发表于 1-8-2010 12:31 PM
应该是用来填补小马的位 |
发表于 1-8-2010 12:32 PM
发表于 1-8-2010 12:35 PM
应该是用来 ...
阿超哥 发表于 1-8-2010 12:31 PM
卖了小马又有一笔钱 |
发表于 1-8-2010 12:36 PM
到現在為止還算滿意新教練的買賣 果然是習慣小錢辦大事的人 !這一點肥貝輸他九條街
i_lo_kelly 发表于 1-8-2010 11:27 AM
不能说肥贝做错,只是说两人性格不同。 |
发表于 1-8-2010 12:37 PM
还是期待着红军新赛季的到来。 |
发表于 1-8-2010 12:45 PM
Aurelio这次的离开又重回利物浦真是峰回路转,不知是好是坏。可是,这可反照出红军真是穷到可怜。不是找些免 ...
JasonWoon 发表于 1-8-2010 12:37 PM
我只是期待着。希望会更好。 |
发表于 1-8-2010 12:45 PM
你们说对吗? |
发表于 1-8-2010 12:46 PM
现在希望小马快点走然后买一个像样的人来代替他 |
发表于 1-8-2010 12:56 PM
aurelio经过这次的状况后,心理素 ...
日合王 发表于 1-8-2010 12:45 PM
奇怪Soccernet上说Luke Young不是已经完成了吗?
说真的,我想也没想过利物浦还会重签aurelio的。 看到这消息真是大吃一惊。 |
发表于 1-8-2010 01:07 PM
Gillet,RBS,Broughton 的最新消息
http://www.anfieldroad.com/news/ ... ias.html/#more-3844
You cannot be Syrias?
George Gillett claims firm interest from a potential buyer – but all, as ever, is not as it seems.
As the clock ticks ever closer to the end of another deflating transfer window for Liverpool Football Club, Anfield Road has learned that George Gillett has informed Royal Bank of Scotland and chairman Martin Broughton that he has found a serious investor who is interested in buying the club.
Time to rejoice?
Maybe not.
Anfield Road understands that George Gillett and LFC’s mystery saviour is ex-Syrian international footballer and millionaire businessman Yahya Kirdi.
First linked with the club shortly after Martin Broughton’s appointment back in April it was intimated that the Syrian, who was using ex-Celtic player Andy Lynch as a spokesperson for the bid, had the support of “mystery billionaire backers from the Middle East”, a line which should send a shiver down the spine of anyone who’s kept an eye on either Portsmouth or Notts County under the stewardship of Sulaiman Al Fahim and Qadbak/Munto Finance respectively over the last 18 months.
Notwithstanding the Notts County and Portsmouth situation, it is understood that even the most rudimentary checks carried out on Mr Kirdi at the time of the initial interest showed his interest and capacity to put together a deal to be fanciful at best.
Needless to say, nothing ever came of the supposed interest, but it begs the question: if Yahya Kirdi has neither the inclination nor, more importantly, the means to complete a deal for LFC, why bother putting his name in the firing line in the first place, and to what benefit is it to Gillett for him to do so?
That is the question that we at Anfield Road have been trying to find an answer to for the last few days.
Exactly what Mr Kirdi has to gain from any involvement is still unclear, it may very well be nothing more than a favour to long-time friend Foster Gillett to help his father out of what is an increasingly tight spot. He does not appear to have anything like the desire for publicity as Prince Faisal bin Fahad bin Abdullah, Mr Gillett’s previous stalking horse, whose appetite for a photo-op was only matched by the vulgarity of his sunglasses.
And to what end does it benefit Gillett?
It is believed that Gillett was panicked into submitting this new bid for the club under pressure from RBS, and by doing such, delayed any potential forced sale to any other potential buyer as RBS are legally required to listen, as current incumbents, to any such bid brought by either George Gillett or Tom Hicks.
The reasons for Gillett stalling the deal are fairly simple; it is clear that the interest anticipated by both himself and Tom Hicks hasn’t materialised and they are facing the reality of walking away with nowhere near the figure they had in mind when they appointed Martin Broughton to oversee the sale process.
By forcing an extension it gives Gillett time to, yet again, board a flight to the Middle East, replete with his begging bowl, in an attempt to force an auction for the club with scant regard, as ever, for the club or its supporters which in reality only serves to deter interested observers as they are understandably reluctant to be ripped off by this particular snake-oil seller.
It is worth bearing in mind that whilst it is Martin Broughton’s duty to sell the club to the best possible candidate (not necessarily the highest bidder), Gillett is only interested in getting the highest possible price for his stake in the club.
There is more than a hint of irony in all of this as it was only last month Gillett was letting it be known to certain members of the press that he was desperate to sell, but it was the greed of Tom Hicks that was holding up a sale.
Not that we should be surprised by this; Gillett has always been the “cute” one of the arrangement, Tom Hick’s inability to keep his foot out of his mouth and his name out of the papers allowed Gillett to keep a relatively low profile, two incidents apart when he was caught lying on record by both SOS and a fan who had the nous to record a conversation in which it was a struggle to pick out a single truth.
That aside, and ultimately more importantly at the minute, is that what isn’t clear is just how much extra time RBS are legally obliged to grant this proven liar to play his silly games and how much time they are affording him out of courtesy or misguided loyalty. By affording Gillett such grace, RBS are playing a dangerous game with the future of one of the most important football clubs in the world.
Anfield Road is aware that an absolutely serious party is ready and willing to move in right now. Further delay will be disastrous for the club and unless the bankers at RBS finally come to terms with the reality of the situation they risk facing a disaster of their own with the money they have tied up in the club.
It may take further pressure from supporters, SOS and ultimately Martin Broughton to force RBS to bring an end to this sorry charade, kicking Gillett and Hicks out and allowing suitable, capable and committed ownership in.
大意是:利记早已有买家,可是出价不是美国佬想要的,美国佬使缓兵之计,不要把中东集团的报价呈上RBS,老是对外宣称有买家,拖到有买家愿意出价8亿买下。 此文章呼吁各位爱红军的人继续给美国佬施压。早点滚蛋。 |
发表于 1-8-2010 01:10 PM
奇怪Soccernet上说Luke Young不是已经完成了吗?
说真的,我想 ...
JasonWoon 发表于 1-8-2010 12:56 PM
astron villa的教练态度很强硬。不想自己的球员被卖卖走。
想买young不容易啊。就如当年想买barry是一样。 |
发表于 1-8-2010 01:26 PM
可能霍奇森看见青年军的表现后,感觉很惊讶。所以就草签aurerio回来。至少他的那脚自由球还是有fu ...
日合王 发表于 1-8-2010 01:10 PM
除了danny wilson,不要忘了还有新出炉的young world cup champion,左后卫-Mavinga... |
发表于 1-8-2010 01:30 PM
利物浦后腰“抢班夺权” 当队长成瘾欲取代杰拉德
利物浦中场卢卡斯希望在一线队球星归队时,他能够继续保留 ...
keanu8985 发表于 1-8-2010 02:16 AM
是不是他厉害吹喇叭,为何没个主帅都那么喜欢用他~叫肥贝快用两千万把他带走吧~ |
发表于 1-8-2010 01:35 PM
利物浦官方宣布一笔惊人引援 重签下他实是红军的悲哀
新浪体育讯 北京时间8月1日凌晨,利物浦俱乐部宣 ...
reds8 发表于 1-8-2010 11:55 AM
众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处最适合形容oreo,何必兜兜转转,他本是个顶级左后卫. |
发表于 1-8-2010 03:28 PM
mavinga wilson aurelio, 不用买左后卫了...
hodgson很本领下,不用花大钱,就弄到球迷开开心心... |
发表于 1-8-2010 04:02 PM
Insua走还是不走? |
发表于 1-8-2010 04:05 PM
specialday 发表于 1-8-2010 12:32 PM
而是和他一起坐镇中场... |
发表于 1-8-2010 04:14 PM
Mavinga应该可以上位了吧... |
发表于 1-8-2010 04:19 PM
根据著名报章《crescimento você》报道,[利物浦] 即将以4年合约 + 3500万英镑从 [马德里竞技] 签下马拉多纳的女婿——阿圭罗!以便来搭档托雷斯;还有红军也即将以4000万英镑从德甲巨人 [拜仁慕尼黑] 队中签下刀疤客——利贝里!以加强边路进攻,冲击英超!!! |
发表于 1-8-2010 05:00 PM
比利亚惊讶托雷斯未去蓝军 称其不会为钱赴曼城
2010-08-01 14:00:24 来源: 网易体育 跟贴 6 条 手机看赛事
比利亚惊讶托雷斯未去蓝军 称其不会为钱赴曼城
(本文来源:网易体育 作者:老冬) 何彦龙
我也觉得,想留在torres,这个赛季的表现是最后机会了。 |
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