the team.

So welcome, Amy! This is a great day for our team at Visceral Games and EA.

次世代射击游戏《报复(Get Even)》将获得VR支持

  制作了《斩妖除魔:地狱诅咒(Painkiller: Hell & Damnation)》的开发商The Farm 51最近透露,他们制作的射击游戏《报复》将包括全面的VR支持。Farm 51的总裁Wojtek Pazdur解释说:“我们认为游戏世界应该是另外一个真实世界,而不是一个互动的电影。VR开发给我们这种把身临其境作为目标的游戏带来了激动人心的机遇。《报复》将比其他游戏更加有融合VR概念的潜质。”目前这款游戏已经加入了Steam的绿灯计划。


  根据最新放出的消息,Frictional Games制作的科幻恐怖游戏《SOMA》将设定在水下世界。一个PS Blog上的帖子放出了一个全新的预告片,并且透露这款这在制作中得游戏将设定在“水面以下”。

  Frictional的创始人之一Thomas Grip解释说:“这是一个非常迅速的决定。工作室的创始人之一Jens和我在一次会议中很快就做出了决定。但是其实这个创意我们已经探讨很久了。地球大部分被海洋包围,但是我们对于海洋却知之甚少。海洋距离我们飞航近,是一个充满奇异生物的危险环境。






New SOMA trailer dives deep into the darkness

It’s time to reveal a secret about our upcoming horror game, SOMA! So, before reading any further, take a look at our new trailer above.

That’s right, our next game will be set deep below the water’s surface – at the bottom of the sea. It was a decision which came very swiftly; Jens (co-founder of Frictional Games) and I sort of decided it on a whim during a meet-up. But it’s something that had been brewing inside us for a long time. Most of our earth is covered in ocean, and yet it’s something that we know very little about. It is an incredibly hostile environment filled with strange creatures, and it is right on our door step.

Most of the ocean is devoid of sunlight and inhospitable to us. The differences in pressure between the surface and even a modest depth of 100 meters is enough to turn a human into mush. That pressure, that depth, is nothing compared to the true ocean deeps. And as if this isn’t enough, the creatures living there seem like they’re from another world. Gigantic squid, luminescent fish and creatures that are all mouths and teeth are only the start. If you dive down any distance you enter into a realm of monsters.

The ocean is an alien world, and we’ve only scratched the surface. We feel it’s the perfect place to explore in a horror game.

When SOMA is released on PS4 in 2015, we invite you to take a deep breath and follow us down into the darkness.

PSBlog EU:http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2 ... ives-deep-darkness/ 本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 22-4-2014 07:10 PM 编辑


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发表于 4-4-2014 06:14 PM | 显示全部楼层

  《蝙蝠侠:阿甘起源(Batman: Arkham Origins)》是由华纳兄弟蒙特利尔工作室负责开发的新作,游戏已经于2013年10月25日发售,对应PS3、XBOX 360、WiiU和PC平台。游戏的剧情DLC“冰冷之心(Cold,Cold Heart)”将于2014年4月22日发售,该DLC将重点描述和经典反派急冻人(Mr. Freeze)相关的故事,其中将增加极端状况所设计的XE装甲,而日前官方也通过推特放出了改装甲的截图,下面就请玩家们一起欣赏一下。

  此外《蝙蝠侠阿甘起源:黑门》也高清化登PS3、XBOX 360、WiiU和PC平台,游戏已经于4月2日发售。


  日前虚拟现实公司Oculus Rift的一位叫做Chadtronic员工在自己的Youtube频道上公开了他和他们小伙伴们制作的Oculus虚拟现实版的N64《塞尔达传说:时之笛》的演示影像,视频中我们可以看到,玩家带上Oculus虚拟现实设备以后可以在游戏中进行第一视角和第三视角的切换,游戏场景的材质都经过重新制作,以适应虚拟现实设备的视觉感受。


《马里奥赛车8》最新预告片 公布新赛道新要素







  Bandai Namco Games预定于4月24日发售日版、5月29日发售中文版的PSV游戏《刀剑神域:虚空碎片》(台译:刀剑神域 虚空断章)对其官网进行了更新。在新版的虚空区域地图中,我们可以看到右下方新增了一个异界区域,关于此区域的详细信息目前还不明。








《自由战争》官方问答集 角色双眼颜色可不同





  A:是足立贤明,他曾经负责过《XI [sai]》、《哔波猴学院》等作品。 本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 5-4-2014 03:42 PM 编辑


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发表于 5-4-2014 04:26 PM | 显示全部楼层



预订《德军总部:新秩序》得新Doom Beta测试码

  新的《Doom》游戏Beta测试码将可通过预订Bethesda的《德军总部:新秩序》来获得。该测试目前仅适合于PC/Xbox One/PS4平台。该信息目前公布于《德军总部》的官网上,其中解释了如果玩家预订了PS3版本的游戏,得到的Beta测试码是PS4版本的,同样Xbox 360版本的游戏预订获得的码也是Xbox One的,毕竟新Doom测试仅面向新平台。对于购买实体版的玩家,该激活码将放在游戏包装盒内部,而预订了数字版的,Bethesda正在同Steam、索尼和微软协商,保证数字版玩家也能获得测试机会。




  IGN日前公布了《超凡蜘蛛侠2》最新精彩预告片,这段预告片由IGN提供,主要展示了游戏中反派人物的实力。《超凡蜘蛛侠2(The Amazing Spider-Man 2)》将于4月29日登陆PS4、PS3、Xbox One、Xbox360、Wii U、3DS以及PC全平台。


  Sony 欧洲日前公布了《火焰界限》PS4最新连击系统DEMO2,Spider工作室RPG新作《火焰界限》首次亮相是在去年的科隆国际展会,游戏预计于2014年初登陆PC和主机。游戏已经确认登陆PC,XBOX 360和PS3,现在游戏开发商正式确认该作将登陆PS4。

这款由Focus Home Interactive发行,Spider工作室打造的游戏将于5月9日登陆PS4,PS3,XBOX360和PC。

《上古卷轴OL》注册人数超500万 有4千多万武器

  小伙伴们欢呼吧,备受期待的《上古卷轴OL》正式开服了!本次《上古卷轴OL》正式上市的仅限PC/Mac两个平台,全球范围内同步发售运营(国内可以玩国际服,但大陆地区暂未确认代理),而PS4和Xbox One版本则需要等到今年6月才会与各位见面。


  通过这张图我们可以看到,游戏beta测试注册人数超过500万,游戏总共有610多万个物品,10202个NPC,4000多万种武器,2235本书等等,以及Zenimax Online总部有8.13英里长的网络光缆来支持游戏。

本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 5-4-2014 04:29 PM 编辑


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使用道具 举报

发表于 7-4-2014 07:01 PM | 显示全部楼层


  SCEJA为纪念PS3/PSV音乐节奏游戏《初音未来:歌姬计划F2》的发售,制作了一个特别版TVCM“Dance with PS Vita”,目前PS japen官方视频频道公开了这段时长120秒的TVCM,下面就来欣赏一下。

《海贼王:无尽世界 红》日版三平台首弹TVCM

  Bandai Namco Games今天公布了同时登陆PS3/WiiU/PSV三平台的日版《海贼王:无尽世界 红》首弹TVCM宣传视频,此前在欧美公开将登陆PS3/WiiU/PSV的《海贼王:无尽世界 红》确认其日版将于2014年6月12日发售。

《刀剑神域 虚空碎片》最新一分钟TV宣传视频

  Bandai Namco Games预定于4月24日发售日版、5月29日发售中文版的PSV游戏《刀剑神域:虚空碎片》(台译:刀剑神域 虚空断章)正式公开了本作的最新1分钟宣传TVCM。同时官方确认本作的下载版也可以获得初回特典“婚纱装”的下载码。


  COMPILE HEART预定于5月29日发售的PSV游戏《超女神信仰诺瓦露:激神黑心》公开了其结尾曲《Hug》的单曲CD封面。本作的结尾曲将由marina来演唱,单曲CD将于5月28日发售。


  COMPILE HEART预定于5月29日发售的PSV游戏《超女神信仰诺瓦露:激神黑心》目前公开了最新一弹PV宣传视频“迷你角色战斗篇”,下面就来欣赏一下吧!


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燎原火 + 5 坐等SAO中文还有女神信仰英文 :rf:
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使用道具 举报

发表于 8-4-2014 06:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
《龙腾世纪:裁判所》新图 继续展示平原场景

  《龙腾世纪:裁判所》是BioWare公司所负责开发的一款次世代新作,游戏预计将于2014年秋季登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。此前BioWare曾通过官方推特公开了本作的一张实际游戏图,展示了游戏中崇高平原(The Exalted Plains)一些场景,而现在官方再度放出了一张新图,继续展示了这一平原场景的细节,下面就请玩家们一起欣赏一下。

《光之子》新宣传片 天野喜孝绘制游戏艺术图

  《光之子(Child of Light)》是育碧新公开的一款RPG游戏,将由育碧蒙特利尔工作室制作,并由新引擎UbiArt Framework来打造。近日最新的游戏宣传片已经出炉,而在这段新视频中,著名的日本画师及人物设计师天野喜孝绘制了一张本作的特别艺术设定图,下面就请玩家们一起来看一看吧。

  《光之子》是由育碧蒙特利尔工作室负责开发的一款下载游戏,使用新引擎UbiArt Framework打造。据悉本作的流程长度至少有10个小时,具有60美元的价值。游戏将于2014年4月30日登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One、WiiU和PC平台,售价为14.99美元。


  在之前EA公布了次世代四大体育游戏之一的《UFC终极格斗冠军》的发售日,该作确定将于2014年6月17日登陆PS4和XBOX ONE平台。而此前传闻透露的李小龙也确定将在游戏中登场,EA也放出了该作最新的宣传片,展现了这位传奇功夫巨星在UFC擂台上的魅力。


  “把李小龙制作在游戏中是我们一直以来憧憬的事情,他是有史以来最具有代表性的武术家,这也是他首次在EA的《UFC》系列中登场。”EA的创意总监Brian Hayes说道:“我们的团队都对于可以把李小龙活灵活现的展示在游戏中感到兴奋。我们的团队一直以来都在研究李小龙的各种动作,以确保可以把他最具代表性的东西在游戏中以超逼真的视觉效果呈现出来。”

《火影究极风暴变革》PV3 展示游戏新增要素

  《火影忍者疾风传:究极忍者风暴 变革》是该系列的最新作品,游戏的日版和欧美版均将于2014年内发售,对应PS3和XBOX 360平台。日前BNGI(Bandai Namco Games Inc.)放出了本作的第三段PV影像,在这段视频中官方重点展示了本作中的一些新增要素,其中就包括描述“晓”组织建立过程的内容、系列中首次以可用角色登场的宇智波止水、本作新增的合体奥义以及四人乱斗的忍界武斗祭。PV中的内容相当丰富,下面就请玩家们一起来看一看。


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使用道具 举报

发表于 9-4-2014 06:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
《英雄传说闪之轨迹2》发售日确定 新角色登场



《新次元游戏 海王星VII》新情报 平台仍未定

  此前在电击感谢祭上公开的《新次元游戏 海王星VII》在本周电击杂志中刊载了多达8页的特企,同时也成为了本期电击的封面游戏。本作预定于2014年发售,平台仍未定(可以确认为PS系平台),本作描写了“零次元游戏 海王星Z”、“超次元游戏 海王星G”以及“心次元游戏 海王星H”三个次元的三个故事。杂志中不但公布了聂普迪努成长后的新姿态,还公布了新的角色“天王星うずめ”,其特征为红色双马尾。



  日前《合金装备》系列制作人小岛秀夫在Twitter上放出几张霸气外露的照片,是由模型工坊千值练制作即将在10月份推出的一款iDroid外型的iPhone手机保护壳。这款手机壳将能支持iPhone 5/5S,在精心打造还原度相当高的造型下还配有一些相应的开关,能能够开启背面的蓝色球体灯,还配有相机镜头盖,顶上的天线还能拆下来当触控笔使用,在保护壳的包装下也能随意调节音量和开关机。





PlayStation All-Stars Ultimate Balance Update Has Arrived

PlayStation All-Stars fans, the ultimate balance update is here. With more than 100 balance adjustments combined across all characters, and a wave of additional improvements, this update creates a new playing field for all challengers. Click here to see the full changelist in this patch.

This update also unlocks the previously promised third costumes for both Zeus and Isaac characters in-game, for all players that currently own them. If you don’t have these bonus characters in your roster, we’re happy to inform you of a significant DLC price drop on The Graveyard Pack to $1.99 — which includes both Zeus and Isaac, as well as a stage based on MediEvil’s Graveyard mashed with hidden elements from the world of The Unfinished Swan. This DLC sale will last until April 22nd.

PlayStation All-Stars fans, we cannot thank you enough for your patience and continued passion throughout the community, and especially on our message boards. Over the past months we’ve read every word, clicked every thread, assessed the game balance inside and out, to ensure that this balance update would not only bring a superior new challenge to the game, but also feel heavily impacted by your voice. Thank you, and our hats off to SuperBot Entertainment for creating an incredible fighting game for PlayStation fans worldwide.

To download the PlayStation All-Stars update, just boot up the game, ensure you are connected to the internet, and you’ll be automatically prompted to download.

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... update-has-arrived/




Borderlands 2 PS Vita slim bundle dated in North America, New trailer

Borderlands 2 PS Vita Bundle Coming May 6th

Hey everyone! It’s been a long time since we’ve checked in and given an update, so buckle up. We’ve been working with Iron Galaxy Studios, Gearbox Software, and 2K for a while now to bring Borderlands 2 to PS Vita, and we’re excited to announce that the award-winning, fan-favorite, role-playing-shooter will be available via the Borderlands 2 Limited Edition PlayStation Vita Bundle on May 6th, and digitally on PlayStation Store and at retailers nationwide on May 13th.

The Borderlands 2 Limited Edition PlayStation Vita Bundle features the new slimmer, lighter PS Vita Wi-Fi model. The new model features 1GB of internal memory built into the system, a new high-definition liquid crystal display, increased battery life, and an enhanced design that makes the system even more comfortable to hold. The bundle will include the new PS Vita system in black, Borderlands 2, and an 8GB PS Vita memory card — all for $199.99.

We’ve been working hard to jam pack the endless looting and mayhem of Borderlands 2 into the palm of your hands, and we’re committed to porting over the heart and soul of the console original without compromising the gameplay you know and love. Soon, PS Vita owners can chase down Handsome Jack on the go.

Now if you’re like me, some of you would have already poured hours into Borderlands 2 on PS3. Because cross save is supported, you can easily continue your existing adventure on PS Vita. Just got done with a long PS Vita session out on the road? Pick up right where you left off on PS3 when you get home. Easily transfer your saved game from PS Vita to PS3 and vice-versa so you don’t miss one second of the shooting and looting mayhem.

When you pick up Borderlands 2 on PS Vita, you’ll also get six add-on packs. Extend your experience with Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate’s Booty, Mr. Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage, the Psycho and Mechromancer Character Classes, as well as the Ultimate Vault Hunter’s Upgrade Pack and the Collector’s Edition pack. As if the core game wasn’t already packing hundreds of hours of entertainment, this bonus content seals the deal, helping Borderlands 2 on PS Vita rank exceptionally high on the handheld-bang-for-your-buck-o-meter.

We can’t wait for you to get your hands on this epic and action-packed PS Vita version of Borderlands 2. The look, the feel, the style, the characters, the weapons, and the co-op gameplay with its countless hours of shooting and looting — it’s all here! Prep your gear, Vault Hunters, we’ll see you back on Pandora.

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... dle-coming-may-6th/

本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 9-4-2014 07:39 PM 编辑


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使用道具 举报

发表于 9-4-2014 07:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
《The Crew》今秋发售最新宣传片及截图公开

  《The Crew》是育碧于2013年E3战前发布会上公开的次世代竞速新作,游戏将登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台。日前官方公开了本作的发售时期,确认这款新作将于2014年秋季上市。

  官方还公开了游戏的一段最新宣传片,通过实际游戏演示片段的形式为大家集中展示了将在本作中登场的4辆炫酷跑车。育碧还公布了游戏预购特典的情报,预购本作限定版的玩家可以获得BMW Z4 sDrive35is、Mini Cooper S和Dodge Ram SRT-10等跑车及其全定制性能部件。而通过GameStop预购本作“Muscle Edition”的玩家则可获得限定版的全部内容,并能提前得到2015 Ford Mustang GT这辆跑车。

The Crew to Launch in Fall 2014, Premiere Gameplay Trailer

Ubisoft Announces the Crew to Launch in Autumn 2014, Releases Worldwide Premiere Gameplay Trailer

Today, Ubisoft announced that The Crew will be available this fall for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and PC.

The Crew is a revolutionary action-driving game that takes gamers on an exhilarating ride throughout a massive, open-world recreation of the United States, brimming with exciting challenges and populated by other real players.

The Crew’s worldwide premiere gameplay trailer, released today, shows four cars, each with different tuning specs and riding in an iconic region of the United States, forming a crew to continue their journey together across the living, breathing open-world.

From April 8th, players will be able to win exclusive rewards through the Golden Plates treasure hunt. Golden Plates are license plates hidden within the game assets (screenshots, trailers, etc.) that have already been revealed or that will be revealed until the launch of The Crew. At launch, submitting the license plate code into the dedicated website hub will unlock in-game rewards, goodies and mystery rewards.

The Crew is now available for pre-order in two different editions for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The Limited Edition will grant early access to rides that will prepare gamers for any road—and off-road—conditions. Players who pre-order this edition will receive early access to the BMW Z4 sDrive35is, Mini Cooper S, and Dodge Ram SRT-10 and their respective sets of full custom and performance parts. The Muscle Edition, which can only be pre-ordered at GameStop, will include all early unlock content from the Limited Edition and will also grant exclusive early access to the 2015 Ford Mustang GT. Both Editions include 10,000 bonus Crew Credits. Players can pre-order The Crew for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 at their local retailers.

For more information on The Crew, please visit thecrewgame.com












  华纳乐高系列新作《乐高霍比特人(LEGO The Hobbit)》已经在昨天,也就是2014年4月8日在北美发售,登陆PC、PS3、PS4、PSV、Xbox 360、Xbox One、Wii U、3DS平台。而欧版则要等到4月11日才发售。今天华纳公布了本作欧版的预告片,估计也是本作最后一部宣传片了。如果你还没有入手这款游戏的话,那就看看最后的广告吧。

  本作仍由TT Games操刀,剧情建立在《霍比特人1:意外之旅》和即将上映的《霍比特人2:史矛戈之战》两部电影之上。玩家将会加入比尔博·巴金斯、灰袍甘道夫、矮人王索林的队伍,在整个中土世界展开冒险任务。

  可操控角色将包括游戏人物包括比尔博、甘道夫,还有索林为首的Bofur、 Bombur、Bifu等所有矮人。每人都具有自己的独特能力,比如Bombur的蹦床能力可以帮助伙伴逃脱一些险境。



Warner Bros. Interative Entertainment, TT Games and the LEGO Group buddy-up to launch

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, TT Games and The LEGO Group today announced the launch of LEGO The Hobbit, available from April 11th in the UK for the Xbox One all-in-one games and entertainment system and Xbox 360 games and entertainment systems from Microsoft, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment systems and PlayStation Vita handheld entertainment system, and the Nintendo 3DS handheld, as well as Windows PC and Nintendo’s Wii U.

“The LEGO The Hobbit videogame gives LEGO and Middle-earth fans of all ages a fun, new way to experience the legendary adventures of Bilbo and Company as told in the first two films of Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit Trilogy,” said Tom Stone, Managing Director, TT Games. “There is no better way for parents to share the beloved and classic tale told in The Hobbit films with their kids than with LEGO The Hobbit videogame, in which they can discover, explore, and build their way through Middle-earth together like never before.”

LEGO The Hobbit is based on the first two films of The Hobbit Trilogy, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, productions of New Line Cinema and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures (MGM). Additional content based on the third film, The Hobbit: There and Back Again, is planned to be available at a future release date.

LEGO The Hobbit will take players on epic quests and a variety of adventures as they explore key locations from the films, such as Lake-town, Dale, Erebor, Bag End, Goblin-town, Mirkwood, Rivendell and the treacherous High Pass over the Misty Mountains. Fans will also assume the roles of their favorite characters, including Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, and the Dwarves of Erebor: Thorin, Fíli, Kíli, óin, Glóin, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori and Ori, each possessing a unique and hilarious ability. One of the main new features of the game allows players to utilize the Dwarves’ combined abilities such as buddy fighting, two-player attack, staff climb, mace swing and belly bounce to help them fight Orcs and fouler things or to progress through the game.

Friends and family will enjoy discovering Middle-earth through the easy access drop-in, drop-out gameplay option available on the consoles. Together players will navigate 16 levels, unlock more than 90 playable characters and partake in diverse treasure quests, mine for gems, discover loot from enemies, craft powerful magical items, and collect objects as they triumph in a game of riddles and discover the power of The One Ring.


  前不久Naughty Dog 制作人透露SCE准备推出《最后生还者》PS4高清重制版,而官方还没有正式公布,很快更加靠谱的消息也泄露出来。PSN北美官网 https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-us/home/games 惊现《最后生还者》PS4版游戏预购页面,标题下方清楚的写到REMASTERED,寓意着PS4版高清重制。



  《重返德军总部:新秩序(Wolfenstein: The New Order)》是该系列的最新作品,由MachineGamesTM开发,Bethesda负责发行。游戏将于2014年5月20日登陆北美,5月23日登陆欧洲,对应平台为PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC。日前官方放出了本作的一段最新宣传片“无处可去(No Where to Run)”,主要展示了本作的实际游戏影像,其中就包含精彩的战斗影像和剧情片段,下面就请玩家们一起欣赏一下。


  《看门狗》是育碧所开发的科幻沙箱新作,本作的美版将于2014年5月27日发售,欧版则于5月30日发售,而中文版则将于6月发售。游戏将登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台,虽然仍然会推出WiiU版不过发售日暂未确定。距离游戏的发售日越来越近了,而官方也进一步加快了宣传的速度,而日前他们就放出了本作的一段新宣传片“数码阴影(Digital Shadow)”。


Watch Dogs Season Pass Mentions New Campaign with New Playable Character
《看门狗》将推出季卡 享受新角色和独占内容

  据国外游戏媒体GameStop透露,《看门狗》将推出季卡通行证(season pass)。



  玩家要想成为Aiden Pearce一样的一名出色的黑客,不仅仅是需要曾是一个恶棍的魄力,与先前所犯的可怕罪过引起整个家庭的悲剧。只是为了弥补黑客之前犯下错误,就开始一系列的打击犯罪的强烈行动,玩家所扮演的黑客能够进入城市最引以为傲的安全监视设备,下载个人资料,能够随心的控制公共设施系统像红绿灯,输电网络等等。无可厚非,芝加哥市绝对是你复仇的武器。

Watch Dogs Season Pass - Product Details

Become Aiden Pearce, a brilliant hacker but also a former thug, whose criminal past lead to a violent family tragedy. While on the hunt for those responsible, you will be able to tap into the city's omnipresent security cameras, download personal information, control systems such as traffic lights and the electrical grid to stop a chase, and more. Now the city of Chicago has become your ultimate weapon to exact your own style of revenge.

Stay connected to the world of Watch Dogs with the Watch Dogs Season Pass. Get access to a unique Single Player Campaign featuring a new playable character plus more missions, weapons, and exclusive content for $19.99. That's an over 30% savings versus buying each piece separately.


  《Kinect运动:竞争》是XBOX One平台的独占作品,游戏于2014年4月8日正式发售。而现在官方也终于放出了本作的发售宣传影像,在游戏正式上市时期为大家简要的展示了本作中的各种运动以及其他要素。《Kinect运动:竞争》将会收录包括赛艇、攀岩、足球、射击、保龄球和网球在内的六大运动,而游戏制作人Danny Isaac曾表示未来有可能会通过DLC增加新的运动项目,不过目前尚未公开具体的情报。


  Bandai Namco Games预定于4月24日发售日版、5月29日发售中文版的PSV游戏《刀剑神域:虚空碎片》(台译:刀剑神域 虚空断章)在本周的电击杂志中公开了一名新角色:来自于小说第7卷“绝剑篇”的绝剑优纪。在原作中略显悲情的优纪不知道在游戏中会有什么表现呢?

《超次元ACT 海王星U》平台为PSV 发售日确定

  此前在电击感谢祭上公开的《超次元ACT 海王星U》如今确认是一款PSV平台的游戏,发售日预定为8月28日,价格6800日元、限定版7980日元(不含税)。本作是一款动作游戏,游戏玩法有些类似《闪乱神乐SV》,而且也有破衣系统,随着破衣角色能力还会加强。登场角色方面除了聂普迪努外诺瓦露、普兰、贝露等人当然也都会参战,可以使用的角色非常多。

本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 22-4-2014 07:17 PM 编辑


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发表于 9-4-2014 07:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
Super Smash Bros. Direct Information

Super Smash Bros. Blowout! Nintendo Direct Video Details Wii U and Nintendo 3DS Games

Nintendo Direct video revealed numerous details about the upcoming Super Smash Bros. video games for the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS systems. At the start of the video, series creator Masahiro Sakurai announced that the launch of the Nintendo 3DS version of the game is planned for this summer, with the Wii U version planned for winter 2014. Both games will be available in stores and in the Nintendo eShop for their respective platforms. Sakurai also detailed many of the stages and items in both versions, described the games’ online functionality, revealed a new mode exclusive to the Nintendo 3DS version and announced fan-favorite Greninja, a Pokémon from the Pokémon X and Pokémon Y games, as a new playable character.

“New Super Smash Bros. games are a major event for video game fans everywhere, and present an experience that only Nintendo can offer,” said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “Fans have two launches to look forward to this year, and they will want to get in plenty of practice with the Nintendo 3DS version so that they can be prepared for the launch of the Wii U game later in the year.”

Today’s announcements included

• Launch windows: The Nintendo 3DS version of Super Smash Bros. is planned to launch this summer. The Wii U version of Super Smash Bros. is planned to launch in winter 2014.

• Silky-smooth 3D: Most game-play elements of the Nintendo 3DS version of the game will run at 60 frames per second, all in stereoscopic 3D.

• “Smash Run”: Exclusive to the Nintendo 3DS version of the game is a new mode called “Smash Run.” In this mode, four players have five minutes to enter a dungeon and explore the surroundings, fight enemies and obtain power-ups to enhance their fighters. Once the five minutes are up, all four fighters enter a battle arena using their newly equipped items and power-ups. Enemies encountered in the Smash Run mode are from a wide range of game series. Multiple Nintendo 3DS systems and games are required for multiplayer modes.

• New challenger!: Greninja, the awesome final evolution of Froakie from Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, joins the roster as a playable character in Super Smash Bros. for both Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.

• Oldies but goodies: Many of the classic characters from past Super Smash Bros. games that are returning in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS have new powers and abilities. Four characters that have appeared in previous games, but had yet to be announced before this Nintendo Direct, include:

- Zero Suit Samus: That’s right, Zero Suit Samus is back, but this time she is her own fully playable character, separate from suited Samus. In the new game, she is given jet boots to make her even more powerful.

- Sheik: As with Zero Suit Samus, Sheik is another character that appeared in previous Super Smash Bros. games, but will be a unique playable character for the first time in the new Wii U and Nintendo 3DS games. Sheik has new moves like Burst Grenade and Bouncing Fish.

- Yoshi: In previous games, Yoshi stood on two legs and hunched over, as if Mario were going to jump on top of him at any moment. This new version of Yoshi stands completely upright, making him an even stronger fighter.

- Charizard: After appearing from a Poké Ball in Super Smash Bros. Melee and becoming playable by using Pokémon Trainer in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, this fire-breathing Pokémon is now a selectable

• Online play: Both the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS versions of Super Smash Bros. will offer online multiplayer game play with other players on the same platform. Players with broadband Internet access can battle it out with anyone else who is online and also has the game.

- When playing with random players online, two modes are available: “For Fun” and “For Glory.” In “For Glory,” only Final Destination stage variations are available. There are no platforms, elevated areas or items in this mode. It is a nice, clean battle between characters. In “For Fun,” all stages are picked randomly and all items and power-ups are available.

- When playing with friends, full customization is available – players can set the rules, stages and items however they want.

• Variety of stages: While the cast of playable characters is the same in both versions of the new games, the stages where the battles take place are vastly different, depending on which system a player chooses. The Wii U stages are primarily based on past home console games, while the Nintendo 3DS stages draw from hand-held games for inspiration.

- Boss characters, such as the Yellow Devil in Dr. Wily’s Base, will make appearances in some stages. When bosses appear, fighters will have to battle the boss, as well as one another. The boss can even be used in strategic ways to damage other fighters.

- Almost all the stages in both versions of the game will have a “Final Destination form,” an alternate form of each stage that is inspired by the relatively simple layout of the much-loved Final Destination stage.

• Items, trophies and Pokémon: Items, assist trophies and Poké Balls all return in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. New to the games are Master Balls, special Poké Balls that contain Legendary Pokémon like Arceus and Xerneas.

• Get connected: There will be elements in Super Smash Bros. that link both versions of the games. More details about this will be revealed at a later date.

• Custom moves: In a series first, players can now customize move sets when playing locally or online with friends. More information about this feature will be announced in the future.

For even more new information about Super Smash Bros., visit http://www.nintendo.com/nintendo-direct/ to view the Nintendo Direct, or http://www.smashbros.com/us/ and the new https://www.facebook.com/SmashBros






























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发表于 10-4-2014 06:52 PM | 显示全部楼层

  《情热传说(Tales of Zestiria)》是传说系列的20周年纪念作,游戏将登录PS3平台,发售日期与售价尚未公布,来自本周杂志图偷跑消息,新角色莱拉登场,人设为与米克里欧相同的猪股睦美。


  身高:172cm 武器:纸叶



《新次元游戏 海王星V2》宣传PV

  Compile Heart预定于2014年发售的PS系家用机平台新作《新次元游戏 海王星V2》公开了本作的的首个宣传PV,该PV曾经在电击感谢祭2014上公开过。在采访中游戏的开发者表示本作是海王星系列的正统新作。游戏描写了“零次元游戏 海王星Z”、“超次元游戏 海王星G”以及“心次元游戏 海王星H”三个次元的三个故事。



  该游戏PS4版被命名为《最后生还者:重制版(The Last of Us Remastered)》。索尼称,此次针对PS4版的重制,游戏画面提升至1080p,人设、光影效果和贴图都改善了很多。

  此外PS4版还收录了游戏创意总监兼编剧Neil Druckmann、Joel的配音演员Troy Baker以及刚在BAFTA获得最佳女配音,游戏中为Ellie配音的Ashley Johnson的独家影像。

  游戏内容方面,《最后生还者:重制版》将包含之前发布的首个单人游戏DLC Left Behind以及“被遗弃的土地”(the Abandoned Territories)多人游戏地图包。

  索尼称,从现在起在各大零售商和索尼官方PlayStation Store都可以预订这款游戏,有丰厚的预订奖品等着玩家。


The Last of Us: Remastered Confirmed, Coming to PS4 This Summer

The Last of Us Remastered – Coming to PS4 Summer 2014

Well, it’s no secret that we have been working night and day at the studio to bring The Last of Us to PS4.

We’re calling it The Last of Us Remastered.

Moving our efforts to the PS4 has allowed us to remaster an already phenomenal looking The Last of Us in 1080p with a list of upgrades including higher resolution character models, improved shadows and lighting, upgraded textures, along with even more improvements. We love setting challenging technical hurdles for us when working on each game – and this is no different. We’ve been working hard on The Last of Us Remastered to release a next-gen evolution worthy of the 200+ Game of the Year awards, not to mention the acclaim and expectations of our fans. We will be revealing more detailed information about the upgrades for the PS4 version in the coming months.

In addition to all the technical updates, we’re also including an exclusive director’s commentary for all in-game cinematics featuring Creative Director and Writer, Neil Druckmann; Voice Actor, Troy Baker, who plays Joel; and BAFTA Award winning Voice Actress, Ashley Johnson, who plays Ellie.

We’ve released a ton of additional content since The Last of Us launched in June 2013, including our first ever single player expansion, Left Behind. We’re happy to say that the major content releases will be included with The Last of Us Remastered:

• Left Behind single player expansion
• Abandoned Territories multiplayer map pack
• Reclaimed Territories pack – details will be coming soon on exactly what is included

Whether you are new to The Last of Us or have played it already on the PS3, we hope you are all looking forward to this release. We are!

You can preorder The Last of Us Remastered for PS4 right now from many of your favorite retailers and receive these preorder bonuses:

• 100 Supply Points (XP) for use in Factions mode
• Two special bonus skins for Joel and Ellie which will be unlocked after your complete the single player campaign
• Increased Crafting Speed for use in the Single Player Campaign
• Increased Healing Speed for use in the Single Player Campaign
• 9mm Reload Speed Increase Upgrade for use in the Single Player Campaign
• Rifle Clip Capacity Increase Upgrade for use in the Single Player Campaign

If you preorder on the PlayStation Store, you will receive three extra preorder bonuses to unlocks in Factions multiplayer:

• Early Access to the Brawler Survival Skill in Factions Mode
• Early Access to additional Loadout Points for use in Factions mode
• Early Access to the Jeep Cap and Surgical Mask for use in Factions mode

Now that we’ve finally gotten the official announcement out of the way, we’ll be keeping you updated regularly about The Last of Us Remastered until it releases Summer 2014.

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... to-ps4-summer-2014/

Sony Official:http://www.playstation.com/en-us ... PS4_ANNOUNCE_4_9_14

佳丽The Last of Us 专属区:http://cforum2.cari.com.my/forum ... &extra=page%3D1



  游戏虽然是老牌欧美厂商Bethesda发行的,但其制作人则是《生化危机》之父三上真司,这位号称鬼才的日本游戏制作人擅长恐怖类题材游戏,《心魔》也号称是其回归之作。究竟水平如何,让我们拭目以待。《心魔》确定将在2014年8月26日正式登陆北美市场,对应平台为PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC平台。



《夏莉的工作室》电击杂志图 游戏新角色登场






















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发表于 10-4-2014 07:40 PM | 显示全部楼层








  1 具有打击属性

  2 可以防御

  3 攻击相应部位可以积攒“龙气”(攻击时会呈现绿—黄—红的颜色变化)

  4 积攒一定的“龙气”可发挥“龙气穿击”的特殊技能

  5 跳跃回避时可发动空中攻击

  6 拔刀状态冲刺可高速移动

  7 为生产成GR1以上要做好开展“歌姬物语”的准备


育碧确认Red Storm将参与开发《全境封锁》

  《全境封锁》是育碧公司所推出的《汤姆克兰西》系列最新作,日前官方公开了本作的新情报,确认育碧Red Storm也将参与本作的开发,至此《全境封锁》将由Red Storm、Massive和Reflections三支团队合作开发。

  育碧在其官方博客中透露了这一情报,他们表示育碧Massive仍然是本作的主导开发团队,但是育碧Red Storm将在多人游戏方面进行协助。实际上Red Storm小组在也曾负责《汤姆克兰西》系列的作品,此前他们就开发过《彩虹六号》和《幽灵行动》。

  Red Storm将负责游戏中武器方面的内容,他们将和Massive小组保持联络,在游戏中制作需要的武器。而除了创造影音资源外,Red Storm还会负责实际游戏方面的部分工作,同样他们也会和Massive保持联系以制作创造出合适的内容。

Child of Light Making of #2 ~ Sound and Artistic effects
《光之子》幕后制作影像 解析音乐及艺术效果

  《光之子(Child of Light)》是育碧新公开的一款RPG游戏,将由育碧蒙特利尔工作室制作,并由新引擎UbiArt Framework来打造。日前官方放出了本作的全新幕后制作影像,为大家讲述了音乐以及艺术表现效果的制作过程,下面就请大家一起来看一看。

  《光之子》是由育碧蒙特利尔工作室负责开发的一款下载游戏,使用新引擎UbiArt Framework打造。据悉本作的流程长度至少有10个小时,具有60美元的价值。游戏将于2014年4月30日登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One、WiiU和PC平台,售价为14.99美元。

Ubisoft''s Child of Light Unveils Unique Artistic Partnerships

Today, Ubisoft announced partnerships with Cirque du Soleil Media and the singer and pianist Coeur de Pirate, to further develop Child of Light into a well-rounded work of art.

Child of Light is a re-imagining of classic fairytales set against a picturesque background inspired by the watercolor artworks of The Golden Age of Illustration. To help tell the story of Aurora and Lemuria, the Child of Light team enlisted the help of talented Canadian artists Coeur de Pirate to produce the game’s original soundtrack, and le Cirque du Soleil Media, to enhance the sense of theatricality in the game.

To fit the mystical atmosphere of Lemuria, Coeur de Pirate composed an intimate and nostalgic soundtrack that becomes magical with each of Aurora’s adventures. With the support of The Bratislava Symphony Orchestra, the Montreal-based artist was able to recreate the epic and operatic ambiance of in-game fight sequences.

“Music is one of the most important ways to communicate emotion to players,” said Patrick Plourde, Creative Director, Ubisoft. “The music of Coeur de Pirate is fresh, romantic and optimistic, a perfect match for what we wanted to express with Child of Light. I am extremely honored that she wanted to join us on this adventure.”

By collaborating with Cirque du Soleil Media, the Ubisoft Montreal team benefited from a world-class experience in theatrical realization and costume design, adding an authentic stage direction point of view to the game’s creation. It was the perfect match to expand Child of Light’s extravagant and exotic universe and design.

“Videogames invites players to be immersed in virtual worlds and no one is better to create immersive and magical experiences than the artists of the Cirque du Soleil,” said Patrick Plourde. “So to be able to collaborate with them to achieve Child of Light’s ambition to create a playable poem was a dream come true.”

Child of Light is being created by a small team of developers in Montreal using Ubisoft’s UbiArt Framework, a powerful engine that lets programmers and artists to bring their art to life by allowing original concept art to be inserted directly into the game world. In Child of Light, the effect is that playing becomes akin to stepping into an interactive painting.

Child of Light will be available to download on April 30, 2014 on Xbox Live for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One, the PlayStation Network for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, the eShop from Nintendo for the Wii U, and PC Digital, at the price of $14.99. Fans in North America who pre-order the PS4 or PS3 versions will receive the Golem Pack, which contains the Golem quest and unlocks a powerful ally to fight alongside Aurora, as well as the unique Erin’s stone and a pack of Rough Oculi. The Light Aurora Pack is available as an exclusive bonus for fans who pre-order the PC version. The Light Aurora Pack contains a new skill for Aurora, the ability to heal, and also includes a new dress for Aurora and a pack of Rough Oculi.

《超女神信仰诺瓦露 激神黑心》游戏序盘介绍

  Compile Heart预定于5月29日发售的PSV游戏《超女神信仰诺瓦露:激神黑心》在本周的电击杂志中公开了游戏最开始部分的一些情报。其中值得注目的是海王星系列经典的敌方角色一开始就登场了,而诺瓦露对阵三女神的战斗视频也是绝不能错过的经典场面。



《超次元ACT 海王星U》详情公开 电击子可操作

  Compile Heart预定于8月28日发售的PSV动作游戏《超次元ACT 海王星U》在本周的杂志中正式公开了游戏的详细情报。本作是一款可以自由操作女神横扫敌人的无双式3D动作游戏。战斗中如果被敌人击中,衣服就会逐渐破碎同时角色的能力会大幅提升。


《刀剑神域》电击10页特集 游戏魅力一网打尽

  Bandai Namco Games预定于4月24日发售日版、5月29日发售中文版的PSV游戏《刀剑神域:虚空碎片》(台译:刀剑神域 虚空断章)本周电击杂志刊载了多达10页的特集。首先眼前一亮的就是新角色绝剑优纪确定参战的消息。

















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使用道具 举报

发表于 11-4-2014 06:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
《海贼王:无尽世界 红》海军新大将藤虎参战

  最新一期V JUMP杂志公开了《海贼王:无尽世界 红》的最新前瞻内容,其中介绍到海军新大将藤虎将作为PS3、PSV和WiiU版中的新参战角色登场。






  《COD:幽灵》的第二弹DLC包“毁灭”已经于2014年4月3日率先登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台,其他版本的发售日则一直未能确定,而现在官方终于确认该DLC将于2014年5月8日PS3、PS4和PC平台,售价同样为14.99美元。Devastation:http://www.callofduty.com/ghosts/dlc/dlc2-devastation

  毁灭DLC将收录4张全新的多人模式地图Ruins、Collision、Behemoth和Unearthed,此外还将收录灭绝模式第二章,在该章节中玩家们将要面对100英尺高的BOSS海妖。而购买了本作DLC季票的玩家可以通过XBOX Live获得新武器Ripper,这把战术二合一武器可以给玩家们提供许多帮助。

下期Edge杂志公布《Sunset Overdrive》新消息

  去年E3微软发布会上,微软公布了一款XBOX ONE平台独占的开放世界的FPS游戏《Sunset Overdrive》,至今快一年了有关该作的消息甚少。而Edge杂志透露,在最新一期杂志中他们将要公开该作的细心消息。


《自由战争》天罚预告视频 4月17日揭晓真相

  SCEJA预定于6月26日发售的PSV共斗游戏《自由战争》公开了一段最新宣传视频。视频的最后写着“天罚 2014.4.17告示”。究竟4月17日会发生什么事呢……


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使用道具 举报

发表于 13-4-2014 07:21 AM | 显示全部楼层
The Behemoth working on 'Game 4', an Xbox One title

The Behemoth is working on an undisclosed Xbox One game

The Behemoth is apparently working on an undisclosed project for the Xbox One, Destructoid has learned while attending PAX East. No details were given, but it will be playable this year, and there will be more info doled out at major cons like SDCC and Pax Prime.

Expect more information as we get it, but since this is Behemoth we're talking about - it may be a long time before we get to play the final build.

Update: We've acquired a weird piece of art for the game that Behemoth is calling "Game 4."


  Behemoth似乎正在为XBOX ONE制作一款神秘的游戏,Destructoid在参加PAX East期间获悉这一消息。游戏目前还没有给出任何细节,不过游戏可以在今年玩到。


  更新:我们已经获得一张古怪的游戏艺术设计图,Behemoth将这款游戏命名为“Game 4”


  Team Ico的《最后的守护者》依然还在守护着它的秘密,但据Fami通报道,这款游戏即将公布正式发售日期。在Fami通“2014传闻中的真相”专题文章中介绍,他们联系了索尼,询问了《最后的守护者》的相关事宜,索尼表示,他们只是在等待最合适的时机,再次将这款游戏搬回台面,如果开发工作顺利的话,他们很快就将公布发售日期。

《火焰界限》连击演示公布 5月9日正式发售

  《火焰界限》最新的连击演示!这款由Spider工作室制作的PS4 RPG游戏将于2014年5月9日发售,此外游戏还将登陆XBOX 360,PS3和PC。《火焰界限》壮丽的第三人称战斗对于玩家来说是个真正的挑战。这段视频由许多桥段组成,详细说明了游戏的连击系统以及游戏中的器械设备是如何协同作战的:玩家的技能树有多种选项(战士、游侠、和火焰术士)。《火焰界限》将于2014年5月9日登陆PS4,PS3,XBOX360和PC。

Bound by Flame, The Combat System Detailed Now on Video

Find out everything there is to know about the combat system in Bound by Flame! The most ambitious RPG to date from developers Spiders studios is set for release on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on May 9, 2014, and we can now unveil a video dedicated to the Bound by Flame combat system!

The spectacular and highly tactical battles in Bound by Flame present a real challenge to players. so rashly plunging headlong into the melee is the shortest way to the load saved game menu!

The video comprises numerous gameplay sequences and a detailed commentary describes the combat system and game mechanics that work in synergy: from the various options available to the player in the skill trees (Warrior, Ranger and Pyromancer) to choosing your companions, the variety in the impressive bestiary, the crafting system that enables you to customize your equipment and the player's human/demon duality, which will have a strong influence on your combat strategy.

Bound by Flame will be available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on May 9, 2014.

零售商称次世代版《Grand Theft Auto V|侠盗猎车5》或于明年6月发售

  根据罗马尼亚零售商消息,次世代版《Grand Theft Auto V|侠盗猎车5》或将于2015年6月15日登上PlayStation 4与Xbox One。该经销商Altex官方商店主页公开的资讯显示,《侠盗猎车5》预定于2015年6月15日登上PlayStation 4与Xbox One。该网站曾多次透露未公布游戏,最近一次则是《刺客信条4:黑旗|Assassin's Creed IV:Black Flag》Jackdaw版。PS3与Xbox 360版《侠盗猎车5》早已于2013年9月13日全国同时发售。其在首日销售额突破8亿美元,并在3天内达到10亿美元。Rockstar官方对该作的PC电脑版,以及次世代PlayStation 4和Xbox One版的传闻不予置评。

本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 13-4-2014 07:46 AM 编辑


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